Showing posts with label Messages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Messages. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Amber Heard Text Messages: New Evidence of Johnny Depp Abuse?

Text messages allegedly sent by Amber Heard to Johnny Depp’s assistant have been made public.

And they do not paint the actor in a very favorable light.

Originally shared by Entertainment Tonight, the texts were reportedly sent in 2014.

It’s unclear how they made their way online, although one could likely assume they were leaked by Heard’s camp in light of recently questions surrounding her claims of abuse.

Early last week, Heard filed for divorce from Depp.

She then asked the court for a restraining order against the actor because she says Depp recently threw an iPhone at her face.

Heard says this was the latest in a string of physical altercations.

Some critics have accused Heard of making up these allegations, even using them to blackmail Depp for spousal support, which has prompted Heard to provide further evidence of what transpired between her and her estranged husband.

The actress covers the latest issue of People Magazine, for example, providing the publication with photos that purport to prove Depp’s abuse.

Now, there are the following text message exchanges.

“When I told him he kicked you, he cried,” Depp’s assistant, Stephen Deuters, appears to have texted Heard in May 2014. “It was disgusting. And he knows it.”

Depp text 1

Heard responded that it wasn’t the first time Depp had behaved in ugly fashion.

“He’s done this many times before,” she writes, detailing past incidents as follows:

“Tokyo, the island, London (remember that?!), and I always stay. Always believe he’s going to get better . . . And then every 3 or so month [sic], I’m in the exact same position.”

Depp text 2

The screen shots of these text messages were sent to Entertainment Tonight, with an insider confirming they took place between Heard and Deuters.

They all focused on Heard mentioning incidents of assault and Deuters claiming Depp felt very badly about his actions.

“I don’t know how to be around him after what he did to me yesterday. I don’t know if I can stay with him,” Amber texts at one point.

Depp text 3

Heard also says Depp “has no idea what he did” in one of her messages, adding:

“If someone was truly honest with him about how bad it really was, he’d be appalled.”

Depp text 4

Might Heard be referencing heavy drinking or drug use by Depp here?

Implying that her then-husband was on some sort of substance when he got physical with his wife and legitimately wasn’t aware of what he did?

That’s no excuse, of course.

Expect plenty more to come out regarding this contentious relationship over the coming days and weeks.

It isn’t looking good for Depp at the moment.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Jared Fogle: SHOCKING Text Messages Revealed in Court Docs

It’s been four months since Jared Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison for possession of child pornography and soliciting sex from a minor, but the shocking details about the disgraced Subway spokesman and his crimes are still emerging on a daily basis.

Yesterday, we learned that in an ironic twist of fate, the man who became famous for slimming down on a diet of $ 5 foot-longs has been packing on the pounds in prison – a possible result of the frequent harassment he endures from fellow inmates.

Today, Radar Online published excerpts from Fogle’s court hearing transcripts that contain a number of shocking text messages that Fogle sent in his efforts to locate underage prostitutes.

Be warned that the content of the messages is profoundly disturbing.

The following quotes are all taken from texts sent by Fogle to two adult prostitutes who allegedly connected him with teenagers who would be willing to exchange sexual favors for cash:

  • “I’m horny again. Is your Asian friend available? I can pay you a little finder’s free. I’ll pay you big for a 14 or 15-year-old.”

  • “Did you find me some young girls or boys? If they can prove their age….and you get me 16 or below, I’ll give you $ 400 at least.”

  • “I love big t–s, but I realize if they are younger that’s hard to find.”

  • “Do you have access to any young girls? Like 15 or 16? It’s what I crave! I would hook you up nicely if you did.”

  • “Any luck finding me a young girl too? I will really…make it worth your while if you can. Girl or guy actually would be fine. The younger the better! LOL!” 

Obviously, it’s not hard to see why Fogle pled guilty and didn’t even attempt to avoid a prison sentence.

Currently, Fogle is appealing his sentence, hoping to be released in 12 years, instead of 15.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Justin Bieber, Ellen DeGeneres, & More Urge Followers To "Forgive For Peace" — See Their Inspiring Messages HERE!

Some of Hollywood’s most influential celebs united on Monday in support of the UN’s International Day of Peace. The stars took to Twitter and Instagram as part of the #ForgiveForPeace campaign, sharing messages of forgiveness and acceptance.

Related: 11 Eco-Friendly Celebrities!

What a beautiful world it would be without all that negativity!

From Justin Bieber, Ellen DeGeneres, Goldie Hawn, and LL Cool J, ch-ch-check out all the celebs who got in on the action (below)!

#ForgiveForPeaceA video posted by llcoolj (@llcoolj) on Sep 21, 2015 at 1:31pm PDT

In celebration of the movement, Deepak Chopra led an inspirational meditation in New York City’s Central Park. He shared:

“Every decision I make is a choice between a grievance and a miracle. We are gathered here this morning to let go of all grievances, all resentment, all anger, all hostility, so that we may heal and be healed. Forgiveness heals because it it is the opposite of inflammation.”

We love that these celebs are using their power for good! As Ellen would say, “be kind to one another!”

[Image via WENN.]

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Duggars Shares Some Sweet Messages On Michelle Duggar"s Birthday — What 19 Kids & Counting Stars Didn"t Participate?

When you have 19 kids, expect to get A LOT of birthday wishes!

On Sunday, the Duggar kids shared a bunch of personal videos wishing their mom, Michelle Duggar, a happy 48th birthday. In the vids, the kids gush over their momma which is probably much appreciated since the matriarch has gone through a lot of scandal as of late!

[ Related: Amy Duggar Claims Her Famous Cousins Left Her Wedding Reception Because It Went From ‘Classy To Trashy Real Quick’! ]

Noticeably absent from the project, however, are Jill and Josh Duggar. While we’re not surprised by Josh’s absence, we wonder why Jill chose not to participate especially since she’s currently on a trip home to Arkansas.

Very curious!

Check out the Duggar clan’s b-day messages (below)!

Cute! We just wonder why the fam had to make these videos public…it seems like the 19 Kids & Counting clan can’t stay out of the spotlight!

Regardless, we hope Michelle has a lovely day!

[Image via TLC.]