Friday, March 4, 2016

Jared Fogle: SHOCKING Text Messages Revealed in Court Docs

It’s been four months since Jared Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison for possession of child pornography and soliciting sex from a minor, but the shocking details about the disgraced Subway spokesman and his crimes are still emerging on a daily basis.

Yesterday, we learned that in an ironic twist of fate, the man who became famous for slimming down on a diet of $ 5 foot-longs has been packing on the pounds in prison – a possible result of the frequent harassment he endures from fellow inmates.

Today, Radar Online published excerpts from Fogle’s court hearing transcripts that contain a number of shocking text messages that Fogle sent in his efforts to locate underage prostitutes.

Be warned that the content of the messages is profoundly disturbing.

The following quotes are all taken from texts sent by Fogle to two adult prostitutes who allegedly connected him with teenagers who would be willing to exchange sexual favors for cash:

  • “I’m horny again. Is your Asian friend available? I can pay you a little finder’s free. I’ll pay you big for a 14 or 15-year-old.”

  • “Did you find me some young girls or boys? If they can prove their age….and you get me 16 or below, I’ll give you $ 400 at least.”

  • “I love big t–s, but I realize if they are younger that’s hard to find.”

  • “Do you have access to any young girls? Like 15 or 16? It’s what I crave! I would hook you up nicely if you did.”

  • “Any luck finding me a young girl too? I will really…make it worth your while if you can. Girl or guy actually would be fine. The younger the better! LOL!” 

Obviously, it’s not hard to see why Fogle pled guilty and didn’t even attempt to avoid a prison sentence.

Currently, Fogle is appealing his sentence, hoping to be released in 12 years, instead of 15.