Showing posts with label Orange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orange. Show all posts

Friday, December 1, 2017

Peggy Sulahian: Fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County!

Bye girl, bye!

Peggy Sulahian is a newcomer to The Real Housewives of Orange County, but though she was definitely in her share of unnecessary fights with costars, she didn’t make that big of a splash.

Now it’s reported that Peggy has been fired from the series.

We had already told you that, reportedly, three women will be fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County. Peggy Sulahian was one of the names that we gave you.

Not everybody has what it takes to be a Real Housewife.

You need to be affluent enough, interesting enough, dramatic enough.

At the same time, you need to be somehow relatable, you have to have normal elements to your life, and you have to get along well enough with your costars that you can all make the series together.

Peggy Sulahian?

Well … she’s definitely not in the poor-house. But she failed to be interesting enough to grasp the attention of most viewers.

She also failed to be likable. 

RadarOnline reports that their sources (plural) say that Peggy Sulahian has been fired from The Real Housewives of Orange County.

“None of the ladies wanted to work with her anymore,” one source reports.

When your much more established costars can’t stand you, it’s not an entertaining feud — it’s potentially toxic to the series.

“After the reunion they were just done with her,” the source continued.

Another source tidily summarized what made Peggy such an undesirable Real Housewife.

“She didn’t bring anything to the table.” 

Peggy’s erstwhile costars had a lot of reasons to dislike her, too.

For starters, there’s that time when Meghan King Edmonds and Vicki Gunvalson were talking and Peggy just … pinched Meghan’s lips shut.

As if that were a normal thing to do.

But there’s more.

Peggy, a mother of three, bashed Meghan King Edmonds’ parenting.

Unlike the conflict between Meghan and costar Lydia McLaughlin over Meghan having a psychic at her party and Lydia being weirded out for religious reasons, Peggy’s criticisms were deeply personal.

And they rubbed people the wrong way — costars and viewers alike.

Peggy also seemed to be paranoid that Kelly Dodd and Tamra Judge were making fun of her.

Whether she was really worried about it or was just playing up some paranoia for the cameras, we don’t know for sure. Either way, it wasn’t a great look.

Also, Peggy left early during this season’s girls’ trip to Iceland. To put it plainly: nobody likes a quitter.

But there’s something else:

Fans have pointed out that she gets offended at every little thing and that she tries to pass herself off as a dumb foreigner even though, well, she’s lived in the US for most of her life.

But what really gets under people’s skin is that Peggy Sulahian is a raging homophobe.

We’ve heard Vicki accused of homophobia for negging Tamra about rumors about her husband, Eddie Judge. We’ve heard Tamra accused of homophobia for being bothered by the rumors.

This is on another level. Peggy Sulahian reportedly banned her own brother, designer Pol’ Atteu (he was, like, BFFs with the late, great Anna Nicole Smith), from their father’s funeral.

It’s been reported that she even tried to have him removed from his father’s services by security.

Reality television can put up with a lot of bigotry — just look at the Duggars. But, if you look at Derick Dillard getting fired, you know that there’s a limit.

Peggy’s views were so bad that she got bashed by other Housewives and received public condemnation from Lisa Vanderpump.

All of these factors combine to making Peggy Sulahian a toxic castmember.

The question is: When will they announce this officially?

And who will be the next to get the axe?


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 21: Mending Fences

The second part of the reunion spectacular was filled with tonnes of crazy moments for the big personalities on the show. 

With the news that Shannon and David’s relationship had come to a close, it was time for the women to chat about something fresh. 

When The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 21 got underway, it became clear that Shannon had an agenda. She thought her revelation would get her off for her comments. 

Shannon wasted no time in turning the tables by claiming that Lydia was the one who was trying to cause all the drama, thus, she was part of the reason for all of the drama. 

Tamra emerged from the shadows of doubt and claimed that Shannon had a rough time of it all season long and the ladies should cut her some slack. 

Andy did ask Shannon if she felt like she needed to apologize to anyone, and she did so to Tamra. 

Not one to keep the peace, Peggy chimed in, claiming that Shannon owed her an apology. Meghan then got involved, saying she was due an apology from Peggy.

Peggy said that her shushing of Meghan was warranted because she needed to keep her mouth shut more often. Peggy was defiant and did not apologize. 

Meghan then revealed she was pregnant and the penny dropped that her time was probably up on the show. Her storyline this season has been awful. 

Meghan then went on the defense about her argument with Kelly over text. Meghan said that her messages were no malicious, but Kelly was the one who was the troublemaker.

Kelly then had to reach down and pick her jaw up from the floor because she thought all of the bickerings was over with. Kelly was then accused of being damaged, and that’s when she decided to shut up. 

We then found out that someone gave Vicki NyQuil after Kelly gave her Xanax in Iceland and that caused her medical issues. The rest of the women admitted to being drunk for the trip. 

Peggy said that everyone was laughing at her and she was not impressed with them. It culminated in another shouting match that was difficult to keep up with. 

These women need to get a grip and stop arguing over nothing. 

Tamra and Vicki’s fractured friendship was brought to the forefront, and Tamra felt like Vicki was trying to destroy her marriage. Both women accused each other of being the spreader of rumors. 

Tamra admitted that Vicki chose Brooks over her because she was the one to tell her friend, but she did not seem to take notice of it. Tamra was open about being apart from Vicki because of the persistent rumors that Eddie is gay. 

When Vicki is called homophobic, she is done. She made the jump from her chair and screamed that she was done with the entire show. Ultimately, Vicki apologized and swore to shut up about the Eddie thing. 

Tamra said she would shut up about the whole Brooks thing if Bicki stops talking about Eddie. How long will this unity?

Sound off below. 


Monday, November 27, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County: Who"s Getting FIRED?!

This season of The Real Houswives of Orange County has been an absolute whirlwind, but … things haven’t gone so well for a few of the Housewives.

In fact, the network is reportedly looking to really shake things up with the cast before next season.

So which familiar faces are getting the axe?

Normally, the feud between Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge is good for ratings.

And, you know, maybe it still is.

But both of these reality stars pushed some boundaries and even crossed some lines this season.

Vicki Gunvalson blindsided Tamra Judge on screen with a diss track that included further assertions that Tamra’s husband, Eddie, is gay.

We know that Vicki only brings it up because it gets under Tamra’s skin, but a lot of viewers feel that the accusations imply that Vicki Gunvalson thinks that a man being gay or bi is an insult.

To further compound things, the Eddie Judge gay rumors kept coming up this season.

Tamra Judge seems inordinately upset by them — which seems homophobic on her part, too.

To top it all off, Tamra has continued to talk about her daughter, even though Sidney Barney has publicly slammed Tamra as a bad mother and wants nothing to do with her and has repeatedly asked that she keep her name out of her mouth on camera.

There’s a difference between drama that makes good television and off-putting drama that leaves a bad taste in the mouths of viewers.

Fortunately for them both — and for their respective fans — it doesn’t look like either Vicki or Tamra will be fired from the series.

However, All About The Real Housewives reports that Vicki may face demotion next season.

We’ve all heard Vicki Gunvalson threaten to quit The Real Housewives of Orange County, so it’s no secret that she’s not entirely happy with things.

Vicki is the only star who’s been on the series since season one, episode one.

Sometimes stars get fatigued … but sometimes, fans get fatigued with the same stars doing the same things over and over again.

If the rumor that Vicki’s getting demoted are true, it’s possible that the network wants to focus on other people and other storylines.

But, honestly, Vicki’s demotion is a far cry from an outright firing … and we’re hearing about three of those.

According to what an inside source reportedly told All About The Real Housewives, the network is making three cuts from the main cast.

That source claims that Lydia McLaughlin, Peggy Sulahian, and Meghan King Edmonds will not be returning for season 13.

Honestly, in each of those cases, we understand it.

And we’re starting to wonder if the conflict between Lydia McLaughlin and Meghan King Edmonds that we saw on the reunion special was an attempt on both of their parts to be interesting enough to stay.

(In case it slipped your mind, Meghan King Edmonds was hurt that Lydia McLaughlin refused to participate in part of her party because a psychic was invited, and Meghan got controversial when she told Lydia that she wished that Lydia’s Christian beliefs didn’t hold her back)

Maybe their argument worked and the source is working with outdated information.

Or maybe it didn’t work.

Honestly, the show could take or leave them, even though there are things about them both that we’d miss.

Nobody’s going to miss unapologetic homophobe Peggy Sulahian.

Reality television can forgive bigotry up to a point, but as we all saw with Derick Dillard’s firing from Counting On, that’s only true up to a point.

But the biggest crime that a reality star can make is being a totally uninteresting bore, which is why we’ve been expecting Peggy to be sent packing all season long.

Despite being a bad person, she’s just not interesting. Even when she gets into arguments, she’s boring, and that’s basically a jailable offense in the world of reality stars.

If you’re feeling bummed about the looming departures, know that we should probably hear an announcement of some sort in December.

And also know that the same rumors that say that we’re bidding farewell to these three say that The Real Housewives of Orange County is looking to add five new stars.

That’s a lot of new people to meet.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 19 Recap: Who Got a Divorce?

The ladies continued to be at odds on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 19, and one of them had marital woes that were just too difficult not to confront. 

When the episode got underway, Kelly Dodd decided her marriage was now a sham and talked to her mother about what she could do to salvage it. 

Her main issue with Michael is that he can be the nicest man in the world one minute, and a jerk the next. She has never heard that it takes two to tango. 

Kelly’s mother seemed actually to have a brain and noted that no marriage is perfect. Maybe she realized her daughter was part of the reason why it was failing. 

Meghan decided it was time to get the ladies together to celebrate the launch of her candle collection, The King Collection. But Kelly’s husband refused to get in a car with David Beador. 

Kelly wanted him to play nice so that everyone could just move on, but the man was having none of it. In his eyes, David was a villain and had to be dealt with as such. 

When the ladies assemble, it emerges that Tamra had not said anything to Vicki since Iceland. As is always the case on this show, Tamra was blaming Vicki for the whole thing and wanted her to be the one to reach out. 

Tamra then opened up about Vicki avoiding Eddie and planting a story to the tabloids. All of this only served to make everyone realize that there was no way Vicki was going to change. 

Peggy then went on an apology tour and apologized to Meghan for what she said about her kid crying and not getting attention. After that, Lydia thought it would be a good idea for all of the women to make amends. 

Kelly and Peggy had an in-depth conversation, and Kelly thought it would be a good time to apologize for what she said about her dad calling Peggy’s dad. 

These two do make a good pairing, but they’re not really bringing enough drama to the table, and maybe it’s time to refresh the cast somewhat. 

Tamra made up with Diko, and it became clear this episode was all about closure, which makes me think something drastic is in store for the next season. 

Tamra tried to get Peggy and Shannon back in good graces, but Shannon sulked her way out of the situation. She’s over trying to play nice with people who are going to drag her down to the ground. 

Shannon did not want to be put in the middle of the argument in the first place, so she felt like she was brought into it for no apparent reason.

The attention quickly turned to Kelly, who was officially finished with Michael. So, she decided to have Vicki dole out some marriage counseling to her. 

It results in Michael departing the situation. Vicki wanted to know the truth about the extent of their marital woes. Kelly made it clear that the marriage was done with. 

And that’s a wrap on another season of crazy drama. 

What did you think of it? Was it a great ending?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 18 Recap: The Real Vikings Of Orange County

Peggy Sulahan loves to be the center of attention. That became crystal clear on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 18 when she flat-out refused to go to the final dinner in Iceland. 

She felt like the women were laughing at her, so she went to see Lydia to dish all of the dirt. She told Lydia that the ladies were making fun of her. 

When Lydia tried to say she was too paranoid, Peggy then said that Meghan was letting her kid cry for ten minutes unattended. Lydia was not impressed, but she knew Peggy was ready to flip the hell out. 

She stressed to Peggy that filming the women is not good because they will see that as a personal attack. Peggy seemed deluded and claimed that Lydia was wrong. 

Peggy then decided she was not going to the Viking dinner and that she would be staying in her hotel room. Lydia was conflicted because she did not want Peggy to be on her own. 

Shannon and Vicki started bickering at dinner. Shannon hated the prospect of Tamra making back up with Vicki, but she knew it was probably happening. 

Tamra opened up about Brooks being the one to ruin their friendship, and she wanted Vicki to confirm that was the case. Vicki still wanted Tamra to apologize to her. 

Tamra managed to get Vicki to apologize to Shannon for everything she said about her husband. In a surprising turn of events, Vicki decided it was water under the bridge and apologized. 

Shannon seemed happy with the apology, but was there hope for them to return to their former ways? Lydia and Peggy then showed up, and Kelly took it as an opportunity to apologize to Peggy for the way she acted. 

Peggy then showed off the videotape claiming that all of them were laughing at her. This then turned into the biggest bust-up of the season because of what she said about Meghan. 

Vicki, surprisingly, disappeared from the fight because she did not want to be anywhere near the drama. Vicki has turned a corner this season, and it was about time. 

Back in the states, Peggy continued to be mad at Vicki because she felt like she should have joined her side and took down the other women during the squabble. 

Maybe Vicki should have found a way to defend Peggy, but it would have been ill-timing to start another war when you consider the fact that Vicki only just got back in good graces with the other women. 

Either way, Peggy, and Vicki are going to come to blows sooner rather than later, and it’s going to be a whole lot of fun. 

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 15 Recap: Mystic Mistake

Maybe Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador are not as close as they would like the world to think. 

That thought crossed my mind several times during The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 15 when it became ever more apparent that they are just as toxic as the rest of the housewives. 

When the episode got underway, David confirmed to Shannon that he questioned Diko about Peggy’s cancer diagnosis. Shannon did seem like she understood, but was probably only mad because it looked like her husband was doing her dirty work for her. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you will know that Peggy’s double mastectomy has been the topic of conversation all season long and it’s about time everyone stopped talking about it. 

Tamra was very much against anything else being said about the whole cancer situation, but Shannon would not shut up about it, and it started to grate on Tamra’s nerves. 

Like viewers, she was done with hearing these people bring down Peggy for her cancer diagnosis. Tamra wanted Diko and David to work their issues out and leave the women out of it. 

Shannon got mad because Tamra was giving advice when she didn’t want it. Isn’t that what friends are for? Maybe these two have just outgrown each other. 

Meanwhile, Vicki admitted that she needed to go to the cardiologist to make sure that all was right with her after some stressful times. Part of this stemmed from the phone call she received when her mother died, so it’s understandable that she would be worried. 

The doctor confirmed Vicki’s worst fears and said there might be a blockage, and one of the chambers of her heart could be enlarged. This was worrying for the OG of the OC, but she claimed she was ready to live a little. 

Meghan was still scarred by some of the fiery feuds this season, so she invited the ladies over to meet with her psychic, Mystic Michaela. 

Peggy did not seem interested in speaking with Shannon because she just seemed so over all of the talks about her health, and she sat with a scowl on her face for the whole event. 

When the ladies indulged in some fine dining, Lydia asked them all to accompany her to Iceland, and the ladies who attended the event seemed happy enough. 

Vicki and Kelly ditched the event at Meghan’s and had some wine, but Vicki wanted to let her pal know about her diagnosis. Vicki said that she was convinced a murmur is what killed her mother. 

So, her big idea was to work less and be around positive people. It’s good on paper, but if she wants to stay out of the drama, the producers will fire her, so there’s that. 

Lydia called the pair to invite them to Iceland, and they agreed to go. Vicki did not want to, but she did so for Kelly. 

After that, Peggy thought it was high time Shannon got a taste of her own medicine, so she confronted Shannon about the whole thing. 

Shannon reiterated that David was asking the questions because he was worried about Peggy and wanted to know more. Shannon also said that Diko was the one in the wrong for jumping to conclusions. 

Shannon flipped out when Peggy questioned whether Shannon trusted David. Shannon yelled about David’s infidelity, and all I could do was laugh. 

Shannon is deluded these days and needs to get help. Peggy said she wanted everyone to shut up about her health and that if she wanted to talk about it, she would. 

After Peggy left, Shannon cried wolf because nobody stuck up for her, and Tamra told her to stop being an asshole. Shannon admitted that the affair is coming back to haunt her, and it’s not a good feeling. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 14 Recap: An Icy Reunion

Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge shared the screen on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 4, and it was as awkward as you all probably thought it would be. 

The meeting did not go well. Instead, the ladies bickered about who said what about each other, and it proved one thing: There’s no going back for these ladies. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you will know that these two have thrown rumors around about each other for the better part of three years, and it’s tiring. 

Vicki arrived with the wrong attitude. In her mind, Tamra was to stop trashing her, but Vicki seems to forget that she’s been the one sticking the knife in at every turn. 

“I’m hoping that Vicki is going to apologize to me,” Tamra reveals to the audience as she sits down next to her sworn enemy. 

“I want you to start being kind to me,” said Vicki like butter wouldn’t melt. It set the stage for an icy reunion that drove them further apart. Tamra claimed that she was nice to Vicki. 

“In your mind, you’re kind to me,” barks Vicki. Tamra then dug into the rumors about Eddie’s sexuality, and Vicki was not having it. 

“Maybe he’s using you,” she says. 

Tamra got up to leave and said that she did not want to be there because of the sheer toxicity of the situation. Vicki then called Steve, and he tried to say that Tamra was just trying to win. 

Are all of the boyfriends deluded on this show?

Later on, they met back up again but did not sit next to each other. Tamra, Shannon, and Meghan even took Kelly to sit with them, leaving Vicki like the person who does not have any friends. 

Tamra claimed she was not doing this to get at Vicki. Apparently, it was because Kelly was fun and would help them enjoy the night. 

It did not take long for Diko to open up about David calling to ask questions about Peggy’s cancer. Yes, that happened, and it was all glossed over like it was not important. 

That’s what’s wrong with this season of the show. The drama is burning a little too fast, and the way people are reacting to it makes it feel like it’s all fake and contrived out of thin air. 

What will become of the show? Will it get a major revamp?

Hit the comments below!


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: Don"t Rock the Boat

Lydia McLaughlin was mad at Shannon Beador for icing her out of a dinner party when she is supposed to be a close friend of hers. 

On The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 13, Lydia seethed about the whole thing, but did she open her mouth about it to Shannon?

When the episode got underway, the ladies got ready to say goodbye to Lydia’s husband’s balls. Yes, it was time for the big vasectomy, and that also meant it was time for the party on a boat. 

These ladies always find a reason to party. It’s surprising Bravo has not released a book rounding up some of the craziest party ideas. 

Lydia was quick to point out to Meghan that she was not exactly impressed about being out on a group dinner without her. Meghan seemed put on the spot and tried to reassure her that there was no animosity towards her. 

None of the other women could come up with a worthy excuse about why she was iced out, so we are most definitely siding with Lydia on this one. Like, who would do that to their friend?

Things went from awkward to downright ghastly when David Beador took it upon himself to quiz Diko about Peggy’s cancer diagnosis. This is odd, and blatantly obvious he’s doing digging on behalf of Shannon. 

Tamra then apologized for not shutting Shannon down at Kelly’s party. Despite accepting the apology, Peggy was still skeptical and rightfully so. These women are always looking for a new fight. 

After the party, Shannon confided in her mother that there were issues between her and David. Her main issue seemed to center on her weight gain. Shannon wanted to blame the weight gain on all the fighting. 

Shannon noticed similarities in their relationship to the one her mother had with her father and questioned whether they were just hurting each other by being together. 

David then questioned Shannon’s upbringing and brought her down a few pegs. He even attacked the girls and wondering whether they were happy about their upbringing. 

Later, Diko revealed the truth to Peggy about David asking about her cancer. For Peggy, she felt like this was personal because everyone seems to want to know about her life and that was not okay. 

In her eyes, she had told the truth and felt like it was none of his business. Wouldn’t it have been fun to watch Peggy throw David over the boat? She did say she would have loved to. 

In the closing scenes, Vicki and Tamra decided to meet up for coffee to repair their fractured friendship, but will it work?

We don’t know, and we don’t really care. They fight on a daily basis and always make up. It’s tiring. Let’s move on from this tired attempt to create drama. 

What do you think of all the twists and turns?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 7 Episode 12 Recap: The Uninvited

Kelly Dodd, is that you?

That was the big question on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 7 Episode 12 when she underwent her breast reduction surgery and seemingly got a personality transplant in the process. 

For so long, we’ve watched Kelly be the one to instigate all the drama and make things downright uncomfortable for those who hate her, so it’s fun to watch a new side to her as she navigates her life. 

After her surgery, Vicki appeared to let her know that the pain would get better. That’s because Vicki is essentially an expert in plastic surgery because she gets it so much. 

Shannon also showed up, but she was adamant forgiving Kelly was the right thing to do because Vicki had shown no remorse for her actions. 

We can get on board with that, but it would make sense to bury the hatchet and stop acting like the other does not exist. Kelly wanted to find out what was going with Shannon and Lydia. 

Without going into much detail, Shannon felt like everyone was arguing just for the sake of arguing. Hell, that’s what you sign up for when your checks are coming in from the Bravo reality TV cameras.

While that was going down, Tamra was trashing Shannon to Meghan. Oh, how the tables have turned. Tamra was mad that Shannon wanted to pull her into the fight. 

Could Tamra finally cut Shannon off? If so, which one of them would become BFFs with Vicki first? That’s one of the more interesting questions right now. 

Meghan also revealed that she was no longer mad about Kelly’s wild accusations, and wanted to let the whole thing stay in the past because she was done arguing with people. 

Thankfully, the two women managed to put their feud aside and moved on with their glitzy lives and promised never to fight again. Yeah, right. 

Is it just us or do the ladies want to throw every strange party under the sun this season? First, it was Kelly saying goodbye to part of her breasts. 

Now, it’s Lydia throwing a party to say goodbye to Doug’s genitals. Lydia invited every one of her friends, and everyone seemed glad Vicki could not attend. 

Things took a tense turn at dinner when Meghan decided to ask Peggy whether she really had cancer because some things were just not adding up. 

Kelly chimed in saying that she was confused by the whole thing and felt like she needed to be clued in. Peggy said the doctor found preinvasive cancer, and that her double mastectomy was preventative. 

Things took an awkward turn when Lydia called, and she was not invited out with them. But, she decided to be the bigger person and invited them all to the party for her husband. You stay classy, Lydia. 

But, she turned to Doug and revealed that she was so mad about the whole thing and rightfully so.

The talk at dinner turned back to Peggy’s cancer, but everyone chatted about it when she was away from the table. Oh, and Vicki sent a text saying she was on her way to the hospital. 

Yes, there’s never a dull moment with this bunch!

What did you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!

The Real Housewives of Orange County continues Monday on Bravo!


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 11 Recap: Breast Intentions

Tamra Judge knows how to carry a grudge, and that’s something that she planned to do on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 11

When the episode got underway, Kelly Dodd was talking about getting a breast reduction because her breasts were just getting in the way of her life. 

To feel a sense of progression in her life, Kelly opted to take a cast of her current cup size to see the difference when the operation was completed. 

Yes, her husband totally got to help her out with the casting, so we’re sure it was a fun-filled affair … at least until Michael realized what he was saying goodbye to. 

Meanwhile, Tamra was mad. It’s not like Tamra to be mad, is it? That was a joke, by the way. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you will know there was much drama at Vicki’s birthday bash. 

The reason Tamra is mad is quite simple: She and Vicki put their beef aside, so she did not understand why Vicki invited Gretchen and Ricky. 

Ricky was the one who claimed he witnessed Eddie getting up close and personal with another man, so that was obviously going to cause a lot of drama. 

Vicki thrives when there’s drama, so it’s probably a given that she knew she would cause a lot of it by inviting the two troublemakers. Tamra thought it was a set-up and there’s a good chance it was. 

Meanwhile, Lydia finally succeeded in getting her boyfriend to go through with the vasectomy, so she was smiling from ear-to-ear like The Joker. 

Kelly threw a party to say goodbye to part of her breasts, and it was clear Vicki and Tamra were mad at one another. They each decided to hang around in separate corners. 

Vicki tried to claim that she was the victim in all of this and that Tamra was just acting like a bitch for no reason. Tamra eventually started wailing as she questioned whether to confront Vicki. 

Shannon threw her off the idea, and Lydia was mad because she thought it looked like Shannon was not looking out for her. She felt like Shannon did not want her to be friends with Vicki for a reason. 

Vicki felt like there was no point in speaking to Tamra because there was nothing to achieve aside from a big fight. Vicki eventually relented and said that Ricky was not on the guest list. 

That’s when Tamra went off on one, claiming that Vicki was trying to destroy her life. Vicki kept her composure and said that she did not even think about her on her birthday.

Shannon then tried to make her way into the argument, but Peggy stood in her way. She eventually found her way inside and was and about being shut out.

Tamra and Shannon brought up the cancer lie, and Vicki retorted with the claims that David was abusing Shannon.

Peggy then decided it was time to dole out some home truths to Shannon about always being the center of attention.  But then Lydia and Shannon started bickering over boob jobs. 

They both bicker about the other wanting all the attention to be on them, and it went completely off the rails. They eventually decided to halt their feud. 

It was a pointless way to create drama, but it helped fill the episode, we guess. 

What do you think about all the drama?

The Real Housewives of Orange County continues next Monday on Bravo!


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 10 Recap: Loose Lips and Sinking Ships

Will Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge be able to put their beef aside and play nice for the sake of their friends?

That was one of the big questions on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 10, and one that seemed like it was going to be dragged on for eternity. 

With the ladies dodging each other practically all season long, it has become apparent that the producers must be struggling for footage to fill the episodes. 

When the episode got underway, Vicki was chatting with her daughter on the phone and boasting about the birthday party she was planning for herself. 

It’s a bit sad to be planning your own birthday party, but it’s not like Vicki has a lot of friends right now. In fact, she could probably count her loyal friends on the one hand. 

That’s what happens when you decide to cause trouble amongst your group. Her party idea sounded like something Vicki would come up with. 

She wanted to wear red while everyone else wore black and white. She also wanted to sit down for a roast and let every single person in the room air their thoughts on her. 

People would legit pay to watch that play out because Vicki would probably eventually go ham and run out of the event with a bottle of wine, but did this seem like a good way to put her beef aside with the ladies?

Briana did not seem to think so, and Vicki questioned why. Apparently, Vicki was under the impression everyone would say nice things about her. 

As laughable as that is, props to Briana for thinking about her mother’s feelings. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that Vicki has been a nightmare. 

When she’s not bickering with her friends, she’s finding new people to quarrel with, but that’s just who she is. We’ve watched her do it multiple times over the years, so why would she change now?

Meanwhile, Lydia and Meghan went on a hiking trip and got candid about IVF treatment. Meghan revealed that it was a painful thing to go through. 

Lydia questioned whether it would be a good idea to freeze some of her husband’s sample in case she wanted more kids down the line. 

Here’s the big conundrum: Lydia’s husband is getting a vasectomy, so it would be difficult for them if they were to decide to have kids down the line. 

These ladies know they need to cover all bases before making a decision, so we’re thankful they know that. The talk then turned to Meghan’s feud with Kelly. 

Lydia revealed that she was Team Kelly in this battle because Meghan went out of her way quiz Kelly about having a boyfriend. So, Lydia’s take on it was that Meghan was the one in the wrong. 

“Meghan has no problem cutting down Kelly’s marriage and then she’s mad at Kelly for doing the same thing in return,” Lydia explains in her confessional. “I’m trying to just hold up a mirror to Meghan and say, ‘You know, I see Kelly’s side too."”

Naturally, Meghan flipped the eff out and revealed that Kelly was the one who was trying to cause all of the beef between them. 

“With what? Are you f–king kidding right now? This is so upsetting, Lydia,” Meghan screams, holding back tears. “That you would even think that’s normal for a person to attack your marriage.”

“No, I feel like you attacked hers,” Lydia replied.

Realizing she had upset Meghan, Lydia apologized but claimed that she still understood why Kelly lashed out and that it was not her fault. 

The awesome thing about Lydia is that she just says it how it is, and that shows how loyal she is. She knows she needs to be honest about things or she will end up in the center of the drama. 

Then, Tamra got a phone call from none other than Vicki! Yes, it was time to end the feud once and for all. Vicki did apologize for all the drama and asked if they could rebuild and move on. 

Tamra agreed, but stressed in a confessional that she did not know whether she was making the right decision. It’s perfectly understandable that she would be apprehensive. 

All of the drama with Vicki has been too much to handle for her, but it does seem like Vicki is ready to grow up. Tamra decided to call up Shannon to find out her take on it. 

She was not impressed. 

“F–k Vicki,” she said. 

Shannon had some drama of her own to deal with. It was her birthday, and she was reminiscing about how great things were a year ago. 

Now, her relationship with David was not in a good place and she questioned how long she could go on. David, however, felt like Shannon was the one to blame. 

He admitted that he lets her get on with it when she’s stressed or anything because that’s just how he is. His other issue was that Shannon was still obsessing over Vicki. 

The rest of the episode was all about Vicki’s birthday and it ushered in the return of Gretchen and Lizzie. But the drama was surprisingly started by Ricky. 

He opened up about witnessing Eddie making out with a guy. Oh, the drama. 

Vicki opted to keep out of it and that was the first big signal that she was ready to move on with her life as opposed to listening to rumors and adding stuff on to them. 

What do you think about Vicki’s new outlook? Are you on board?

Hit the comments!
