Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paris. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2018

TMZ Live: Paris Jackson & Cara Delevingne The Big Kiss!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Aubrey O’Day: Yes, I Had An Affair With Trump Jr. Kardashians Run Into Lamar Odom At Dinner Beyonce & Jay-Z: Kings Of Jamaica The Game: When Selfies Go Wrong


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Paris Jackson: Ordered By Grandparents to Dump Cara Delevingne?

Last month, we reported that Paris Jackson and Cara Delevingne are dating.

There still hasn’t been an official announcement from the couple, but it’s pretty clear from their recent public outings that Paris and Cara are an item.

And unfortunately, it seems not everyone is thrilled with the news.

According to Radar Online, Paris’ beloved grandparents, Joe and Katherine Jackson, have made it quite clear that they do not approve of her relationship with Cara.

“Joe and Katherine are mortified by Paris’ romance with Cara because it goes against everything they believe, which is that a woman should be with a man,” an insider tells the site.

Yes, it seems Joe and Katherine’s disapproval is the result of old-fashioned homophobia.

But they also have some backup rationales on deck, because apparently wanting “what’s best” for Paris means making absolutely certain that she’s unhappy.

“They both love Paris so much and they want what’s best for her, but they feel that Cara’s fast-paced lifestyle is too much for her,” the source adds.

Sounds like they’re ready to use Paris’ struggles with addiction to justify why she shouldn’t be with someone who enjoys clubbing as much as Cara.

The problem with that is, while Cara does seem to enjoy partying, there’s no indication that her definition of the word involves drinking or drugs.

We’re not saying she’s completely straight-edge, but the woman is photographed extensively just about everytime she leaves the club, and we can’t recall a time she was caught slurring or stumbling.

Fortunately, Paris is having none of Joe and Katherine’s nonsense:

“Paris isn’t listening to anyone when it comes to her relationship with Cara,” the source says.

“She is following her heart and believes that Paris is the one she is meant to be with.”

Yes, apparently things are really moving that quickly.

The source says Paris feels a freedom with Cara that she’s never known before.

“Paris is able to be herself around Cara, and that is refreshing to her,” the insider adds.

“People around her think she’s fallen completely in love.”

So it sounds like old Joe Jackson won’t be getting his way, but don’t feel too bad for the guy.

After all, he’s 1. a huge bigot, and 2. a terrible person beyond that.

So really, this is just a win-win for everyone involved.

Except for Joe. But Joe sucks.


Thursday, March 15, 2018

"Jeopardy" Contestant Paris Themmen Says Alex Trebek Glossed Over His "Wonka" Fame

Alex Trebek hates all things ‘Willy Wonka’ — that was the takeaway, at least, for a ‘Jeopardy’ contestant who was also in the movie … a fact he says Alex chose to completely ignore. Paris Themmen — who played little Mike Teavee in “Willy…


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Paris Jackson: I Smoke Weed & You Should Too!

Paris Jackson is no stranger to controversy.

She’s been famous since the day she was born, and the spotlight has only gotten more intense as she’s inched closer to adulthood.

Obviously, with 2.6 million followers on Instagram alone, Paris is subjected to more than her fair share of scrutiny and criticism, but for the most part, it seems she’s able to take it in stride.

Much of the concern-trolling over the course of the past year has had to do with the 19-year-old’s mental health.

Back in 2013, Paris attempted suicide, and some of her most obsessive fans have been keeping an eye out for red flags ever since.

Paris Jackson has struggled with addiction in the past, and since it was a lethal combination of prescription drugs that claimed her father’s life, her followers are often on the lookout for signs of substance abuse.

So when Paris posted an Instagram story in which she can be seen smoking pot, we suppose some backlash was to be expected.

What was less expected was the epic fashion in which Paris stood tall and clapped back at her haters.

One follower commented, “And what parent thinks its okay for their kid to smoke weed? Girl, you’re better than this & you know it.”

Paris was having none of it, and she let the “fan” know exactly what she thought of her unsolicited advice:

“I know of a few parents that actually rely on this amazing organic medicine to keep their children alive since the alternative pharmaceutical drugs that doctors were shoving down their throats was basically killing the poor little ones but hey, to each his own,” Jackson wrote.

“Try googling ‘narcotics’ ‘big pharma’ and then google ‘cbd’ then get back to me, i’ll be sitting here eating granola and watching scooby doo,” she added.

Yes, Paris clearly has strong views regarding the health benefits of cannabis and the dangers of prescription drugs.

We’re guessing many therapists would caution against a teen who’s already beaten addiction dabbling in different mind-altering substances, but Paris seems to be proceeding carefully.

At her young age, she’s already experienced the ravages of addiction firsthand, and according to those who know her best, that’s just one of the struggles that have made Paris wise beyond her years

Obviously, that doesn’t mean that Paris is immune to relapsing.

But it does mean that those of us who really don’t know her at all should probably withhold judgment and trust that she knows what she’s doing.


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Paris Jackson Almost Died; Is She On a Downward Spiral?

Despite the happy reports that Paris Jackson and Cara Delevingne may be dating or at least have hooked up, some are worried about Paris.

Recently, she partied so hard on a rooftop that, in her words, she almost died.

Some ask if she’s on a downward spiral that could put her back in the hospital. Is she?

RadarOnline reports that Paris Jackson was recently partying so hard that she allegedly nearly fell from a New York City rooftop.

Which apparently has some people worry that she’s caught in a downward spiral.

“It was terrifying! For a split second, we thought she would perish.”

(Perish is a fine word, but who uses it that way in a sentence? Or was this source one of Cara’s British friends?)

“Paris has been completely out of control, but there’s nothing the family can do.”

Here’s the photo — Paris herself shared the image of her “near death” experience. She literally just danced on a rooftop and almost fell towards the roof.

So … it’s probably not as dramatic or dire as it sounds. We hope.

Paris Jackson

RadarOnline mentions how Cara and Paris were spotted sneaking out of a trendy East London bar at 3 in the morning, holding hands, and heading off to the same hotel.

“Paris feels free, crazy, and uninhibited around her female companions — especially Cara.”

That sounds like a good thing, right?

“Paris can’t be talked to sensibly, and everybody is bracing themselves for a dreadful phone call.”

Though Paris did attempt suicide five years ago, that was five years ago when she was a young teenager with a lot on her plate.

So why are they so worried now, exactly?

Sadly, we think that we know what Paris’ family’s “concerns” are really about.

As we mentioned when we discussed reports about Paris’ alleged relationship with gal pal Cara Delevingne, it sounds like Paris’ older and more conservative relatives are having a hard time dealing with who Paris is.

“Katherine and Joe are not big fans of being openly bisexual.”

That … sounds an awful lot like bigotry. Best case scenario, like they’re worried that her life will be harder when people know that she isn’t straight.

“She has been outspoken about her bisexuality and this is no surprise to anyone who knows her.”

It’s no surprise to any of her fans — the majority of whom are celebrating reports of her alleged relationship with Cara.

“But her family is having a hard time accepting it.”

That sounds like their problem, doesn’t it?

Unfortunately, it sounds like members of Paris’ own family hold some appalling beliefs about her.

“Katherine and Joe are so religious and they believe that Paris’ desire for women will lead to a life in hell for her.”

In religious terms, people can believe whatever they like. But they don’t need to make their beliefs any of Paris’ business.

“Katherine was always trying to steer her away from the ladies.”

That’s so sad to hear. Many LGBT youths experience the same thing, but it’s a shame that not even celebrities are always free to be themselves around family.

“She was really hoping that this was just a phase Paris was going through.”

Well, a partner might be a phase, but sexuality isn’t.

Paris Jackson’s mental health may have led her to a dark place when she was 15.

Now, though, she seems to be doing so much better.

Most people don’t view dancing with friends on a rooftop as part of a downward spiral. Most people call that being a rich and beautiful 19-year-old who’s living her best life.

Obviously, we all hope that Paris is more careful in the future. But we’re also sure that she will be.

As for “concerns” over Paris’ sexuality … we hope that Paris isn’t hurt by her family’s alleged views. She deserves to get to be herself.


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Paris Jackson & Cara Delevingne: Dating?!

Paris Jackson is generally pretty awesome, but she has a history of dating people who seem to suck.

Granted we don’t know her past dudes, but fans were understandably pretty upset when it looked as though Paris was dating a white supremacist last year.

Needless to say, those same folks will likely be pleasantly surprised by news of Cara’s latest relationship:

According to Radar Online, Paris is dating Cara Delevingne, the model and actress who, jusding from her Instagram page, is friends with just about every cool famous person on the planet.

Paris and Cara (or Caris, if you prefer) were spotted holding hands last night at a party in London.

Radar reports that they were spotted leaving the venue at around 5:30 am, which makes us exhausted just thinking about it.

It’s not the first time that rumors of Paris and Cara hooking up have made their way around social media.

The reaction from Paris’ devoted fanbase has mostly been one of tremendous joy.

And it’s not hard to see why.

After a rough patch that led to Paris attempting suicide and a string of bad relationships, here she is dating a beloved model and lauded social activist.

Unfortunately, there are at least two members of Paris’ inner circle who are reportedly less than pleased about her new relationship.

her grandparents, Katherine and Joe Jackson, are very religious, very old-fashioned, and apparently, very displeased by 

“Katherine and Joe are not big fans of being openly bisexual,” a source tells the site.

“She has been outspoken about her bisexuality and this is no surprise to anyone who knows her, but her family is having a hard time accepting it.”

The insider says the elder Jacksons have been clear about their concern for Paris’ immortal soul:

“Joe and Katherine are so religious and they believe that Paris’ desire for women will to a life in hell for her,” the source claims.

“Katherine was always trying to steer her away from the ladies,” the insider adds.

“She was really hoping that this was just a phase Paris was going through.”

Doesn’t look like it, Katherine!


Friday, February 9, 2018

Paris Hilton Wants To Take The Female Out of Female DJ

Paris Hilton thinks Steve Aoki is all wrong when he rails that there are no female DJs. We got the DJ/entrepreneur and fiance Chris Zylka Thursday at LAX and asked about Aoki’s gripe that there’s no gender equality in the EDM world,…


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Paris Hilton to Kris Jenner: PLEASE Let Me Be on Keeping Up with the Kardashians!

Remember back in the day when Paris Hilton was the most talked-about celebrity of them all?

Man, how times have changed …

Many, many years ago, you couldn’t look at a tabloid or a gossip site without hearing all about Paris and her shenanigans.

Everyone watched The Simple Life, everyone used her “that’s hot” catchphrase, and believe it or not, there were quite a few people who looked up to her.

But at a certain point, a little over ten years ago or so, all that began to change.

And that was because Kim Kardashian hit the scene hard.

If you know your Kardashian history, you know that back in Paris’ heyday, she and Kim were very close. Kim tagged along to many of Paris’ events, and she even worked for her for a while.

It was common to see paparazzi photos featuring Paris with Kim there in the background, but when Kim’s sex tape was leaked, things began to change.

A few months after that, Kim got her own show, and she started becoming the more popular one, because let’s be real, there’s only so many reality stars the average person can care about at any given time.

So after that, Kim didn’t need to work for Paris anymore, and she didn’t need her by her side to get attention.

At some point during Kim’s big rise to reality show glory, they had a falling out, and they’ve been enemies for years.

Like, their friendship was so dead that Paris once compared Kim’s ass to “cottage cheese inside a big trash bag.” The bad blood ran deep.

In 2014, they posed for a photo together, and many of us thought it was a sign that they’d made up, but in 2015, Paris was back to making shady quotes about Kim in interviews, so it was pretty hard to tell what was going on between them.

Until now!

Last week, photos from Kanye’s latest fashion campaign were released, and in some of the photos, Paris was featured looking pretty much exactly like Kim.

Eerily so.

Kim shared some of the photos on Instagram with the hashtag “forever the OG,” and Paris shared them as well, writing that it was “so much fun being a #KimClone.”

It certainly seems like their friendship is back on track now, right?

And according to a new report, that may be because Paris is looking to gain a little something from a renewed friendship with the Kardashian family.

“Paris really wants to appear on Keeping Up with the Kardashians as a regular, or even as a friend role,” a source close to the family claims.

“Kim and Kris feel bad for her and are considering offering her a contract to appear on the next season.”

That sounds absolutely amazing, doesn’t it? Just imagine: Paris back where she belongs, on reality television, being her gloriously ridiculous self.

It’s also a little sad if they’re offering her a contract out of pity — but it does sound like Paris is cool with it.

As the source says, “Paris thinks that they only have what they have because of her and has made this crystal clear to Kris.”

We’d argue that they “have what they have” because of Kim’s sex tape, and also because of the late Robert Kardashian’s O.J. Simpson connection, but Paris probably did help a bit.

On a bit of a happier note, the insider adds that “Paris and Kim are tight again in the sense that Paris has been kissing her butt lately.”

“The two of them have made amends for talking so much sh-t about each other. Paris even invited the whole family to her upcoming wedding.”

All’s well that ends well, we suppose.

And if it ends in Paris Hilton herself bringing her special brand of nonsense to Keeping Up with the Kardashians?

Even better.


"The 15:17 to Paris" Heroes Are Ready for Hollywood Come Calling

The stars from Clint Eastwood’s ’15:17 to Paris’ want a shot at Hollywood … and dammit we here at TMZ are gonna do W-H-A-T-E-V-E-R it takes to help make it happen. We got Alek Skarlatos, Anthony Sadler and Spencer Stone — the real-life…


daily-celebrities: Paris Hilton


Paris Hilton


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Ksenia Sobchak says Stop Calling Her Russia"s Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton ain’t got s*** on Ksenia Sobchak, so stop making the comparison … says Russia’s presidential candidate. We got Ksenia outside the National Press Club building Tuesday in D.C. and our poor bastard had the audacity to preface his…


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Paris Hilton Models for Yeezy, Transforms Into #KimClone

We’ve officially come full, scantily-clad circle.

Many years ago, Paris Hilton sky-rocketed to the top of the A-List after starring in a sex tape titled 1 Night in Paris.

Many years later, Kim Kardashian sky-rocketed to the top of the A-List after starring in a sex tape titled Kim Kardashian Superstar.

It’s worth noting, of course, that Kim worked for a long time as Hilton’s personal assistant and the two were pretty good friends.

So it’s not difficult for one to connect the naked dots and realize that Kim was motivated to get pounded by Ray J on camera by the way that Paris got pounded on camera…

… and subsequently raked in big bucks and major headlines.

Since her starring sex tape turn, Kardashian has blown past Hilton when it comes to Q Rating, popularity and wealth.

You can barely go a day without hearing something about her; while we bet you’d need to rack your brain harder than an erect Ray J on video in order to remember the last notable story you read about Paris Hilton.

This is a long preamble to make the following point;

Paris has finally come to this same realization.

She is no longer trying to pretend that she’s on par with Kardashian in any way.

Instead, she’s basically acting as a subservient to her ex-BFF in a new ad campaign, going as far as to channel Kim in a new shoot for Kanye West’s Yeezy Season 6 line.

“So much fun being a #KimClone in the new #YeezySeason6 campaign,” wrote Paris as a caption to the following image.

Yes, a Kim Kardashian clone. 

We never thought we’d see the day Paris Hilton wrote such words.

Kardashian, for her part, is not rubbing in this victory.

Instead, she’s helping her vanquished former employer promote her husband’s clothing line, sharing one of Hilton’s snapshots on her Instagram page and writing as a caption of her own:

“#Yeezy #Season6 #ParisHilton #ForeverTheOG.”

That’s a fair assessment.

Hilton really is the OG of untalented rich people posing nearly naked and somehow becoming very famous as a result.

After years of seemingly not speaking to each other, the ice between Kim and Paris began to thaw last summer.

Hilton posted a throwback photo of herself and Kardashian online in July, taking many Internet users by surprise at the time.

It doesn’t appear as if the ex-pals hang out very often still, but they must have seen this as an opportunity to make some money together once again.

And Paris must have seen it as an opportunity to be known for something other than liking Donald Trump.

Among the other Yeezy Season 6 campaign models are many social media stars you may recognize, including Kylie Jenner’s best friends Jordyn Woods and Anastasia Karanikolaou.

Will they also channel Kim in upcoming campaigns?

Or Kylie?

Or some other member of this famous family?

Meanwhile, in case you forgot, here’s a look back at Kim and Paris’ friendship. We weren’t kidding! They truly were like two annoying peas in a skin tight pod…


Thursday, January 25, 2018

Paris Hilton Calling All the Wedding Shots, Fiance Chris Zylka Wants It That Way

Paris Hilton’s fiance is falling in line, and he’s damn happy to do so … at least when it comes to planning their wedding. P and Chris Zylka were at LAX Wednesday — jetting off to some fabulous location, we’re sure — and, for once, we got HIS…


Paris Hilton Calling All the Wedding Shots, Fiance Chris Zylka Wants It That Way

Paris Hilton’s fiance is falling in line, and he’s damn happy to do so … at least when it comes to planning their wedding. P and Chris Zylka were at LAX Wednesday — jetting off to some fabulous location, we’re sure — and, for once, we got HIS…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Paris Jackson Fan Girls Out After Meeting Paul McCartney

Paris Jackson tried to play it off pretty cool while hanging with her father’s old pal, Paul McCartney … but don’t be fooled, she totally lost it. Paris hung with Paul Tuesday night in L.A. at his daughter Stella McCartney’s…


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Kim and Kanye Are Down with Attending Paris Hilton"s Wedding

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West had a casual night out Friday at the  hottest restaurant in L.A. K & K hit up Craig’s in West Hollywood and they were characteristically un-chatty, EXCEPT on the way out. Our photog asked Kim if she and Kanye…


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Paris Hilton Says Kim Kardashian Will Be Invited to Her Wedding

Paris Hilton holds no grudges, because she says inviting Kim Kardashian to her wedding is a no-brainer. We got Paris and fiance Chris Zylka Saturday night in WeHo at Craig’s restaurant, and she didn’t miss a beat when our photog asked about…


Friday, January 5, 2018

Paris Hilton Gets Special Marquee Shout-out and Engagement Gift From Palms Casino

Paris Hilton and the Palms Casino in Vegas have a very special relationship … so it’s fitting they’re both looking forward to a big 2018. The Palms put up a congratulatory shout-out to Paris on their marquee this week in honor of her recent…


Paris Hilton Leaves New Fiance On the Curb Accidentally

Paris Hilton’s new fiance has been relegated to precious cargo No. 2 — he was left eating dust after Paris and her $ 2 million engagement ring jumped into a waiting SUV. This video is hilarious … Chris Zylka was virtually kicked to the curb after…
