Showing posts with label Parker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parker. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Camilla Parker Bowles to Meghan Markle: Do NOT Marry Prince Harry!

It’s been nine months since we first learned that Prince Harry is dating Meghan Markle, and engagement rumors have pretty much been flying non-stop the entire time.

Based on insider accounts of the situation, we’re guessing Harry will eventually pop the question.

But if Camilla Parker Bowles has her way, Meghan won’t be giving him the answer he wants.

Parker Bowles, as you’re likely aware, is the second wife of Prince Charles.

She reportedly disapproves of Meghan for reasons that remain unclear.

Sources say Camilla has appealed to her husband in an effort to get Harry to call it quits.

Now, she’s trying a different tack and taking her argument straight to the source.

No, she’s not trying to talk Harry out of proposing …

… she’s trying to talk Meghan out of accepting.

We should add that all of this comes from an Australian Yahoo! site, and should this be taken with many grains of salt, but it’s not the first we’ve heard of Camilla looking down her nose at Meghan.

“She told Meghan that she didn’t like her relationship with Harry and that she should think twice before agreeing to his marriage proposal because Camilla was planning to make her life very tough,” a source tells the site.

“She’s long thought Meghan isn’t good enough for Harry and told her that she’s not welcome in the royal family.”

The site claims that Camilla isn’t keen on Meghan for the usual reasons (she’s American; she’s an actress; she stars on a basic cable show that no one watches outside of nursing homes), but there’s an additional reason for her disdain, as well:

Apparently, Meghan was in a two-year relationship with a “celebrity chef” named Corey Vilitello when she met Harry.

She promptly dropped Corey like a hot rock because “prince” beats “celebrity chef,” and Camilla thinks it was the shadiest of moves.

Markle’s own sister has accused her of being a status-obsessed social climber, and while most of her claims have been debunked, it seems Camilla is still riding the anti-Meghan train.

Based on how smitten Harry seems, we doubt Meghan has anything to worry about.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Smush Parker Won"t Beg Kobe Bryant ... Could Tap Another Laker for 3-on-3 League (VIDEO)

Smush Parker tells TMZ Sports he’s PUMPED Lamar Odom is down to join his team for Ice Cube’s 3-on-3 league … and while he hopes Kobe Bryant comes around, he’s not about to beg. The ex-Lakers player joined the guys on the “TMZ Sports” TV show…


Monday, January 23, 2017

Smush Parker Wants To Team Up With Kobe Bryant In Big3 League (VIDEO)

Ex-Laker Smush Parker wants to squash the beef with Kobe Bryant and team up to compete in Ice Cube’s Big3 League!! In case you didn’t know … Kobe made it clear during his playing days that he wasn’t a fan of Smush … and even told him not to…


Friday, December 16, 2016

Ex-Miss USA Lu Parker Cuts Deal for LAX Petty Theft

Former Miss USA Lu Parker is going to a support group for petty thieves … ‘cause that beats the hell out of going to trial for walking off with a pair of headphones. The former beauty queen, and current L.A. news anchor, accepted an offer…


Friday, December 9, 2016

Sarah Jessica Parker Digs In Her Heels At D.C. Store Launch (VIDEO)

Sarah Jessica Parker’s shoe store opening in Washington D.C. could’ve doubled as a lost scene from “Sex and The City” cuz there were enough heels to rival Carrie Bradshaw’s collection. Sarah got to work on her hands and knees at Thursday’s opening.…


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

WNBA"s Candace Parker -- Husband Files for Divorce ... I"m Leaving You, Pay Me!

WNBA superstar Candace Parker has just been hit with divorce papers from her husband, a former NBA player, who’s demanding spousal support from the 2016 Finals MVP … TMZ Sports has learned.  We obtained court docs filed by Shelden…


WNBA"s Candace Parker -- Husband Files for Divorce ... I"m Leaving You, Pay Me!

WNBA superstar Candace Parker has just been hit with divorce papers from her husband, a former NBA player, who’s demanding spousal support from the 2016 Finals MVP … TMZ Sports has learned.  We obtained court docs filed by Shelden…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Ex-Miss USA Lu Parker -- Busted for 5 Finger Discount at LAX

Former Miss USA Lu Parker is under arrest for pilfering a pair of high-end headphones at LAX … TMZ has learned. The 1994 pageant winner, and current news anchor in L.A., allegedly lifted the headphones Wednesday morning at the TSA screening area…


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Nate Parker -- Penn State Investigates Second Sexual Misconduct Allegation

“Birth of a Nation” director Nate Parker is at the center of another sexual misconduct allegation … one for which he faces no punishment, but this time Penn State is on the hot seat. A female student trainer claims in 2000, while Nate was on the…


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Sarah Jessica Parker -- Attention Divorcing Women ... Don"t Listen to Me! (VIDEO)

Sarah Jessica Parker plays a wife in the throes of an ugly divorce on HBO … so she should know a thing or two about prenups, right?    Matthew Broderick’s longtime wife fielded questions from our photog about protecting yourself…


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Nate Parker: Actor Addresses Rape Accuser"s Suicide

When Birth of a Nation‘s Nate Parker was a a student at Penn State, he was accused of rape.

Though the 26-year-old was acquitted of all charges, the order left his accuser so broken that she committed suicide four years ago.

Parker felt compelled to address the story on his personal Facebook page on August 16th.

“These are my words. Written from my heart and not filtered through a third party gaze. Please read these separate from any platform I may have, but from me as a fellow human being,” Parker wrote.

“I write to you all devastated. Over the last several days, a part of my past – my arrest, trial and acquittal on charges of sexual assault – has become a focal point for media coverage, social media speculation and industry conversation. I understand why so many are concerned and rightfully have questions.

“These issues of a women’s right to be safe and of men and women engaging in healthy relationships are extremely important to talk about, however difficult.

“And more personally, as a father, a husband, a brother and man of deep faith, I understand how much confusion and pain this incident has had on so many, most importantly the young woman who was involved.

“I myself just learned that the young woman ended her own life several years ago and I am filled with profound sorrow…I can’t tell you how hard it is to hear this news. I can’t help but think of all the implications this has for her family.

“I cannot- nor do I want to ignore the pain she endured during and following our trial. While I maintain my innocence that the encounter was unambiguously consensual, there are things more important than the law.”

Parker continued.

“There is morality; no one who calls himself a man of faith should even be in that situation. As a 36-year-old father of daughters and person of faith, I look back on that time as a teenager and can say without hesitation that I should have used more wisdom.” 

“I look back on that time, my indignant attitude and my heartfelt mission to prove my innocence with eyes that are more wise with time.

“I see now that I may not have shown enough empathy even as I fought to clear my name. Empathy for the young woman and empathy for the seriousness of the situation I put myself and others in. I cannot change what has happened.  I cannot bring this young woman who was someone else’s daughter, someone’s sister and someone’s mother back to life…”

“I have changed so much since nineteen. I’ve grown and matured in so many ways and still have more learning and growth to do. I have tried to conduct myself in a way that honors my entire community – and will continue to do this to the best of my ability.

“All of this said, I also know there are wounds that neither time nor words can heal. I have never run from this period in my life and I never ever will.

“Please don’t take this as an attempt to solve this with a statement. I urge you only to take accept this letter as my response to the moment.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Isabella Cruise: Married to Max Parker in Shock Wedding!

Isabella Cruise, the daughter of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, is a married woman after she tied the knot with Max Parker in a surprise wedding!

But where was Tom? And did he even know about it?

Tom was nowhere to be found, Radar reports, as Bella wed British IT consultant Max Parker in a secret ceremony on September 18 in London.

Notoriously private, and likely afraid of the attention that her high profile dad might draw, Bella, 22, limited the guest list to a small group of friends.

Her father and her brother Connor Cruise, who along with Bella was adopted by Tom and Nicole, were NOT in attendance when she wed Parker.

No photos of Nicole Kidman have been found, either.

Like her father, Bella is a member of the Church of Scientology, Tom’s controversial faith, and she reportedly still attends services regularly,

The groom, meanwhile, is not a member of the faith.

Nor has he even met Tom. Nicole, meanwhile, is said to be “overjoyed” at her daughter’s new union, though it’s unclear if she’s met him, either.

Tom’s relationship with his kids has been the subject of much debate, particularly in the case of Suri Cruise, his daughter with Katie Holmes.

His busy schedule has made time with her scarce, while Katie is said to have left him in part because she feared Suri being brainwashed by Scientology.

On an unrelated note, rumors have also circulated that Tom Cruise’s mom is missing, so there’s a whole lot of mystery surrounding the A-list star.