Showing posts with label Plus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plus. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 8 Recap: All About K8!

Maybe more than any other installment of TLC’s durable hit show to date, Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 8 was all about Kate Gosselin.

What do we mean by that, exactly? Read on …

The entire episode airing Tuesday night centered around the mother of eight … watching clips of her younger self from previous seasons.

We would not make this stuff up, THG readers.

After reflecting on the past footage from her days of yore, Kate then offered up her insight about her evolution as a mother and a person.

The proverbial well hath truly run dry at this point.

“This hour is all about the older, wiser me, giving advice to the younger, less-experienced me,” she explained as clip 1 began to roll.

Among the memorable moments we re-lived:

  • Joel throwing up all over himself and the other kids

  • Young Aaden chillin’ on the floor after soiling himself

  • The infamous chocolate painting episode

  • The kids’ first day of school (ALL the feels)

  • Kate raging during the family’s RV trip

  • Gosselin coming into her own as a single mom

It’s unclear if there’s anyone out there who will still watch Kate Plus 8 online at this point, but it’s somewhat remarkable that it’s still on.

This would’ve made for a better episode had the focus been on Kate’s split from Jon, because that’s what we’d truly love the story on.

To this day, we still don’t know the whole story.

Just this past week, Jon is making the media rounds, lamenting that he hasn’t seen his kids together in years and that TLC f–ked him.

With no love lost toward Kate or his former employer, Jon said TLC tried to stop their divorce for the sake of the show, forcing him to quit.

As we said … give this guy a catch-up episode.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 7 Recap: K8 Plus D8!

Last night on Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 7, the matriarch went on a blind date for the first time in forever, and a fancy one to boot.

That’s right, if you watch Kate Plus 8 online above, you will witness Kate Gosselin getting wined and dined like there’s no tomorrow.

By a man! Who is into her!

No, not Steve Neild!

Or Jeff Prescott!

“I’ve gone on less than a handful of dates in history since I’ve been divorced,” the 40-year-old said, teasing the night’s big storyline.

This blind date was orchestrated by her friend Deanna; Vann, from New York City, runs and was on a submarine in the U.S. Navy.

Sounds like a good catch, sure, but “the only reason I’m agreeing to it is that he’s a friend of Deanna’s,” said a clearly nervous Kate.

“I think it’s good for her to put herself out there and find a husband, so she doesn’t die alone,” said Mady, dutifully helping her prepare.

The kids all agreed they would be alright with Kate getting married again, though we’re guessing Jon Gosselin may have other thoughts.

In any case, Kate met Vann, then got into a helicopter he chartered. Like watching a real life episode of The Bachelorette up in here.

The actual dinner date went well, even as conversation turned to marriage and whether Vann could hypothetically handle eight kids.

Might as well cut to the chase, right?

They agreed to see each other again, took a selfie to send to Deanna, then parted ways awkwardly with no PDA. On camera at least.

“I have kids who are going to be watching. There can’t be any good-night kisses here! Cameras or no cameras, I don’t know what the rules are.”

“I’m not good at this dating stuff.”

Hey, gotta start somewhere.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 6 Recap: Back 2 School Prep!

It was the end of summer on Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 6 last night, which meant the eight Gosselin kiddos getting ready for school.

If you watch Kate Plus 8 online, you know it’s more about the kids growing up and Kate trying to stay sane these days than anything.

Contrast that with back in the day, when it was the weekly castration of Jon Gosselin and myriad tabloid scandals that drove ratings.

It’s a positive change, if a less dramatic one.

Naturally, continuing a theme seen in previous weeks, Cara and Mady are indignant as usual about back to school shopping … and life.

You won’t believe how much they’ve grown.

Seriously, check out the Gosselin kids then and now and be shocked at how big the sextuplets are. As for the twins? HIGH SCHOOL.

Sorry, we’re just not over this as you can tell.

Kate jokes, not inaccurately, that back to school shopping with her boys takes 30 seconds and shopping with her girls takes 30 days.

As for how you possibly shop for EIGHT kids?

“Being fair wastes money,” Kate says, in defense of the fact that just ’cause your sibling gets something, you won’t be getting it too.

For once, Gosselin likely won the praise of social media for both a sound parenting strategy and financial responsibility. It’s win-win.

Life isn’t fair and even reality stars (at least ones not named Kim Kardashian) have limited budgets. This is reality. Let the kids learn.

For more adventures in parenting from Kate, check out the links above. Then relive some of her more infamous moments in this gallery!

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 5 Recap: All Decked Out

Last night on Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 5, the venerable Gosselin matriarch threw a party to celebrate the completion of her deck.

Yes, it’s officially come to that for the former Mrs. Jon Gosselin.

Picking up where last week left off, Kate Gosselin and her charges were pretty much the pinnacle of domestic bliss in Pennsylvania.

Or not. As usual, Kate’s personality became the focal point.

If you watch Kate Plus 8 online these days, on the surface it’s totally harmless to see this mother of sextuplets and twins navigate life.

Although it can never be a show about big family dynamics or single parenting exclusively, thanks to the fact that it’s Kate leading it.

Let’s face it, her personality has been described over the years as … difficult. It’s been called a lot worse, but let’s just go with difficult.

This week, she encouraged her three sons to put together a magic show for the family while the five girls were treated to some pampering.

Kate, of course, took heat for being too involved in it all.

“I wasn’t micromanaging for the fun of meddling in their magic day,” Gosselin said of the way she coached her sons through the tricks.

“I was trying to look out for their best interests!”

Clearly, Kate meddling to the point of annoyance is being grating is nothing new, and clearly she is not a perfect parent – no one is.

What’s interesting about Kate Plus 8 in its current form is that all the controversies and scandals of the past are still hard to ignore.

Whatever you think of the family, the Gosselin kids look so different and act so different – they’re older! – that it’s such a different show.

Yet the Kate factor is what always dominates.

In part, this is due to her own making and reports that she ditched the kids for four days and/or forced Mady and Cara to return to TV.

But in part, it’s unfair to dredge up the past.

Not in the sense that it takes away from what they’re doing now. If anyone but Kate raised these eight, what would the show be like?

Just some food for thought.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 4 Recap: Green Thumbs Up

After returning from Florida and getting their Pennsylvania bearings back last week, what happened on Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 4?

If you watch Kate Plus 8 online, you know there’s always the obligatory shrill, cringe-worthy Kate comment waiting around every corner.

That remains the case, but it’s all been about the kids lately. How it should be, right? The highs, lows, excitement and everyday moments.

This week, we saw their touching tribute to the family fish that had recently died, as the Gosselins buried them in the back yard.

As for the front yard, Kate enlisted the kids with her ambitious landscaping project, move the rocks from the lawn to the driveway.

While some might consider her a taskmaster, she described how this was a normal weekend for her growing up, so no sympathy.

“My goal is to expose my kids to as much as I can,” she explained, even if she ended up taking on more work than she planned.

“This show should be called Kate Plus Kate because Mommy does everything,” said Leah somewhat bitterly in a confessional.

Later, the sextuplets and Kate ventured out to look at plants for the new front yard, and they became “very invested,” in Kate’s words.

Each got a plant to bring home, planting six in total. Then it was time for the cookout Kate had been prepping for … in the rain.

After all her planning, she wasn’t about to call it off on account of the storm, and that’s what some of the best memories are made of.

“All in all, the cookout was wet, windy, delicious, and turned out great,” Kate reflected, and the kids ended the night in the pool.

They even did a yoga class with one of Kate’s friends, and the kids made a lemonade stand as a way to thank the landscapers.

The landscapers, in turn, used the lunch break to teach the little boys Spanish. Talk about packing a lot into one episode, Kate!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 3 Recap: We Have to Deal With Her ALL DAY

Fresh off their trip to Florida, Kate Gosselin and her brood embarked on another vacation on Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 3.

If you can call their native Pennsylvania a vacation.

Unlike the Duggar family of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, there is no big scandal Kate Gosselin is looking to bounce back from.

She and those eight kids are just kinda there, and while we won’t believe how big they are now, there’s not a lot to the show.

Perhaps the most noteworthy thing about Kate Plus 8 here in late 2015 is how much she finds for them to do on a daily basis.

This week, that included visiting a horse farm and having a cooking contest, and taking eldest daughters Mady and Cara antiquing.

Impressive, though Maddie had the best line with “You only see her on our show for an hour, but we have to deal with her all day.”

We feel ya, Mady, although some trolls on social media took issue with her attitude this week – and this season – and let her have it.

Apparently, Twitter trolls have no idea what teenage rebellion is. Or what living with Kate Gosselin must be like during those years.

Imagine being Mady Gosselin and enduring the most awkward phase of your young life with parents who are not only difficult, but …

High profile? High maintenance? Loose cannons? We can’t even find all the necessary words to sum up Kate and Jon Gosselin.

Anyway, leave Mady alone, world. And follow the link to watch Kate Plus 8 online if you really want to sit through an hour of Kate.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 2 Recap: Fun in the Sunshine State

After a premiere that reminded us that Kate Gosselin is still around (sigh), what did Tuesday night’s episode have in store as an encore?

On Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 2, Kate and her brood were still in Florida, though their vacation was besieged by various obstacles.

Those who watch Kate Plus 8 online or who have seen any of Kate’s PR blitz know that the kids are a lot older than they used to be.

That means new issues like teenage girls talking to boys, but old school elements of Jon & Kate Plus 8 were present last night as well.

Namely? Taking eight kids to the beach! It’s rough!

Not only did they partake in an epic sand castle building session, but they went deep-sea fishing, which Kate loves “more than life itself.”

Certainly more than Jon Gosselin. OHHHHHHHH!

But seriously folks. Aaden and Leah threw up, and the rest of the kids begged to go home, but other than that it was a major success.

“I feel the most peaceful and calm in the middle of the ocean,” Kate said, feeling serene in spite of her children succumbing to nausea.

Following a little recovery and homemade culinary goodness, the next day, mom decided to humor the kids with a trip to the water park.

Now that got them excited.

“I don’t do water parks,” she sighed, but she did it for the kids, and that’s what it’s all about as they grow. Cherishing these memories.

“Yeah, I was the boring mom sanding at the bottom … a lot of boring moms standing at the bottom!” Kate told the TLC cameras.

She said she loved being able to see the looks on the kids’ faces when they emerged from the slides, and really, that’s as good as it gets.

#Florida. #Life.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kate Gosselin: Reality Ratings Plummet! Will Kate Plus 8 Get Canceled?!

As you may have heard the first episode Kate Plus 8 Season 4 premiered on Tuesday night.

Of course, there’s a good chance that you didn’t hear, because the show returned after a long hiatus with very little fanfare – which may help explain why Kate and company received their lowest ratings to date.

According to Radar Online the Kate Plus 8 season premiere was watched by just 955,000 viewers. That’s less than half of the show’s audience from last season.

“It’s the same old story,” one production insider told Radar. “The past is played out and there are too many other things going on in the world.”

Another insider blamed Kate with a much more succinct explanation: “She’s just not very likeable.”

“Not very likeable” is putting it mildly, of course.

In recently released excerpts from a tell-all entitled Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World, Kate admits to physically abusing her children in shocking diary entries unearthed by author Robert Hoffman.

Viewers were first drawn to the Gosselins as a family that struggled in a relatable fashion, but also seemed bound together by tremendous love for one another.

Jon and Kate’s divorce and the years of bad press that followed have soured that impression to the point that the public’s interest in Kate these days is mainly limited to unfavorable tabloid impressions.

Producers have promised a glimpse into Kate’s dating life in upcoming episodes, but if that doesn’t draw in viewers, Gosselin may suffer the embarrassment of a midseason cancelation.

Watch Kate Plus 8 online at TV Fanatic if you’re one of the few Kate fans left in the world (or if you just want to see her go down in flames). 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

DJ Jon Gosselin Spun Crazy Tunes While Kate Plus 8 Premiered

Wicka wicka wicka!

That is the sound DJs used to make, before the vocation’s only requirement called for an iPod playist.

White Kate Gosselin is making it rain over at TLC, Jon Gosselin is billing himself as a DJ, a gig he started last January.

Before this, he worked in construction, IT, and appeared on a season of WE TV’s Couples Therapy.

Before before this he was married to Kate, and co-starred on the hugely popular Jon & Kate Plus 8.  

Then he went off the rails, divorced Kate and hung out with the likes of Kate Major and Michael Lohan.

Oh, and he wore a lot of Ed Hardy.  

According to International Business Times, “DJ Jon Gosselin” promoted his December 8th gig at Trappe Tavern in Pennsylvania, in which he combined forces with DJ N-Do.

Gosselin’s profile on Eclipse Entertainers reads like a bad press hand-out (mainly because it is a bad press hand-out).

“Jon Gosselin was a star on the reality TV series ‘Jon & Kate + 8’ but now, he is now a DJ!

“He operates like most other DJs. Shows-up, sets-up, and spins a little something for everyone. He takes requests, interacts with the crowd, and helps increase sales by making people want to stick around.

“What makes him special is that he is a CELEBRITY! Every time he has performed at other venues, patrons have gone NUTS on social media, posting pictures, taking selfies with him, and most importantly, tagging your bar!”

Hey, at least it’s an honest living.

Kate Plus 8 Recap: The Gosselins Are Back! STILL!

After a long ass hiatus you didn’t know was a hiatus since you were never thinking about it or the fact that it might return, Kate Plus 8 has done so!

You almost have to give Kate Gosselin credit for soldiering on with #KatePlus8 and keeping her personal gravy train running well beyond its prime.


Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 1 featured the matriarch in all her glory, taking the kids to Florida on vacation and grating on everyone’s nerves.

In that sense, the much-loved/reviled series hasn’t changed much: The producers just think up new locations and scenarios for Kate meltdowns.

Beyond that, you won’t believe what the Gosselin kids look like now, with Mady and Cara somehow 15, and the sextuplets having turned 11.

Despite the kids packing their own stuff, they eventually made it to Florida, where Kate struggled to drive a golf cart across the street and said:

“My kids said I was making a big deal out of nothing.”

Somewhere, Jon Gosselin is nodding in approval.

On the beach, Mady and Cara met three boys, and mama Kate, seeing them chatting from a distance, was aghast as she recoiled in abject horror.

That was basically how she put it, not us.

“I was horrified!” she said of the idea of her girls growing up to the point where they were talking with boys. “No. This is not okay … it worries me.”

To be fair, that’s the kind of reality check every parent faces and has a hard time dealing with in part. Kate, though, is a Defcon 5 Control Freak.

One wonders how she reacted once the cameras stopped rolling and whether she hired Steve Neild to run background checks on those boys.

In any case, Kate Plus 8 is back, and if you loved it before, nothing about the new iteration should quell that desire. If you didn’t, you still won’t.

Pretty much sums up a lot of reality TV, right?

As always, you can follow the link to watch Kate Plus 8 online if you are a glutton for punishment, or just to make sure we didn’t make this all up.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Kate Plus 8 Return: You Won"t Believe What the Kids Look Like Now!

Kate Gosselin and her brood return to TLC for Season 4 of Kate Plus 8 next week, and you simply won’t believe how much the kids have grown.

Remember back in the Jon & Kate Plus 8 heyday?

It seems like an eternity ago, because it kinda was.

Whereas from 2005-2009, the married Gosselins raised young twins and newborn-toddler sextuplets, nowadays, things are just a bit different.

Kate and Jon have long split up. She’s been hustling, trying to stay relevant and make some bank, and somehow got this show back on the air.

Jon has been … doing whatever the heck Jon does.

While there’s no love lost between them, they do love their kids. And fame. And while the fame has decreased from their prime, the kids have grown!

Here’s Kate with two teenagers and six 11-year-olds!

Yes, time flies when you’re having fun. Or being Kate.

In an interview with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb on NBC’s Today yesterday, Kate revealed that twins Mady and Cara are interested in boys.

“I was like, ‘I can’t deal with it.’ That moment was etched in my mind forever because I was like, ‘This is not okay with me,’” Gosselin recalled.

The girls aren’t just stressing her out with that, either.

“I’ve heard the 15-year-old girl thing is scary and get ready. There are bursts of it, but they’re good girls,” Kate lamented, as many moms have.

“They do know everything [now] and they tell me how to dress… and even in terms of dating, all the advice, they’ve never even gone on a date!”

“Not even sure how they know and I know nothing.”

Her sextuplets Alexis, Aaden, Leah, Collin, Hannah and Joel are now 11 and equally as opinionated: “I have no idea where they got it,” she joked.

In addition to how much the kids have changed, and how they keep Kate on the ropes, Season 4 of Kate Plus 8 will also shed light on her dating life.

Or lack thereof, as it turns out.

The reality star explained she doesn’t have time for dates with a house full of kids to run, but she was in a relationship with Jeff Prescott this year.

Of course, that ended badly with Kate getting dumped – and reports that she was using him for the reality show, depending on who you believe.

There was also a fake Jon Gosselin celebratory tweet regarding the breakup that made headlines, because of course there are fake Jon accounts.

A day in the life. A day in the life.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Kate Plus 8 Preview: Kate Tries Dating, Wears Bikini, Remains Priggish

While Jon Gosselin is no doubt being a shoulder for Michael Lohan to cry on, Kate Gosselin has some promoting to do for a new season of TLC"s Kate Plus 8.

Divorce looks good on Kate, who hasn"t lost her edge nor the need to control EVERY. SINGLE. THING.

We"re treated to a sneak peek of Kate and her eight children – twins Maddy and Cara, and sextuplets Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Colin, Leah and Joel – as they attempt to keep their Pennsylvania home in good shape, travel to Florida so that mom can wear a bikini, go antiquing for phones with cords (CAN YOU IMAGINE?!) and put their teamwork skills to the test in a panic room exercise.

"This show should be called "Kate Plus Kate" because mommy does everything," one of the kids pointed out.

So wise, young human.

Viewers are in for a treat, because everyone"s invited to watch Kate dip her toes in the dating pool.

The gentleman on Kate"s blind date seemed nice enough, and he took her on a lovely helicopter ride over New York City.

Why, though, did the cameras have to hang around to see if they would kiss?

"Yeah…I don"t know.  What is the proper end-of-date/goodnight…I don"t know."

First dates are awkward enough for the two parties involved.  We"re happy to hear a recap instead of having to watch the painful "are they going to kiss?" dance.

Kate Plus 8 premieres December 8th on TLC.

Kate plus 8 preview kate tries dating wears a bikini