Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Kate Plus 8 Recap: The Gosselins Are Back! STILL!

After a long ass hiatus you didn’t know was a hiatus since you were never thinking about it or the fact that it might return, Kate Plus 8 has done so!

You almost have to give Kate Gosselin credit for soldiering on with #KatePlus8 and keeping her personal gravy train running well beyond its prime.


Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 1 featured the matriarch in all her glory, taking the kids to Florida on vacation and grating on everyone’s nerves.

In that sense, the much-loved/reviled series hasn’t changed much: The producers just think up new locations and scenarios for Kate meltdowns.

Beyond that, you won’t believe what the Gosselin kids look like now, with Mady and Cara somehow 15, and the sextuplets having turned 11.

Despite the kids packing their own stuff, they eventually made it to Florida, where Kate struggled to drive a golf cart across the street and said:

“My kids said I was making a big deal out of nothing.”

Somewhere, Jon Gosselin is nodding in approval.

On the beach, Mady and Cara met three boys, and mama Kate, seeing them chatting from a distance, was aghast as she recoiled in abject horror.

That was basically how she put it, not us.

“I was horrified!” she said of the idea of her girls growing up to the point where they were talking with boys. “No. This is not okay … it worries me.”

To be fair, that’s the kind of reality check every parent faces and has a hard time dealing with in part. Kate, though, is a Defcon 5 Control Freak.

One wonders how she reacted once the cameras stopped rolling and whether she hired Steve Neild to run background checks on those boys.

In any case, Kate Plus 8 is back, and if you loved it before, nothing about the new iteration should quell that desire. If you didn’t, you still won’t.

Pretty much sums up a lot of reality TV, right?

As always, you can follow the link to watch Kate Plus 8 online if you are a glutton for punishment, or just to make sure we didn’t make this all up.