Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 2 Recap: Fun in the Sunshine State

After a premiere that reminded us that Kate Gosselin is still around (sigh), what did Tuesday night’s episode have in store as an encore?

On Kate Plus 8 Season 4 Episode 2, Kate and her brood were still in Florida, though their vacation was besieged by various obstacles.

Those who watch Kate Plus 8 online or who have seen any of Kate’s PR blitz know that the kids are a lot older than they used to be.

That means new issues like teenage girls talking to boys, but old school elements of Jon & Kate Plus 8 were present last night as well.

Namely? Taking eight kids to the beach! It’s rough!

Not only did they partake in an epic sand castle building session, but they went deep-sea fishing, which Kate loves “more than life itself.”

Certainly more than Jon Gosselin. OHHHHHHHH!

But seriously folks. Aaden and Leah threw up, and the rest of the kids begged to go home, but other than that it was a major success.

“I feel the most peaceful and calm in the middle of the ocean,” Kate said, feeling serene in spite of her children succumbing to nausea.

Following a little recovery and homemade culinary goodness, the next day, mom decided to humor the kids with a trip to the water park.

Now that got them excited.

“I don’t do water parks,” she sighed, but she did it for the kids, and that’s what it’s all about as they grow. Cherishing these memories.

“Yeah, I was the boring mom sanding at the bottom … a lot of boring moms standing at the bottom!” Kate told the TLC cameras.

She said she loved being able to see the looks on the kids’ faces when they emerged from the slides, and really, that’s as good as it gets.

#Florida. #Life.