Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Netflix Teases House of Cards Via Fake Campaign Ad

On Tuesday night, Donald Trump once again went at it with his fellow Republican nominees for President of the United States.

But it was an actual President of the United States who stole the show at CNN"s GOP debate.

Okay, not an actual President of the United States. But a fictional President of the United States.

During a debate commercial break, Netflix revealed the streaming date for House of Cards Season 4, which, of course, features Kevin Spacey as Frank Underwood.

"It’s a new day in America," the promo began, going on to tour Underwood as President on this award-winning drama:

"Today, more people will go to work, return home to their families and sleep more soundly than ever before.

"All because one man refuses to settle, putting people before politics.

"That man is Frank Underwood."

Underwood then goes ahead and approves this message.

Underwood’s fictional policy appears to be “getting things done,” as he’s launched a website called, which is up and running right now, as we type.

“These are my mottos. I have no patience for useless things – like political gridlock and stagnation," reads the website.

"And neither should you. Join me. Let’s roll up our sleeves together. Let’s plow through the stubborn and smallminded and send Washington a message loud and clear."

We"re on board! Frank Underwood forever!

Oh, and House of Cards Season 4 returns with new episodes on March 4, 2016.

House of cards season 4 teaser