Showing posts with label Rare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rare. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Selena Gomez Shares Rare Pic With the Weeknd

Selena Gomez hasn’t been what you’d call secretive about her romance with The Weeknd, but it looks like she’s been taking her cues from Taylor Swift’s lowkey relationship with Joe Alwyn.

We all know that Selena and The Weeknd are dating, but we don’t see their everyday activities or feel like we’re their third wheel, no matter how many of Selena’s social media accounts we follow. (All of them, to be clear)

So this pic that Selena shared of the two of them out on a dinner date is a rare item.

Selena and The Weeknd went Instagram official back in April, but even on that photo-sharing site, Selena’s been very cautious to avoid over-sharing.

It’s not that Selena’s afraid or shy — she’s a singer and actress who’s up front about her battle with lupus and who downs shots of ginger on a daily basis, even though most people would find that agonizing.

(But, hey, when you’ve gone through chemo to treat your life-threatening condition, what’s a little shot of ginger? She’s such a badass and we love her)

They both work in the entertainment industry — and, very specifically, in music — so they have plenty in common.

Also, the The Weeknd is relatively lowkey as far as men in music go, which is perfect for Selena, but we’ll get to that in a moment.

First, here’s the pic:

It’s not exactly an informative photo, but it’s nice to see.

The Weeknd (his real name is Abel Makkonen Tesfaye, so we don’t think that Selena calls him “The” on their dates, folks) is staring off, either at something or perhaps he’s just lost in thought.

We’ve all been there, right?

We’re not sure who actually took this photo, but Selena’s contentedly looking into the camera. Even though the light washes her out, she decided to share the snap.

And we’re glad that she did.

Selena’s appeal is obvious.

She’s overpoweringly gorgeous (The Weeknd is a lucky dude), she’s a talented actress, and she’s produces some of the greatest music in the history of the world.

(Seriously — with “Naturally,” humanity has peaked, musically speaking. I literally cannot imagine a better song)

Part of what we imagine is a majorly appealing point about The Weeknd for Selena is that, despite his fame, he has this laid back image.

For years, Selena Gomez was dating Justin Bieber — a guy notorious for being a hothead and for incident after incident of terrible behavior.

And mind you, that was before Justin Bieber’s penis was hanging out left and right.

The Weeknd isn’t a random non-celebrity who’d experience culture shock upon being catapulted to stardom by dating Selena.

But he’s also never come across as an egomaniacal douchebag.

He sounds like a perfect fit.

Just like with Selena Gomez’s bff Taylor Swift and her boyfriend Joe Alwyn, the key the happiness for this couple seems to be a relative amount of privacy.

Selena’s not, like, donning disguises Atomic Blonde style, but Selena isn’t nearly as controversial as her bestie. She’s even spoken about him occasionally in interviews.

Recently, Selena Gomez said that The Weeknd is more like her best friend, which is great but also sad.

It’s great because that’s the sign of a healthy relationship.

It’s sad because you can’t help but get the impression that Selena may not have had that with any past relationships.

That girl deserves the world.


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Kobe Bryant"s Extremely Rare Air Jordan 3s Sell For $30,000

The only pair of Air Jordan 3’s ever made for Kobe Bryant has raked in an insane amount of cash on the auction block … selling for more than $ 30,000!! Here’s why they’re so freakin’ expensive … the kicks were exclusively made for the Black Mamba…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Megan Fox Shares Rare Picture of Kids: Cuteness. Overload!

For years, Megan Fox was criticized for showing too much skin in various magazine pictorials.

But not even the harshest critic could accuse this actress of showing off her kids on too many occasions.

As much as perhaps as big-time star in Hollywood, Fox has kept her three children very far away from the spotlight, rarely sharing an image of them online and certainly never selling any images to any supermarket tabloids.

We’re guessing Fox would prefer to star in another Michael Bay-directed Transformers movie again than even contemplate doing such a thing.

Late Monday, however, the beautiful brunette shocked her Instagram followers by posting a snapshot of her three sons, all of whom she procreated along with Brian Austin Green.

Fox did so via a gorgeous collage that features one Polaroid of herself; one of four-year old Noah; one of three-year old Bodhi; and one of 11-month old Journey.

It may be of interest to some to note a couple things:

1. Green is holding the youngest of the three boys in one of the pictures.

2. Noah is wearing a Princess Elsa dress in honor of Frozen. (Why do we feel like some folks on the Internet will find fault with this?)

Fox did not include a caption with the precious portrait.

Fox and Green almost never share pictures such as these.

However, they will occasionally post on social media in order to gush about their brood.

In November 2016, for example, Green returned from a seven-month Instagram hiatus to say nice things about his kids and to also compliment Fox in the process.

“My wife makes beautiful babies,” he wrote at the time, referring specifically to little Journey.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles star filed for divorce from her husband of five years in August 2015.

However, they reconciled the following year … just before Fox gave birth to Journey.

Even during their split, it was clear Green and Fox were still hanging out and getting along, considering Fox announced her pregnancy only a few months after the couple’s supposed break-up.

In other words:

Just like any two people who end a romance, but still have feelings for each other and/or who got very drunk one night in each other’s presence, the stars had unprotected sex during an alleged break and… bam!

Journey was born about nine months later.

But it’s all worked out for the best.

Fox and Green seem very happy as a couple and these three adorable kids have a stable, healthy household in which to grow up.



Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Prince William Gives Rare Interview, Opens Up About Mother"s Death

We’re approaching the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s death.

On August 31, 1997, the beloved Royal icon was killed in a car accident after a high-speed chase with a paparazzo who was in full pursuit.

It was a true tragedy, one that caused the world to stop, collectively mourn and react in sheer shock and sadness.

Diana, of course, left behind two sons, both of whom have grown into widely-respected, very handsome and charitable adults.

But neither has spoken out very much about the most painful experience of their lives; both Prince Harry and Prince William have remained relatively quiet about the fatal incident.

Until now.

Giving an unusually rare and raw interview with British GQ, the Duke of Cambridge is featured in a lengthy cover story this month.

He sits down with Alastair Campbell for the July issue of the magazine and talks openly about this impending anniversary… what it’s been like without his mother today for himself and his loved ones… and how he’s managed his grief in the public eye.

“I am in a better place about it than I have been for a long time,” Prince William tells the publication of the horrible accident.

He goes on to explain that he is now capable of talking “about her more openly [and] more honestly and I can remember her better, and publicly talk about her better.”

The father of two (a three-year old named Charlotte and a two-year old named George), William adds:

“It has taken me almost twenty years to get to that stage. I still find it difficult now because at the time it was so raw.”

The hardest part, explains the Prince, is the fact that his mother has never met his wife or his children.

“I would like to have had her advice,” he says, adding painfully.

“I would love her to have met Catherine and to have seen the children grow up. It makes me sad that she won’t, that they will never know her.”

The 34-year-old – who took time to honor the Manchester bombing victims last week – went on to note that unlike some people, his grief almost seem magnified due to the public nature of his unique position in British society.

“It is not like most people’s grief, because everyone else knows about it, everyone knows the story, everyone knows her.

“It is a different situation for most people who lose someone they love, it can be hidden away or they can choose if they want to share their story.”

But William has clearly grown into a responsible, intelligent, benevolent adult.

He’s a husband and a father and, by all accounts, a very good man.

“I could not do my job without the stability of the family. Stability at home is so important to me,” he says.

“I want to bring up my children in a happy, stable, secure world and that is so important to both of us as parents. I want George to grow up in a real, living environment, I don’t want him growing up behind palace walls, he has to be out there.

“The media make it harder but I will fight for them to have a normal life.”

This issue of British GQ goes on sale on Thursday, June 1.

It’s an intimate portrait of William’s life, one that gives readers a glimpse into his typically private world.

We strongly recommend you pick up a copy.


Friday, April 14, 2017

Blanket Jackson Makes Rare Appearance on Snapchat!

Earlier this week, we learned that Paris Jackson fears for her brother Blanket, as she believes the 15-year-old lacks proper supervision.

Sources close to the Jackson family say that while Michael’s mother, Katherine Jackson, is Blanket’s guardian, she’s rarely at home with the boy, and his day-to-day care is mostly left up to an absentee aunt.

Last night, perhaps to assure fans that all is well in her family, Paris Snapchatted a photo of her seldom-seen little brother:

That’s Blanket and Paris at what appears to be a family party.

It’s an encouraging sign, as Paris has had falling outs with her family in the past, and she’s reportedly been extremely irate over what she perceives as the neglect and mistreatment of Blanket.

Sources close to the family say Katherine Jackson hasn’t been to the Calabasas home where she lives with Blanket since January of this year.

In her absence, Blanket’s care has fallen to his aunt Rebbie Jackson, who is also rarely at home.

As a result, the boy’s uncle T.J. Jackson frequently stays at the house, but Paris reportedly feels that one part-time caretaker can’t provide nearly enough structure or supervision.

Insiders say that as a legal adult, Paris would happily assume the role of Blanket’s legal guardian, but there are barriers in place that will likely prevent that from ever happening.

For one thing, Paris is in the early stages of building a modeling career for herself, and she’s launched a full-blown media blitz in order to help make herself a household name.

She works long hours, travels constantly, and has a staff of 20 full-time employees tasked with making sure her name stays in the headlines.

Needless to say, it’s not a lifestyle that’s conducive to raising a teenager.

On top of that, there are lingering concerns about Paris’ mental health, and a family court judge would likely have to take a hard look at the 19-year-old’s past before granting her custody of her brother.

Paris attempted suicide in 2013, and in the years since she’s been open about her struggles with depression and substance abuse.

While her candidness is admirable, it would likely work against her at a custody hearing.

In all likelihood, Blanket will remain under the care of his grandmother and aunt for his remaining years as a minor.

While the situation may not be ideal, sources close to the teen say he’s getting good grades and making lots of friends at school, and his family is extremely optimistic about his future.


Monday, April 10, 2017

Halle Berry Shares Rare Picture of Son: What a Cutie!

Halle Berry may not have starred in a hit movie in many years, but the actress is quickly becoming quite a big hit on the Internet.

To close the month of March, for example, Berry treated her 1.3 million Instagram followers to a gorgeous photo of herself without a bra on.

“Me when someone says ‘I’m coming over and I’ve got snacks,"” Berry wrote as a caption to the photo down below, eliciting quite a few VERY positive reactions online.

“Um @halleberry…I’m coming over and I’ve got snacks? #TheNewAllStateMantra,” wrote Questlove, for instance.

Late last week, meanwhile, Berry made headlines for a social media snapshot of a very different kind.

The former Oscar winner gave fans a rare glimpse at son Maceo Martinez, who was enjoying a positively radiant glimpse of the deep blue ocean himself.

“When you find a pair of pj’s that rock your world,” the 50-years old star captioned the sweet image of the three-year-old dressed in rumpled white pajamas, peering out through a window.

The peaceful picture was snapped from behind and does not show the boy’s face.

Berry has always been extra careful to protect her kids from the limelight. She knows how dangerous fame can be for children.

On the rare occasion that she does share photos of little Maceo or her nine-year-old daughter, Nahla Aubry, she makes sure to obscure their eyes, noses and mouth.

We admire Berry for this strategy.

But some idiots out there have actually criticized her for it.

Last October, the actress clapped back at an Instagram troll who somehow took issue with Berry for cropping her kids’ faces out of a photo.

“I’ve noticed you have said this several times now so let me be clear – I’m not at all ashamed of my children,” Berry was forced to write, adding:

“I try to find creative ways to incorporate them into my feed because they are the biggest part of my life, but I also work very hard to keep their identities as private as I can considering they are only children.”

Despite this being an obvious and admirable point of view, Berry continued.

She concluded her reply to this online moron as follows:

“It’s my belief, and I’m not criticizing others who have different beliefs, that it’s my job as their mother to protect their privacy as best I can.

“When they grow and they’re of age and they want to share their images on the internet, that will be for them to decide, not me. Feel me? Have a beautiful day.”

Berry shares young Maceo with ex-husband Olivier Martinez and Nahla with ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry.

She was also previously married to former Major League Baseball outfielder David Justice and singer Eric Benet.

Indeed, Berry hasn’t had the best of luck when it comes to men.

But she has had the best of luck when it comes to her looks (see slideshow, above) and when it comes to producing precious children.

Those are pretty important things, too.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Floyd Mayweather Selling Rare Multi-Mil $ Hypercar

Floyd Mayweather is selling one of the most rare and expensive cars in his collection — his Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita — one of only 2 in the world. Floyd’s car guy, Obi Okeke, tells TMZ Sports Mayweather is selling the car to replenish…


Monday, March 6, 2017

Prince Michael Jackson Gives Rare TV Interview: WATCH!

In the years since Michael Jackson passed away in 2009, his eldest son, Prince Michael Jackson, has mostly kept a low profile.

These days, Prince is trying his hand at acting and stepping behind the camera to direct music videos for up-and-coming artists, but it"s his work with an important organization inspired by his father"s generous spirit that got him to sit down with Robin Roberts on GMA this morning.

Prince has started an organization called Heal LA, it"s name inspired by his father"s song "Heal the World."

He describes the group"s endeavors in the clip below:

"We have partnered with a charity called "A Sense of Home," which supports foster kids who have aged out of the system in a sort of preempt against homelessness because it"s very hard to get on your feet once you"ve gotten out of the system," Jackson says.

Though his main reason for giving the interview was to promote Heal LA, but also took time to offer some insights into his feelings toward his iconic father.

Asked for his favorite video from the King of Pop, Prince answered:

"Personally I love "Moonwalker," and I know it"s kind of an easy way out — it"s so many different videos into one — but if I had to pick one specific, I would choose "Smooth Criminal,"

Asked how his father would feel about his kids" career choices, Prince answered:

"As we were growing up my dad always said, "I really don"t care what you do in life, as long as you"re happy doing it and you"re the best at what you do. If you want to be a janitor at a high school, you should be the best janitor that you can be.""

Watch the full interview below:

Prince michael jackson gives rare tv interview watch

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Holly Dunn Reveals "Rare and Aggressive" Cancer Diagnosis

Holly Dunn would like you to please keep her in your prayers tonight.

The 59-year old country singer says she has been diagnosed with an especially aggressive type of ovarian cancer.

Holly, who rose to pretty big success in the 1980s, made this sad admission to Christian website Hallels.

“Back in March of this year, I was diagnosed with a rare, very aggressive form of ovarian cancer,” Dunn said, joking:

“If you read the statistics, it is very bleak. Good thing I don’t believe in statistics!”

Dunn went on to say that her faith is helping her through this very difficult time. It’s unclear if she’ll survive the year.

“I had surgery and now I am having chemo treatments,” she said.

“I have since grown more tumors and it is going to be more of a battle than I anticipated, but I have a huge faith in the healing power of God and the healing power within me that originates from my God.”

Dunn went on to refer to her religion as her “rock” throughout this battle.

“I look towards a future when I am completely healed and cancer free. I ask for prayers of strength and courage as this journey continues,” she says.

Dunn is the sister of songwriter Chris Waters. She has released 10 albums over the years, with her best known tracks probably being “Daddy’s Hands” and “You Really Had Me Going.”

The artist’s first single, “Playing For Keeps,” was released in 1985.

She topped the country charts in 1989 and 1990 for her hits “Are You Ever Gonna Love Me” and and the aforementioned “You Really Had Me Going.”

She last came out with an album in 2003.

“I draw tremendous strength from my family and my family of friends who have gathered around me in total support,” Dunn concluded.

We send the singer our thoughts and prayers.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Katie Holmes Shares Rare Photo of Suri Cruise (And She"s Gorgeous)

Somewhere, Tom Cruise is looking at this photo and thinking, “Wow! I haven’t seen that girl in over 2 years!”

Katie Holmes recently shared a photo of her daughter, Suri Cruise on her Instagram.  Mom and daughter were on the Toronto set of Holmes’ television series, The Kennedys: After Camelot.

In Touch Weekly alleged earlier this month that Cruise hasn’t been in contact with his ten-year-old daughter in over 1,000 days.

“They used to Skype and text, but that trailed off drastically,” a source told the tabloid, adding that the Mission Impossible star “uses his film commitments as an excuse” not to see his daughter

“The truth is that doesn’t hold much weight with Suri anymore,” the source pointed out.

Since Cruise is a devout Scientologist, his ex-wife’s refusal to convert Suri is a point of contention, and one that the Church of Scientology’s leader David Miscavige used to justify that Cruise should cut ties.

“Tom eats, breathes and sleeps Scientology,” another source claimed.

“He’s disconnected from Katie, and then de facto from Suri, because of her connection to Katie. He hasn’t seen her since she was 7. 

“Miscavige would have hammered home to Tom that Suri has been infiltrated by a bad Thetan.”

Aren’t we all bad Thetans at one point or another?

Star Magazine, on the other hand, alleges that Cruise and his daughter have “secret conversations” over the phone.

“Suri has been talking to Tom behind Katie’s back. He looks forward to her texts.

“For Tom, it’s been very emotional,” not being able to see Suri.

“It’s not surprising that Suri is confused by the lack of communication between her parents,” the source added.

“She’s growing up, asking more questions and it’s becoming harder to shield her from the whispers.

“She wants to speak to her dad.”

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Anna Duggar Stirs Controversy With Rare Public Appearance

In the months since news of the Josh Duggar sex scandal went public in May of last year, public appearances from Anna Duggar have been few and far between – and very carefully chosen.

Back in December, Anna appeared on Jill and Jessa: Counting On and shared, for the first time, her thoughts on her husbands many indiscretions.

Other than that, the long-suffering 27-year-old’s communications with fans have primarily been limited to the online world, such as when Anna wrote a blog post about her husband’s infidelity.

So it stands to reason that many Duggar devotees were surprised to see that Anna attended a Valentine’s Day screening of the controversial faith-based drama War Room, and even rubbed shoulders with some of the film’s stars.

She shared a photo from the screening on Twitter (above), and described the film’s lead actress, Priscilla Shirer, as “one of my heroes.”

The disbelief from fans is primarily a result of the film’s plot, which revolves around a woman who is trapped in an unhealthy marriage and is advised to shut herself away in a prayer closet or “war room” and pray that her husband changes his wicked ways.

One critic described the film’s message to emotionally abused women thusly: “Shut up and pray he quits.”

Needless to say, Anna’s presence at the screening was taken as an endorsement of the film’s backward message, and an indication that despite the many, many reasons she should flee, she’ll probably never leave Josh Duggar.

Anna has yet to deny rumors that she’s pregnant with Josh’s baby, and it looks increasingly as though she’ll rely on the power of prayer to change a man who’s repeatedly dragged her through hell.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Anna Duggar Shares Rare Photo of Baby Daughter Meredith for Christmas

In the months since the Josh Duggar sex scandals became public knowledge, but until this week, Josh’s wife, Anna Duggar, has managed to stay almost entirely out of the spotlight.

A clip for Jill and Jessa’s upcoming TLC series that was released yesterday featured Anna talking about Josh’s infidelity for the first time. Today, the mother of four continued her efforts to re-connect with fans by posting the photo below of her youngest daughter Meredith:

Actually, the photo was posted to the Duggars family’s official Facebook page, as Anna does not seem to have any social media accounts of her own.

Even so, this picture definitely speaks a thousand words.

First of all, it serves as an indication Anna has returned from visiting Josh in rehab and is enjoying some festive holiday time with her in-laws.

It also quashes rumors that Anna has moved to Florida to live with her own family and is planning to cut ties with Josh once he completes rehab.

Clearly, for the time being, at least, Anna is staying put in Arkansas and leaning on Josh’s famous family for support.

There’s been plenty of speculation as to why Anna has suddenly decided to (kind of) return to the public eye, much of it centering around rumored that she’s planning to embark on a reality TV career of her own.

Some say she hopes to save enough money to finally leave Josh.

Others believe she’s simply trying to save up enough cash to cover the tremendous financial cost brought about by his indiscretions.

Either way, we’re sure the folks at TLC would be very interested in giving Anna her own spinoff.

Of course, we may be getting ahead of ourselves. Thus far, all the girl has done is dip her toe into the social media pond with an adorable photo of her youngest.

Still, it’s tough not to try and predict what’s ahead for Anna after all that she’s been through.