Showing posts with label Scandals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scandals. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Josh Duggar Returns to Work One Year After Sex Scandals

One year ago this week, the world learned that as a teen, Josh Duggar molested five young girls, four of whom were his younger sisters. 

The ensuing scandal irreparably damaged the reputation of a family that was once famous for its wholesomeness and piety, and many believed the Duggars would never recover, particularly after it was revealed that Josh used an Ashley Madison account to help him cheat on his wife as recently as last year.

In July of 2015, TLC canceled 19 Kids and Counting and it briefly looked as though we’d seen the last of the Duggars.

These days, the family has regained some of it lost as a result of Josh’s transgressions.

They’ve even returned to television with a new series that rather conspicuously doesn’t feature much of the Jim Bob and Milchelle (who allegedly helped cover up their sons crimes) or any of Josh.

So what is the 28-year-old former lobbyist up to these days?

Well, after six months of in-patient rehab for sex and pornography addictions, Josh returned home to Arkansas back in March.

For the most part, he’s been keeping a low profile, but Josh recently resurfaced at a mini-golf establishment in Tennessee, much to the chagrin of some of the other families who were hitting the links that day.

Now, People magazine is reporting that Josh appears to have returned to work and was recently spotted helping restore used cars to be sold a dealership operated by his father.

As part of his job, Josh occasionally meets with customers, and sources say he doesn’t appear to have any difficulty with that aspect of the business.

One insider tells the magazine that Josh “looks happy” and “interacts very well with people.”

Given how long he kept his ugly past a secret while living the life of a “family values advocate” and even joking about incest on national television, we’re not surprised that Josh has had little difficulty in moving on, especially since he was never punished.

Something tells us things haven’t been as easy for as victims.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Jessa Duggar: Will Josh Duggar Sex Scandals Prevent Her From Adopting?

In a recent interview, Jessa Duggar revealed that she plans to adopt a child with husband Ben Seewald.

The couple already has one child together (Jessa gave birth to son Spurgeon in November.), but they’ve been openly talking about the possibility of expanding their family through adoption since before they got married.

There’s just one problem:

It wasn’t that long ago that Jessa’s family was involved in a shocking child molestation scandal, and even though Jessa was a victim and not a perpetrator, it’s possible that an adoption board might consider the possibility that children raised by the Seewalds may be at greater risk of abuse.

The problem isn’t just that Josh admitted to molesting five young girls (four of whom were his sisters), but also that his family played a role in concealing his crimes from the public and helping him to avoid prosecution.

Jessa famously defended Josh’s actions in an interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, and while she may have been left with further choice (and, some would say, further victimized by her family by being coerced into doing the interview) an adoption board may not look kindly on her willingness to rationalize abuse.

The couple hasn’t officially announced that they’ve started the process of becoming parents for a second time, but based on recent comments from Jessa, it sounds as though they may have already begun the proceedings:

“We have many friends who have walked this road, so we have seen firsthand the amazing power of adoption,” Jessa recently told Us Weekly.

“There are so many kids out there who are longing for the love of a family, and we feel strongly about opening our hearts and our home to welcome them in.

“It’s not really about any specific number, but cherishing and loving the ones God brings us – whether that be just one, or whether it be more, we’ll be grateful.”

On a recent episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, the Seewalds visited a Central American orphanage with some of Jill’s siblings.

Some fans believed the episode would end with a surprise adoption announcement, but that did not turn out to be the case.

Adoption boards generally don’t reveal their criteria for selecting qualified families, but ensuring that children are at low risk of physical harm is known to be their number one priority.

Those who watch Jill & Jessa Counting On online know that the Seewalds are kind and loving parents.

But that may not be enough to convince the powers that be that they’re capable of properly protecting another child.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Josh Duggar: Dead to Michelle Duggar Following Sex Scandals?

Yesterday, we reported that Duggar family friend and Fayetteville, Arkansas city council member John La Tour had been accused of sexual assault after threatening to expose himself to a waitress.

The Duggars have yet to speak out on the La Tour scandal, but he’s sure spilling the beans on them in a surprising new interview with Radar Online.

It’s an odd time for La Tour to offer details on how the family coped in the early days of the first Josh Duggar sex scandal, but that’s just what he chose to do while speaking with the website about his own inappropriate behavior:

“Josh had a good upbringing,” La Tour says. “He got sidetracked.”

“Sidetracked” is certainly putting it mildly, but the disgraced politician says there was nothing mild about Michelle Duggar’s response to her son’s misconduct.

“Michelle was in mourning like her son had been killed,” La Tour says, confirming previous reports that the Duggar matriarch thought of her eldest son as dead to her after learning that he’d molested his sisters.

La Tour adds that Anna Duggar is a “stand by her man kind of woman,” who never even considered divorcing Josh.

“[Josh] is a sinner just like the rest of us. No one is perfect,” La Tour says in conclusion.

“The Duggars never tried to give the impression that they are perfect. Everyone does their best, and there is no such thing as a perfect family.”

That’s certainly true, but there are plenty of families that don’t shelter sexual predators.

Also, we don’t think Josh Duggar is what Tammy Wynette had in mind when she sang that song, Anna. Run and take your children with you.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The 11 Biggest Duggar Family Scandals of 2015

As you probably know, 2015 has been quite the tumultuous year for the Duggar family.

The Josh Duggar sex scandal dominated tabloid headlines for several months, but there were other, less shocking controversies that rocked the 19 Kids and Counting clan to its foundations, as well. For example:

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard were caught lying about their missionary work and were forced to return an undisclosed sum to defrauded donors.

Younger sister Jessa Duggar was forced to shut down her own sketchy fundraising efforts after she and husband Ben Seewald were accused of exploiting fans.

Over the past several months, we saw a much uglier side of the once-beloved reality TV brood, and believe it or not, there"s plenty more controversy where that came from.

Needless to say, the entire family will likely be happy to see this year come to a close. But before that happens, we"d like to take one last look at the biggest Duggar scandals of 2015:


1. Josh Duggar Molested Several Young Girls (Including His Sisters)

Josh duggar pic

In May, the world learned that Josh Duggar admitted to molesting five young girls (four of whom were his sisters) while he was still in his teens. The revelation set off a chain of events that would permanently tarnish his family’s reputation and lead to the cancelation of the Duggars’ popular reality show.

2. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Helped Josh Conceal His Crimes

Michelle duggar and jim bob duggar photo

More than a year passed between the when Josh confessed his crimes to his parents and when his parents reported the crime to a police officer friend. During that time, several more incidents of molestation took place.

3. Jim Bob & Michelle: Caught Lying About Josh’s Police Records

Jim bob and josh duggar picture

Jim Bob and Michelle went on Fox News and lashed out at a retired police chief, accusing her of illegally leaking their son’s sealed police records to the media. It turns out the chief had no choice but to release the files under the Freedom of Information Act, and Josh’s investigation was never sealed, as it was conducted when he was no longer a minor. We’re sure it was all an honest mistake.

4. Jill and Jessa Defended Josh, Blamed Media For Their Trauma

Jill and jessa duggar megyn kelly interview photo

Smiling as they described him as very “sly” molester, Jill and Jessa literally laughed off the charges against Josh and attecked the media for “exploiting” them as though they were “porn stars.” The attempt to shift the focus away from Josh was not well-received, but thankfully, Jill and Jessa continued to be regarded by most as subjects of pity who seem to have been manipulated by their own parents.

5. Josh Used the Website Ashley Madison to Cheat on His Wife

Josh and anna duggar and kids

In August, Ashley Madison – a website designed to help married people find cheating partners – was hacked, and thousands of its clients were revealed. Josh was found to have two paid accounts with the service.

6. Josh Paid Porn Star Danica Dillon For Rough Sex

Danica dillon picture

Shortly after the Ashley Madison news broke, an adult film actress named Danica Dillon came forward and claimed that Josh paid her thousands of dollars to have sex with him on more than one occasion. She later filed a civil suit for assault, claiming that the sex was so rough that she felt as though she’d been raped.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

17 Ugly Beauty Pageant Scandals

From owners who hate Mexican immigrants to winners who may or may not do a lot of drugs, numerous beauty pageants over the years have drawn attention for all the wrong reasons.

And, no, we"re not referring to this being the 21st century and women still being paraded across the stage in bikinis and ball gowns.

We"re talking about the types of scandals that have left multiple winners stripped of their crowns.

Scroll down and click around to learn more…

1. Miss US… NAY!

Miss us nay

After Donald Trump made controversial comments about Mexican immigrants, NBC refused to air the Trump-owned Miss USA pageant in 2015.

2. Katie Rees

Katie rees

Katie Rees was crowned Miss Nevada in 2007… only to then lose her crown after sexually-explicit images from the year before went viral. She was also charged with meth possession in 2015.

3. Emily Kachote

Emily kachote

Miss Zimbabwe 2015 also was forced to vacate her crown after naked photos hit the Internet.

4. Saly Greige and Doron Matalon

Saly greige and doron matalon

Lebanese Miss Universe 2015 contestant Saly Greige and Miss Israel Doron Matalon stirred up major controversy despite keeping their clothes on: the beauties dared to be photographed together despite Lebanon and Israel have been at war since 2006.

5. Carrie Prejean

Carrie prejean at the mic

Carrie Prejean was the first runner-up for Miss USA in 2009. She made major headlines for coming out against gay marriage in her Q&A segment, eventually losing her Miss California crown due to breach of contract.

6. Jamie France

Jamie france

Jamie France won Miss Teen Oregon-World in 2009. No problem there. But she was then arrested on drug charges in 2014.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Duggar Family: STILL Lying About Josh Duggar Sex Scandals?!

On the premiere of Jill and Jessa: Counting On, several members of the Duggar family addressed the Josh Duggar’s many sexual indiscretions in what seemed to be a frank and straightforward manner.

In one surprisingly candid clip younger brothers John-David and Joseph spoke openly about Josh and revealed that they’re thoroughly disgusted by the actions of a man they once looked up to:

Of course, Jill and Jessa were the focus of the show, and fans eagerly awaited their insight into the scandals that brought down one of TV’s favorite families.

Unfortunately, In Touch magazine is now alleging that Jill and Jessa misled viewers, and their coached responses were as mendacious as the girls’ responses to Megyn Kelly’s questions in the interview that aired shortly after the world learned that Josh molested his sisters.

The magazine says the lies started with the girls comments about how the family “healed” following Josh’s assaults:

“After that time, it was really, really hard on our family,” Jill Duggar said. “You know that was 12 years ago and the healing process started shortly after that happened.”

In Touch points out that the Duggars didn’t go to authorities until more than 18 months after the incident, during which time, the Duggar girls were repeatedly victimized by Josh.

It’s also interesting that Jill felt the need to emphasize yet again that the assaults happened a long time ago. It’s a strategy that we like to call “the Cosby defense.”

The girls also say they underwent “several steps” to help them cope with being abused, including extensive counseling.

The tabloid says that’s also a lie, as the girls didn’t receive any sort of treatment until after a police investigation prompted an investigation by social services.

It’s implied that Jim-Bob and Michelle Duggar sought help for their abused daughters only when they were worried that they might lose custody.

In Touch also alleges that the Duggars are guilty of various “lies of omission” – failing to address certain matters (such as the fact that they falsely alleged that Josh’s criminal records were released to the press illegally) that might further damage the family’s reputation. 

It all adds up to another reminder that Counting On is not an attempt to spark an open conversation about childhood sexual trauma, but is instead another part of the Duggars’ ongoing effort to get back into the public’s good graces.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: FIRED From Speaking Gig Due to Scandals!

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar may be experts on home-schooling after educating their 19 offspring, but one prominent home education organization wants nothing to do with the scandal-plagued reality stars.

The Duggars were scheduled to speak at the Alberta Home School Association on in April, but were informed this week that they’d been fired from the gig.

As you’ve probably heard, Jim Bob and Michelle have taken a good deal of flak for their handling of the Josh Duggar sex scandal, and with good reason.

Not only did they help to hide his actions from authorities, Jim Bob defended the decision in an interview back in June.

As a result, the disgraced couple has asked not to attend a a Canadian convention for parents of home-cshooled kids, where they had previously been scheduled to give a speech.

“Although early feedback from our members this summer was supportive of having the Duggars come here, recent feedback from our own members points out that their appearance here would not be in the best interests of home educators,” AHSA president Paul van den Bosch said in a statement.

Apparently in response to claims that the Duggars are rebuilding their reputation and returning to television, van den Bosch offered this stinging rebuke:

“As we have learned, child abuse can happen in any home and is never ‘old news."”

The organization is absolutely right on that score, and while there’s nothing funny about Josh Duggar’s abuse of his own siblings, it’s hard not to be amused by the irony of this situation.

Prior to their recent string of scandals, most of the criticism of the Duggars involved the family’s tendency to cast judgment upon the beliefs and actions of those with whom they disagreed.

We hope Jim Bob and Michelle occasionally take time out from their comeback to consider the lessons that can be learned from their recent twists of fate.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Jill and Jessa Duggar: DEVASTATED By Josh Scandals!

Jill and Jessa Duggar say they were as shocked as anyone by the revelations about big brother Josh – and more devastated than you even know.

In a new promo for the upcoming, nonsensically-titled Jessa and Jill Duggar special, Jill & Jessa: Counting On, they open up about the epic fallout.

The sneak peek shows the married sisters reflecting back on the bombshell scandals, which effectively torpedoed the 19 Kids & Counting empire.

“Here I am, most joyful time in my life – newlywed, baby on the way – and then…” Jessa, who is pregnant and due in just two weeks’ time, reflects.

“We were devastated. Like, we couldn’t believe it.”

“You have to wonder, like, ‘How did this happen?"”

“The whole world was shocked,” her big sister Jill, the parent of baby son Israel, adds. “I’ve cried a lot of tears. I still do. I don’t know, I’m hurting.”

In May, it was revealed that Josh Duggar molested his sisters while he was underage way back in 2002. Jill and Jessa were among Josh’s victims.

The two admitted as much in a tearful Fox News interview in which they revealed their suffering, yet at the same time sort of defended the dude.

As horrific as that is, he was a troubled teenager, and parents Jim Bob and Michelle deserve some of the criticism for their handling of the situation.

Josh’s second scandal, however, was worse.

Exposed in the mega Ashley Madison data breach, Josh was revealed as a big fan of “one-night stands,” “sex toys,” and traumatizing, rough sex.

He is married with four young children.

“I have been the biggest hypocrite ever,” he said in a statement before being shipped off to a Christian labor camp, possibly never to be seen again.

“While espousing faith and family values, I have secretly [been] viewing pornography on the internet and [I have become] unfaithful to my wife.”

“I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family.”

We’ll see if the family sticks by him.

Reports that Anna Duggar is leaving Josh have been gaining traction of late, though no one knows with certainty what the long-suffering wife is planning.

In any case, for Jill and Jessa, “We do feel like we’re stepping on,” the former reflected, noting. “We will come out of this fire stronger as a family unit.”

Here’s hoping.

As Mike Huckabee points out, without being ironic, the other 18 turned out fine, so we shouldn’t judge the Duggars as a whole based on Josh, right?!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Kate Gosselin Scandals: From Bad to Worse to WTF?!

Kate Gosselin has been involved in more scandals than we can even recall over the years. Here"s a look at some of her most infamous, and ridiculous, newsmaking incidents.

1. Kate Gosselin: Investigated By Child Services For Alleged Abuse of Collin!

Kate gosselin investigated by child services for alleged abuse o

Kate Gosselin was reportedly the subject of a new investigation by the Berks County Pennsylvania Department of Children & Youth Services. Find out why now.

2. Kate Gosselin Admits Physically Abusing Children in Her Journal, Says Source

That kate gosselin look

Kate Gosselin admitted to physically abusing her children in her journal. Author Robert Hoffman cites one specific incident in which she attacked her son Colin.

3. Kate Gosselin Had Kids to Be Famous, is a Greedy, Child-Abusing Monster, Book Alleges


Kate Gosselin manipulated her fertility treatments and abuses her kids, claims Robert Hoffman in a new tell-all book.

4. Kate Gosselin Admits to Having Nanny Spy on Jon, Explains Why Ex is Banned From Her Home

Kate gosselin rolls eyes

Kate Gosselin explained to a source why she ‘s banned her ex from her home. Kate says Jon Gpsselin sells information to tabloids.

5. Kate Gosselin: Lying About Who Watched Her Kids During Celebrity Apprentice?

Kate gosselin pissed

Kate Gosselin may have lied about who watched her kids during The Celebrity Apprentice. Jon Gosselin says he watched them. Kate says he’s lying.

6. Kate Gosselin Dumped, Shaded By Jon!

A jon gosselin photograph

As if it’s not bad enough to get dumped by your boyfriend, Kate then allegedly got ridiculed by Jon on Facebook … with the double hands up emoji. That’s just wrong. But kind of hilarious.

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Monday, September 14, 2015

15 Ugly Beauty Pageant Scandals: Remember These MISS-haps?

From owners who hate Mexican immigrants to winners who may or may not do a lot of drugs, numerous beauty pageants over the years have drawn attention for all the wrong reasons.

And, no, we"re not referring to this being the 21st century and women still being paraded across the stage in bikinis and ball gowns.

We"re talking about the types of scandals that have left multiple winners stripped of their crowns.

Scroll down and click around to learn more…

1. Miss US… NAY!

Miss us nay

After Donald Trump made controversial comments about Mexican immigrants, NBC refused to air the Trump-owned Miss USA pageant in 2015.

2. Katie Rees

Katie rees

Katie Rees was crowned Miss Nevada in 2007… only to then lose her crown after sexually-explicit images from the year before went viral. She was also charged with meth possession in 2015.

3. Emily Kachote

Emily kachote

Miss Zimbabwe 2015 also was forced to vacate her crown after naked photos hit the Internet.

4. Saly Greige and Doron Matalon

Saly greige and doron matalon

Lebanese Miss Universe 2015 contestant Saly Greige and Miss Israel Doron Matalon stirred up major controversy despite keeping their clothes on: the beauties dared to be photographed together despite Lebanon and Israel have been at war since 2006.

5. Carrie Prejean

Carrie prejean at the mic

Carrie Prejean was the first runner-up for Miss USA in 2009. She made major headlines for coming out against gay marriage in her Q&A segment, eventually losing her Miss California crown due to breach of contract.

6. Jamie France

Jamie france

Jamie France won Miss Teen Oregon-World in 2009. No problem there. But she was then arrested on drug charges in 2014.

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