Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Josh Duggar Returns to Work One Year After Sex Scandals

One year ago this week, the world learned that as a teen, Josh Duggar molested five young girls, four of whom were his younger sisters. 

The ensuing scandal irreparably damaged the reputation of a family that was once famous for its wholesomeness and piety, and many believed the Duggars would never recover, particularly after it was revealed that Josh used an Ashley Madison account to help him cheat on his wife as recently as last year.

In July of 2015, TLC canceled 19 Kids and Counting and it briefly looked as though we’d seen the last of the Duggars.

These days, the family has regained some of it lost as a result of Josh’s transgressions.

They’ve even returned to television with a new series that rather conspicuously doesn’t feature much of the Jim Bob and Milchelle (who allegedly helped cover up their sons crimes) or any of Josh.

So what is the 28-year-old former lobbyist up to these days?

Well, after six months of in-patient rehab for sex and pornography addictions, Josh returned home to Arkansas back in March.

For the most part, he’s been keeping a low profile, but Josh recently resurfaced at a mini-golf establishment in Tennessee, much to the chagrin of some of the other families who were hitting the links that day.

Now, People magazine is reporting that Josh appears to have returned to work and was recently spotted helping restore used cars to be sold a dealership operated by his father.

As part of his job, Josh occasionally meets with customers, and sources say he doesn’t appear to have any difficulty with that aspect of the business.

One insider tells the magazine that Josh “looks happy” and “interacts very well with people.”

Given how long he kept his ugly past a secret while living the life of a “family values advocate” and even joking about incest on national television, we’re not surprised that Josh has had little difficulty in moving on, especially since he was never punished.

Something tells us things haven’t been as easy for as victims.