Showing posts with label Scare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scare. Show all posts

Friday, February 17, 2017

Leah Messer Opens Up About Daughter"s Health Scare

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you’re likely aware that Leah Messer has faced challenges that most parents prefer not to even think about.

Leah’s daughter Ali suffers from muscular dystrophy, and over the years, Messer has been forced to look on helplessly as her daughter’s condition deteriorates.

Ali is receiving the best possible medical care, but sadly, MD often gets more debilitating with age, and now, Leah is dealing with yet another terrifying medical crisis.

On the current season of TM2, Leah has been forced to confront the possibility that both of her twins might be suffering from muscular dystrophy.

The disease is genetic, and its symptoms manifest differently in each patient.

Thus, doctors warned, there’s a frighteningly strong possibility that Leah’s daughter Aleeah Grace is also afflicted with the illness.

Leah opened up about her fears for young Gracie on a recent episode of TM2:

“I just got back from Columbus, they said that [Ali] was getting stronger and she was doing fine,” Leah said.

“They actually want to get Gracie tested for MD as well, so I’ll have to take her back up there and they’ll have to do blood work and then we’ll know.”

She further articulated her fears in a conversation with a friend:

“She’s a child of Corey and I’s, and we carry the gene,” Leah explained.

“She hasn’t been tested. We thought that she had been tested, but I guess that was for some other testing research. The possibility of her even having it is worrisome to me.”

Leah’s fears were apparent  – and understandable – but as someone who’s spent several years witnessing the effects of the illness firsthand, she says she was confident that Gracie was not afflicted with the same condition as her twin sister.

“I felt pretty positive when Dr. Tsao asked about getting Gracie tested for the muscular dystrophy gene,” she recently told MTV News.

“I felt pretty confident that she didn’t have it, so I wasn’t too worried about it.”

Of course, raising a child with MD is no easy feat, and at times, Leah becomes visibly overwhelmed by the pressure of it all:

“No matter what, I may never see the decline that they see,” Leah said in a recent episode.

“I guess I’ll handle that when it comes you know? It made it hard at 17, knowing something’s wrong with this baby that you love so f–king much.”

In the past Messer has been criticized by her parenting, but while fans may not always agree with her decisions, there’s no denying the profundity of her love for her children.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Ray J SLAMS Kim Kardashian and Her Family: They Don"t Scare Me!

Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Ray J has been doing this thing lately where he keeps talking about Kim Kardashian and the relationship they had all those years ago.

And by “lately,” we mean “for the past ten years.”

But for whatever reason, he’s really been kicking it into overdrive lately, talking about her at any possibly opportunity.

Maybe he’s just feeling a little lonely and desperate for attention. We know, we know, that doesn’t sound like Ray J, but what else could be going on with him?

Why else would he be so intent on going after Kim, her famous family, and her marriage?

Whatever’s going on with him, he doesn’t seem to be willing to stop anytime soon.

In a new interview with Radar, he said that the Kardashians “don’t scare me.”

“Even if they did call” to tell him to hush, he says “it wouldn’t matter. There’s nothing they could do or say to me to get me to do anything I don’t want to do.”

Boy, how tough you are, Ray J. Talking trash about a much more famous woman you dated over a decade ago. How very impressive.

And to further prove his … what is this, his courage? His kindness? His desperation? Well, to prove it, he put aside his issues with Kanye West to say some nice words about the Kimye marriage.

“I wish them both luck,” he says. “It’s not always going to be easy when you’re married — they’ll have good times and bad times.”

“Anyone who’s married just needs to stick with it and fight it out.”

But the nice-ishness didn’t last for two long — when asked about the divorce rumors and if he thought they’d make it, he responded with “Um, nah.”

“I wouldn’t bet on them like that,” he says.

OK, to address that first bit, the part where he says that the Kardashians don’t scare him?

Maybe they should.

He’s been pushing his luck lately, we’d imagine — just last week, he claimed that Kris Jenner “was totally involved in arranging the sale of Kim’s tape.”

Then, earlier last month, he called Kim a “player,” and he said that she cheated on him during their relationship.

On top of all that, he continues to promote their famous sex tape, something she’s repeatedly said she’d like to put behind her. Figuratively, of course, not literally, like … never mind.

And to address that second part about Kim’s marriage?

Who the hell is Ray J to stand up on a high horse about marriage? He’s been married for a few months to a woman named Princess Love, we wouldn’t exactly call him an expert.

But sure, Ray J, keep right on running your mouth. If you haven’t stopped yet, goodness knows you never will.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Jerry West Hospitalized After Medical Scare At Country Club

NBA legend Jerry West was hospitalized Tuesday after a medical scare at an exclusive L.A. country club, TMZ Sports has learned … but we’re told he’s doing much better now and has been released. Multiple sources tell us 78-year-old West was at a…


Jerry West Hospitalized After Medical Scare At Country Club

NBA legend Jerry West was hospitalized Tuesday after a medical scare at an exclusive L.A. country club, TMZ Sports has learned … but we’re told he’s doing much better now and has been released. Multiple sources tell us 78-year-old West was at a…


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Rob Kardashian Leaves Hospital After Diabetes Scare (VIDEO)

Rob Kardashian just left the hospital after getting treated for symptoms associated with his diabetes. TMZ broke the story … Rob checked himself into West Hills Medical Center Wednesday night near Hidden Hills. Our sources say he’d been stress…


Friday, November 4, 2016

Kim Kardashian Reacts to Kendall Jenner Health Scare: That"s Terrifying!

The ladies of the Kardashian-Jenner clan don’t strike us as the type to have much trouble with sleep.

In our minds, they lie down on 80 bajillion thread-count sheets each night for 11 hours of uninterrupted beauty shut-eye, awakening only when an implant shifts or when Kanye starts yelling at his breakfast burrito for not being dope enough.

But apparently, for Kendall Jenner, sleep doesn’t come easy, and it’s beginning to affect her work as someone who has her picture taken for a living,

It’s easy to take all the talk of Kendall’s sleep issues as the height of both First World Problems and a consequence of the annoying tendency of reality shows to milk drama out of the most inane day-to-day problems.

But in fairness, this isn’t your typical insomnia that we’re talking about.

It seems Kendall suffers from sleep paralysis, which is a terrifying-sounding condition in which sufferers wake up unable to move.

Pretty self-explanatory stuff, but her sisters make Kendall describe it to them in the clip below, both because they have to fill up an hour-long episode, and because they’re not exactly the sharpest bulbs:

“Basically, your mind wakes up, but your body is still asleep,” Kendall explains.

“Like, you wake up but nothing can move.”

She goes on to paint a pretty terrifying picture of this nightmarish condition:

“It’s the scariest thing in the entire world,” Kendall tells her sisters.

“You’re freaking out. All you want to do is be able to move, so you’re laying there, and you’re trying to move.”

Unfortunately for Kendall, her sister Kim exists in a constant state of botox-induced sleep paralysis, meaning that she once went to sleep at a plastic surgeon’s office and woke up unable to form facial expressions.

What we’re saying is Kim’s not the one to turn to if you’re looking for genuine sympathy.

But bless her heart, she tries:

“I’ve never heard of sleep paralysis, and I think it sounds like a crazy experience,” Kim tells the camera.

“I feel so bad that she’s been going through this.”

Yeah, there’s a reason Kim never took up acting.

Watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online for more Oscar-worthy performances the K-Squad.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Jill & Jessa Duggar: BOTH Delaying Pregnancies Due to Health Scare?!

Yesterday, we reported that Jill Duggar may be using birth control, despite the fact that contraceptives go against her religious beliefs.

We think even Jill’s ultra-conservative parents will forgive her in this case, however, as she and husband Derick Dillard are currently performing missionary work in El Salvador. 

The country is experiencing an outbreak of the mosquito-born Zika virus, which is known to cause severe birth defects in the children of infected mothers.

The government of El Salvador has issued a warning stating that residents should avoid getting pregnant until 2018 in order to effects of the illness.

Jill and Derick have already cut their missionary trip short once, thus forcing them to return an undisclosed amount in donations.

Obviously, the couple would like to avoid returning home ahead of schedule a second time, but a young, married woman going multiple years between pregnancies is virtually unheard of in Duggar Land.

Now, however, it looks as though the Dillards may as well stay put, as Zika has been detected in their home state of Arakansas as well.

Now the question is, will the virus prevent Jill’s sister Jessa from going forward with her second pregnancy?

As you probably know, Jessa gave birth to her first child back in November, and she’d reportedly been planning to try for a second child within the next six months.’

Now, it’s unclear if it will be safe for her to do so. 

Arkansas public health officials have not yet cautioned women against getting pregnant, but Zika has considerably increased the likelihood of birth defects in every other part of the world where it’s been detected.

Fortunately, Jessa has discussed her desire to adopt in the past, and it seems like that may be her safest option at the moment.

As for Jill and Derick, they may as well focus on their work in El Salvador, because it looks like their plans to expand their family will simply have to wait.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Shares Sad Selfie Following Rob Kardashian Health Scare

Khloe Kardashian spent a lot of time in hospitals in 2015.

After weeks camped out by Lamar Odom’s bedside following his near-fatal overdose back in October, Khloe found herself back at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, visiting one of the other most important men in her life.

As we reported yesterday, Rob Kardashian was hospitalized over the weekend after experiencing a variety of worrisome symptoms.

It was later revealed that the 28-year-old is suffering from diabetes.

The family has yet to speak publicly on the matter, but last night, Khloe shared the above selfie, with a caption that reads simply, “Melancholy.”

We imagine the news hit Khloe particularly hard, as Rob is closer with her than any of his other sisters. In fact, he’s been living with Khloe throughout his recent period of seclusion.

While Kim Kardashian and others have blasted Rob in the press, saying that he spends his days drinking, smoking pot and playing video games, Khloe has struggled endlessly to nurture Rob back to health.

In her recent memoir, Strong Looks Better Naked, Khloe admits that she may be guilty of enabling her troubled younger brother:

I was constantly checking up on him, making sure he had the food he liked, seeing if he needed anything from the store, asking what I could do to make him more comfortable.

“My sisters said I was babying him and that he’d never leave the house if I didn’t let him fend for himself. I argued with them because it was an emotional issue, and emotion tends to cloud your thinking.”

“He will make changes in his life when he is able to motivate himself. And as much as I wish I could light that fire for him, I now see that the chances of that happening are slim to none.

We think it’s safe to say that in addition to sharing her family’s concerns about her brother’s condition, Khloe may feel more than a bit responsible.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Cancels Book Tour Due to Lamar Odom Health Scare

Khloe Kardashian refuses to leave Lamar Odom’s bedside.

Even for an opportunity to make lots of money.

Sources have confirmed that the reality star has canceled her upcoming book tour because she’s too concerned about Odom’s health status.

Kardashian’s estranged husband is recovering in Los Angeles after having been transferred from a hospital in Las Vegas.

But he remains in bad condition due to what insiders now say was a suffering of 12 strokes.

Khloe flew on a private jet to be there for Odom on the night he was fell unconscious at a Nevada brothel and was taken by ambulance to be under doctor’s supervision.

He spent multiple days in a coma, but showed signs of life over last weekend.

Still, soon after Lamar was transported to California, he underwent two procedures on his chest. The troubled star has a very long way to go.

Therefore, Khloe will no longer be touring the country in promotion of “Strong Looks Better Naked,” a memoir/self-help book that will be available to purchase on November 3.

Earlier this week, the racy cover hit the Internet, as fan were treated to the sight of Khloe Kardashian naked.

According to the official synopsis of the book, Khloe will share “her secrets for finding strength of body, heart, mind, and soul with inspirational, revealing stories of her own struggles with weight, relationships, and her self-image.”

She has agreed, of course, not to divorce Lamar after all.

But this decision arrived far too late to be included in the book.

We continue to send our best wishes and our thoughts to Khloe and Lamar during this difficult time.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Such Good News! Kim Zolciak Confirms She"s Home With Family, Continues To Recover From Health Scare!


It’s been a crazy and scary last few days for Kim Zolciak-Biermann, but at least she’s finally returning to some normalcy, since she’s now out of the hospital and back with her family!

Related: Here’s Why The Stroke May Have Actually Saved Kim’s Life

The DWTS star confirmed with a Sunday afternoon statement through her rep, Jack Ketsoyan, that she was back with her family:

“I want to thank everyone for their love and support over the past few days. I am now home with my family, resting and taking care of my health.”


As for her spot on DWTS, well, Kim was non-committal amid rumors that she may not return to the show, only saying:

“I can’t express enough how much I love dancing and this whole experience, and I hope this will not be the end of dancing.”

We’ll see what happens with that ahead of a new episode of the show this week, but at Kim is now back, safe, and home again!

Her hubby Kroy Biermann just won a really important game with the Atlanta Falcons in Dallas this afternoon, so we know he must be excited and hurrying home to see her, too!!

[Image via RWong/WENN.]