Showing posts with label Scott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

Scott Disick Reality Show Coming Soon: Get Ready For Drunken Mayhem!

Based on the many ways he mistreated her daughter during their decade-long relationship, you might think that Kris Jenner would want to have Scott Disick killed, or at least forcibly removed from Calabasas.

But Kris has a history of being oddly forgiving of her daughters’ horrible boyfriends.

And so, rather than having him rolled up in a carpet and tossed off the Santa Monica Pier, Kris is partnering up with Scott to produce yet another ill-conceived Keeping Up With the Kardashians spinoff.

Because clearly E! is hoping the eighteenth time is the charm.

Anyway, the project is currently untitled, but we’re sure when Scott and company eventually decide on a name, it will involve some dumb pun on the word “lord.”

While most viewers would probably be much more interested in a show that’s centered around Disick’s alcoholism or his turbulent love life, producers have made the baffling decision to focus on Scott’s fledgling business ventures.

“It will probably come out next year, and it’s basically about me doing things that I’m interested in, which is buying and selling properties,” Disick tells People magazine.

“I guess it’s cool that people will be able to see something that’s a little bit different, and it’s cool for me because it’s something I’m passionate about,” he adds.

Yes, just like bidding on abandoned storage units or making needlessly elaborate cakes, house-flipping is one of those things that figures prominently in the daily lives of most Americans, yet has never been featured on a reality show.

So being the stable business genius that he is, Scott made the executive decision to fill that niche.

We’d be lying if we said we weren’t a little disappointed.

After all, a Scott Disick reality show is an idea with loads of potential … but only if it’s a warts-and-all portrayal of Scott at his worst.

It sounds like what we’re getting instead is a Kris-polished hagiographic take on the life of the Lord.

Of course, it’s possible that Kris and company will set out to make Scott look good and his hot mess self will shine through regardless.

After all, Scott is still dating Sofia Richie, and as far as we know, he’s still drinking.

When you’re drunk and dating a teenager, some drama is bound to unfold.

And we’re sure it’ll make for much more compelling television than all of the real estate deals in the world.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Scott Peterson Is Reportedly Trading Sex for Protection Behind Bars

Being famous and in prison is not a good combination. Being infamous and widely despised and in prison is usually worse.

Scott Peterson is about as infamous and widely despised as it gets, and his fellow inmates at San Quentin prison know that.

A new report alleges Peterson is so desperate to avoid the wrath of other prisoners that he is trading sexual favors for protection.

Raynard Cummings is a convicted cop killer and an armed robber.

He has been in prison since 1983 for the shooting of LAPD Officer Paul Verna.

In a lengthy letter published by RadarOnline, Cummings reveals that Scott Peterson is trading sexual favors for protection from a group of strong, burly inmates — including Cummings.

RadarOnline shares that Cummings is 61 years old, 6-foot-6, and 250 pounds.

It sounds like Cummings able to offer a great deal of protection from the regular beatings that Peterson would otherwise experience in general population.

Cummings has a nickname for Peterson — his “snowbunny.” Outside of prison, that nickname has some very different meanings. Behind bars, well …

Cummings and his group within San Quentin are apparently known as the Tribe.

In addition to sexual favors, Peterson apparently performs unenviable chores — like washing the Tribe’s underwear — and also gives them backrubs with massage oil int he showers.

Though Cummings cannot imagine why Peterson actually requested to be moved out of protective custody and placed in the general population, he writes that he enjoys reaping the benefits.

“Taking SP [Scott Peterson] in was and is one of the sweetest move[s] I’ve ever made in 37 years of death row imprisonment,” Cummings writes.

“For whatever reasons,” Cummings writes. “SP wanted to hang out with the baddest of the blackness…This is the circle in which SP chose to walk into in the middle — and then to stay in the middle of — learning the program.”

“I call him my Death Row sissy,” Cummings explains. “Because he’ll do just about anything to save his worthless neck.”


Cummings elaborates, saying: “He knows he’s one of the most hated men in here and could be killed at any moment.”

Cummings even included some more salacious details about his interactions with Peterson in the showers, writing: “The shower felt silky-smooth and SP to me is one handsome white boy.”

The world knows the grisly details of Laci Peterson’s murder. So many people wasted countless hours searching for Laci when, the court concluded, her husband knew the whole time where she was — because he had been the one to murder her.

Scott Peterson has been on death row for many years, now.

He has made numerous attempts to appeal his conviction, but to no avail.

It is difficult to imagine why someone like Peterson would want to enter the general population — unless, of course, he simply had a death wish, and changed his mind afterwards.

What Cummings describes should probably not be confused with prison rape, another serious issue. This sounds like Peterson has effectively hired these men to protect him from other men.

But it’s still not a good situation.

Some might view Cummings’ letter as some form of justice.

Others believe that every day on which Peterson draws breath is an injustice, and that we — all of us who are good people — will live in a better world the day that he finally dies.

Whether or not you believe the word of a death row inmate who was convicted of murdering a police officer during a routine traffic stop, the letter is an indictment of the prison system.

Even if you believe that Peterson deserves his current fate as described by Cummings, we all know that there are innocent people behind bars who become victims of violence.

We should have prisons designed in such a way that inmates, guilty or innocent, are not at the mercy of strong, vicious criminals who have nothing to lose.

That said … it is difficult if not impossible to feel sorry for Scott Peterson.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Pregnant AND Engaged to Travis Scott?!

It’s been a busy few weeks for Kylie Jenner.

First, the 20-year-old mother of one sparked a debate over what it means to be a self-made billionaire.

Shortly thereafter, Kylie covered GQ along with her longtime boyfriend, Travis Scott.

It was an unexpected move from a couple who’s kept a low profile throughout most of their relationship.

Fans rushed to overanalyze the cover, with many concluding that it signaled a shift in focus from Kris Jenner, who’s now devoting herself to promoting her youngest daughter’s career and business interests.

Of course, nothing drums up publicity faster than a major event in celebrity’s personal life.

And that may be why so many are now convinced that Kylie has another big announcement on the way.

Yes, according to Life & Style, Kylie is alrready expecting her second child.

“[Kylie] confessed to pals that she was trying for another baby just a couple of months after Stormi was born,” a source tells the tabloid.

Needless to say, fans are highly skeptical of this claim, and the L&S article isn’t terribly convincing.

Aside from dubious quotes from anonymous “insiders,” the piece relies on shaky evidence, such as Kylie’s sudden craving for In-N-Out Burger.

The quotes from Kylie and Kris on the cover (“I want Stormi to have a little brother!” Kylie allegedly stated.) don’t appear anywhere in the actual article.

But that doesn’t mean Kylie’s personal life has become stagnant.

Just last week, Kylizzle posted the above pic to her Instagram page, and it’s got fans talking for all the obvious reasons.

Yes, it’s a diamond ring, which can only mean one thing — Kylie is extremely wealthy and can afford to buy herself diamonds anytime she wants.

In all likelihood, the ring is a gift from Scott, but that doesn’t mean he and Kylie are engaged.

In fact, the rumor really doesn’t hold up to much scrutiny:

Would Kylie Jenner really announce her engagement in such a low-key way?

Well, she did keep her pregnancy on the down-low for as long as humanly possible, but that was a different scenario.

Kylie’s out-of-wedlock pregnancy was reportedly unexpected, and may have hurt her reputation with some of her more conservative fans.

Marrying Scott, however, is the move that every fan expects and most are rooting for.

Expect a much flashier announcement when travis finally pops the question.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Leonardo DiCaprio Adds Scott Eastwood to His Beach Volleyball Team

Leonardo DiCaprio’s new wingman is Scott Eastwood, at least when it comes to summer beach volleyball. Hide your eyes, Tobey Maguire.  The actors got some action in the sand Sunday in Malibu, and looks like the match was going their way –…


Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott Try to Bury Breakup Rumors with PDA Pic

In a little over a week, sweet baby Stormi Webster will turn 6 months old. Yes, really.

In the mean time, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott just had their GQ cover, but they’re not limiting their PDA to magazines. They’re also cozying up on social media.

After rumors of the two breaking up after a massive fight, this may be an effort to silence those stories.

Kylie Jenner used her social media savvy to build her brand — and an (almost) billion-dollar makeup empire.

But Travis Scott is no stranger to social media. He even still uses Snapchat!

And it was on Snapchat that the rapper shared a cuddly PDA photo of him with Kylie.

The black-and-white photo is simply captioned “first ferdi.”

While Ferdi can be short for Ferdinand, in this context, it is simply slang for “a very cute-ass boy.” We’re not joking.

Kylie Jenner Cuddles with Travis Scott on Snapchat

Recently, Kylie and Travis were reportedly in a heated argument.

It was said to have started while the two were having dinner, with the young couple leaving dinner in a huff after only 45 minutes.

According to eyewitnesses, the situation seemed to have deteriorated further once they returned to the hotel room, because Travis apparently left the hotel room in a hurry.

In fact, it was even speculated that Kylie had kicked Travis out for the night, but that was purely speculation.

A lot of people have felt that the couple who conceived just weeks after they began dating and whom many believe are only together because of Stormi are just not a great match.

So, are they trying (and failing) to make it work just to remain together for Stormi’s sake?

As part of her interview for their recent GQ cover, Kylie wrote that it is “normal” for them to get “in a little fight” from time to time

“When we fight, it’s usually just because we’ve been away from each other for too long and we didn’t see each other for, like, two weeks,” Kylie explains.

That sounds pretty toxic. Isn’t absence supposed to make the heart grow fonder?

“And we have Stormi now,” Kylie says. “And I can’t travel with her. She’s too young. So it’s harder to see each other.”

So, usually, Kylie stays at home with Stormi while Travis goes on tour to rap, and apparently to do his best DoodleBob impression.

If this very normal dynamic between the two of them is really causing them to fight, then it probably speaks to deeper, underlying issues, right?

We don’t know what these arguments are about on the surface.

But couples who argue a lot — and we cannot stress enough that, no matter what you saw or heard on teen dramas, that is not healthy — tend to have unspoken reasons for disagreements.

Maybe it’s just Kylie missing Travis or vice-versa.

Or maybe it’s Kylie resenting that her life has been totally transformed while Travis goes on tour whenever he wants to.

Kylie continues to avoid showing her baby’s face in order to punish fans who made up rumors about her having a different baby daddy.

Being a celebrity and a parent can lead to a lot of difficult choices, including how much exposure — if any — a baby should receive.

But Kylie and Travis may feel, as many fans believe, that they are obligated to stay together for Stormi’s sake.

Being a parent comes with a host of obligations, but staying in a toxic relationship is not one of them.

Sure, this sweet, cuddly photo that they shared might mean that they’ve made nice … but, realistically, how long is that going to last?


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott: Broken Up Following Massive Fight?!

The new issue of GQ features Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott on the cover, and the racy photo is accompanied by the couple’s most revealing interview to date.

Clearly, the Kris Jenner hype machine is in full gear, and these two are being “sold” to a new generation of Kardashian fans.

Unfortunately, it looks like all of that effort may have been for naught, as Radar Online is reporting today that Stormi’s parents have called it quits following a blow-out fight.

Now, rumors of Kylie and Travis breaking up seem to surface about once per week, but this time, there are actual witnesses to the aftermath.

Onlookers tell Radar that Jenner and Scott butted heads during their trip to New York City this week.

The fight reportedly began during dinner at hot spot Carbone’s, with the couple storming out the establishment after just 45 minutes.

And it seems this was no case of overcooked appetizers or shoddy service.

No, observers say the tension followed Kylie and Travis back to their hotel room where the situation deteriorated further.

Just about an hour after they returned from the restaurant, Travis stormed out the building, leaving Kylie on her own.

“He seemed angry and was walking really fast,” the eyewitness claimed. 

“It was super abrupt, their bodyguards didn’t even notice and when they figured it out, had to chase after him!”

And the onlooker speculates that it wasn’t Travis’ decision to spend the night elsewhere:

“It definitely looked like Kylie kicked Travis out,” the source claims.

For months now, we’ve been hearing reports that Travis and Kylie are ill-suited for one another and are trying to make their relationship work for the sake of their daughter.

One insider who’s close to the couple says Travis is beginning to buckle under the pressure of dating the world’s most famous 20-year-old.

“Travis loves Kylie, but he isn’t used to being in the spotlight in this way,” the insider claims.

“The harsh reality of what being a Kardashian boyfriend really means is slowly starting to dawn on him and he’s struggling with it.”

Sure, Travis was famous in his own right before the relationship began.

But Kylie is soon to be a “self-made” billionaire, and she has one of the largest social media followings in the world.

We’re sure there are many times when that feels impossible to live up to.


Jill Scott Says Her Estranged Husband"s Stuff"s in Storage, and He"s a Robe Thief

Jill Scott says she’s done all she can to return her estranged husband’s personal items, and if he really wants them he knows where to find them … but they won’t include those lavish robes, ‘cause he stole them! We broke the story … Michael…


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Kylie Jenner Dry Humps Travis Scott on New GQ Cover

We can now check off another first for Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott.

Back in February, of course, the stars welcomed their first child, a daughter actually named Stormi Webster.

Then, in May, the stars finally made their red carpet debut, posing for curious photographers at the MET Gala in New York City.

Now, the rapper and the self-made billionaire are featured on their first magazine cover, opening way up about their romanceto GQ… while playing right into their public personas.

Scott is the quiet and serious one.

Kylie is the provocative and playful one.

The cover image above depicts each exactly in these lights, doesn’t it?

As for details about their relationship, Scott starts by making it clear that he doesn’t believe talk that anyone who dates a member of this family will have his career derailed.

Kardashian curse, Kardashian schmurse, basically.

“I don’t even be looking at motherf-cers,” he tells the magazine, adding as only he can:

“I don’t be looking at sh-t. Kylie actually likes me for me. Man, hell nah. Nervous for what? I’m on my own island. So hey, come over there to Astroworld.

“I’m not into all the other sh-t. I don’t get involved. I’m over here. Kylie is different.”

We think this was Scott’s way of saying he doesn’t pay attention to social media chatter or celebrity gossip.

Kylie, meanwhile, just thinks that past Kardashian or Jenner lovers haven’t been able to “handle” the attention of dating her or one of her sisters.

But Scott? Well…

“I don’t think he’s really cool with it, but he deals with it, because we love each other and we have a family,” she explains.

“For sure, I know he doesn’t like the attention. That’s why we just go the extra mile to keep our relationship super private, or like, if he has events or something, I won’t come.

“Because I want him to do his own thing. I want him to be him. I don’t want it to be Kylie and Trav.

“If people don’t ever see us together, that’s okay with me, because we just do our thing.”

Critics have interpreted Kylie and Travis rarely going out together as a sign that their relationship is bogus.

Some people think they are pretending to be a couple still because it would look bad if they split so soon after a baby was born.

Kylie, however, scoffs at this notion. And she doesn’t let it bother her, either.

“I know these stories aren’t going to matter, so don’t even let them affect you, you know?

“There’s a lot of people who love us, but there’s also a huge handful of people who don’t like us.”

This is a fact.

Scott and Jenner met at Coachella last year and have been together since April of 2017.

They don’t really go on “dates,” Kylie says.

They also don’t see each other as often as they’d like to because Scott resides in Houston and Stormi is too young to travel a lot.

When they do hang out, though, they try to make the most of their time together. A recent case in point?

“The most romantic thing he’s done for me is, on my birthday, he woke me up out of bed at like six in the morning,” Kylie says, elaborating in precious detail:

“He was like, ‘We gotta go,’ and I’m just like half asleep, like, ‘What do you mean? What do you mean?’

“And he just starts pulling me, and the sun was just coming up, and he had flowers all the way down his house and violin players everywhere.

“The rager can have a sweet side.”


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Travis Scott Bonds with Kylie & Stormi in Hawaii Before Starting New Album

Travis Scott busted a Kanye West … taking the fam on a retreat before getting the creative juices flowing and starting work on his new album. Sources close to the situation tell TMZ … Travis, Kylie Jenner and their…


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Scott Pruitt Resigns as Head of the EPA After Restaurant Confrontation

President Trump just lost another cabinet member – Scott Pruitt, head of the Environmental Protection Agency, is resigning after getting a taste of what Sarah Huckabee Sanders went through at Red Hen. The President announced Thursday…


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Scott Disick and Sofia Richie: We"re Roommates!

According to a new report, Scott Disick and Sofia Richie are living in sin.

How so?

By living with each other!

Indeed, about one month after rumors of a Disick-Richie break-up ran rampant around the Internet, sources now tell Us Weekly that the couple isn’t just going strong…

… it’s taken a major step in a very serious direction.

“Scott and Sofia are moving in together,” a source tells this tabloid very simply in its latest issue, adding of the arrangement:.

“She’ll move into his house.”

The decision to shack up follows a lot of chatter about Richie ending this romance after Disick allegedly cheated on Sofia in Miami this spring.

Scott was also seen getting very close and awfully cozy with a mystery woman at Kanye West’s Ye album listening party in Wyoming on May 31.

Classic Scott Disick, right?

That’s what Kourtney Kardashian would say.

Still, despite the widely held belief that Disick was sticking his penis into at least one other woman just a little while back, many people close to the situation had a feeling Richie wouldn’t be able to walk away.

We guess she knew what she was getting into when she started dating Disick, right?

“It’s likely not totally over,” an insider told People Magazine of Richie and Disick in early June, right around the time of their alleged split, adding:

“They’ve broken up multiple times since they started dating and always ended up back together. No one would be surprised if they’re out again together in a few days or weeks.”

Well, sure, right?

Who can resist the… charm of Scott Disick? The rugged handsomeness of Scott Disick? The ability of Scott Disick to drink a lot of alcohol in one night?

We really have no idea at this point.

Following the news of Disick’s supposed indiscretions, a confidant revealed that Richie confided in her famous father, Lionel Richie.

And how did the veteran singer respond?

Us Weekly writes that he threatened “to cut her off and write her out of his will if she continues her relationship with Scott as he thinks he’s extremely toxic for her.”

It now sounds as if Richie is willing to call this bluff.

Disick, of course, shares three kids with Kardashian: Mason, 8, Penelope, 6, and Reign, 3.

How does Kourtney feel about her ex-boyfriend’s new living situation?

“She couldn’t be bothered by the drama,” says this first source. “She just cares about the kids and that they’re OK with the situation, which they are.”

It also helps that Kourtney is on vacation at the moment as well.

And by the looks of things, she has every reason not to care at all about what Scott is doing.

Because look at who Kourtney is doing:

Nice catch there, Kourt.

Go ahead and suck a large one, Scott.


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Danielle Bregoli to Kylie Jenner: I"m Coming for Travis Scott!

Most people look forward to turning 18 years old for any one of several reasons:

They can vote. They can purchase cigarettes. They can buy pornography.

But Danielle Bregoli has made it clear for awhile now that she isn’t like most people… and she’s just proved it again, according to a hilarious new gossip item.

You remember Danielle Bregoli, right?

Possibly? Maybe? Not anymore?

The teenager rose to fame via a couple appearances on the Dr. Phil Show, most notably the time in early 2017 when she screamed at an audience member with whom she was arguing to “Cash me ousside, howbow dah.”

The phrase made so little sense, and Bregoli came across as such an entitled little angry brat by yelling it, that she became a D-List celebrity for several months.

(It’s true. Welcome to the Social Media Era, folks.)

There was talk of a Danielle Bregoli reality show and even a music career for this very random 15-year old.

Thankfully, Bregoli has faded from the news of late, but In Touch Weekly claims she is formulating a plan to leap back into the spotlight.

It involves Travis Scott, Kylie Jenner, sex and romance.

Essentially, Bregoli plans to steal Scott from his baby mama.

“Danielle’s telling all her friends [that] Kylie better enjoy this time with Travis because once she turns 18, he’s hers,” a source tells this tabloid, presumably with a straight face.

This insider adds:

“For the longest time, she’s had the biggest crush on Travis. She digs his music, swag, sex appeal, everything about him.

“She’d love to collaborate with him because she thinks he’s more than talented.”

Scott, of course, is the father of Stormi Webster, a daughter to whom Kylie have birth back in February.

He and Jenner remain a romantic pairing, as proven by their above MET Gala appearance about six weeks ago.

They don’t seem totally and completely in love or anything, though, so maybe Bregoli has a shot!

Here’s the thing, though: Danielle turns 18 years old on March 26, 2021.

Does anyone really think he and Jenner will still be together at that point?

The consensus across the Internet is that Scott and Jenner didn’t mean to get pregnant and are only pretending to be together for a certain period of time now in order to not sully their image.

We’re guessing Kylie would happily just let Bregoli have Travis in a few years.

Last August, meanwhile, Bregoli mocked Jenner for her lip implants, while she’s often taken shots at her sister Kim Kardashian and other family members.

It’s not a bad strategy, really, to go after the big kahunas in the reality TV space in order to establish oneself as a threat.

Danielle may have missed her opportunity, however.

She was (somehow) huge for awhile last year and has since faded back into obscurity.

If she thinks that getting with Travis Scott far down the line will help her become rich and famous once again… well … we can’t wait to watch her try!


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

D.A. Rejects Scott Baio Case

Scott Baio is in the clear, because the L.A. County District Attorney has rejected Nicole Eggert’s sexual molestation claims against him. The D.A. cites the statute of limitations as the reason for the rejection. As TMZ reported, Eggert claimed Baio…


Thursday, June 14, 2018

Scott Disick & Sofia Richie Are Planning to Marry and Her Dad Is PISSED, Source Claims

When the world first learned that Scott Disick and Sofia Richie are dating, it was widely assumed that the relationship would last about as long as one of Scott’s many rehab stints.

But one year later, in spite of frequent rumors that Scott and Sofia have broken up, the couple is still going strong.

And it’s all much to the chagrin of Sofia’s famous father, Lionel Richie.

Lionel might be easy like Sunday morning most of the time, but when it comes to Scott and Sofia’s relationship, the singer-songwriter is not exactly dancing on the ceiling.

In fact, it seems he’s taken steps to ensure that Scott will not be able to get his hands on the Richie family fortune by marrying Sofia.

Insiders say the actions are less about Lionel protecting his finances, and more about dissuading Scott from continuing a romantic relationship with Sofia under false pretenses.

“Lionel’s preparing a $ 200 million prenup,” a source tells In Touch Weekly.

“He hates Scott and has tried to tell Sofia to leave him, but she won’t.”

“Lionel is a multimillionaire and Sofia has a huge trust fund,” another insider adds.

“He doesn’t want Scott getting a cent of it!”

Yes, Scott might have a decent-sized nest egg from his years with Kourtney Kardashian — during which he starred on a lucrative reality show and never had to spend a dime of his own money — but he also enjoys an insanely lavish lifestyle.

Disick’s not sitting on “never work again” money, and while he earns what most of us what consider a very nice living from social media endorsements it’s far from sufficient to support the kind of lifestyle Scott is accustomed to.

Plus, Scott’s been in the business long enough to know that that well is bound to dry up as his relationship with Kourtney becomes a distant pop cultural memory, and he continues to spend less and less time on Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

So Lionel’s not wrong to be skeptical of Scott’s intentions.

And he also hasn’t shied away from expressing his thoughts on Scott and Sofia’s relationship.

“She’s 19. When you’re 19, you know everything. Is it going to be for life? I don’t know,” Richie said in February.

“But for right now, it’s just a phase and I’m going to stand real still in the corner, get me a good drink and not make too much noise.”

Hopefully, he doesn’t stand too far back.

And hopefully Scott doesn’t follow his lead and enjoy a drink or 15 of his own.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Having Travis Scott Followed by Private Detectives?!

It may be that Kylie Jenner is jealous of Ariana Grande’s engagement and impatient for Travis Scott to put a ring on it, but … that doesn’t mean that all is well for these two.

In fact, a very disturbing report claims that Kylie is terrified that Travis is going to cheat on her while touring in Europe.

That’s not the disturbing part, though. What’s alarming is that she is allegedly having him tailed by private detectives to watch his every move.

It sounds like Kylie Jenner isn’t as peacefully content in her relationship as it appears.

“She’s having Travis followed,” a source informs RadarOnline.

This alleged private detective is supposed to be keeping tabs on her boyfriend and baby daddy at all times.

The insider says that Kylie is taking this extraordinary step “because she’s not 100 percent certain he won’t cheat if given the chance.”

Well, Travis is a rapper by trade. Like any performer, his entire career is basically one huge opportunity to cheat.

(Not an excuse! Just an opportunity)

But when Travis is touring in Europe? He’s likely to be surrounded by temptation at all times.

Admittedly, this whole situation reminds us of some sort of noir film.

It is all too easy to imagine a black-and-white scene of Kylie Jenner walking into some private eye’s office with a subtle veil descending from the brim of her hat.

But the insider claims that this is no joke — that Kylie is genuinely concerned that Travis is going to give in to temptation.

“She’s freaking,” the source explains. “Because he’ll be on the road and out of her sight.”

Sometimes, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

But in light of how Kylie’s sister Khloe was humiliated by Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal, maybe Kylie isn’t willing to be made to look foolish.

(Well, she doesn’t want to look more foolish than she does by dating a guy who did this at one of his shows, anyway)

The insider explains that Kylie is paying a hefty price (literally) for keeping Travis under surveillance.

“It’s really for peace of mind,” the source explains. “But the private eye doesn’t come cheap.”

Of course. Private investigators cost money — especially when it potentially involves a lot of travel and following someone who has their own private security.

The source explains: “It’s costing her thousands of dollars because she wants him tailed 24/7.”

That’s much more expensive than just finding out if someone’s spouse really goes out with coworkers on Wednesdays, or whatever.

The source then shares something that’s alarming — more so than Kylie’s suspicions.

(Though, to be clear, this entire situation sounds unsettling and unhealthy)

“Even when Travis is around,” the insider says.

“She can’t resist peeking at his phone and checking to see who’s called him. And,” they add. “Reading his emails.”

That intrusive behavior is disturbing and toxic.

A lot of girlfriends and boyfriends feel entitled to look through their significant other’s texts and emails.

If people want to opt for that level of transparency, that’s fine. But otherwise, it’s a gross invasion of privacy.

Of course, you might say that having Travis followed isn’t much better.

Honestly? We would love for this report to turn out to be wrong. Perhaps someone misunderstood a joke. (Hey, it happens!)

First of all, we hope that Kylie is not a toxic person who invades her boyfriend’s privacy without a second thought.

Second of all, we hope that Travis is not an absolute idiot, and that Kylie knows that he isn’t one.

Kylie is hot, she’s the mother of his child, and she’s due to be worth about a billion dollars by the time that she’s old enough to rent a car.

If they decide to break up at one point, that would be one thing.

But cheating?

Travis would basically be throwing away a life of absolute, unparalleled luxury — which he will never make as a rapper, no shade — just to get his dick wet.

There are some people who would straight up have their penises removed for a billion dollars. Travis, we’re sure, can exercise wisdom and self-control.

Plus, you know, he presumably loves Kylie.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Scott Disick and Sofia Richie: We"re Back Together! I Mean, We Never Broke Up!

Over the weekend, news broke that Scott Disick and Sofia Richie had broken up.

Fans feared that Scott would fall off the wagon. Reports claimed that Scott had done the unthinkable and cheated on Sofia.

But maybe it was a false alarm? Scott and Sofia say that they’re back together … and would have us believe that they never even split in the first place.

Sources tell Us Weekly that Scott and Sofia are back together after some weekend awkwardness.

“They are now back together and Scott isn’t done with her.”

She’s 19 and gorgeous and he’s, well, older and thirsty. No one really imagined that he was over her.

The source lends some insight into how they believe that Sofia viewed things.

“Sofia had a strange weekend and Scott and her are working through things.”

Yeah, a weekend where you come to realize — or at least believe — that your boyfriend allegedly cheated on you would be strange, to say the least.

For his part, Scott took to his Instagram stories to mock the very idea of a breakup.

“We had no idea we even broke up.”

Scott’s message continued, ostensibly showing that there were no hard feelings over the split reports.

“But thanks for thinking of us.”

it sounds like either some very reputable sources were “confused” or misled over the weekend — which can happen to anyone, we suppose.

Or, and perhaps more likely, it sounds like Scott is doing his best to put that particular genie back into the bottle by laughing off the idea of cheating and a breakup.

So … what happened?

Kanye celebrated his new album in Wyoming with a listening party. Though many people are done with him, he still has a lot of friends and family.

(Scott is the father of three of Kanye’s niblings, and was basically his brother-in-law)

Scott was spotted, according to reports, looking “really sloppy” and all but unable to speek while allegedly with another woman at Kanye’s Ye listening party.

This came after reports that Scott had dallied with another woman while in Miami.

A source claimed that Sofia’s family, in particular, was upset at the claims.

“[Lionel] said he is going to cut her off and write her out of his will if she continues her relationship with Scott.”

From the beginning, Lionel Richie has been honest about the fact that he’s “scared to death” by Sofia dating Scott.

“As he thinks he’s extremely toxic for her.”

A lot of people have felt that way about this pairing.

It does seem clear that Scott and Sofia are together.

They reunited for lunch on Monday and one might assume that they are both eager to put this “strange weekend” behind them.

Sofia wants to forget the unpleasant revelations.

Scott presumably wants to forget the contents of Ye.

And they’re happy together.

Does this mean that Lionel Richie is totally fine with them continuing to date?

Because, if he really did make an ultimatum, that’s a no-brainer. He’s worth about $ 200 million. No man on the planet is worth that much, no matter what Disney movies might claim.

If Lionel really did demand that Sofia break up with Scott, though, he may have changed his tune. Sofia is an adult, after all.

She’s entitled to make her own mistakes.

Besides, she may have convinced him that Scott didn’t really cheat. Celebrities know better than anyone that sometimes, stories don’t reflect the whole truth.

So, like it or hate it, Sofia and Scott are together.

How long will they stay that way? We can only guess.


Travis Scott to Kylie Jenner: Stop Spoiling Stormi ROTTEN!!

Despite rumors that Kylie is planning to dump Travis Scott for being “too controlling,” these two new parents seem to be going strong.

But a report says that, behind the scenes, these two are clashing over one major part of their parenting styles.

Travis is said to be worried that Kylie is already spoiling Stormi, and worries that this could mess up their daughter for life.

In an explosive report from Life & Style, a source says that Travis wants Kylie to stop spoiling Stormi.

“Kylie’s spending a fortune on Stormi’s designer carriers, strollers, clothes, and accessories.”

She definitely is. These things are conspicuously nice.

“But Travis thinks it’s too much.”


“And wants her and her family to stop spoiling Stormi.”

So it sounds like Kylie isn’t the only one who buys their baby gifts by browsing the most expensive items.

“She’s just a baby.”

She sure is. In fact, Stormi is only a few days past being four months old.

The source continues.

“Travis didn’t have everything handed to him as a child and he wants the same for his baby.”

A couple of things.

One, Travis (whose real name is Jacques Webster, by the way) grew up in Houston in a middle class neighborhood.

When he dropped out of college to pursue music, his parents strongly objected, and they cut him off financially.

It took years for him to build up his career to where it is now. So we get where he’s coming from with that.

Two, obviously, the source’s phrasing is kind of funny.

Stormi is a baby and, obviously, should not have to work for anything. No babies should. That’s … well, that’s how babies work.

The source continues.

“He worked for everything he has.”

His baby mama, though she has definitely put in work to build her own personal fortune the way that she has, was also born into wealth.

“And feels Kylie’s parenting skills are over-the-top because she’s had a silver spoon in her mouth since birth.”

Apparently, Travis worries that Kylie just isn’t looking at this the right way.

“He wants Kylie to have some perspective.”

He allegedly thinks that the constant extravagant gifts and accessories need to stop.

“And stop spending so much on the baby before it’s too late.”

Too late … for what?

This sounds like it runs a little counter to Travis’ reported demands that Kylie become a stay-at-home mom in order to devote more time and energy to their daughter.

But let’s point out a couple of things:

One, this is not confirmed. It’s not as though Travis is tweeting this.

So there is always the chance that Travis made a comment about Kylie’s ludicrously expensive baby accessories and that a friend or acquaintance overheard it and blew it out of proportion.

Two, Stormi is four months old. So you might say that she’s, well, four months old.

Not only is it not possible to spoil a four month old baby, but all of the items listed — strollers, carriers, and so on — aren’t really gifts for Stormi.

Those are Kylie’s tools and accessories.

Obviously, there are lines that a parent should not cross with respect to their child. Giving your child everything that they want as they get older could compromise their safety.

But many would say that part of the joy of becoming wealthy is to be able to provide your children with nice things throughout their lives and to secure their future.

But the real issue here may be this:

If Travis Scott really feels this way, does that mean that he doens’t think that Kylie turned out alright? And if that’s the case, why is he with her?

Something to consider.
