Showing posts with label Swanson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swanson. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Is Josiah Duggar"s Fiancee Breaking the Family Rules?!

It’s only been a month since the world learned that Josiah Duggar is engaged to Lauren Swanson, but it looks like the young couple is already tossing aside some of his family’s most strictly-enforced rules.

In fact, if you’re one of the more devout Duggar fans, you may want to sit down for this one…

Ladies and gentlemen, we give you – Lauren’s shins:

Yes, that outfit might not seem particularly revealing, but by Duggar standards, it’s downright risqué.

The famous Duggar dress code dictates that all unmarried women must wear skirts with hems that fall safely below their knees.

In the interest of playing it safe, Josiah’s sisters typically wore floor-length skirts and dresses.

As you can see from the photo below, Lauren has mostly followed suit.

But on her recent trip to San Antonio with Josiah and family, Lauren favored a slightly less conservative look:

“Enjoyed a beautiful evening in San Antonio on the river walk, and checking out the Alamo with Lauren and the family!” Josiah captioned the photo.

Typically, Duggar kids aren’t allowed to have social media profiles until after they’re engaged, but a special exception has been made for Josiah due to the fact that this is not his first relationship.

Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015, but the romance ended abruptly and without explanation.

Fans still aren’t sure what led the couple to call it quits, but the breakup helped bolster Josiah’s reputation as being much more progressive than his siblings and taking an almost-modern view of dating and relationships.

The fact that his girlfriend feels comfortable wearing playing fast and loose with the Duggar dress code has only cemented that view of the 21-year-old reality star:

“Pls let her wear whatever she wants! You seem to be the cool Duggar!” commented one fan on Josiah’s photo.

“A woman should be able to express her self anyway she want! There is nothing wrong with a good pair of jeans! Break free from this ridiculousness!”

As In Touch Weekly points out, planning for Josiah and Lauren’s wedding is already underway, and it seems Si can’t wait for the big day.

On a recent outing, he and Lauren were chaperoned by his younger brother Jason.

Josiah posted a pic of the excursion with a caption reading, “Third wheel problems.”

We guess Jinger’s not the only rebel in the family!

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial clan.


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Why Is Josiah Duggar"s Mystery Girl Keeping Such a Low Profile?

It’s been nearly two months since we first learned that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are engaged.

The news came just weeks after word of Josiah and Lauren’s courtship went public, but that’s not unusual in the Duggar clan.

Relationships proceed quickly for the members of reality TV’s biggest brood, even when the parties involved are as young as Josiah and Lauren.

(He’s 21; she’s just 18.)

But the newest Duggar couple is unique in at least two important ways:

For one thing, this is not Josiah’s first courtship.

As Duggar obsessives are no doubt aware, Josiah briefly courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015.

The relationship didn’t work out, making Josiah the first of his generation to enter a courtship that didn’t result in marriage.

On top of that, virtually nothing is known about Lauren, her past, or her family.

A few details about Lauren’s parents and siblings have been revealed on the Duggars’ social media pages, and not surprisingly, her clan shares a lot in common with Josiah’s.

“They’re really similar, our families, with a lot of the same goals,” Josiah said of the Swansons in a recent interview.

He’s certainly not joking on that score.

Lauren is the daughter of a minister, and her mother is currently pregnant with her ninth child.

The Swanson family may never balloon to the staggering size of the Duggars, but it seems Lauren’s parents are also big into procreation.

But what about Lauren herself?

In video interviews she’s recorded alongside her fiancé, Swanson has been virtually silent.

No big surprise there, as we imagine it’s rather daunting to go straight from the shadows of obscurity into the glaring spotlight of Duggar fame.

But between her youth and the quickness with which her relationship with Josiah has proceeded, it’s possible that Lauren will marry into the Duggar family while remaining more of a mystery to fans than any of her predecessors.

Naturally, fans have a lot of questions.

For now, at least, Lauren’s not doing much talking, but fortunately, some of those questions have laughably obvious answers.

One thing that a lot of fans seem curious about is Lauren’s education level.

Many have wondered if she’ll attend college, and while Ms. Swanson has been mum on the matter, we think we can safely answer for her by saying, no, she will not.

Duggars have little respect for formal education, and very few members of the family have shown any interest in further study beyond the GEDs they all get when they complete their homeschooling.

As for Lauren’s curious lack of a southern accent – a matter that’s also raised quite a few eyebrows among the Duggar faithful – well, we don’t know for sure where she’s from, but we’re guessing it’s of little concern to Josiah.

After all, a woman doesn’t have to be Dixie Land to pop out a whole lot of children.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson: Breaking Courtship Rules In Front of his Parents?!

Last week, we learned that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are engaged.

Obviously, this means another Duggar wedding is on the way.

But for the young couple, it might mean something even more immediate and important

You see, according to Duggar courtship rules, Josiah and Lauren are allowed a bit more physical contact know that they’re engaged.

In other words, the couple went from barely being able to touch at all to holding hands for brief periods and engaging in “side-hugs.”

What they are not allowed to do, however, is paw at each other like lustful wildebeests in heat!

And from the way fans are reacting to a new video of the couple, you’d think that’s exactly what they’re doing:

The clip below appeared on the Duggars’ website earlier this week:

“I know Josiah feels very honored that you have accepted him as your fiancé,” Michelle tells an obviously nervous and reticent Lauren.

“I’m really looking forward to marrying you,” Josiah says at one point.

“And starting a new life and a new journey together with you along that path with me.”

Lauren continues to smile sheepishly, and at one point manages to remark that she’s “speechless.”

Then she saves herself by blurting out “God is good” at the end of the video.

Needless to say, even at a scant 90 seconds, it’s a pretty boring clip.

Or at least it would be, were it not for the fact that Josiah and Marjorie maintain physical contact the whole time, which has caused some Duggar fans to lose their freakin’ minds.

As you can see, Lauren has her hands on Josiah’s arm throughout the clip.

Since this is the Duggars we’re talking about, that was sufficient to whip some fans into a frenzy:


“I can feel the sexual tension between these 2 from here! They wanna do it, ASAP,” wrote another.

Yes, a little thumb-on-arm action is all it takes to get Duggar fans envisioning the wedding night.

It’s an extreme read on a very innocuous video, but in a sense, the Duggars invite this sort of fixation by talking so much about their premarital restrictions.

So are Josiah and Lauren breaking the rules of courtship here?

Not exactly, but they’re probably going a bit further than Michelle and Jim Bob would prefer.

Though come to think of it, just by being in the same room, they’re going further than Michelle and Jim Bob would prefer.

Watch Counting On online for a refresher course on the Duggar Rules For Sexual Frustration. 


Monday, March 5, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson: Engaged!

More big news out of the tiny town of Tontitown today.

It’s only been two months since we learned that Josiah Duggar was courting Lauren Swanson, but we now know that the young couple has decided to take the next step in their relationship.

Yes, Josiah and Lauren revealed today that they’re officially engaged!

They shared the news with fans in a joint interview with Us Weekly:

“This is an exciting, big step in our lives, and the whole thing was very meaningful,” Josiah told the mag when asked how he popped the question.

“The place where I proposed to Lauren is the exact spot where her parents were engaged. There’s a lot of family history on this property, making it a special place for Lauren.”

Lauren was equally ecstatic in her own description of the proposal:

“I’m really excited to be getting married to Josiah,” she told the tabloid.

“Everything about the engagement was such a special moment for me. I’m especially looking forward to spending the rest of my life with him!”

Josiah gushed about Lauren’s family and spoke with obvious excitement about the prospect of the two clans uniting:

“It’s going to be neat to see two great families come together in this union,” Duggar tells Us.

“It’ll take a lot of planning since we have big families on both sides, but we’re very excited to get started and so thankful for how God has brought our lives together.”

While an engagement is generally a foregone conclusion once a Duggar announces a courtship, that’s not always the outcome.

In fact, before he met Lauren, Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson, but the couple abruptly called things off without explanation.

Needless to say, Duggar fans are thrilled that the 21-year-old had better luck the second time around.

Thus far, Josiah and Marjorie haven’t offered any details in terms of the date of their nuptials, but whenever exchange vows, you can bet it’ll be a lavish affair with 1,000 0r so guets in attendance.

It’s the Duggar way.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, February 23, 2018

Josiah Duggar: Adorably Obsessed with Lauren Swanson

Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are clearly enamored with each other.

As they push the boundaries of what’s allowed for their courtship, Josiah can’t stop gushing about how much he adores Lauren.

Fans can’t get enough of these two.

For the longest time, fans worried that Josiah Duggar would never court the right girl.

He’s 21-years-old and while, in real life, that’s a normal age to focus on being a person, in the Duggar fertility cult, he’s practically an old maid — he’s expected to settle down and get married.

Now Josiah is in a courtship with Lauren Swanson, with whom he’s been friends for years. Their easy comfort with each other is winning over fans.

It’s also creating “problems,” only by Duggar standards, because Duggar courtship rules, but we’ll get into that in a moment.

Just look at Josiah’s latest post on Instagram. He really can’t stop gushing about Lauren.

Lauren Swanson Josiah Duggar Facetime

Josiah Duggar captioned this photo, a still of his FaceTime with Lauren:

“Anyone who knows me knows that I’ve always been a talker. But now I love being a listener, too. [red heart emoji] #facetimewiththebest”

One has to imagine that courtship rules require a chaperone even for Facetime.

Those of us who live in the real world instead of in the Handmaid’s Tale LARP into which the Duggar children are born know that live video chats can be used for conversations of a very adult nature.

Still, they can have sweet conversations with each other and grow even closer. … With supervision.

We mentioned that there were “problems” with this relationship, from a certain point of view.

As much as fans and viewers enjoy seeing Josiah so happily besotted with Lauren Swanson, it appears that Josiah and Lauren may have broken some courtship rules.

The couple has been spotted appearing to push the limits of what the Duggars allow.

Brace yourselves for this rollercoaster of illicit carnal transgressions, folks:

-Hand-holding (gasp!)

-Faces close enough that they could almost be kissing but are not kissing (no!)

-Front-hugging, also known as the devil’s embrace

While it seems like none of these scandalous violations are enough to get Josiah sent to the same “counselors” that Josh Duggar has seen, it looks like the easy affection between these two is testing the limits.

Of course, there may be a reason that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar might be less horrified than usual by Josiah and Lauren’s closeness, and it’s not just because the two have been friends for ages.

See, news of this courtship caused old gay rumors about Josiah to resurface.

The rumors largely had to do with his courtship with Marjorie Jackson and the unexplained ending of the courtship, weeks later. Most Duggars marry the first person they court.

So, was Josiah’s issue that he doesn’t like women?

Truth be told, the Duggars have a lot of children. Statistics and common sense can tell anyone that not all of them are straight.

Growing up among the Duggars, they’d be forced to hide and suppress their identities, and countless LGBT folks have done in countless homophobic societies for millennia.

But none of that means that Josiah is gay, or even bisexual. And given the environment in which the Duggar children live, trying to “out” one of them would be especially dangerous — whether it’s true or not.

So some wonder if Jim Bob looks the other way when Josiah and Lauren swoon over each other because he hopes that it quashes any gay rumors.

That doesn’t mean that he’ll let them break all of the courtship rules.

They’ll have to save things like actually-having-private-conversations and other things that people use to get to know one another until they’re actually married.

Most couples find that not knowing each other before the wedding is disastrous and it leaves to marriages that end sooner rather than later.

But the Duggars have a little secret trick that keeps their marriages going:

They don’t believe in divorce.


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Josah Duggar GUSHES About Lauren Swanson!

It’s been barely over a week since Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson confirmed that they’re courting.

Though this is not Josiah’s first courtship — which is practically scandalous for the Duggars — the couple already seems to be over the moon about each other.

In fact, Josiah seemingly can’t stop gushing about Lauren. Which is very sweet … though some fans wonder if it’s an act.

Josiah Duggar is in a courtship with Lauren Swanson, a longtime friend of the Duggar family who is the oldest of eight children.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are eager for all of their offspring to start churning out fundamentalist babies — who, like their parents, are supposed to be nearly-mindless clones of Jim Bob Duggar in terms of beliefs and lifestyle.

But they only want their children making babies … or having sex … or kissing … or “front-hugging” (hugging like a normal person) … or even spending one-on-one time with each other under the auspices of marriage.

That’s what courtship means to the Duggars. It’s not just a whimsical word for dating, it’s a path to marriage.

For the Duggars, it’s a means of ensuring that they can control every facet of their children’s lives until they’re married off to someone whom Jim Bob and Michelle hope will keep them “honest.”

But though that might sound like the Torment of Tantalus to most of us, Josiah appears to be loving every minute of it. Just look at these photos he shared from the family’s trip to New Zealand.

In addition to the cozy photos, of what we imagine was a long walk on a New Zealand beach, Josiah used the captions to shower Lauren with affection.

“I’m really enjoying the beauty in New Zealand.”

And then a heart-eyes emoji.

“Oh, and the landscape is pretty nice too I guess.”

That line is followed by a winky-face emoji.

Finally, Josiah tags the post “#mygirl #lauren.”

When most people envision long walks on the beach, they don’t really picture a chaperone along to make sure that they obey courtship rules that would have seemed shocking even during the Middle Ages.

The family may be keeping an extra close eye on Josiah, in part because apparently Josiah and Lauren have been caught breaking courtship rules.

Holding hands (the devil’s grabbers!). Hugging from the front (the devil’s embrace!). Even kissing (the devil’s … kiss? I don’t know).

Of course, what’s characterized as a hug could simply be Josiah helping Lauren up and down or keeping her from falling.

But for two touch-starved people living in a cult that denies them their basic humanity? Touching each other’s arms while facing each other is like, third base.

Of course, while we’re happy for Josiah at the idea that he might attain some freedom from his parents’ controlling clutches, we should acknowledge that some fans worry that this is all a front.

See, Josiah has been followed by gay rumors for a while, and they’ve naturally resurfaced following the news that he and Lauren are courting.

The gay rumors started when Josiah ended his last courtship — for the Duggars, that’s tantamount to divorce. (Which, for the Duggars, would also be shocking)

Right after the breakup (is it still called a breakup if they weren’t doing what anyone would consider “dating?” Right after the split), Josiah was shipped off to one of the IBLF’s “training programs.”

Plenty of Duggars go through training (we’ve spoken about the Duggar family church in detail and what ex-members have to say), but the Duggars are known for shipping their kids off to scary cult programs if they show the slightest hint of, you know, being a sexual being.

Some fans wonder if he was caught in what might be considered a gay situation.

Even if the breakup was Duggar-ordered, though, it may be that Josiah was doing something else.

If he were caught masturbating, his parents might have decided that their son wasn’t ready for marriage or courtship (too overstimulating, tempting him to sin, etc) and shipped him off for more cultish lessons.

Now, with 19 kids, plenty of fans figure that at least a couple of the Duggar children have to be gay or bi.

Maybe so (and we wouldn’t wish a Duggar childhood on anyone, least of all an LGBT child), but jumping to conclusions because one guy ended a courtship and sometimes wears pastels is a bit of a stretch.

Just because he’s gushing about Lauren doesn’t mean that he’s trying to cover up his true feelings.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson: Caught Breaking Courship Rules ALREADY?!

It’s only been two weeks since we first learned that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are courting, but it seems the couple is already moving awfully fast.

Like, so fast his parents are probably about to spray them with a garden hose.

As you probably know, the Duggars follow a strict set of rules when it comes to the process of courting, which they describe as “datint with a purpose.”

That “purpose,” of course, is getting married and siring a small army of fundamentalist children.

As such, all forms of pre-marital hanky-panky are strictly prohibited.

But the Duggars don’t just forbid sexual intercourse.

No, they prohibit unmarried couples from engaging in just about any form of physical contact, including hand-holding and “front-hugging.”

(Courting couples are permitted to engage in brief “side-hugs,” which have been sanctioned by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, as they don’t involve any chest-to-chest or genital-to-genital contact. Seriously.)

For obvious reasons, the Duggars have had trouble enforcing these rules in the past.

For example, despite the fact that their dates were all chaperoned, Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth admitted to breaking courtship rules in the months leading up to their marriage.

We don’t know if that meant they simply held hands for too long, or dared to front-hug, or … went even further.

Whatever the case, “shotgun wedding” rumors began plaguing the Duggars shortly after Joy-Anna snnounced her pregnancy, and now it looks as though they have another courtship scandal on their hands.

Yes, it seems that just a few days after Josiah and Lauren confirmed their courtship, the couple was spotted violating the strict code of conduct set forth by his parents.

According to Radar Online, Josiah and Lauren have already been spotted, holding hands, hugging, and yes … even kissing.

The couple is currently on vacation in New Zealand, where Josiah’s family is doing a number of public appearances and speaking gigs.

At one point, the site reports, Josiah and Lauren visited a military monument with a tank that visitors are encouraged to climb into. 

Lauren apparently had trouble dismounting, and Josiah grabbed her around the waist to help her down.

That may not sound like a big deal, but as far as Josiah’s parents are concerned, he might as well have climbed into the tank with her and made a baby.

Interestingly, Josiah is unique amongst the Duggars in that this isn’t his forct courtship.

Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015.

The relationship ended under mysterious circumstances, and neither party has gone into detail about why they decided to call it quits.

So perhaps the rules are different for Josiah because he’s been down this road before.

We doubt it, but that might be how the 21-year-old is justifying his more hands-on approach to dating.

We’re guessing his parents aren’t thrilled, and Lauren’s familt–who is rumored to be just as conservative–probably isn’t too crazy about it, either.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Lauren Swanson: Who Is Josiah Duggar"s New Girlfriend?

Earlier this week, Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson revealed that they’re officially courting, much to the delight of fans of Josiah’s family.

Rumors of Josiah and Lauren’s courtship had been circulating for several months, and she even joined the Duggars on their recent tour of Australia and New Zealand.

But it wasn’t until Tuesday that the couple made it official with an announcement on the Duggars’ official Facebook page.

Josiah went into detail about his “courtship proposal,” telling fans:

“I came up behind her at a meal while she was hanging out with some of my siblings and surprised her, and surprised her.”

He added that while Lauren and her family are relatively new to Arkansas, she and Josiah were friends for quite some time before they decided to take their relationship “to the next level.”

“We’ve been friends for a while and got to spend a lot of time together,” Josiah said.

Lauren didn’t do much talking in her introductory video, and fans were left with a lot of questions–namely, who is she, exactly?

Well, the Duggars have promised that viewers will get to see a lot of Lauren on the upcoming season of Counting On, but here’s what we already know:

Like unmarried women in the Duggar family, Lauren avoids social media, which is just one of the indications that she adheres to a similarly strict code of conduct.

Lauren’s father is a minister, and according to OK! magazine, he shares the Duggars’ views on what constitutes appropriate attire for women.

In other words, you won’t see Lauren wearing any above-the-knee skirts anytime soon.

“They’re really similar, our families, with a lot of the same goals,” Josiah told fans yesterday.

Needless to say, that’s putting it mildly.

At 18, Lauren is a few years younger than 21-year-old Josiah.

She also comes from a very large family, but unlike Josiah, she’s the oldest of her siblings.

Lauren’s mother is currently pregnant with her ninth child.

It’s hard to believe that in 2018 it’s possible to live such a private life, but that’s pretty much all we know about Lauren at the moment.

Of course, we’re sure information about the potential newest member of the Duggar clan won’t be in short supply for long.

Watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for Lauren’s big debut.


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Josiah Duggar & Lauren Swanson: Courtship Confirmed!

Get ready for yet another awkward first kiss in front of a couple thousand wedding guests!

The Duggar family announced today that Josiah Duggar and Lauren Swanson are courting.

Rumors of Lauren and Josiah’s romantic involvement began last week, when she joined his family on a tour of Australia and New Zealand.

“I came up behind her at a meal while she was hanging out with some of my siblings and surprised her, and 

“We’ve been friends for a while and got to spend a lot of time together.

“They’re really similar our families, with a lot of the same goals.”

“We’re excited about sharing our journey on Counting On,” Lauren concluded.

Josiah elaborated on his feelings for Lauren in an interview published today by People magazine.

“We are overjoyed to begin this new phase of our lives together,” he told the magazine.

“Through the years our families’ friendship has allowed us to get to know one another as friends. I can definitely say I have found a great friend … even better than I could have hoped for or imagined.”

Josiah went on to explain that he and Lauren were drawn to one another due to their similar values:

“I so appreciate Lauren’s Christlike character and tender heart toward others,” he said.

“She bring sunshine into the room and encourages everyone around her. It’s always stood out to me that in every situation, she looks for the one who appears to be sad or lonely and quickly can brighten their day by sharing words of hope, an encouraging scripture, a prayer or even a simple smile with them.”

Josiah is unique amongst his siblings in that he’s entered a romantic relationship that did not result in marriage.

Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015, but the couple called it quits after four months together.

“Marjorie and I had a good time together,” he said at the time of their split.

“We were just trying to follow God’s lead on everything. She didn’t feel that it was the right timing then, so we called it quits for a bit.”

Our sincere congratulations go out to both Josiah and Marjorie.

Watch Counting On online for more on the Duggars unique courtship practices.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Josiah Duggar: Courting Lauren Swanson!

Another Duggar is headed for the altar!

Sources close to the family have confirmed that Josiah Duggar is courting Lauren Swanson, a longtime family friend.

The Duggars have yet to officially announce the courtship, but insiders say there’s no mistaking the fact that Josiah and Lauren are an item.

Swanson joined the Duggars on their current trip to Australia, which is already an indication that she’s more than just a family friend.

Further driving the point home is the fact that Lauren is being treated like a guest of honor, joining the Duggars on stage for their public appearances, and conspicuously being seated next to Josiah.

Witnesses say Lauren is already greeting fans and signing autographs as though she’s one of the family.

While Duggar courtship rumors are certainly nothing new, Josiah’s situation is unique from those of his siblings.

Josiah courted Marjorie Jackson in 2015, and the two of them called it quits not long after announcing their relationship.

That makes him the only member of his immediate family to be involved in an unsuccessful courtship.

The cause of Josiah and Marjorie’s split remains a mystery, and some Duggar fans continue to obsess over what exactly went wrong.

“Marjorie and I had a good time together,” Josiah revealed to People magazine in 2016.

“We were just trying to follow God’s lead on everything. She didn’t feel that it was the right timing then, so we called it quits for a bit.”

The relationship ended abruptly, and seemingly not on good terms.

The family never announced the breakup, and Duggar fans simply pieced it together when Josiah deleted all photos of Marjorie from his Instagram page.

At one point, it was rumored that Marjorie was planning to write a tell-all exposing some of the Duggars’ darkest secrets, but the book never materialized.

Little is known about Lauren, but it’s assumed that, like Marjorie, she’s a particularly pious member of the Duggars’ congregation.

Those who know the Duggars best say they expect a formal courtship announcement will be made upon the family’s return to the States.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most famous family.


Monday, July 10, 2017

UFC"s Max Holloway Wants Tag Team Match Vs. Frankie Edgar & Cub Swanson

UFC star Max Holloway is calling for a tag team match — a 2-on-1 meg-brawl with Cub Swanson and Frankie Edgar … and let’s be honest, THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!!! TMZ Sports spoke with Holloway about the next man on his hit list — and he told us he’s…


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Makeup Artist Transform Into Ron Swanson: WATCH!

It"s always interesting to see stars with no makeup on.

They really do look very, very different.

But what about when someone goes in the opposite direction?

We"ve already seen the stunning transformation of one makeup artist into members of the Kardashian family.

And now we"re here with a video that is equally cool and different… and amazing.

In the following piece of footage, makeup guru Katelyn Galloway needs just four minutes to go from your basic very pretty female..

… to one of the funniest characters in sitcom history.

We"re talking about the very serious and very manly Ron Swanson of Parks and Recreation fame.

“I don’t have a lot of words to preface this video,” says Galloway, hilariously, at the beginning.

“But I will say this-the list of my favorite things that I have ever made goes as follows: 1. My child. 2. This.”

Swanson was portrayed by Nick Offerman throughout the hysterical run of the aforementioned NBC series.

He was known as a man who hated government… loved woodworking… and could eat all the bacon and eggs in a diner"s kitchen during a single sitting.

And we mean ALL the bacon and eggs, in case that wasn"t clear.

Swanson also once said "Never half-ass two things, whole-ass one thing."

Galloway is clearly heeding that advice in this mesmerizing video.

Check it out now.

Makeup artist transforms into ron swanson