Showing posts with label Trailer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trailer. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Real Housewives of New York City Trailer: The Boat Trip from Hell!

The Real Housewives of New York City are about to take a trip.

And they may never be the same.

Bravo has released a trailer for upcoming episodes of this franchise"s current season, with much of the footage focusing on much-anticipated and discussed boat trip in Colombia …

… and it looks and sounds truly insane.

Among the soundbites revealed in this preview:

Why is there a siren?

Where the f—k are the life jackets?

Get on the floor!

There are also quite a few tears shed, as teased here:

What the heck transpired on this so-called vacation?

Said Ramona Singer to Us Weekly in March:

"We hit extremely turbulent waters and we were freaking out. When you’re in turbulent waters and the boat’s really rocking … I was scared.

"I can’t swim so I was scared shitless, to tell you the truth."

It looks very much as if she wasn"t alone.

Added an insider to this same tabloid:

"The whole cast was wet and terrified for their lives.

"Everyone felt very close to each other after going through that and anything people had been fighting about no longer mattered. All the women called loved ones when they got back to shore."

Of course, this trailer doesn"t JUST preview the boat trip.

We get plenty of the usual drama from Singer, Bethenny Frankel, Carole Radziwill, Sonja Morgan, Tinsley Mortimer, Dorinda Medley and Luann de Lesseps.

The women laugh it up… they fight… they dance… they scream with joy and also in horror.

Bethenny goes at it with Carole; Sonja hurls shade at Ramona; Luann doing her best Sofia Vergara impression; and Dorinda even takes on Luann.

Over what?

Over the latter"s arrest, of course.

“Don’t you dare talk to me like that. An ex con? You drink some more and get arrested again,” r says, pushing a drink Luann"s direction. “Get married again. You’re awful.”

She later also tells Luann:

“I stood for you for everything. I almost got arrested for you."

Fun and dramatic times!

The Real Housewives of New York City airs on Bravo Wednesdays at 9/8c.

Check out this explosive fresh footage above!

The real housewives of new york city trailer the boat trip from

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Shahs of Sunset: Trailer Teases Drama, Loss, and a Wedding!

Shahs of Sunset is returning for its seventh dramatic season, and we have the trailer.

We already knew that Mercedes Javid married David Feight, but this video teases plenty of wedding drama. Also, other drama.

And some sadness. And a couple of fights, because hey, why not?

Shahs of sunset trailer 01

Before we get into MJ"s fun misadventures (and the sadness), let"s cover the roster.

First, the returning stars:

Reza Farahan, Mercedes "MJ" Javid, Golnesa "GG" Gharachedaghi and Mike Shouhed are all back.

And we"ll be seeing more of Destiney Rose, who is still a newbie on the series.

Then there"s the new cast member, Nema Vand, who describes himself as a "white-washed Persian." Hey, so long as he"s the one saying it, right?

Remember when we openly questioned if Asa Soltan Rahmati was done with the series?

She"s sticking around … but only in a recurring capacity. It happens.

Shahs of sunset trailer 02

The bride-to-be is very excited about her wedding to her long-time lover, but she is the first to acknowledge that she had once ruled it out entirely.

"Remember me?" MJ asks the camera. "The one who said never?"

In case you"ve forgotten, the trailer cuts to footage of MJ saying exactly what she thinks of marriage — a stressful and expensive prelude to divorce.

Clearly, she has now changed her tune.

"Guess what, mother f–kers?" She asks. Don"t worry — it"s rhetorical. "I’m getting married!"

She sure is!

While we knew that she tied the knot already, this trailer shows us that the wedding didn"t exactly go smoothly.

Shahs of sunset trailer 03

Meanwhile, Mike Shouhed has a heart-to-heart with his mother.

Sometimes, when others reach life milestones, you realize that your life hasn"t led where you had imagined that it would.

He laments that he is not married with children already, as that is where he believes that he should be at this point in his life.

(We"re guessing that he"s really regretting cheating right about now)

His mother assures him that he"ll find the right person in time.

Oh, speaking of major life decisions, Reza Aslan and his husband, Adam Neely, seem to have hit a bump in their relationship.

The trailer hints that these two are at odds over whether to have children — with Reza being against it.

But … we need to circle back to MJ.

The trailer certainly does.

Mercedes javid releases her fathers ashes

MJ"s lowest point in this trailer is dealing with her father"s death.

Unfortunately, that sorrow becomes almost comical — almost — as her attempt to scatter his ashes over the water goes awry.

The wind blows some of her father"s own remains back into her face, which is unpleasant on many levels. All levels, really.

Reza doesn"t take it well, either.

For the record, it is our understanding that Federal law prohibits any spreading of human remains along any coastlines unless you are three miles or more out at sea.

So … that"s another layer to this very uncomfortable scene.

Shahs of sunset trailer 04

MJ has more to do, by the way.

It looks like we"ll be seeing at least one fight between MJ and GG.

And then we get just a tease of some sort of mini-catastrophe at her wedding, which is every bride"s nightmare.

The trailer is punctuated perfectly by Reza"s "what happened?"

Shahs of Sunset is a gift, folks.

Usher and tameka raymond

Shahs of sunset trailer teases drama loss and a wedding

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Teen Mom 2: See the First SUPER Dramatic Trailer for the New Season!

Let"s be real, this season of Teen Mom OG lasted a very, very long time, and with all the serious issues it featured — Ryan"s ongoing issues with drugs and with being a good person, Catelynn"s trips to rehab, Amber"s life — it"s been a lot to handle.

It"s been fun seeing the OG ladies live their lives, and we"re definitely pumped about the reunion, but it"s time for something different, you know?

It"s time for some Teen Mom 2.

MTV managed to work out this nifty little cycle where once you"re just about sick of one set of moms, they bring on the other set, and so when the new season of Teen Mom 2 premieres on May 7th, we"ll be more than ready for it.

We already know some of the things that will be featured this season, of course — the drama between Kailyn, Javi and Briana will surely be unavoidable, and we imagine there"s no way they can get around explaining David"s firing.

And now that the network was kind enough to share this first little teaser of all that will go down this season, the whole thing is really starting to come together.

First, we see Jenelle crying as someone tells her not to focus on the gossip, which could pertain to so many things, really. Maybe this is the breakdown that led to her sending cease and desist letters to all her fellow cast members.

Next, we see Briana tell Kailyn that she"s "just salty that Javi is moving on," but Kailyn replies "I don"t give a sh-t if he moves on!"

They don"t show it, but we"ll get to see Javi moving on from Briana this season, too!

Next, we see Jenelle say "she"s trying to take my son away from me," presumably referring to that time last year that Nathan"s mother tried to get custody of Kaiser.

That should be an especially good storyline, considering that the reasoning behind the filing was Jenelle and David"s alleged abuse and neglect of their children.

Leah tells someone something about their "bullsh-t drama" — we have no idea what this could be about, but it sounds great and we"re definitely here for it.

Next we see Chelsea crying in a car, and we can only assume it"s because of something Adam did.

Then Jenelle is crying and hugging David. This part is extra exciting because if you"ll notice, they"re wearing the clothes they wore at last season"s reunion.

You know, the one where Jenelle freaked out about Nathan"s girlfriend and had that huge meltdown that we never got to see when the actual reunion aired.

Meanwhile, the narrator says that "Every rumor has two sides. This season the truth is revealed.

Thanks, can"t wait!

Watch the full trailer below:

Teen mom 2 see the first super dramatic trailer for the new seas

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Theresa Caputo and Larry Caputo: Long Island Medium Trailer Shows Their Split

In late 2017, Long Island Medium stars Theresa Caputo and Larry Caputo called it quits after 28 years of marriage.

It"s a huge change for the couple.

And, as you"ll see below in the trailer for the new season, it"s going to change things on the show. Will viewers like the new dynamic?

Theresa caputo speaks

In the trailer for the new season, one particularly tense scene shows the relationship breakdown between Theresa and Larry.

Larry, speaking through tears, says:

"It"s not good for either one of us. We can"t go on like this."

Theresa then says:

"And I feel like I am at this breaking point."

Larry responds that it might not be a bad thing that she feels that way.

"Sometimes it has to get to that point"

Because it"s a trailer, it"s hard to say how many words were exchanged after that, but we see Theresa get up and walk off, looking upset.

Larry caputo looks sad

That"s going to be a lot to take in.

In a less dire scene, Theresa explains to a friend exactly what things are like with her and Larry.

"Right now, we"re separated."

After 28 years.

And she explains where he has gone.

"He went to LA."

And she says that she knows that this whole situation — the conflict and the separation itself — isn"t just impacting her and Larry.

"Naturally, I speak with my children and I know this is hard for them."

Theresa caputo on hollywood medium

But Theresa does get into how her separation from Larry gets to her.

It even impacts her as she films Long Island Medium.

"The hardest thing that I have to do is to move forward and do it without Larry."

That has to be so difficult.

"That"s my struggle."

There"s more to just mourning the loss of your relationship and the emotional pain from that.

Sometimes, it"s the little things. Habits that you were both in for nearly three decades. You"re not accustomed to doing certain things alone.

Larry caputo image

Last December, Larry Caputo broke his silence on the split.

He will also be featured this season, as you can clearly see in the trailer and as we"ve already mentioned.

So any viewers and fans who have concerns that people are only going to get Theresa"s "side" of the separation can lay those fears to rest.

That said, the show is called Long Island Medium, not Long Island Husband.

It is, first and foremost, about Theresa"s work as a medium.

Theresa caputo

The trailer does spend a lot of time focusing on Theresa"s work, whether she"s speaking to a crowd or doing a one-on-one session.

She even has a number of celebrity guests, including Tituss Burguss from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Robert Patrick, an actor who is perhaps best known for playing bad guys or unfriendly good guys on shows such as The X-Files and Stargate: Atlantis.

Patrick also portrayed the primary antagonist of Terminator 2.

There are a lot of tears and there"s a lot of powerful emotion and relief in this trailer.

For a number of reasons, it looks like this season of Long Island Medium is going to be intense. Take a look!

Theresa caputo and larry caputo long island medium trailer shows

Friday, March 30, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion Trailer: Kim Zolciak Storms Off!

NeNe Leakes had previously teased that there would be major drama at The Real Housewives of Atlanta"s reunion special, and that pretty much everyone had a bone to pick with Kim Zolciak.

As you"re about to see in the video below, she wasn"t lying.

Take a look at this explosive teaser trailer.

Kim zolciak andy cohen and nene leakes

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you know that this season was bonkers.

Little details — like Kandi and NeNe believing that Kim Zolciak is too dependent upon her husband, Kroy Biermann — were overshadowed by huge scandals, on and off camera.

One major source of drama was Kenya"s storyline being more or less nonexistent this season, after her secret wedding was followed by her camera-shy husband"s refusal to show up on camera.

Until he surprised her, and the audience, with a special appearance. Viewers weren"t just treated to seeing a husband surprise his wife. They got to watch Marc Daly save his wife"s job.


Kim zolciak puts her hand up

But while Kim Zolciak wasn"t front and center during this season — remember, she was reduced to a Friend of the Housewives status — it looks like she"s grabbing a lot of attention during the reunion special.

During the trailer that you can watch below, Kim says:

"Jealousy"s a disease, get well soon bitch."

That line sounds pre-packaged in an effort to be quotable, but you don"t get to decide to become a meme, Kim.

She goes on to defend herself and her status, saying:

"I don"t have my own show for no reason."

Nene leakes reaction image

Meanwhile, it seems like every other Housewife wants a piece of Kim Zolciak.

Kenya Moore calls out Kim"s wig, which seems like an odd move to make — plenty of folks wear wigs, especially on reality television.

But maybe faking those meltdowns in an effort to stay interesting this season exhausted her barbs.

The others, however, were out for blood.

Kandi Burruss criticizes Kim for lingering on "the sidelines, watching us like a f–king fan" when there"s drama among the Housewives.

But it"s NeNe who really gives it to Kim.

Kim zolciak reaction image

NeNe Leakes goes off on Kim, lecturing her with her arm in a state of constant motion. More than once, viewers can see NeNe rise up out of her chair.

Seriously, this looks brutal.

NeNe yells "I don"t give a f–k about you!" … and then we see Kim Zolciak become so distressed that she gets up and walks off of the stage.

She"s upset that NeNe couldn"t stay in her own chair, but there"s more to it than that.

Later — and we don"t know how much later, but Kim isn"t wearing the same outfit — we see Kim tearfully speaking to Andy Cohen.

"I"m so upset with you, everyone of those motherf–kers on this couch owe this world a f-cking apology."

Kim zolciak lectures through tears

There"s a lot more going on here.

For starters, you"re going to hear some banter about the idea of Andy Cohen prepping to deliver a baby if necessary … with some jokes at his expense.

It is rumored that Kenya Moore may announce that she is pregnant at the reunion, but we"ll wait and see if things really go down like that.

You"re going to see a lot of conflicts here, folks. And, as NeNe had previously teased, everybody goes in on Kim Zolciak.

The reunion special airs on Sunday, April 8th, but you can see the trailer right here:

The real housewives of atlanta reunion trailer kim zolciak storm

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Trailer: Bedlam in Berlin!

Brace yourselves, Berline:

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are headed your way.

Bravo has released an extended trailer for the second half of Season 8, which looks very much like it will NOT be short on drama.

Stunning, right?

In the following preview, we see these rich and spoiled cast members on horseback in Germany, for example, as each braces for the very end as a result of this adventure.

“I’m not ready to die with these women in Berlin,” Lisa Rinna says with a laugh, for example.

The 54-year old mother of two later models some very revealing lingerie, an apt outfit for an upcoming trip that takes the ladies to a sex club.


For Erika Girardi to perform a rendition of “XXPEN$ IVE," of course.

And you ought to see the ensemble she breaks out for this number!

Aside from German beers and latex, however, we see glimpses of in-fighting among the regulars, most notably when Girardi calls out one of her castmates.

“I have one issue: pretend amnesia,” Girardi tells this women, while we also see Vanderpump remark to Girardi:

 “It’s taken me two f-cking years to get close to you.”

Elsewhere: Dorit Kemsley debuts her swimwear line on the runway as the women cheering her on… while Mellencamp storms out of an outing and gets into a cab crying.

Someone is labeled a "cry baby."

Someone says she is having "phone calls with heaven."

And someone talks at length about meeting her father for the first time — at the age of 25.

Oh, and the women also meet up with a psychic, to whom Erika says at one point:

"I was once kidnapped as a boy who lived in the bottom of a shoe."

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs on Bravo Tuesdays at 9/8c.

Check out the trailer now:

The real housewives of beverly hills trailer bedlam in berlin

Monday, January 22, 2018

Friends Movie Trailer Has the Internet Way Too Excited

It can"t be… can it?

It"s not finally happening… is it?

The Internet is abuzz this week with new rumors of a Friends reunion, and it"s abuzz for a very good reason:

There"s actually a video making the viral rounds of, well, a Friends reunion!

Based on a quick glance at the footage below, it really does appear as if the band is getting back together for an upcoming movie, especially when you consider the affiliated YouTube description.

It reads as follows:

This picks up a few years where the final season left off with (Ross’ kids) Ben and Emma grown up.

Mike and Phoebe have trouble with marriage, Monica and Chandler are getting a divorce, Joey couldn’t find someone, and Ross and Rachel have trouble after many years of not being together!

Filled with some surprise appearances by today’s actors, along with some old friends (no pun intended), this movie will be an all-star extravaganza, while showing a lesson in being there for each other.

Pretty amazing, isn"t it?

Time to celebrate, right?

Maybe not.

Yes, the trailer makes it look like Phoebe is now a doctor.

And Joey is a successful actor.

And Rachel and Monica are still very close.

But it doesn"t take too astute of an Internet or television sleuth to realize what someone did here.

He or she simply edited together a bunch of clips of Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer and company appearing on various shows after Friends already ended.

For example, the clip of Courteney Fox and Jennifer Aniston is taken from the latter"s appearance on Cougar Town.

Ditto for Schwimmer and Matt LeBlanc from when Schwimmer guest-starred on Episodes.

Despite this pretty obvious smashing together of clips, some folks on social media got their hopes way high upon viewing the teaser. 


Added another:

"if this new FRIENDS movie is real & they’re tryna tell me Chandler & Monica broke up & Ross & Rachel broke up & Phoebe is a doctor I ain’t watching it."

Alas, this individual has nothing to worry about.

The cast remains tight-knit, it"s true.

With the exception of Perry, who was doing a play in London at the time, they reunited in February of 2016 for Must See TV: An All-Star Tribute to James Burrows.

But they are not about to make a movie together, despite what you"re about to see below.

Check out the fake trailer to see what has so many people all aflutter.

Friends movie trailer has the internet way too excited

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Jersey Shore Family Vacation: New Trailer Released!

Remember back in November, when we told you that you"d see the familiar stars from Jersey Shore return to MTV and your television screen in 2018?

Well, it"s 2018. And MTV has dropped a new trailer, teasing locations where we might see these infamous beach hooligans.

Honestly? This trailer, which you can watch below, looks bonkers.

Jersey shore threesome

"No," you say, backing away in disbelief. "No, it"s 2018, and the only orange idiot on television is the one who somehow lives in the White House."

One, it"s funny that you should say that, as you"ll see when you watch the video below.

Two … Jersey Shore: Family Vacation is a real thing that is happening in the year 2018.

And during the season finale of Floribama Shore, a show that sounds like a parody of Jersey Shore (and … kind of is), MTV aired a new teaser trailer for the revival series.

Jersey shore family vacation

Before you worry that these won"t be the familiar faces that you remember, know that time has passed, but they wouldn"t be doing this if they couldn"t do a decent job of getting the gang back together.

Here"s a list of returning castmembers:

-Deena Nicole Cortese

-Paul "Pauly D" Delvecchio

-Jenni "JWoww" Farley

-Vinny Guadagnino

-Ronnie Ortiz-Magro

-Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi

-Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino

Jersey shore family vacation 2

Sammi Sweetheart is not returning. We"re sure that he"ll be missed.

In the new teaser for the show, MTV asks the real questions, like "Where the f–k they going?"

And they tease a number of possibilities:

"F**kin" New York? F**kin" Dallas? F**kin" Chicago? Ole F**kin" Faithful? F**kin" Miami? F**kin" Las Vegas? F**kin" Grand Canyon? F**kin" San Fran? Mt. F**kin" Rushmore? F**kin Seattle?"

As you watch the video below, try to decide for yourself which of these are actual destinations.

Or … are all of them destinations?

Jersey shore family vacation 3

Many of the stars are arguably different people than they were in their misspent youth.

We should mention, of course, that Vinny Guadagnino is one of the stars who"s changed the most.

Remember when Trump tried to bash climate change and got roasted on Twitter?

One of the people tweeting at him was none other than the esteemed Mr. Guadagnino, who actually went on to get an education and is clearly better informed than and more competent than Donald Trump.

Seeing a reality star President get taken to task by another reality star is just … part of the world in which we all live, now.

Oh, and speaking of the Orange Menace:

Jersey shore family vacation 4

Though countless people would tune in, we cannot imagine that the Jersey Shore crowd meets with Trump.

And not only because he"d see their tans and assume that they"re … not the sorts of people with whom he freely associates.

But maybe they visit D.C. and, from a distance, muse about which of them might one day gain the confidence of a sizable minority of Americans and end up miserable in the Oval Office.

Or maybe they"ll see the Washington Monument and start making dick jokes.

We"ll all find out together.

Jersey shore family vacation new trailer released

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Ocean"s 8 Trailer: It"s Here. And It"s Awesome.

Women are having a moment in Hollywood.

They wish they weren"t, of course, because this moment is sadly based on the fact that so many have been mistreated and harassed by so many men across the entertainment industry.

But at least the perpetrators of these horrific acts are finally being outed and brought to some kind of justice.

Next summer, meanwhile, women will have a different kind of moment in Hollywood.

It will be far more entertaining and lucrative and, simply based on the trailer below, totally and completely awesome/

Indeed, the first preview for Ocean"s 8 has arrived, as Sandra Bullock leads an All-Star cast of actresses in a version of the Ocean"s 11 franchise that was led by George Clooney and Brad Pitt.

In this case, Bullock takes on the role of Debbie Ocean, the sister of Clooney"s Danny.

There"s a hint in the trailer that Danny may be dead, but the focus thankfully isn"t on those past films… but on the updated installment and its ridiculously terrific array of stars.

There"s Cate Blanchett, who will serve as Bullock"s sidekick.

There"s Mindy Kaling, who will play a jewelry forger.

There"s Rihanna as a computer hacker… and Helena Bonham Carter as a fashion designer.

Sarah Paulson is also on board as a housewife who gets dragged back into a life of crime.

The Ocean"s franchise, of course, is all about pulling off elaborate heists — and Ocean"s 8 has quite the event in mind:

Bullock and her team will plot to steal a VERY expensive necklace off the person of Anne Hathaway at the annual MET Gala in New York City, which means we"re in for cameos from Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift and others.

Just as there was for the all-female version of Ghostbusters, stupid backlash has already started against Ocean"s 8.

Fortunately, Bullock always knew there would be and she isn"t going to let it get her down.

"There should be a rule, you"re not allowed to say anything nasty until after it comes out," she told Entertainment Weekly. "Obviously, that"s never going to happen."

Sad, but true.

Ocean"s 8 comes out on June 8, 2018.

Check out the trailer now!

Oceans 8 trailer its here and its awesome

Friday, December 8, 2017

I Am Jazz: Season 4 Trailer: Jazz Jennings Tackles Dating, Weight Gain, and Haters

Despite Derick Dillard"s worst effortsI Am Jazz returns next month, continuing to document the life of well-spoken trans teen, Jazz Jennings.

We"ve seen a lot about her, her family, and her activism. It looks like this season is going to focus on some personal decisions and struggles: getting a tattoo, dating a girl for the first time, her weight, activism, and being in the path of Hurricane Irma.

In the first trailer, which we have for you below, you"ll see that and more as Jazz 

Jazz jennings at 17

Jazz Jennings" hit reality series is continuing to succeed where Caitlyn Jenner"s failed. Why?

Well, probably because Jazz is a better representative of the LGBT+ community. I Am Cait lost a lot of viewers, and you can"t help but wonder how much her affection for people like Ted Cruz and Donald Trump had to do with that.

Also, Jazz is in many ways more relatable to viewers, whether they"re trans or cis. Most of us can"t relate to being a millionaire Olympian. But a teenager with a teenager"s struggles?

We"ve all been there.

So, the first thing that we really get to see in the trailer is Jazz getting a tattoo.

Jazz only turned 17 last October, so we imagine that for at least most of this upcoming season of I Am Jazz, she"ll be 16.

For those of you concerned about a 16-year-old getting a tattoo, Florida law is fine with a 16- or 17-year-old getting a tattoo so long as it is with the permission of a present.

Here"s the tat!

Jazz jennings tattoo

Jazz shared that photo in November, so she may have only gotten it when she was 17 — we"re not sure.

It"s of a mermaid (and it"s beautifully colorful!), and we should note that mermaids — in addition to being, you know, neat in general — are sometimes symbolic for members of the LGBT+ community (particularly for trans folks).

In fact, when Hans Christian Andersen wrote The Little Mermaid, it was apparently symbolic of his desire to transform himself to be with the man whom he loved but did not love him back (Edvard Collin).

So a mermaid is an appropriate symbol for her.

And speaking of romantic feelings, the next item covered in the trailer is Jazz Jennings" love life.

In the video below, you"ll see her get set up with another girl and even go on what looks like a double-date.

Though Jazz came out as pansexual in 2014, revealing that she"s attracted to people regardless of their gender, she"s previously dated boys. This will be a big, exciting step for her!

Jazz jennings for tlc

(There is an awkward line about "now is a good time to experiment with bisexuality." While some people use bi and pan as interchangeable labels, it"s rude to use one label for someone who prefers another. Common courtesy, folks)

The next topic is a little tricky, because it"s Jazz"s weight.

It looks like she"s put on a few pounds (really just a few!); you"ll have to see for yourself in the video below if you agree with some of the voices describing Jazz as "fat."

While weight fluctuation is normal, especially for teens, it"s not a bad time to start getting into the habit of a daily exercise routine (we know that it"s hard at first and it"s never fun, but life is full of suffering anyway so you might at least be healthy while you suffer).

The line about Jazz"s unhealthy relationship with food is going to be almost painfully relatable to some viewers.

It looks like the brief montage of exercises that we see in the trailer are going to pay off, because recent photos of her show her having shed weight.

Jazz jennings 00

Her exercise isn"t just for the sake of a trim figure, however.

We see her nervously discussing gender confirmation surgery with her doctor. And apparently she needed to lose a few pounds in preparation for that.

It sounds like the doctors are discussing top surgery — what Jazz does or does not do to her genitals is absolutely none of our business (even if she weren"t a minor!).

After the surgery talk, we get to a much less comfortable subject: transphobes.

Facing bigots who think that you shouldn"t exist cannot be an easy task, but we"re glad that Jazz has a support system in place of family and medical experts.

Also, we should remember that Jazz first became famous at an extremely young age for being so well-spoken about her gender in an interview with Barbara Walters.

At 16 and 17, she"s been answering questions — some of them hateful — for almost all of her life. She shouldn"t have to face this kind of hate, but she"s totally got this.

Jazz jennings with caitlyn jenner candis cayne

The final portion of the trailer deals with Jazz dealing with her entire family being in the path of Hurricane Irma.

Jazz lives in Florida, folks. (Shall we joke and say that it"s her one big shortcoming, or is Florida too easy of a target?)

With all of the devastation in Puerto Rico — from which they are still recovering — and with fires raging in and around L.A. right at this very moment, you might almost forget about the damage and destruction wrought by hurricanes like Irma and Harvey.

It looks like we"re going to see the toll that Irma took, up close and personally.

At least we know that Jazz herself is okay.

I am jazz season 4 trailer released jazz jennings tackles dating