Showing posts with label Uses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uses. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Jenelle Evans Uses Lip Fillers, Doesn"t Care What You Think

Hey, at least she’s honest.

Jenelle Evans spoke to GlamMir host Dr. Tabasum Mir about lip fillers and love, in what I assume was a quid pro quo interview.

Evans admitted that she uses fillers because her thinner lips make her feel self conscious.

“It’s not permanent, so it doesn’t matter what people say about my lips, even if I got them done, because they can go back to normal,” Evans said.

The Teen Mom 2 star is also embroiled in a custody battle with ex, Nathan Griffith; the former couple share custody of son Kaiser, 17 months.

“Me and Nathan, we’re not really on talking terms,” Evans said.

“I moved away and ever since then I’ve just been doing my own thing.”

There have been issues between the two, and Griffith recently took Kaiser out of state without informing Evans.  

This, on top of the constant phone calls and nasty voice messages, prompted Evans to prevent Griffith from seeing their son.

“I said, ‘If you want to see Kaiser bad enough, you can take me to court for visitation because I don’t trust you.’

“He hasn’t filed papers, he hasn’t done anything. It’s been a month or two since he’s seen him.”

While that’s a-brewin, Evans has moved on with David Eason, a bloke met on Tinder. 

“I had no idea. I didn’t really expect it to go this far,” Eason said during the interview, adding that he had no idea at first who Evans was.

“We’re best friends. I was super nervous, but I was shy anyways.”

A doctor has diagnosed Evans with PTSD from previous relationships, general anxiety and panic disorders.  This made Evans a bit more cautious going into new relationships.

“I don’t get to know people before I date them,” Evans admitted.

“And I just jump into the relationship. With David we talked for two months before I even met him.”

Monday, November 2, 2015

Jessa Duggar Uses Home Remedy to Induce Labor

As she reported to her Instagram followers earlier today, Jessa Duggar is still pregnant.

She’s only one day past her due date, but clearly, Jessa has grown impatient with waiting to welcome #BabySeewald into the world.

Over the weekend, Jessa posted the above photo along with a caption explaining why she doesn’t look too thrilled to taking a produce selfie.

“So has anyone else tried the ‘eating an entire fresh pineapple’ thing for helping to bring on labor? Apparently it doesn’t work for everyone, ’cause I ate the whole thing yesterday… and still no signs of labor!

“(Sure was a tasty pineapple tho!) Guess #BabySeewald still wants to camp out in there a little longer! Patience, Mama, patience.”

Fortunately, Jessa didn’t spend the entire weekend gobbling copious quantities of tropical fruit in hopes of inducing labor.

She took some time to celebrate her first wedding anniversary with Ben Seewald and based on her Instagram pics, it seems the very pregnant Jessa marked the occasion by gorging on fries and ice cream.

But while the anniversary party was a low-key, laid-back affair, it seems there’s some truth to the rumors that Jessa is anxious about the upcoming birth.

Moments ago, Jessa posted on social media, “Wondering if I will have a gigantic child.”

She followed it up with this description of her recent activities:

“We’ve been taking a poll with the Duggar and Seewald families over the past few weeks, and everyone is trying to guess how much they think #BabySeewald might weigh at birth.

“I was the biggest out of all my siblings, weighing 9lbs 15oz– and Ben weighed 8lbs 15oz. Haha! I’d say it’s very possible we could have a chubby little baby!”

Well, we won’t know until the big moment arrives, but based on her diet over the past couple days, we’d say there’s very good chance that Jessa will have a large baby!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Local News Accidentally Uses Holocaust Symbol For Jewish Holiday Story! See What The Station Said About The "Oversight"!

Someone is getting fired!

Local Chicago news station WGN sparked controversy online after using a symbol of Nazi abuse for their Yom Kippur story!

On Tuesday, the news station was highlighting the Jewish holiday — where Jews fast and atone for their sins.

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But viewers understandably took offense upon noticing that the image used for the story was of the yellow Star of David badge — which Jewish people were forced to wear during the Holocaust!

This unfortunate error sparked outrage on Twitter, as users wrote to the news station:

WGN swiftly apologized, saying they regrettably “failed to recognize” the offensive symbol, and are “extremely embarrassed.” The following statement was issued on their website:

“Last night we ran a story to recognize Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. The artwork chosen to accompany the story came from a graphics image bank. Regrettably, we failed to recognize that the image was an offensive Nazi symbol. We are extremely embarrassed and we deeply apologize to our viewers and to the Jewish community for this mistake. Ignorance is not an excuse. Please know we are reviewing our in house policies and changes have already been made to make sure a hurtful oversight like this never happens again. Thank you for your understanding. We promise to do better.”

Sounds like WGN needs to update their graphics image bank before Hanukkah starts! Check out the clip (below) to see the fail!

[Image via YouTube.]

TV Network Uses Nazi Badge for Yom Kippur -- How Could You Nazi This??


0923-wgn-yom-kippur-twitterLooks like WGN has some serious atoning to do today … because for some reason, the network used infamous NAZI  imagery for a news story about Yom Kippur

Check out the graphic used during a segment about the Jewish high holiday on Tuesday night. That yellow star look familar???

Yeah, it’s because it’s the same yellow badge the Nazis forced the Jews to wear during the 1940s. 

A Chicago lawyer took notice and called out WGN — writing, “Holy crap, @WGNNews, this is your stock photo for a Jewish holiday?? Nobody thought that’s a bad choice of photo?”

WGN responded, “We are truly sorry for inadvertently using an offensive image in our story. We apologize and deeply regret the error.”

Oy vey. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Air Jordan Shoes ... Thief Uses Phony Money and Brutality in Theft



0911_offer_up_compositeMichael Jordan‘s good name has been dragged into a criminal investigation after a guy allegedly used fake money to score a pair of his famous Air Jordan shoes, and the seller got beat up during the deal.

The Jordans were being shopped on for $ 385. The seller met up with a guy named Leon at a Burger King in L.A.. Leon handed the seller a stack of bills and walked away with the kicks.

Almost instantly the seller realized he’d been had … the money was obviously counterfeit. The seller booked it to Leon’s car, ran to the car and tried grabbing the shoes out of the passenger window, but the passenger had other ideas and punched him multiple times in the face.

Leon got away, but maybe not for long. Cops got a search warrant last month to check Leon’s OfferUp account info.

So far, Leon’s still on the loose. 

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Air Jordan Shoes ... Thief Uses Phony Money and Brutality in Theft



0911_offer_up_compositeMichael Jordan‘s good name has been dragged into a criminal investigation after a guy allegedly used fake money to score a pair of his famous Air Jordan shoes, and the seller got beat up during the deal.

The Jordans were being shopped on for $ 385. The seller met up with a guy named Leon at a Burger King in L.A.. Leon handed the seller a stack of bills and walked away with the kicks.

Almost instantly the seller realized he’d been had … the money was obviously counterfeit. The seller booked it to Leon’s car, ran to the car and tried grabbing the shoes out of the passenger window, but the passenger had other ideas and punched him multiple times in the face.

Leon got away, but maybe not for long. Cops got a search warrant last month to check Leon’s OfferUp account info.

So far, Leon’s still on the loose. 

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