Showing posts with label Vanderpump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanderpump. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Vanderpump Rules Cast: Urging James Kennedy to Come Out of the Closet?

On last night’s episode of Vanderpump Rules, James Kennedy drunkenly confessed to being in love with his gay best friend, Logan, whom he then kissed.

It came in at about 47,000 on the list of most eyebrow-raising behaviors James has engaged in this season, but for some reason, that’s the move his cast mates are fixated upon.

The previews for next week’s episode showed Kristen Doute–James’ only real competition for the title of most sociopathic Vanderpump cast member–insisting that Kennedy come out of the closet, because … well, we’re sure she’ll eventually come up with some reason why his sexuality is any of her business.

Just give her some time.

Kristen wasn’t alone in being far more concerned with the possibility that James is bisexual than with the fact that he’s likely a bipolar alcoholic with abusive tendencies.

“Watching James and Logan interact for like two seconds, I don’t know what’s going on,” Jax Taylor remarked during Monday’s episode.

“I just don’t know who’s the top and who’s the bottom.”

And apparently, James’ castmates aren’t just playing it up for the cameras.

In fact, it seems the only one who isn’t concerned is Kennedy’s girlfriend, Raquel Leviss.

One insider tells Radar Online that James’ “friends” have been relentlessly pressuring him to come out:

“They told him that he really needs to start living as his true self,” said the source.

“They think James needs to come out.”

The situation is interesting, but not for the reason the Kristen and company think:

1. The questioning of James’ sexuality and the campaign to forcibly draw him out of the closet comes on the heels of an episode in which the cast repeatedly boasted about their concern for social justice and their cred within the LGBT community. 

Side-eyeing your straight friend’s friendship with his gay roommate isn’t exactly the height of wokeness.

2. In that same episode, James got daytime sh-tfaced and heaped verbal abuse on a woman in a public setting.

No one seemed to have a problem with that, but kissing his male friend on the cheek?! Mon dieu!

Look, horrendous behavior from the Vanderpump cast is nothing new, but coming on the heels of their annual pride parade episode, this buffoonery is especially nauseating.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to remind yourself of the extent to which these people need to grow up.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Robert Valletta Blames Vanderpump Rules Cast For Scheana Marie Breakup: They"re Savages!

Long before Vanderpump Rules Season 6 debuted at the beginning of December, word got out that Scheana Marie and Robert Valletta had broken up after just a few weeks of dating.

It’s a strange situation for viewers, who are just now getting their first real insights into Rob’s character and personality, despite the fact that he has no real ties to the cast any longer.

Of course, it sounds like if Scheana gets her way, he’ll soon be welcomed back into the fold.

Yes, as you may have noticed if you caught Monday night’s episode, Scheana–to borrow a phrase coined by Tom Sandoval–is a bit “Rob-sessed.”

At one point, she openly discussed her desire to marry Valletta, even though they’d only been formally dating for a few months and she was still married to Mike Shay at the time.

But the clearest indication that Scheana would lay down in traffic if Rob asked her to may have been her willingness to ignore the many obvious signs that Valletta was cheating.

In the past, Scheana has harshly criticized friends of hers for being naive about their boyfriends’ infidelity, but she was hearing none of it when several members of her inner circle tried to convince her that Rob had been unfaithful.

Even now that their relationship is over, both parties claim they called it off for reasons that have nothing to do with infidelity.

Scheana appeared on Watch What Happens Live Monday night, and Rob called in, seemingly for no other reason than to blame her friends for their breakup:

“The truth is, it’s really hard in her circle of friends,” Rob said. 

“Individually, when they’re by themselves, they’re really great people, but you put that group of people together and they’re savages. They come after you, and it’s really hard to have a successful relationship with those people coming and attacking you from all sides.”

“Friends say Rob is using her,” an insider claimed.

Here’s the thing:

Despite the fact that he’s the sort of unrepentant d-bag who toasts to “falling in love with something new every day,” we’re actually with Rob on this one.

Scheana’s friends are a pack of sociopaths, and we can’t imagine any healthy relationship existing in that environment.

But that doesn’t mean Rob isn’t shady as hell.

These days, Valletta and Scheana are friends with benefits, and those who know the couple best say he’s only maintaining ties with the SUR girl in order to help his career.

“Every single time Rob is in town, she invites him to an event with her,” one insider tells Radar Online.

“They know that they are much more in-demand together than apart.”

Sadly, it seems Scheana doesn’t see the situation for what it is, and in fact still looks at Rob as husband material.

“Scheana would marry him in a heartbeat if he wanted to marry her,” the source claims.

“But he’s told her that he does not want to be tied down, and she keeps telling him that he will regret it.”

Scheana, you’re helping this guy’s career and having no strings attached sex with him, all the while assuring him that you’ll happily settle down and get married if he ever decides he wants to.

Believe us when we say you’re not giving him a ton of incentive to hurry up and settle down.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online for more bad decisions and horribly unhealthy relationships.


Friday, December 29, 2017

Jax Taylor: Father of Vanderpump Rules Star Dies Following Battle With Cancer

Sad news out of the world of reality television today, as Ronald Cauchi, the father of Vanderpump Rules star Jax Taylor, has passed away following a battle with cancer.

Taylor broke the news to his social media followers with a heartfelt message last night:

“My heart is broken, I lost my best friend and the best man I have ever met last night, I love you so much dad I can’t even breathe anymore, only person not letting me fall right now is my amazing girlfriend. I love you dad,” Jax tweeted.

Taylor first revealed that his father was battling stage IV cancer earlier this month:

“Yes cancer f–king sucks, watching my father go through this is killing me.. prayers to all the families that have to deal with this awful disease,” he tweeted on December 4.

“I don’t wish this disease on my worst enemy. #f–kcancer watching your loved ones battle while I sit and watch is the worst feeling.”

In the weeks that followed, Taylor opened up about his father’s illness in a number of candid interviews:

“It’s rough, because my dad, he’s like my idol,” Jax told The Daily Dish on December 11.

“My dad was always the person who never got sick, I always looked up to him. … It’s hurt our family. It’s hurt everybody. It just really sucks. During the holidays, it doesn’t make it any easier.”

Shortly thereafter, he made similar comments in an interview with Us Weekly:

“What do I want for Christmas this year? I want cancer to be out of my father’s body,” he told the magazine.

“If I can ask for anything right now, I just want my dad to be better.”

Jax’s co-stars have publicly offered their condolences and words of support on social media:

“Let’s flood @mrjaxtaylor with love and compassion. So sorry for your loss my friend,” tweeted VPR fan favorite Tom Schwartz.

“I’m so sorry brother,” remarked SUR restaurant manager Peter Madrigal.

Jax’s famous boss, Lisa Vanderpump, has urged fans to allow Jax his privacy and give his family time to heal.

Our thoughts go out to the Taylor family during this difficult time.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to remind yourself of how Jax became one of the reliably amusing stars in the reality TV galaxy.


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

"Vanderpump Rules" Star Lala Kent"s New Man is Officially Divorced

Lala Kent’s new guy is free to date her or whoever the hell he wants — because he’s officially single in the eyes of the law. Hollywood producer Randall Emmett just finalized his divorce from his actress wife of eight years, Ambyr Childers. It…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Stars Strip Down for PETA!

The only thing better than getting naked is getting naked for a good cause. Or maybe the only thing better than supporting a good cause is supporting it while you"re naked?

Either way, three of Vanderpump Rules" hottest stars are teaming up and stripping down to protest against orcas being held in marine circuses like SeaWorld.

And, as you"ll see in the video below, they"re wearing some very interesting body paint. …

Peta slash vanderpump rules 2

For those of you hoping to see Lisa Vanderpump wearing nothing but body paint … we"ve very sorry to disappoint.

But we hope that Ariana Madix, Lala Kent, and Scheana Shay won"t leave you disappointed.

Nudity isn"t inherently sexual, but it sure does grab people"s attention. 

Just look at how good Scheana Marie Shay looks in body paint:

Scheana shay nude in body paint

If your message is important, you might want to make sure that you hook people"s attention.

Controversial animal rights organization PETA, which has been slammed in the past by political opponents but also by big-time proponents of animal rights who accuse PETA of hypocrisy and of misguided practices, uses nudity a lot.

PETA even made some weird bestiality posters in a recent push to promote veganism.

Sometimes the message gets lost.

But when it comes to this particular campaign, it"s not difficult to agree with PETA or these three Vanderpump Rules beauties.

Peta slash vanderpump rules 3

The video below isn"t just skin and body paint (though those are also factors). It"s also 

Ariana Madix makes sure that their goals are clear, saying:

"Today we"re here with PETA shooting a campaign to release the orcas into seaside sanctuaries from SeaWorld."

Her costar, Scheana, adds some grim information about the prospects for captive orcas:

"Orcas have died at SeaWorld and the fact that none of them died from old age is just insane."

That is so, so sad.

Peta slash vanderpump rules 5

Lala Kent shares how the release of captive orcas from marine circuses like SeaWorld is important to her.

"When I saw the documentary, Blackfish, it literally changed my entire life."

That documentary did wonders for raising awareness.

"I found my passion and I found my voice and I will not stop until any place like SeaWorld is completely shut down."

That"s a powerful personal cause to have.

"Places like SeaWorld or the Miami Sea Aquarium … it is the equivalent to me of taking a baby and putting them in a bathtub and having them grow up there."

That might be a bit of a stretch — maybe forcing a baby to grow up within a single room, also unforgivably awful, would be a better analogy.

(We"re not blaming Lala for that — PETA has compared meat-eating to rape in the past; being inflammatory is arguably part of their brand)

Peta slash vanderpump rules 4

Lala continues:

"When you take a mammal of that size and put it into basically a swimming pool, you can"t expect it to do anything but self-destruct."

Sadly, we know of countless instances of orcas doing just that. They lose their minds.

Ariana provides her own thoughts:

"Orcas are very social animals and they"re very intelligent animals."

That"s very true.

Peta slash vanderpump rules 6

"Each pod has their own language. So you have orcas from all different pods who are living in these bathtubs."

Conflict in that situation seems inevitable. And so does misery.

"They"re fighting with each other because they have no way of communicating, they"re confused, and they"re full of anguish, and it shouldn"t be that way."

As far as PETA advertisements go, this one is solid. It"s an idea that we can all get behind.

Shout-out to these three Vanderpump Rules stars for using their platform for good!

Vanderpump rules stars strip down for peta

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Season 6 Trailer: Is Scheana Being Cheated On?!

Well, fall is here again, which means it"s time to find out exactly how the men and women of SUR effed their lives up over the summer.

Yes, another season of Vanderpump Rules is upon us, and things are a little different this year.

For one thing, Season 6 doesn"t debut until December (boo).

But on the bright side, Lala Kent will return after abruptly quitting the show last season (yay).

As for your favorite couples–we"re afraid we have some bad news.

With the exception of Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix, it seems just about anyone everyone on the cast has endured a breakup since last season.

The dissolution of Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright, of course, was chronicled in the little-watched Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky.

(Count your blessings if you skipped that ill-conceived slog.)

The rest of the splits, however, will apparently be documented on VPR.

The trailer focuses primarily on the Scheana Marie-Robert Valletta breakup what we learned about last week.

One scene explains the split by showing Lala inform Scheana that Robert cheated on her.

A bit ironic, perhaps, given that Lala walked away from the show last year due to scrutiny of her love life, but whatever.

As long as there"s drama we"re happy … and it certainly looks like this season delivers.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for Season 6, and check out the full trailer below:

Vanderpump rules season 6 trailer is scheana being cheated on

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Lala Kent: Returning to Vanderpump Rules!

We’re just weeks away from the premiere of Vanderpump Rules Season 6, and it seems fans can expect plenty of drama when the SUR crew makes its long-awaited return.

Relationship changes have dominated the off-season with non-stop bad news about several established couples.

In August, Stassi Schroeder revealed that she’d been dumped by Patrick Meagher on what was supposed to be the former couple’s fourth anniversary.

Shortly thereafter, news that Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney were headed for divorce began to circulate on social media.

(The couple has yet to confirm that they’ve called it quits, and it seems they’ve recently decided to “keep up appearances” on social media.)

Last week, we learned that Scheana Marie and Robert Valletta have split up after less than a year together.

And just yesterday, it was confirmed that Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright have called it quits.

But it’s not all bad news and breakups in West Hollywood.

In a recent interview with Too Fab, Vanderpump stars Tom Sandoval, Ariana Madix and their pet sh-t weasel, James Kennedy, confirmed some big-but not entirely unexpected news–about the show’s upcoming season:

It seems that after a one-season hiatus, Lala Kent will be returning to the series that made her almost famous.

As you may recall, Lala quit Vanderpump abruptly last season after butting heads with her female castmates.

Of course, triumphant returns aren’t unheard of on VR, as Stassi previously left the show, moved to New York, and was brought back in response to popular demand.

(It seems the forgotten Vail Bloom now has the dubious honor of being the only regular cast member to make a permanent departure from the show.)

“Me and her are a very dynamic duo on the show, obviously,” James said of Lala at a Halloween event sponsored by Maxim last night.

“We like music together, so it’s good to have her back.”

Ariana chimed in with a breakdown of the ways in which life has changed since we last checked in at SUR:

“Dynamics are shifting,” Madix said.

“Things are growing and changing. Things are maybe falling apart, getting put back together. Just when you think that there’s not gonna be any more drama, you think like, ‘Oh, they’ve done it all.’ No, there’s always something else.”

Kennedy also revealed that he’s been re-hired at SUR after being ousted for his boozy behavior last year.

He also hinted at at least one more major surprise for fans this season:

“That’s a secret,” he added, thus begging the question of why he brought it up at all.

“That’s a surprise to the season. We can’t give that out yet. People have been waiting for me. They thought I’d be left in the dirt, but it’s good to be back at SUR. Lisa’s amazing.”

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up on Season 6 and enjoy more of James shamelessly kissing his boss’ ass.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Lisa Vanderpump Sued Over Dog Outfits for Giggy

Lisa Vanderpump got a company specializing in high fashion for dogs to outfit her precious Pom Giggy, but she turned her back when it came to payment … this according to a new lawsuit. Fifi & Romeo, a luxury dog boutique, claims in the new…


Monday, August 21, 2017

Lisa Vanderpump Opening New Restaurant with Tom and Tom from "Vanderpump Rules"

Lisa Vanderpump is expanding her empire, and she’s counting on a couple of Toms to make it happen. Our “Vanderpump Rules” production sources tell us … the groundwork’s been laid for Lisa to open up a new dining spot in West Hollywood, the same…


Lisa Vanderpump Opening New Restaurant with Tom and Tom from "Vanderpump Rules"

Lisa Vanderpump is expanding her empire, and she’s counting on a couple of Toms to make it happen. Our “Vanderpump Rules” production sources tell us … the groundwork’s been laid for Lisa to open up a new dining spot in West Hollywood, the same…


Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Lisa Vanderpump & Husband Sued for Alleged Assault On Dog Rescue Exec

Lisa Vanderpump’s husband assaulted a dog rescue’s executive for not playing ball — so claims the rescue operation in a new lawsuit, but Lisa says the allegation’s all bark … no bite. Spot Rescue is suing Ken Todd, Lisa and the Vanderpump Dog…


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Scheana Marie Reveals New Vanderpump Rules Cast Members!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, then the thought of DJ James Kennedy probably brings to mind the image of a shaved ferret furiously pounding the play button on iTunes and wondering why women aren’t lining up to have sex with him.

Or maybe that’s too harsh.

Perhaps for you, DJ James conjures thoughts of a Harry Potter prequel that focuses on young Voldemort’s time as a West Hollywood club douche.

Whatever the case, we’re all in agreement that James is the absolute worst.

Unfortnuately, we have bad news for the James Haters out there, as it looks like Kennedy will be back for another season of pretending he has any reason to hang out around the rest of the Vanderpump crew.

This year promises to be even more awkward than last, as James’ one pseudo-ally, Lala Kent, quit the show last summer.

James needs someone to talk to other than the unseen middle-aged dude he rents a corner from (we assume his name is Ron), which might explain why Raquel Leviss is apparently being added to the cast.

The news comes to us courtesy of a post on Scheana Marie’s Instagram page:

Scheana posted the above pic during a day of filming, and the introductory tone of the caption led many fans to the impression that the folks she’s flanked by will be joining the Vanderpump family for Season 6:

“My pageant queen and SUR’s newest!” Scheana wrote alongside the pic.

The woman, of course, is pageant competitor and noted bad decision maker Leviss.

She’s dating Kennedy, who we can only assume has some Trump pee tape-level dirt on her.

The dude is a male model named Adam Spott, who is now, according to Scheana, SUR’s newest.

We’re not sure what sort of ties Spott has to the rest of the cast, but it’s not the first time producers have tried to liven things up with a newcomer who never appeared on the show as a friend of an existing SUR-ver.

It didn’t work out so well for Lala, or the ill-fated Vail Bloom (We miss you, baby girl.), but maybe the third time will turn out to be the charm.

If nothing else, Spott will give the ladies of SUR something to look at other than Kennedy’s rage-contorted mug, and we’re sure they’re grateful for that.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

13 Most Fiery Feuds In Vanderpump Rules History

When it comes to Vanderpump Rules, let"s be honest:

Drama is what truly rules.

Along those lines, scroll down for a look at the most intense and explosive feuds in the history of this Bravo series…

1. Stassi Schroeder v. Kristen Doute

Stassi schroeder hits kristen doute

Back when Vanderpump Rules kicked off, the mean girl clique consisted of Stassi Schroeder, Kristen Doute and Katie Maloney. That all fell apart when it emerged that Kristen had indulged in some sexy time with Stassi’s ex-boyfriend Jax Taylor. It resulted in the scene above. The best part of it was when Lisa Vanderpump tried to get Stassi to apologize for lifting her hands. “She deserved to be slapped 47 more times,” Stassi replied, not giving a damn about the damage she did to Kristen’s face. It’s all class in WeHo.

2. Scheana v. The Mean Girl Clique

Shes motorboating d k

Scheana was ecstatic when Stassi publicly trashed the cast of the series because it gave her the opportunity to take her place in the clique. Scheana, Katie, and Kristen wound up getting along well. That all changed when Stassi realized SUR’s fried goat cheese balls were the best in the business, and weaseled her way back into the clique, even making up with Kristen Doute. From then, things took a tense turn when the girls tried to say who Scheana could hang around with. It was horrible. If anything good came out of it, it was the above GIF with Scheana trashing Tequila Katie.

3. James Kennedy v. Tom Sandoval

Youre 31 years old

When Tom Sandoval finally got rid of Kristen Doute, he had a new friend and roommate in James. But then Kristen appeared on the scene after drinking a few bottles of Sauvignon Blanc and slept with James, before stealing him away from her ex-boyfriend. Nowadays, all three of them are still against one another, and Kirsten is probably still paying both of their bills.

4. Tequila Katie v. Stassi


Katie was not impressed with the way Stassi kept telling her who she could hang around with and the BFFs cut all ties, with Katie moving on to be friends with Scheana, and all was right in the world. Until Stassi returned and fought to have the friendship back. Somewhat confusing about the whole thing: Somewhere along the way, Katie essentially became Stassi by trying to pick out who her friends should hang around with.

5. Ariana Madix v. Kristen Doute

B tch go the f k home

Kristen has always had it out for Ariana because in her eyes a man and a woman can’t just be friends. Long before Kristen and Tom Sandoval parted ways, Ariana and Tom were friends in SUR. Kristen kept trying to play up to the cameras that they were boning. However, Kristen was the one left red-faced when it emerged that she was the one having the affair… with Jax Taylor. To this day, Ariana hates Kristen and ignores her at all social gatherings. It’s awkward, but all they need is some alcohol to settle it once and for all.

6. Jax Taylor v. Stassi Schroeder

Im sorry you heard that

Jax Taylor battled to win back Stassi when she first cut him loose, but all of that was for nothing when she got wind of him and Kristen’s sexual encounters while Tom Sandoval was sleeping a few feet away from them. Jax has always been very convincing and he tried to make her think it was all a big fat rumor. When she found out the truth, however, she cut him off. Bizarrely, she wanted him back in her life recently for her dumb podcast.

View Slideshow

Friday, June 9, 2017

Scheana Marie vs. Rest of Vanderpump Rules Cast: Ongoing Feud Alert!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that the show’s past season wasn’t particularly kind to SUR hostess/aspiring pop singer/fake eyelash enthusiast Scheana Marie.

In addition to chronicling her divorce from Mike Shay, VPR Season 5 featured a storyline about Scheana being booted out of the chick clique that’s since dubbed itself the Witches of WeHo.

The politics of the group are complex, and providing a full explanation would take about as much time as giving you a full history of the Soviet Union, and it would feature just as many nefarious characters.

Suffice it to say, Stassi Schroeder was in charge, she fell from power, she maneuvered her way back into the group, and while she allows Katie Maloney to serve in a sort of figurehead capacity, Stassi is totally back in charge.

That’s bad news for Scheana, who has little choice but to accept the current power structure and serve up the occasional pinot grigio.

The cast is currently filming Season 6, and sources say Scheana is more on the outs than ever before, to the point that she has yet to film with the other ladies.

Judging from their Instagram pics, the rest of the cast is getting along just fine …

… They’ve just replaced Scheana with Jax Taylor’s girlfriend, Brittany Cartwright.

Stassi’s squad posted the pic above to celebrate National Best Friend Day, which is the latest dumb thing the Internet expects you to care about.

Not to be outdone, Scheana posted her own Besties Day pic.

Hers, of course, featured her BFFs Ariana Madix and Lala Kent.

So it seems she’s not completely without allies.

The only problem is that Lala quit the show last year, and Ariana’s storylines mostly center around her relationship with Tom Sandoval.

(Despite her insistence that she has no interest in marriage, we’re guessing Ariana and Tom will be the next Vanderpump couple to get hitched.)

These days, Scheana is dating Robert Valletta, but there’s no word on whether or not he’ll appear on the series.

Stassi, meanwhile, is back together with boyfriend Patrick Meagher, who will be joining the cast on a part-time basis this season.

Sounds like Stassi is only becoming more and more powerful.

It’ll take a lot of white wine to get her fall off her throne now.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Scheana Marie: I Only Got Married Because of Vanderpump Rules!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that the show’s fifth season wasn’t particularly kind Scheana Marie.

In addition to finding herself at the very bottom of her chick clique totem pole, Scheana got divorced from Mike Shay in a messy split that played out over the season’s final episodes.

To make matters worse, Shay appeared on the Vanderpump reunion show, making for one of the most awkward moments in Bravo history.

Scheana sat down with the Juicy Scoop podcast earlier this week, and she was surprisingly candid in her discussion of the show, her marriage, and the way they each made the other more difficult:

“Contractually, he didn’t have a choice,” Scheana said of Shay’s odd decision to appear on the reunion show.

Some have fans have contested that explanation, pointing out that Mike didn’t seem to have much in the way of contractual obligation during the rest of the season.

The troubled aspiring music producer and rapper barely appeared on camera, chalking his absences up to “late nights in the studio.”

But Scheana says that while Shay’s enthusiasm for the series may have waned during the past season, he was completely on board earlier in the show’s run.

“We signed up to do this show together so I’m so sick of people being like ‘You dragged him into this. You can tell he never wanted it,"” Scheana told the host.

“We were together for a whole year before there was Vanderpump Rules.”

She added:

“He knew I wanted to be in the entertainment industry and when the idea of this show got brought up, we had a really long talk about it. What should we do? And we both agreed that we wanted to do it.”

Interestingly, Scheana admits that her role on the show influenced her decision to get married, and they she may not have tied the knot were it not for the pressure to drum up storylines:

“I’ve thought about that so much and I want to say yes, but I feel like we did maybe rush it a little. I was twenty nine and I felt like that was a time when I was ready,” Scheana says.

“We’d known each other for a long time, we’d been together for three years at that point. In hindsight, there a lot of red flags that I just kind of swept under the rug. It built up to be quite a large pile and I just kept walking over it.” 

In a revelation that probably won’t do much for Scheana’s reputation for being “fake,” the SUR hostess admits that marrying Shay for the show started as a joke … then quickly became a reality:

“Jokingly, we were like we are going to get engaged Season 2 and get engaged Season 3, have a kid Season 4 or 5. We were joking about it,” she tells the podcast.

That’s one joke that turned out to have a less-than-amusing punchline.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Reunion: Scheana Reveals New BF to Mike Shay ... SO Awkward

On part three of the Vanderpump Rules reunion recap last night on Bravo, Scheana and Mike Shay’s divorce once again took center stage.

What did we learn this time around, if anything?

Kicking off Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 24, perhaps the most boring reunion show of all time, was a whole lot of rehashing.

We know that’s the entire point, but unless there are some new revelations mixed in, or punches thrown, it’s all a bit of a snoozefest.

That being said, if you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that the divorce of Scheana Marie and husband Mike was a BFD.

At the reunion, she laid eyes on Mike Shay for the first time since telling him she wants a divorce in November, which was super awkward.

So why did Scheana and Mike Shay get divorced?

Shay has a penchant for cheating, ghosting and using drugs, basically. That’s quite the trifecta for a new wife to put up with, admittedly.

In addition to revealing what caused their split, the reunion saw the on-camera revelation that Scheana is dating Robert Valletta now.

Shay did not know this and was blindsided.

“You follow him on Instagram,” Scheana told Shay about her new actor boyfriend’s identity, in perhaps the most 2017 moment to date.

To put it mildly, the whole thing was harsh.

Even Scheana knows it, too, reaching out to Shay after the taping in hopes of making things right and moving forward with life amicably.

I had sent him an email after the reunion … I felt I was very harsh in certain parts, I felt a little cold in other parts of it,” Scheana said.

“And then, the way he found out about Rob, I felt I needed to just give a little more of an explanation. I felt like I just owed that to him.”

“We’ve been friends for half our lives.”

At the reunion, Mike was clearly taken aback when he learned Scheana is dating, saying that he isn’t, since he’s “still technically married.”

He also accused her of talking about his drug use on the show, which he felt was very uncool, but Scheana wasn’t walking that back.

“My job is to tell my story and put my life out there,” she responded. “I’m sorry I’m not going to keep my mouth shut about that anymore.”

“We’re not together anymore,” she said of her former husband, adding that “me opening up about this has helped so many women, too.”  

All in all, it was an emotional experience.

That was true for Shay, who despite his many flaws, has gone through a lot and is struggling to get to a better place mentally and physically.

It was also the case for Scheana, who was wracked with anxiety to the point where she could not stop fidgeting with her hair and makeup.

Nevertheless, she said she has found herself in a better place following the demise of her two-year marriage, heartbreaking as it was. 

“I have my closure,” she told said.

“I’ve clearly moved on. I’m in a very good place, and I feel like I’ve never been happier,” Scheana added … do you believeher? 


Monday, April 17, 2017

First Gay Couple Lisa Vanderpump Married Headed For Divorce

Lisa Vanderpump’s track record as an ordained minster is taking an L because the first couple she ever married just filed for the big D. Magno and Dominic Salva were the first gay couple to get hitched at Lisa’s Pump restaurant, which sits smack in…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 22 Recap: The Truth About Lala

Lala Kent quickly became a pariah on Vanderpump Rules. Part of that was down to the way she was acting when she first appeared on the show.

She was put on blast for her actions on Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 22 about her actions, but she had one last explosive argument with Stassi Schroeder. 

When the episode got underway, Andy Cohen wanted to know why Lala decided that she was ditching Ariana’s birthday trip to Sonoma. If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you will remember that she never gave Ariana any notice about her intention. 

That meant there was a ticket that could have gone to someone else. 

“I went into full-on panic attack mode. The fact that Jax was going, and the last thing he said to me was not very kind,” Lala said. We were then treated to a scene which showed Lala trying to talk to Jax. 

This proved Lala’s point that everyone was out to get her because Jax told her she was trash and nobody liked her. 

Tom Sandoval, however, seemed to think Lala was putting on a show because she’s just so full of drama. 

“That’s bulls–t. We talked ahead of time before this trip about these issues numerous times and made it very clear that if Jax or anybody f–k with you, I’d put a stop to it immediately.”

We then got some much-needed insight into what was going on with Lala’s love life. Stassi was quick to point out that the man was married, but Lala was not rising to it. 

“I also don’t have the right to speak about someone else’s life on national television when they did not sign up for this,” the former SUR hostess revealed. 

When Stassi tried to comment on it again, Lala was quick to fire back that Stassi’s boyfriend did not want to be part of the show. This sent Stassi into overdrive. 

“Stop being a bully,” Lala fired back at Stassi. “Stop bing a mean girl. Do not f–k with my relationship, girl! Fall the f–k back!”

Stassi also took issue with the non-disclosure agreements at Coachella, but Lala wanted to move on. 

“Because of everything you’ve heard and made up in your head, you’ve really f–ked with my life a lot. So stop with the ‘I heard’ — you’re a grown-ass woman.”

Lisa Vanderpump then asked: “Is this coming from your boyfriend?”

But Lala replied, “No, leave him out of this — he has nothing to do with it. Stop even talking about him.”

Andy quizzed Lala about whether she was finished with the show, but she did not answer the question, opting instead to apologize to everyone. 

“First and foremost, I have done a lot of slamming to everyone up here, so I just want to let y’all know for that, I’m sorry,” she said.

Everyone seemed to accept the apology, before Lala peaced out — presumably for the last time. 

After that, Nikolai appeared on the show and sent zingers to pretty much the whole cast, but he saved the best one for Stassi.

“Stassi, just so you know, you can’t get everything you want in life, and I’ve seen you do that numerous times,” Nikolai said.

Everyone looked on in horror, while we switched gears to Katie’s drinking. Katie claimed that Scheana was painting a picture that she was an alcoholic, but Scheana corrected her and said she worried about her actions while drunk. 

Ariana then went on blast Stassi for being this master manipulator, but Miss. Schroeder claimed she only cared about making friends. 

Okay then. 

Was this the reunion episode you were hoping for? Hit the comments below!


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Lala Kent Returns to Vanderpump Rules For Reunion Show: I Want to Stand Up to the Mean Girls!

Lala Kent returned to Vanderpump Rules last night for episode one of the show’s three-part (?!) reunion special.

The rest of the cast was clearly taken off guard by the surprise cameo, with Scheana Marie (one of the few ladies on the cast who doesn’t have active beef with Ms. Kent) remarking that she thought Lala was in New York.

Well, as it turned out, Lala was in La La Land, and she had one final message for the Tequila Katie-led chick clique that led her to quit the series:

“We’re grown adults,” Lala told Bravo cameras before taking the stage.

“Stop bullying people. Stop being mean. Like enough with the mean girl stuff. It’s played out. Your mom should have told you that.”

It was a move that called to mind Stassi Schroeder returning to the show (“crawling back,” in James Kennedy’s words) after a brief sojourn in New York, and while she didn’t pound any mini-liquor bottles backstage, Lala did come equipped to take on a tough crowd:

“I wanted my look today to be like ‘don’t mess with me b–ch’ but like kind of soft as well,” she said as she arrived at the studio.

Once she took her seat alongside her former co-workers, Lala was more “soft” than bad b–tch, explaining that she’s not proud of her behavior on the show last season, and that her harshest comments were products of deep-seated insecurity.

Though Stassi and Lala have feuded on social media several times since the latter stepped down from her post at SUR, it was Lala and Katie who went head-to-head last night.

We expected a bloodbath. 

What we got was something truly rare in the world of reality television – two people making progress through genuine empathy and compassion.

Yes, Lala may have arrived with the intention of burning her rivals to the ground, but she wound up forging an actual connection with Katie.

That said, we doubt that Kent regrets quitting Vanderpump, and there were still some deeply awkward moments that no amount of justification could ameliorate.

Asked about her dire predictions regarding the marriage of Katie and Tom Schwartz, for example, Lala had this to say:

“Because I think [they will get divorced. I think marriage is a really long-term commitment. I probably don’t think that I could make it in marriage [either].”

Solid effort, but you’re still sitting there telling a couple newlyweds you don’t think they’ll make it.

Suffice it to say, Lala probably won’t be getting invited to game night at Casa de Schwartz any time soon.

Which is a shame, because with Jax and Brittany living right next door, it’s probably really easy to dominate at Trivial Pursuit. 


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

James Kennedy: I Only Dated Kristen Doute to Get on Vanderpump Rules!

James Kennedy may have officially earned the title of biggest douche in the history of reality television.

That may sound like a gross exaggeration given the number of Disicks and Situations that have populated out TV screens over the years, but no one has so deftly combined narcissistic bullying with simpering, whiny self-obsession quite like DJ James.

Last night’s Vanderpump Rules Season 5 finale was blessedly devoid of James (as much of the latter half of the season has been), but he still sound a way to solidify his claim to the King Douche throne.

The three-part (!!!) Vanderpump reunion show taped earlier this month, and James was on hand to douche up the proceedings as only he can.

Discussing his relationship with girlfriend Raquel Leviss, Kennedy sang the praises of the aspiring beauty queen, who seems happy to turn a blind eye to his many infidelities and abusive behavior toward the show’s female cast members.

“I’ve never been in a happier relationship in my life,” James said when asked about Raquel.

“Happier than when you were with Kristen [Doute]?” host Andy Cohen asked.

James made it clear that there’s no comparison between the 

“Oh my god,” Kennedy retorted.

“That was the most toxic, negative thing ever. But at the end of the day, I don’t want to go into that. I had my reasons.”

That was when number one James-hater confirmed the long-held suspicion about Kennedy:

“You went on the show,” Taylor said, seemingly confirming that Kennedy dated Doute just to land on a spot on one of Bravo’s most popular reality shows.

It’s an accusation that makes James look almost unimaginably smarmy, but amazingly, he was happy to embrace it.

“F**k yeah I did, mate!” Kennedy laughed, reportedly high-fiving Jax in celebration.

To make matters worse, he added:

“To be honest, I was getting on the show regardless because I was either going to move in with [Tom Sandoval] or start banging his ex-girlfriend.”

Yes, at this point, we don’t think there’s any question that James is the Lord Douche Supreme of reality television.

(Not that he doesn’t have some stiff competition from elsewhere of basic cable.)

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to relive all of James’ douchiest moments.

It may take you a few weeks.

The guy is really just the worst.
