Showing posts with label Vanderpump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanderpump. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 9 Recap: The Talk of Montauk

On Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 9, Sandoval, Schwartz and Jax vowed not to let Lala’s no-show ruin Ariana’s birthday weekend.

Easier said than done, obviously.

Meanwhile, Stassi’s Montauk birthday trip hit the skids early when Schroeder broke down in tears following her recent romantic split.

Ariana’s BF Tom Sandoval invited Tom Schwartz, Jax Taylor, Brittany Cartwright and Lala Kent to join them for a crazy birthday weekend.

Lala no-showed, sending Ariana a text to apologize for bailing last-minute, which raised plenty of eyebrows. More on that later.

Sandoval surprised the group with an RV he dubbed the “Sonoma Express.” Hope he got insurance when he signed the waiver. 

While Jax would’ve preferred a “vodka vineyard,” a wine tasting was first on the agenda, followed by a NASCAR camping trip.

Oh yes. The crew split up for some guy and girl talk, respectively, On the guy side, “I need to have sex!” a drunk Tom shouted.

“I want to have sex!”

Apparently Ariana Madix isn’t down with fun in the bedroom as much as she used to be? That’s a bummer, but they’ll turn it around.

Jax, meanwhile, confessed that he’s worried he will end up sabotaging his relationship with Brittany, “because that’s what Jax does.”

Maybe so, but when Brittany and Ariana stumbled over, ready to steak with their hands and enjoy their guys, all was right with the world.

At least in California. Not New York.

Stassi Schroeder and the rest of the girls flew to Montauk, Long Island, for a beach getaway 3,000 miles from home … because obviously.

Despite her repeated fallings out with the group, Scheana Shay decided to join Stassi and company. The producers have some sway.

Of course, you can lead a Scheana to alcohol, but you can’t make her drink, because if she doesn’t have the “right straw,” it ain’t happening.

She even turned down a celebratory shot at dinner, leaving Stassi visibly annoyed with Scheana, which of course was Scheana’s goal.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Scheana’s negativity had other avenues to be channeled into, such as her failed relationship with Patrick Meagher.

Stassi wept over her single status.

Being around a married friend (Scheana), an engaged friend (Katie Maloney) and a “90% perfect relationship” friend (Kristen) is tough.

Now, you don’t need to watch Vanderpump Rules online to know that Scheana and Mike Shay are divorcing, and Kristen Doute is bonkers.

Stassi isn’t as alone as she might think, but she was still feeling melancholy even as Hamptons men – young and old – expressed interest.

“Gray pubes? Nah, I can’t!” she said.

So much for silver foxes, but skinny-dipping in public seemed to be the cure she desperately needed for her birthday blues, at least.

Meanwhile, Lisa may have fired James Kennedy, but “unfortunately, I can’t fire him from being friends with my son,” Lisa said of Max.

Indeed, those two are buds, so despite James getting fired from SUR, he’s still a presence there – and the LVP took advantage of that.

She asked her ex-employee why Lala ditched Ariana, to which the British DJ responded, “The only thing I can think of is her boyfriend.”

“If she’s told not to go to Sonoma, that could’ve been two minutes before the plane [took off], and she wouldn’t have boarded it,” he adds.

“She’s completely wrapped around this guy’s finger.”

JK expressed concern for Lala, and LVP agreed.

Do they have reason to worry? The way they’re making it sound in this conversation, we may know the real reason she bailed.

And why Lala Kent quit Vanderpump Rules, for that matter.

“I don’t know if she’s dating a married man or not, but she’s dating somebody that’s shrouded in mystery,” the boss lamented.

“She’s not allowed to speak his name out loud,” Lisa said.

“I think Lala really deserves a little bit better than that.”

Doesn’t everybody? Surprising as it anytime James is the voice of reason, we do think Ms. Kent shouldn’t settle for some sugar daddy.

There are nice, normal guys she can give good dome to.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 8 Recap: No Show

Will everyone on Vanderpump Rules ever be able to get along with one another?

Not according to Lisa Vanderpump, who had some strong words for Katie Maloney on Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 8. 

Katie decided it was a good move to give her boss the first invitation to her wedding, but Lisa cut straight to the chase and revealed that she did not trust Stassi Schroeder. 

She even went as far as saying that Schroeder was the reason for all of the friction among their circle of friends. 

“All the roads always lead to Miss Schroeder, trust me,” Lisa said. If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you probably already know that Stassi has been trying to change her ways. 

Unfortunately, she’s kind of still causing a lot of trouble for the girls. She always wants to be the center of attention and that’s what is rubbing the others the wrong way. 

Katie was a much better person when Stassi was out of her life, but she’s slowly falling back into the person she was when Stassi was in charge and it’s sad. 

Katie then decided to make Lisa aware that she is behind Stassi and that she’s changed for the better. 

Elsewhere, Katie, Stassi and Kristen Doute wondered whether Scheana Marie would show up for Stassi’s birthday celebration in the Hamptons. 

Even though they were all bickering, it was clear Stassi still wanted her there, but Scheana chatted with Shay about it and worried that she would be disinvited. 

Maybe Scheana should just ditch the whole thing. It’s not like anything good ever comes from Stassi’s birthday celebrations. There’s always some sort of fight. 

Mike seemed to take Scheana’s side throughout the whole thing by branding the ladies bullies. 

Meanwhile, Ariana, Tom and Lala went to a DJ gig that James Kennedy was working at. He was still super cut up about being fired from SUR, but was thankful that his friends showed up for him. 

This paved the way for him to go meet Lisa to try and get his job back, but Lisa revealed that there was not a chance in hell that she would employ him again. 

All of this came about when Lisa took issue with him calling her a liar. 

“You were an arrogant little punk — and look at me,” she told James.

“Do I look like somebody that employs an arrogant little punk?”

After James was put in his place, he stormed out of SUR as though he had just been told his DJ career was over. Just like James, karma really is a bitch. 

Jax Kennedy later revealed to Kristen that his supplements had caused him to have cysts in his chest and he underwent a procedure to have breast tissue removed. 

As always seems to be the case with Jax, he put the cosmetic surgery down to health concerns. Yeah, we believe you, Mr. Taylor. 

Later, Dayna and Nikolai showed up to help Stassi come to terms with all the drama in her life. Stassi’s brother revealed that Stassi was probably to blame for all of the drama with Scheana, prompting Stassi to reveal in a confessional that her little brother was probably right. 

At the top of the hour, Lala was a no show at the airport for Ariana’s birthday celebrations. Might this lead to her exit from the series?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 7 Recap: Jax Taylor is a Sociopath

Last night on Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 7, Scheana Marie decided it would be a good idea to confront her rival Lala Kent.

Was it, though, Scheana? Was it?!

Meanwhile, Stassi Schroeder put Jax Taylor on blast on her podcast, and Ariana Madix decided that this time, enough was enough.

On this installment of the Bravo show, we saw Kristen Doute throw a surprise party for Scheana’s husband Mike Shay and Brian Carter.

There, Stassi Schroeder decided to confront Scheana about her supposed loyalty to Lala Kent, a s–tshow that we will get to momentarily.

First, Stassi hit up SUR and asked Brittany Cartwright if she could interview her boyfriend, Jax Taylor, for an episode of her podcast?

Why Jax? “I figured it would be a really good idea to have Jax, now that he’s reformed, answer, ‘How do you get away with cheating?’”

Brittany admitted that she didn’t like to dwell on Jax’s past behavior, especially for the sake of Stassi’s podcast, but she gave in anyway.

Big mistake.

The allegedly reformed Jax happily Stassi’s questions about cheating and even agreed to take a sociopath quiz (seriously) on the air.

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, then you know that Jax is a full-on psycho, as the test obviously confirmed with flying colors.

But it’s cool, right?

 “Jax shouldn’t feel bad about being a sociopath,” Stassi said, adding that we all have issues. “I’m an alcoholic, so he’s in good company.”


Meanwhile, Lisa Vanderpump asked Ariana Madix to get together with the rest of the ladies at work and start to work out their differences.

This turned out to be a failure of epic proportions, as Lala tried to own up to body-shaming Katie Maloney, who did not want to hear it.

“Do I need to, like, [pleasure] you to make you forget?” Lala asked, clearly annoyed with apologizing and then being told to apologize.

Scheana also apologized to Lala for spreading fake rumors about her, which further irritated Katie, as she didn’t really stand up to her.

That non-confrontation is what caused Stassi to freak, saying that “apologizing to Lala is like one of the victims apologizing to Charles Manson.”

Slight hyperbole, but it gives you a sense of the tension involved. Later, Katie sent Scheana a number of mean texts about Lala and feelings.

The next day, Brittany and Jax tried to figure out Katie’s motivation. Scheana chalked it up to “Stassi Schroeder and probably some tequila.”

Sounds about right.

At the surprise party, Kristen told Carter that the surprise party was for Shay, and Scheana told Shay that the surprise party was for Carter.

Wait, what?

“This party isn’t exactly a surprise party,” Tom Sandoval said. “I mean, both guys knew they were going to a surprise party. It’s not a surprise.”

Also not surprising? A conversation with Kristen and Scheana that was both unproductive and sad and left the reeling Scheana in tears.

She also asked Ariana to intervene and confirm how timid, mild, measured and half-assed Scheana’s apology to Lala actually was.

Stassi became emotional and ran away.

Katie found Stassi sobbing on the bathroom floor like an even hotter mess than usual and called out Scheana for being a bad friend.

Scheana wasn’t having that for a second.

“Over the past few years, I’ve fought with my friends and made up with them. I’ve never thought I was better than them until this moment.”

Damn. Where do we go from here?


Friday, December 16, 2016

Lala Kent on Quitting Vanderpump Rules: I Was a Mess!

Back in August, Lala Kent hinted that she"d quit Vanderpump Rules while beefing with a fan on Twitter.

Of course, members of the SUR staff are always threatening to storm off (Frankly, we were looking forward to never hearing Stassi talk about her birthday ever again.), so no one really took it seriously.

This week, however, the sad news was confirmed:

Lala is leaving Vanderpump, and SUR, and hopefully James Kennedy, behind.

Though not quite a one-season-and-done like the forgotten Vail Bloom, but Lala"s time on the show was still very brief.

Even so, she says parting ways with the series was difficult:

"It"s very weird because I"ve been doing this for a year and a half, so to know that my time is up, it"s bittersweet for me," Lala tells E! News in the clip below.

She added:

"I think just the negativity finally got to me. I"m not good at separating real life from work, so it started trickling into my everyday relationships with people who have nothing to do with the show and once that started happening that was like not OK anymore."

Lala didn"t exactly confirm rumors that her relationship Jacksonville Jaguars linebacker Hayes Pullard played a role in her decision to  leave the show, but she hinted that there"s some truth to those reports:

"The hardest part for me was when they started making accusations about a relationship that I really wasn"t in," she explained.

"When that trickles into my real life and I am going to the person I am in love with venting about these crazy people, it really did take a toll on my relationship with my boyfriend." 

Lala also revealed that we will get to see the moment that she quits SUR on this season of Vanderpump:

"It"s sad. I haven"t seen the episode, but I do come back one last time to say my final goodbye," she told us.

"I was a hot mess, Lisa Vanderpump was a hot mess, it was weird."

Lala, we hardly knew ye.

Check out the full interview below:

Lala kent on quitting vanderpump rules i was a mess

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Lala Kent: Leaving Vanderpump Rules!

Scheana Marie can breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Lala Kent has confirmed that she will be leaving Bravo’s Vanderpump Rules during Season 5 of the hit series.

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you probably already know Lala has not gone down a storm with many of the SUR employees.

Her exit comes as no surprise. It was almost like she didn’t fit in with the other members of staff and as we’ve witnessed in the past, the people on the outside of the circle struggle to get in with the veterans.

Add in the fact that she was missing from the cast promotional poster earlier this year. It was clear something went wrong along the way. 

“I’m excited for people to watch me exit because it’s just going to show a new side of my life and I think it will get to show people who I really am,” Kent told TooFab.

“I watch the show sometimes and I’m like that’s not me. I want people to see who I actually hang out with, my day-to-day life. And I never got to show that. I’m excited for people to watch me leave Vanderpump Rules to be quite honest.”

Reality TV often comes under fire because the way some of the stars are portrayed. Let’s just say she was never shown in the best light and that’s why Scheana flat out refused to become friends with her. 

“I made it halfway through the season and just decided that I want no part of the people anymore,” she revealed.

“I feel like they don’t deserve to be in my world in any way shape or form. So I dismissed myself.”

The part in which she dismissed herself seems pretty rich because rumors are swirling she’s been getting jiggy with a married man. Maybe she did not expect her deceit to make it on to the TV show, or something. 

Either way, don’t expect the drama at SUR to slow down in Lala’s absence. There’s every possibility she’ll pull a James Kennedy at some point down the line and try get her job back. 

That seems to be what the people from the show do when their next venture hits a lull. 

Heck, if the rumor is true about her with the married man, maybe she and Scheana have more in common than they think. 

Time will tell, you guys. 

In the meantime, speculate in the comments about what Lala’s big exit storyline will involve. We’d be surprised if Lisa Vanderpump does not have a say in her exit. 


Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 6 Recap: Pride Above All

Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 6 was all about pride, in the best possible way in the wake of a national tragedy from this spring.

After terrorism struck the Florida gay community in the form of Omar Mateen, West Hollywood’s pride parade took on even more meaning.

Her goal was bringing the community together; Tom and Ariana, meanwhile, struggled to stay together after the worst fight of their relationship.

Elsewhere, Stassi planned a birthday trip to Montauk and James began to doubt his friendship with Lala for reasons that aren’t shocking.

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, well, let’s just say that Lala, for all her positive attributes, can play fast and loose with the truth.

More than anything, though, this week was about pride.

Lisa Vanderpump rode on a float during Pride Day, feeling that it was necessary to bring the community together after such a tragedy.

The staff, however, didn’t have quite as much courage.

Upon hearing the news of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, Katie Maloney opted out of working at SUR on this special occasion.

That isn’t to say the events didn’t impact her greatly.

On the contrary. She met with Tom Sandoval, Tom Schwartz and Stassi Schroeder at her apartment, where they discussed the terrorism.

There were a lot of tears and raw emotions.

Tom Sandoval seemed to be the most shaken up, but following their discussion and impromptu group therapy session, he went to work.

If you don’t do that, then they win, right?

Unfortunately for Tom, this wasn’t the only mental battle he fought this week, as his jealousy over Ariana‘s new bartending book was palpable.

This caused one the most surprising – and biggest – fights we’ve ever seen from a couple we love and who is by all accounts so stable.

The gist of the couple’s conflict is this:

Ariana was offered a deal to make a bartending book; Tom wanted to be involved; Ariana basically called him out for craving attention.

A huge and bitter argument ensued. 

Thanks to Lala Kent, who played the unlikely role of mediator here, the couple was able to work it out and move forward. Thank goodness.

As for Lala, she had her own issues, however.

James got frustrated over the fact that Lala’s stories about her rich boyfriend to whom Lala gives good dome are constantly changing.

How did she react to the intense scrutiny?

Finally, Stassi started planning her birthday trip to Montauk, which is on Long Island and which Scheana Marie did not know existed.

We suppose it’s not that surprising that Scheana had never heard of it … what would be more shocking is if anyone actually attended.

Because … it’s Stassi. Her birthday party seems like it would be one of the most miserable things in human history, though who knows. 

Anyway, that’s that! Watch it all above!


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Vanderpump Rules Recap: Who Has Cold Feet? Who Gives Good Dome?

With the recent, saddening news of a Scheana and Mike Shay divorce, those who watch Vanderpump Rules online have to be wondering:

Will Tom and Katie suffer a similar fate?

On Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 5, Schwartz and Maloney decided that, issues aside, they wanted to go on and get hitched ASAP.

Should their fans be concerned?

Lisa Vanderpump, for one, was. The SUR boss took issue with the nuptials and told them to sort out their problems before it’s too late. 

And they have problems, boy.

Tom became visibly stressed when the wedding budget started creeping upward, but one wonders if that’s all he’s really worried about.

When car shopping for Lisa (which was obviously a thing that happened), he joked that instead of a wedding, they should buy a Porsche.

Katie then flipped the f–k out on him.

“You don’t even joke about not having a wedding to a girl three months away from her own wedding,” she said, clearly not taking the joke.

She stormed off, making a comment about Schwartz’s “d–k that doesn’t work,” which might be a bigger issue than their wedding budget.

“I’m not getting cold feet,” Tom insisted later.

“They’re a little chilly, but they’re not cold.”

Sure thing. Anyone who knows Tom Schwartz knows that he is the human embodiment of cold feet … in general. Not just about weddings.

Saying that he’s afraid of commitment is like saying James Kennedy is a douche. Do you even need to make such an obvious statement?

Speaking of James, he received this helpful advice from Tom Sandoval: “Sometimes a good j–k-off in the mirror is good after you get fired.”

No word if he took that message to heart.

James said that his girlfriend, Raquel Leviss, knew all about the sex rumors that led to his firing, but insisted that he is in fact innocent.

Another SURver revealed to Lala Kent that she had also slept with James, however, and she had the pictures to prove her side of the story.

Naturally, Scheana Shay invited James’ rumored lover, Ellie, to dinner to dish on the alleged cheating and show off the risque evidence.

Ellie told Scheana she took and time stamped the pics of the hookup because she knew James would try to deny it and call her “crazy.”

It’s like she’s inside the guy’s head!

“Yeah, it is a little weird that Ellie took a selfie in bed with James, but I kind of see where she’s coming from,” Scheana told the cameras.

Meanwhile, the blame game for James’ firing continued as Kristen Doute confronted Ariana Madix about her friendship with the DJ.

The gulf between Ariana and her former friends continued to widen, while Lala found herself the subject of some scandalous gossip too.

Given her displays of wealth on her modest salary, staff members assumed that she must be dating a rich guy … who is also married.

Confronted by her boss, Kent denied it, but Lisa noted.

“You look like you’re going a little shade of pink.”

Lala Kent: Fantastic body. Terrible poker face.

Lala said she only blushed because Lisa, a “mother figure” to her, was asking about a touchy subject, but again denied banging a married man.

“I have a guy who definitely spoils me rotten, but he’s not the married guy they’re talking about,” she claimed before telling the cameras:

“He likes to reward me because I give good dome.”

If you’re not clear on what that means, based on the context and the fact that it’s Ms. Kent boasting about it, look it up on Urban Dictionary.

We have zero doubt that this is a true statement Lala is making, but other co-stars remained unconvinced that she has nothing to hide.

Stassi Schroeder told Kristen and Scheana that she knew exactly who Lala’s boyfriend is, and that his marital status is not a secret.

Schroeder revealed this to her co-workers:

“I found out yesterday that the way the wife found out [about Lala] is she went through his phone and found sex tape videos of them.”

“Every time I think shadier s–t can’t get more shady, it gets worse,” she said of the fact that a Lala Kent sex tape may be in existence.

To which, all we can say is … *gulp*

Stassi’s clearly right about one thing:

Just when you think this Bravo show can’t get any more ridiculous, something or someone manages to take it to another level entirely.


Saturday, December 3, 2016

Scheana Marie Shay Divorce: Details to Come on Vanderpump Rules!

In news that shouldn’t have come as a huge shock to anyone who has tracked her marriage of late, Scheana Marie Shay filed for divorce this week.

She ended her relationship with husband Mike after about two years as his wife, purportedly due to Mike’s substance abuse issues.

Although the Vanderpump Rules star did not come out and specific the basis for her break-up, it’s not hard to read between the lines.

In early November, after all, Mike went missing for a number of days.

There was talk that he emptied his bank account and chatter that he had fallen off the wagon after a year or so of sobriety (which followed eight years of an addiction to painkillers).

Yes, Mike eventually turned up.

And, yes, he shared a post at the time on Instagram that assured followers he was happy, healthy and in love with Scheana.

“I love my wife and will always love my wife,” Mike wrote once he resurfaced. “Whatever is going on between us will stay between us! I love my family and my family loves me.”

But it didn’t take long for divorce rumors to circulate.

Heck, going back to November of last year, Scheana was Tweeting about trouble in her marriage and asking fans not to judge her and Mike too harshly.

She also staged an intervention for Mike on a Vanderpump Rules installment last year.

So, yeah. This split was pretty easy to see coming, no matter how happy the couple looked on its wedding day.

This is the joint statement they released upon announcing their divorce:

While we have made the difficult decision to move forward separately, our story will continue on through the love and mutual respect that we have cultivated throughout our 15-year friendship.

Much of the recent speculation and reporting on our relationship has been misguided, and we have come to an amicable decision on all matters.

We might have failed at our marriage, but we are committed to succeeding as friends and will continue to support each other’s personal happiness and professional success.

Scheana then went on to thank her fans for their support, writing on Twitter this week:

“Thank you all for the love today! It’s never easy to split with someone you still love, but we will always remain friends.”

Scheana tweet pic

Now, in news even less surprising than the divorce itself, Kristen Doute has confirmed that those who watch Vanderpump Rules online will learn a lot more about what led to her close friend deciding to end her marriage.

The Sur waitress was a guest on SiriusXM’s “Conversations with Maria Menounos” Friday when she revealed that the Bravo series recently resumed filming… specifically to include details about the divorce.

It’s almost as though this was a storyline planned by producers for several months.

“Obviously there are other things that will come out on this season that were reasons as to why [they broke up,” Doute said on air, claiming that it was Scheana’s decision to pull the plug and adding:

“She definitely has some other reasons and things that have happened between the two of them.”

What could those reasons possibly be?!?

We’ll need to tune in to new episodes of this Bravo reality show for the answer.

Real classy, everyone.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

"Vanderpump Rules" -- Scheana Shay Files for Divorce

Scheana Shay is officially going for the big D, she’s pulling the plug on her marriage to Michael Shay. The “Vanderpump Rules” stars have been married for 2 years — Scheana says she filed divorce docs Wednesday in L.A. She tells TMZ, “We might…


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 4 Recap: The Thirst is Strong With This One

On Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 4 Scheana made a decision about her bridesmaids that sent shock waves through the SUR world.

Meanwhile, Katie Maloney discovered that Tom Schwartz was seeking therapy, and James Kennedy’s new girlfriend made an appearance.

Yes, someone is dating James Kennedy. Willingly!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that James is a royal pain in the ass who you either love to hate or just plain hate.

You also know that the guy gets around like a record, and this week we met his latest plaything, who he met at PUMP last New Year’s.

The lucky (?) woman’s name: Raquel Leviss.

“I played a little Beyoncé, and I wound up with a girlfriend,” James said, as the two promptly got it on behind a screen in his one-room rental.

Soon, Raquel (who apparently doesn’t watch Bravo) realized what we’ve all known for some time – that James had his fair share of haters.

“I’m not serving fried chicken, and they hate that,” James insisted, presumably implying that people who hate on him are jealous or something.

What other explanation can there be?!

Meanwhile, Katie Maloney, Kristen Doute and Stassi Schroeder all got together to gossip on Vanderpump Rules Season 5 Episode 4.

What else is there to do on a boring sunny afternoon in LA with the cameras rolling and so many potential pots to be stirring, are we right?

The group discussed how Scheana Shay was so hurt that Katie Maloney had gone at her over her “rekindled friendship” with Lala Kent.

Is it a loyalty thing? Or …

“When Katie’s drunk, she’s irrational,” Shay told Brittany Cartwright. “She accused me, like, four times of saying something I absolutely did not say.”

That’s when Lala came into work and started making small talk, at which point Scheana tried to avoid incurring the wrath of “Tequila Katie.”


“I’m really not trying to be a bitch,” Scheana told Lala.

“It’s just that Katie is one of my best friends. I’m happy to say hello to you and be professional. It’s just the conversation, it makes me uncomfortable.”

Speaking of uncomfortable, that’s what James was making everyone by continually showing up to work drunk. Like, visibly intoxicated.

James made a scene when the restaurant’s new hostess implied she had hooked up with him, placing him right in the middle of a scandal.

Again. Did he cheat on his girlfriend?

Jax Taylor and Lala found the James drama incredibly entertaining … in large part because the rumors weren’t about them for once.

“The only thing I can think about is, thank God that rumors are being spread about somebody that is not me,” Lala laughed.

Others were not so amused …

“Play your little discs, and shut up,” Lisa said, and after he failed to heed her warning and nearly fought her husband, Lisa finally fired James.

We’ll see if it takes this time.

Getting increasingly nervous about his upcoming wedding (to the surprise of no one) Tom Schwartz sought out a therapist to help him.

When his therapist asked if he is really ready to get married, he answered with a cringe-worthy, high-pitched, uncomfortable, “Yeah…”

Naturally, he was also too nervous to tell Katie that he was going to therapy, but soon realized he had no other choice but to do that.

Not that it’s going to be easy.

“It’s like being in a relationship with the f–king wall,” she said, crying all the tears over a glass of wine when he tried to open up to her.

Conversation over.

Katie’s alcohol-fueled “dark side” worries Tom, and for good reason, but whether he handles it in the best way possible is another story.

Going behind Katie’s back and asking Ariana Madix to be one of his groomsmen (seriously) when Katie doesn’t want her in the wedding?

Pretty amazing.

One can only imagine what her reaction will be to that next week … but we can almost guarantee it’ll be a moment worthy of this gallery:


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Watch Vanderpump Rules Online: Check Out Season 9 Episode 1

Vanderpump Rules is back! 

Scroll down for a summary of Vanderpump Rules Season 9 Episode 1 and also to watch Vanderpump Rules online…

On this premiere episode, Lisa Vanderpump’s SUR Restaurant was hotter than ever.

However, the conflict within her staff was also at an all-time high after Jax jeopardized the best relationship he’s ever had after spreading a stunning rumor involving his girlfriend Brittany and Kristen.

Elsewhere, Stassi rallied the gals against James and Lala for fat shaming bride-to-be Katie, yet Schwartz was concerned that Stassi’s return had brought out the worst in his fiancée.

Finally, the group uncovered a bit of scandalous gossip about Lala’s love life.

Use the vieo featured above to watch Vanderpump Rules online now!


Friday, November 4, 2016

"Vanderpump Rules" -- Scheana"s Husband Cleans Out Bank Account ... Marriage on the Rocks

Scheana Marie and Michael Shay could be on the express train to spiltsville, now that she’s telling friends he disappeared with all their money … TMZ has learned. Sources close Scheana tell TMZ … the “Vanderpump Rules”…


Friday, October 28, 2016

Vanderpump Rules Season 5: Which Castmembers Are Back & Who"s Been Axed?!

Good news:

We’re just over a week away from the premiere of Vanderpump Rules Season 5!

Not so great news:

It seems one castmember has seen her last dinner rush at SUR.

Rumors about a cast shake-up have been circulating for months, and now it seems our worst fears have been confirmed.

Fan favorite Lala Kent will apparently not be bringing her snarky hotness back for a second season.

Bravo unveiled the opening credits for the show’s fifth season last night, and fans have taken note of the fact that Lala is not one of the beautiful people shooting Blue Steel gazes at the camera and sloshing perfectly good booze all over the place:

Interestingly, however, Stassi Schroeder has made her return to the EDM spill-fest.

Perhaps there’s only room for one sassy blonde in WeHo?

(We kid. West Hollywood is roughly 118% sassy blondes. Look it up.)

Back in August Lala “quit” Vanderpump, but reality stars (particularly those with plenty of time to pursue other career options) quit the shows that made them famous all the time.

However, in this case, the decision seemed to be more than a melodramatic bargaining tactic.

Last month, Lala took on the entire cast (In a Twitter feud! get your mind out of the gutter!) and seemed to put the final nails in the coffin of her career as a SUR girl.

Or did she?

Take another look at the panoramic, ever-expanding group shot at the end of the credits:

There’s Lala, sporting underboob for days, and still standing in close proximity to James Kennedy, as though his douche stench isn’t bringing tears to her eyes. 

Also of note:

It seems couples will be taking center stage this season, as the newly-married Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney are flanking Lisa V., along with Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix.

Apparently we’re still pretending Ken Todd matters, as he’s posted up directly behind Lisa.

And Brittany Cartwright has joined boyfriend Jax in the opening credits!

It’s recently been rumored that Jax and Brittany will be starring in a Vanderpump spinoff, in which they’ll spend time with Cartwright’s family in rural Kentucky.

Should be amusing, but it’s also a reminder that a guy with a shaky grasp on how many days are in a year is making way more money than you!

Happy Friday!

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for Season 5.


Monday, October 24, 2016

Jax Taylor Lands Vanderpump Rules Spinoff Series!

If you watch Vandepump Rules online, you know that Jax Taylor has claimed a place alongside Scott Disick and Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino in the Reality TV Dumbass Hall of Fame.

That may sound like a diss, but we actually mean it as the highest compliment.

After all, where would shows like Vanderpump be without the comic relief provided by people like Jax?

Whether he’s trying to figure out how many days are in a year or getting arrested for stealing sunglasses (that he could easily afford) while on vacation in Hawaii, Jax is the vodka in the Pump-tini.

He’s what makes us keep tuning in week after week, despite the continued presence of James Kennedy.

So we suppose it’s not all that surprising that Bravo is looking to add more Jax to its lineup.

Rumors of a Jax-centric Vanderpump spinoff have been circulating for months, and now it looks like season one is already in the can.

 “People love to love Jax and love to hate him,” says a source who confirmed the spinoff deal to Radar Online.

“With fame comes jealousy so there are definitely some cast members that are bothered by this, but for the most part they are all really happy for Jax because they know that they will get to be on two shows instead of just one now.”

Insiders say the show will focus on the relationship between Taylor and his girlfriend, Brittany Cartwright, who will be a regular on Vanderpump again this season.

The couple has been filming in Cartwright’s native Kentucky, and there’s speculation that the series will focus on Jax’s efforts to adjust to life on a farm.

Could make for an amusing fish-out-of-water tale, but it’ll be difficult for Jax to misbehave in the middle of nowhere, and his affinity for bad decisions is one of our favorite things about Taylor.

But hey, regardless of the quality of the show, we can’t blame Jax for seizing his window of opportunity to cash in.

As amusing as his “himbo” routine is on camera, the guy has reportedly proven that he’s sharper than expected when it comes to managing his wealth.

He’s described himself as “set for life” thanks to investing his Vanderpump earnings in business ventures such as a SoCal restaurant.

Maybe he’s exaggerating (honesty is not exactly Jax’s strong suit), but it seems he’s well aware that reality TV fame doesn’t last forever, and the smartest stars cash in while they can.

Jax might be the most intelligent dumbass on television.
