Showing posts with label White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Dana White Rips "Cokehead" Oscar De La Hoya for Letting Chuck Liddell Fight

Breaking News
Dana White just went scorched Earth on Oscar De La Hoya — blasting the head of Golden Boy Promotions as a “f*cking cokehead” who irresponsibly let Chuck Liddell fight Tito Ortiz this past weekend. 
“I love Chuck Liddell and I don’t ever want to bad mouth Ch...
Dana White Rips "Cokehead" Oscar De La Hoya for Letting Chuck Liddell Fight

Monday, November 19, 2018

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Dana White Tells Mayweather If He Wants $150 Mil, He"s Gotta Fight Khabib In The UFC

Dana White’s FIRING BACK at Floyd Mayweather – sayin’ if he wants a 9-figure payday for fighting Khabib, it’s gotta be in the UFC. TMZ Sports saw the UFC honcho outside the Montage in L.A. and asked him about Floyd’s make-or-break terms for…


George Lopez Shocked CNN"s Jim Acosta Got White House Credentials Back

George Lopez was positive Donald Trump would let D.L. Hughley in the White House press room before Jim Acosta would ever be invited back, so imagine his SHOCK when he learned from us Jim’s back in action! Don’t get George wrong … he stands…


Friday, November 16, 2018

Jim Acosta Wins Bid to Get White House Credentials Back

President Trump had it out for CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta … so says a federal judge who has just ordered The White House to give Acosta his press credentials back.  CNN and its chief White House reporter, Jim Acosta, sued…


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Tito Ortiz Wants To Visit Donald Trump In White House After Beating Chuck Liddell

Tito Ortiz has been a hardcore President Trump supporter for years … so after the MMA star beats the hell outta Chuck Liddell, he says he wants to take a trip to the White House.  TMZ Sports talked to Ortiz at Kings MMA in…


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

CNN Sues President Trump for Pulling Jim Acosta"s White House Press Pass

President Trump can’t take his CNN grudge out on Jim Acosta by yanking his White House press pass … at least that’s what CNN is asserting in a new lawsuit. CNN and Acosta are taking the extraordinary step to sue POTUS over last week’s fiery…


Friday, November 9, 2018

Conan O"Brien Blasts White House for Comedic Treatment of Jim Acosta

Conan O’Brien’s laughing his ass off a lot these days, courtesy President Trump and co. — but the problem is they’re also stomping all over the late night host’s turf … according to Conan. We got COB out in the Big Apple Thursday and…


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Sinead O"Connor: I Don"t Want to Spend Time with White People Ever Again!

Sinead O’Connor has been a controversial figure for a few decades, now.

She has recently converted to Islam and goes by Shuhada’ Davitt, but that is not the source of his latest controversy

The issue is a tweet in which she says that she never wants to “spend time with white people” ever again.

“I’m terribly sorry,” Sinead’s tweet begins.

She continues: “What I’m about to say is something so racist I never thought my soul could ever feel it.”

“But truly I never wanna spend time with white people again,” she writes.

That is such a head-scratcher, but she does offer a strange definition of “white people.”

In parentheses, she writes: “(if that’s what non-muslims are called).”

We don’t claim to be experts in theology, but that word would probably be kafir, not “white people.”

“Not for one moment, for any reason,” Sinead makes clear. “They are disgusting.”

Regardless of her religious adherence, Sinead O’Connor is very, very white.

Converting does not change that, and she’s hardly the only white Muslim — which makes her statement so much stranger.

Unfortunately, that was only one tweet of many.

Sinead followed up her controversial tweet:

“Interesting to see if Twitter bans this when it allows people like Trump and Milbank spew the satanic filth upon even my country,” she wrote.

Twitter has not, as of Wednesday afternoon, done anything of the sort to her tweet.

On top of that, the 51-year-old folk singer seemed eager to get into heated religious discourse.

“How come so called christian and jewish theologians,” her question begins.

She interrupts herself to claim: “(the christian theologians being atheists and satanists actually in practice, though they know it not).”

Sinead continues: “never talk about the smashing of their enemies babies heads on rocks which in all over their psalms?”

What she means to ask is why don’t members of other Abrahamic faiths who claim that Islam is violent because of the Qur’an when their own holy books have similar content.

She then promptly answers her own question. 

“BTW if one IS an intelligent theologian and has taken the journey,” she tweets.

“One would know there is no more talk of ancient violence in the Q’ran as the Tanukh, the Bible, or The sodding Mahabarata,” she writes.

The Tanakh (which stands for Torah, Neviim, and Ketuvim) is the holy book of the Jewish people, known as the Old Testament in Christianity.

The Mahabharata is one of the oldest Sanskrit texts of India, and describes the Bharata dynasty.

“And,” she concludes. “Its ALL EQUALLY IRELLEVANT TO OUR TIMES.”

Which makes one wonder why she brought up old-timey scriptural violence in the first place.

So, there are a few obvious things to unpackage.

Her tweet isn’t racist, exactly, it’s just hostile, prejudiced, argumentative, and deeply confused.

She is a white woman, in terms of what that term actually means.

If she’d said that she didn’t want to hang out with non-Muslims ever again, that would be prejudiced and obnoxious.

But remember that she has been making impulsive and sometimes offensive statements for decades.

Just one year ago, Sinead O’Connor recorded a disturbing video in which she shared that she was suicidal.

She probably converted in the hopes that it will bring her peace, but lashed out online because she cannot help herself.

Sinead O’Connor has been an outspoken critic of organized religion for a very long time.

Unfortunately, her confrontational approach is sometimes off-putting, even to those who share her views.

At the end of her Twitter rant, she did at least acknowledge how bizarre her social media messages have been.

“Final word,” she wrote. “If its ‘Crazy’ to care. Then by all means, spank my ass and call me Fruity loops : )”

We hope that she is getting whatever help and support she needs in this time.

Perhaps her newly found religious community can help.


Monday, November 5, 2018

Dana White, NFL Commissioner Is "The Worst F***ing Job In Sports"

At $ 31.7 MILLION A YEAR … Roger Goodell is actually UNDERPAID — so says Dana White. “That’s the worst f***ing job in sports,” White says of being the NFL’s commish. We got the UFC honcho out in NYC … and asked about football’s latest…


Friday, November 2, 2018

Dana White "Bummed Out, Sad" Over Stephan Bonnar Arrest

Dana White tells TMZ Sports he’s really sad about the arrest of UFC Hall of Famer Stephan Bonnar — saying, “He’s a great dude and it’s unfortunate.” TMZ Sports broke the story … Bonnar was subdued by concerned citizens in Nevada on Sunday after…


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Ben Stiller Says He Apologized for "Simple Jack," Supports Shaun White

How does Ben Stiller feel about Shaun White getting heat for an offensive Halloween costume based off his “Tropic Thunder” movie?  He’s sorry. Still.  TMZ Sports broke the story … White dressed up as Simple Jack — a mentally disabled…


Shaun White Apologizes for "Insensitive" Halloween Costume

Shaun White can pull off a Double McTwist 1260 better than maybe anyone who has ever lived.

But the world famous snowboarder still needs help in the Halloween costume department.

On Monday evening, the athlete expressed regret and issued a mea culpa after dressing up this week as Simple Jack, Ben Stiller’s disabled character in the 2008 comedy Tropic Thunder.

The three-time Olympic gold medalist shared his outfit (below) on Instagram prior to making his statementm drawing a harsh rebuke from The Special Olympics in the process.

“We are truly disappointed that Shaun White, an acclaimed Olympian, would choose this costume which is so offensive and causes so much pain,” one of the organization’s cofounders, Soeren Palumbo, said.

Speaking to The Huffington Post, he added:

“Disability is not a joke nor should it be a punchline.

“We hope that Shaun White and others learn that this just continues stigma, stereotypes and discrimination.”

The image has since been deleted and White has now said the following in response to the backlash:

I owe everyone in the Special Olympics community an apology for my poor choice of Halloween costume the other night.

It was a last minute decision. It was the wrong one.

The Special Olympics were right to call me out on it. They do great work supporting so many athletes and I am sorry for being insensitive.

Lesson learned.

Upon its release, once the depiction of Still’s controversial character was viewed by the public, Tropic Thunder was widely criticized and even boycotted by disability advocacy groups.

The movie repeatedly and excessively used the R-word to describe Stiller’s character.

In a statement to The New York Times in 2008, a spokesperson for DreamWorks Pictures said the film “satirizes Hollywood and its excesses and makes its point by featuring inappropriate and over-the-top characters in ridiculous situations.”

The company added that it did not intend to “disparage or harm the image of individuals with disabilities.”

This is a photo of Stiller in the role:

In this case, however, it looks like White’s scandal will be short-lived.

He acknowledged the mistake he made in dressing as Simple Jack and the Special Olympics then replied in appreciation.

“Thank you @shaunwhite for listening to our community.

“You always have an invitation to shred with our athletes at #XGames Aspen!” the organization wrote on Twitter.

Do you think White should have apologized in the first place?


Dana White to Floyd Mayweather, Khabib Will Only Fight You In MMA!

Dana White tells TMZ Sports … if Floyd Mayweather is serious about fighting Khabib Nurmagomedov, it ain’t gonna be a boxing match — it’s the Octagon or nothing!  Floyd has said he’s 70% certain the two sides will get a deal done to box…


Monday, October 29, 2018

Dana White Says Demetrious Johnson Never Got Love He Deserved from Fans

Dana White says he wishes nothing but the best for Demetrious Johnson now that he’s leaving UFC for another MMA promotion — and tells TMZ Sports he hopes DJ finally gets the respect he deserves from fans.  The UFC worked out a trade with ONE…


Boston"s Heath Hembree Can"t Wait to Visit White House, "I F*ck With Trump!"

Boston Red Sox pitcher Heath Hembree has already made up his mind — he WILL be visiting the White House with the team … telling TMZ Sports, “Hell yeah! I f*ck with Trump!” Heath was leaving Nightingale nightclub after the Red Sox won Game 5 of…


Saturday, October 27, 2018

Paul Pierce Says Sports Teams Visiting White House Is Stupid Tradition

Paul Pierce is glad Villanova is refusing to visit Trump’s White House to celebrate their NCAA basketball title … saying the tradition is dumb and overrated.  Nova’s coach Jay Wright, announced Thursday the team would not visit 1600…


Ron White Canceling Shows, Hospitalized with Neck Infection

Ron White won’t be able to crack jokes this weekend — not onstage, anyway — we’ve learned he’s postponing a number of performances due to a neck infection.  Sources close to Ron tell TMZ … the comedian was forced to cancel his Thursday…


Friday, October 26, 2018

Drunk White JetBlue Passenger Calls Out for NAACP While Being Subdued

We don"t hear so often from Utah Man, but we sure do hear a lot of airplane nightmares.

Thankfully, this intoxicated troublemaker didn"t make it past boarding before being arrested for assaulting a JetBlue employee.

Unfortunately, his 8-year-old son watched as his white father screamed obscenities and called out for the NAACP.

It will surprise no one to learn that this went down in Florida.

Utah man Brandon Strong was at the Orlando International Airport when, according to police, he began harassing a woman.

When that alleged verbal harassment escalated to the point of him calling the woman a "c–t," JetBlue stepped in.

JetBlue employees informed him that he would not be permitted to board the flight.

According to a sworn statement by one of those employees, this is when Strong got physical.

Strong allegedly became physically confrontational

"I explained to him that he could not travel and asked for his son," the JetBlue employee writes.

"At that point," the affidavit continues. "He pressed his iPad against my chest and pushed me."

The employee writes: "I pushed his hands away from my chest, and he attempted to grab me."

"We wrestled," the affidavit says. "And myself and a couple other customers tried to restrain him."

The operative word there is that they tried to restrain the man.

Police say that there were multiple 911 calls about the incident.

(It turns out that people really take notice when you"re violent at an airport — who knew?)

According to Officer Jason Hajek"s affidavit, Strong was very obviously intoxicated.

Hajek wrote that he "could detect the strong odor of the impurities of alcohol on his breath."

Brandon Strong allegedly continued to resist, and was warned that he would be subdued.

Strong was warned that he might be met with a "chemical spray."

Hajek writes that, with a crowd surrounding him, he fired "one short burst" of pepper spray at Strong.

Pepper spray is a potent chemical weapon, and the Fire Department was called to offer treatment to those in the crowd who were impacted.

During the scuffle, Strong yelled "Where is the NAACP?!"

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is America"s oldest civil rights organization.

While the NAACP has addressed many topics, including excessive force by police, it is unclear why Strong felt that the organization was relevant.

For one thing, this wasn"t a beating for jaywalking. This appears to have been a case of police putting a stop to his behavior.

For another thing, Brandon Strong is a 45-year-old white man.

Anyway, Strong was arrested for disorderly intoxication, resisting officers, and assaulting police.

On a funny note, Strong referred to the initial JetBlue employee as "Paul Bart Mall Cop."

Unlike the film by that name, that is objectively funny.

On a considerably less funny note, the man"s 8-year-old son witnessed this. One can only imagine what else he has seen from this man.

JetBlue looked after the boy and his mother was contacted and informed that he would be transported to Utah.

Honestly, from the looks of this video, this situation might have been a lot worse had bystanders not stepped in.

Drunk white jetblue passenger calls out for naacp while being su

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Country Rocker Tony Joe White Dead at 75

Country and blues icon Tony Joe White – who had the huge ’60s hit “Polk Salad Annie” — has died … according to his record label.  White died Wednesday in Nashville, according to his label, Yep Roc Music Group — however, they did…
