Showing posts with label performing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label performing. Show all posts

Monday, January 16, 2017

Toby Keith: Darn Right I"m Performing at Donald Trump"s Inauguration!

For fairly obvious reasons, Toby Keith is rarely compared to Nirvana.

But there’s finally a reason to write about the country music artist and the iconic rock band in the same sentence.

And that’s because Keith has a simple response to anyone giving him grief for performing this weekend at Donald Trump’s Presidential Inauguration:


The country music star is maybe the biggest name to have signed on for this controversial event, which will take place on January 20 in Washington, D.C.

Very few major acts want to be associated with the 45th President of the United States, with Keith having received a great deal of flak for agreeing to take the stage.

Not that he seems bothered by the criticism.

“I don’t apologize for performing for our country or military,” the artist told Entertainment Weekly late last week, explaining further:

“I performed at events for previous presidents [George W.] Bush and [Barack] Obama and over 200 shows in Iraq and Afghanistan for the USO.”

That is certainly one point of view.

We can see how some singers out there view performing at the inauguration as a patriotic act that represents the country and the democracy more than one single man.

But we can also see how many stars simply see this as an exception.

We can understand their hesitance to support Donald Trump in any way, shape or form.

Keith will be joined at the celebratory concert by 3 Doors Down, Lee Greenwood, Jackie Evancho, The Piano Guys and the Frontmen of Country, according to an announcement posted on the Presidential Inaugural Committee site.

Broadway actress Jennifer Holliday was also scheduled to perform, but published a letter on Saturday that said she felt a need to pull put.

In her statement, Holliday apologized to the LGBTQ community for agreeing to perform in the first place, calling the initial decision a “lapse of judgement.”

Trump, meanwhile, is well aware that artists are refusing to take his stage.

But he’s claimed on Twitter that not only isn’t he bothered by their absence… he doesn’t want them anywhere near him anyway!

“The so-called ‘A’ list celebrities are all wanting tickets to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary — NOTHING,” Trump tweeted in December, adding:

“I want the PEOPLE!”

We guess Toby Keith isn’t a person, based on this line of reasoning?

Trump, of course, has other things to worry about these days than who will or will not perform in D.C. later this week.

Such as accusations that he really is a puppet for Russia and/or talk that he will violate the Constitution on his first day in office due to his many business conflicts.

But, like Keith, Trump doesn’t seem too upset by the insults and threats being hurled his way.

Nor by the lack of well-known stars who went to perform on his behalf.

“Inauguration Day is turning out to be even bigger than expected. January 20th, Washington D.C. Have fun!” he recently Tweeted.

Will you be attending the event?

Will you be watching it on TV?

Will you be boycotting Keith and/or anyone who performs at it?

Or will you be lining up to purchase their records in a show of support?


Friday, June 3, 2016

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Brad Paisely and Demi Lovato performing on Jimmy Kimmel

Brad Paisely and Demi Lovato performing on Jimmy Kimmel

Demi Lovato performing on Jimmy Kimmel

Demi Lovato performing on Jimmy Kimmel

Demi Lovato performing on Jimmy Kimmel

Demi Lovato performing on Jimmy Kimmel

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Christina Aguilera: Performing Duet With Whitney Houston Hologram on The Voice??

This is either going to be super awesome or horrifically creepy.

Perhaps a bit of both.

Christina Aguilera is reportedly slated to perform a duet with a hologram of the late Whitney Houston on The Voice, a source tells Entertainment Tonight.

Rumors surfaced that Houston"s hologram would make an appearance on the show last week, but so far, Aguilera admits nothing.

"I am sworn to secrecy," she said.

"I can"t say anything, but I"m very excited about the finale. Very exciting things happening."

NBC declined to comment as well.

Houston, who has been nicknamed "THE Voice," is regarded as one of the greatest singers ever to live, as coaches on the singing competition are often heard repeating.

Contestants who perform Houston songs do so at their own peril, as the coaches are quick to compare and scrutinize, usually unfavorably.

However, Aguilera is also highly respected for her talent and is considered by many to be one of the greatest living vocalists.

Putting these two together could result in an immaculate harmony of runs and high notes, but fans aren"t necessarily thrilled.

"No disrespect to Christina Aguilera, but why is a Whitney Houston hologram not just Whitney by herself? Is NBC paying for it or something?" wrote one critic on Twitter.

"Can people not sing Whitney Houston songs or even sing with a hologram of her please. It will never sound good," tweeted another.

Black Twitter also expressed its displeasure with the pairing.

"Whitney Houston"s hologram in my opinion should be sang with by a black woman IMO. But that"s just me. Don"t @ me," wrote one user.

Two years ago, Michael Jackson"s hologram made its debut, and fans raved at how real it appeared.

But the Jackson"s holographic rendering performed solo.

We have to wonder if it would have received the same backlash if Justin Timberlake appeared alongside the King of Pop"s image.


Christina aguilera performing duet with whitney houston hologram

Sunday, September 27, 2015

After Performing Saturday Night In Hollywood, Kanye West Never Even Made It To His Own After-Party! Find Out Why HERE!

Well this sucks!!

Kanye West performed at the Hollywood Bowl in El Lay on Saturday night, and he was all set to enjoy an after-party in Beverly Hills immediately after the concert, only… it never happened!

Related: So Kanye Might Actually Run For President…

Yeezus was all set to head over to a posh Beverly Hills estate that night, only to find out that the raucous party had already been broken up by cops! Apparently it was the combination way too many people — and being way too loud — late at night that must’ve tipped off law enforcement.

And Yeezy hadn’t even shown up yet!!

Awww! Nothing worse than not even being able to make it to your own after party!

We’re thinking of you in this time of struggle, Kanye. LOLz!!

[Image via TNYF/WENN.]