Monday, September 21, 2015

Sister Wives Recap: Be a Daddy, Not a Warrior

Picking up where last week left off, Sister Wives Season 6 Episode 3 featured more complex family situations that are unique to Kody Brown.

Well, unless you’ve also divorced one of your wives so you could marry another and adopt their kids, but remained married to both in spirit.

In that case, you can totally relate!

Oh yes, Kody had his hands full on Sister Wives Season 6 Episode 3, which is nothing new for him really, but this was uncharted territory.

His daughter Madison was readying to joining the LDS church, while his son Hunter was about to compete in a state wrestling tournament.

Most significantly for those who watch Sister Wives online, Breanna, Dayton and Aurora were about to learn if they would be adopted.

Kody says he has to remind himself to be a “daddy” during this chaotic time (like there is any other kind of time), and “not a warrior.”

It’s good advice, albeit easier said than done.

Case in point? Trying to explain to Robyn’s kids (from her previous relationship) the process behind Kody becoming their legal guardian.

Beyond the obvious emotions involved, “The biggest challenge,” Kody says, “is trying to explain” just how they are making this work:

“Somebody got a divorce so that somebody else could get married so that we could do the adoption when we’re already married.”

Fortunately, Meri stepped up to help explain more clearly, and eventually Kody asked, “Now here’s the $ 1 million question.”

“Would you guys like me to adopt you?”

The response was amazing.

“The fact that we’re getting adopted is, like, awesome,” Aurora said after literally running into his arms. “I feel like I fit in here and stuff.”

Indeed she does. [*sniff*]

Will she soon have yet another family to fit in with? Kody was also trying to convince Robyn to have a baby … and bargaining at that.

Dude even offered to get a haircut and trim down those trademark locks if she would get preg. Now that’s a deal worth making, Robyn.

For real. Look at this guy.