Thursday, September 24, 2015

​South Park Rapes & Kills Canadian Donald Trump & Slams Caitlyn Jenner — See The NSFW Images HERE!

That was a doozy!

Last night’s South Park episode tackled the whole Donald Trump thing and finally showed Caitlyn Jenner after only referring to her in the previous episode!

The episode started off by building on last week’s story by having President Barack Obama applaud Kyle for his speech on tolerance about Jenner. Of course, Kyle was then joined off stage by Miz Jenner.

Shortly there after, Kyle drove off in a car with the reality star, but while they did so, she ran over someone with her car (below) — an obvious reference to her car accident.

Related: See South Park‘s Most Offensive Celebrity Cameos!

But the skewering didn’t stop there as the major plot point for the episode revolved around Mr. Garrison wanting to build a wall to keep the Canadian kids out

This spirals out of control and we end up learning Canada has built their own wall under the order of a Canadian Donald Trump look-alike.

Mr. Garrison’s solution?

“F–k them all to death … until their spirits leave their bodies”

Ch-ch-check out the images (below) of the two most startling scenes in last night’s episode!

What do U think? Did South Park go too far this time or is this just more of their typical shenanigans?