Sunday, May 1, 2016

President Obama Gives Shout-Out to Kendall Jenner at the White House Correspondent"s Dinner

President Barack Obama once again brought the (White) house down at the 2016 White House Correspondent’s Dinner on Saturday night.

The leader of the free world made cracked about the “end of the republic,” as a result of this crazy Presidential election, while also joking about Prince George and, of course, Donald Trump.

But the celebrity gossip world is abuzz today over a meeting that took place prior to this annual comedic event.

Because Kendall Jenner actually met Obama on the red carpet on her way inside.

“I just met Obama and this is how I feel,” Kendall shared on Snapchat while trying to keep her cool yesterday.

But wait! There’s even more!

“He was like, ‘Say hi to Kim and Kanye,"” Kendall told People Magazine. “I was like ‘Okay."”

As previously reported, the President has spent a decent amount of time with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

Obama then turned around and referenced Kendall in his speech to reporters and celebrities at the actual dinner.

“Kendall Jenner is also here. And we had a chance to meet backstage,” he said.

“She seems like a very nice young woman. I’m not exactly sure what she does. But I am told that my Twitter mentions are about to go through the roof.”


The cameras caught Kendall, and many others, laughing uproariously at Obama’s quip.

Jenner was invited to the event by USA Today and has long been a supporter of the Rock the Vote movement.

On National Voters’ Registration Day, she urged her 55 million followers to get involved with the 2016 Presidential election.

On Saturday evening, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians actress sat at the same table as fellow guests such as Gabrielle Union, Miles Teller and Alan Cumming. 

“This is so crazy,” she wrote on social media. “Honored to be here #WHCD #RockTheVote.”