Friday, May 20, 2016

Kindergartener Gets Suspended from School for Bubble Gun

We somehow doubt this is what the gun control movement has in mind…

bubble gun

The actions of Southeast Elementary in Brighton, Colorado are making headlines today after administrators there suspended a kindergarten student for a day because she brought a gun to school.

A BUBBLE gun, that is.

The mother of the toddler spoke to a local ABC affiliate and said she “apologized” right away for her child’s mistake.

She had no idea her kid had put the toy in her backpack.

But she had to qualify this apology at least a little bit, adding:

“I appreciate that they’re trying to keep our kids safe, I really do. But there needs to be some common sense. It blows bubbles.”

Seriously, it would be one thing if this item resembled a real gun.

But here. Take a look at it again:


Yes, that’s Elsa and Anna on the “gun.” It is a Frozen-themed toy.

However, the school deemed it a “fake weapon” and told the mother that she had to come in immediately to take her daughter home.

Upon realizing how ridiculous they were being, the school issued a statement of apology, right?

Wrong. Quite the opposite.

“While we hear and understand the parents of this student being concerned about this discipline in light of the student’s age and type of item, this suspension is consistent with our district policy, as well as how Southeast has handled similar situations throughout this school year,” the statement reads.

It continues:

“This has involved similar situations where students have brought items such as Nerf guns to school and also received one-day suspensions.

“The bringing of weapons, real or facsimile, to our schools by students can not only create a potential safety concern but also cause a distraction for our students in the learning process.

“Our schools, particularly Southeast because of past instances with students bringing fake weapons to school, make a point of asking parents to be partners in making sure students are not bringing these items to school.

“This includes asking parents to check backpacks.”

That’s a fair request.

But suspending a child for bringing a colorful, Frozen-themed bubble gun to school is not.

Would this punishment have been avoided if the item had just been called a “bubble blower?” Because that’s all it is.