Showing posts with label 'Alaskan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Alaskan. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2018

Alaskan Bush People Star Gabe Brown Accused of Seducing Fans, Cheating

Rain Brown posted a sweet Valentine’s Day photo of herself “third-wheeling” while her brother locks lips with a woman in the background.

Instead of sweet responses, the comments filled with outrage by women accusing Gabe of cheating — and, in some cases, of having broken their hearts.

It sounds like more women were catfished by Gabe Brown’s imposter than anyone ever realized.

The Brown family has had one hell of a year.

Ami Brown waged a battle against lung cancer that many described as likely to be terminal. Many — from the Browns themselves to fans of the show — weren’t sure if she was going to make it.

But Ami fought hard and could afford the best treatment. After enduring agonizing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, her cancer, though it had spread to both lungs and to her spine, went into remission.

Now Ami Brown is cancer-free, but she’ll need to be vigilant for the rest of her life.

This battle was hard on her. It was also hard on her family, who feared that they might lose their beloved mother.

But that was not the only drama going on in the lives of the Brown family.

Anyone who thinks that Alaskan Bush People is the one show where the family never has that much personal drama clearly isn’t following them on social media.

Last year, and as you can see in the video above, Rain Brown warned of an imposter pretending to be Gabe Brown online.

She issued the catfishing warning and told people that Gabe wasn’t really using his social media at the moment, and that if they received any messages, it wasn’t from him.

There was apparently a woman who even claimed to be his fiancee. Whether this was someone who was catfished or someone who just made it up for attention was always unclear.

Though Gabe just recently broke his social media silence, it was Rain who shared this photo.

That’s Rain, her dog Cupcake, and Gabe with a woman named Raquell Rose.

Rain captioned the pic: “Third wheelin like a pro this V-Day.”

Plenty of the comments were normal — people telling Rain that she’ll date when she’s a little older (she’s barely 15, which is old enough to date in most families, but the lifestyle of the Browns probably makes that hard).

But instead of congratulations towards Gabe’s apparent new relationship, a number of commenters accused Gabe Brown of being a no good dirty cheater.

The comments under that one simple, sweet photo contain about half a year’s drama from any given soap opera.

“How would you feel if a man that you admire and think he’s innocent started to conquer you and enjoyed your company, so you start to feel more beautiful and start to dream be with him and then you see a pic of him kissing someone else maybe a girlfriend?”

This person sounds like they’re describing (in a weird way — “conquer?”) being catfished by Gabe Brown’s imposter.

“And in the same time discovered you were not the only one cause he did it with the other fans too? And you think all of this could be just a joke from him! Just have a little of empathy.”

Another person who had apparently been catfished wrote:

“She never thought it was a relationship! But he messed our feelings, and we didn’t understand why he did it if he had a girlfriend! That’s it!”

More and more people — diehard fans of Alaskan Bush People who apparently missed Rain’s warning about a Fake Gabe (or didn’t believe it, or perhaps it came too late) wrote.

“No, of course I didn’t believe it made a relationship. But when I saw he had a girlfriend and a fan girl commented that he talked things to her I didn’t understand anything in that moment and thought he was a jerk!”

It sounds like that same commenter may believe that Gabe Brown was really flirting with her.

“I felt confuse and disappointed, he’s not that nice guy I thought he was?? Now I can understand him clearly and yes, it’s normal to flirt. Now all this confusion already passed.”

Some people insist that it was really, truly Gabe Brown who stole their hearts.

“People defends him saying we’re all lunatics but the fact is: He was always answering us in a romantic and seductive way and no one can blame us to have hope to think be with him some day. Because he fed this desire on us.”

Again, Rain warned last year that somebody was pretending to be her brother.

“He needs to know which acts lead to consequences, and that having fans is a responsibility. Me as a fan and friend would like him to learn to think more about his actions and then learn to face them.”

Someone else was scandalized that Rain hadn’t deleted the photo out of shame, or something.

“I simply cant believe this is still going on. Or that Rain hasnt deleted it… Or that Gabe hasnt commented at all.”

There were also accusations that Gabe was engaged — he isn’t. Other, more sensible followers, voiced their support.

“Maybe they just started dating?? Still doesn’t mean he owes a bunch of people on the internet any explanation about his private life. That’s all!”

That’s true — not even reality stars owe their fans explanations.

“LOL are you really telling someone on tv that you’ve never met that they owe you an explanation for their lives?”

And others really didn’t like the bonkers accusations that were thrown in Gabe’s direction.

“People assume things too quickly that’s what I don’t like. She could be his girlfriend or she may not, if he wants to say, then he will, I’m personally not worried about it.”

As Rain mentioned last year, Gabe was heartbroken when his relationship didn’t pan out and that’s why he took a break from social media.

It’s wonderful that he’s getting his romantic life back on track.

While it’s tragic that apparently so many women were deceived online, surely Gabe Brown isn’t responsible for the actions of an imposter.

And similarly, he can’t cheat on a fiancee to whom he’s not actually engaged. (No, a rumored photo of two hands wearing rings is not “proof”)

Finally, even if so many people really believe that Gabe is sketchy, is his 15-year-old sister’s Instagram page the place to have this discussion?

It is not.

Rain may be the de facto spokesperson for her family, but her Instagram page is still mostly a place for her to share her thoughts and her photos.


Friday, January 5, 2018

Alaskan Bush People: Gabe Brown Breaks Social Media Silence!

Back in late November, we were all warned of an Alaskan Bush People imposter catfishing people as Gabe Brown.

That warning came via his little sister, Rain Brown, who has been acting as the unofficial spokesperson for the Brown family thanks to her powerful social media presence.

Well, after a long absence, Gabe Brown appears to be back on Instagram, folks. The real Gabe. And he has a new photo to prove it.

This selfie was the last that we saw on social media of Alaskan Bush People star Gabe Brown.

Posted back in August of 2017, it was followed by an absence of several months. To be fair, though, his hiatus didn’t come out of nowhere.

In a series of now-deleted Instagram videos, Gabe suggested that he was considering stepping back from the internet while he battled a broken heart.

“I might quit social media altogether the only friend I wanted to follow me in the first place I guess blocked me I do appreciate all the friends I’ve made trying to regain my best one I lost.”

That sounds devastating.

“But after FB it’s just not very fun anymore not good bey just see y’all later keep up the cool posts God bless you all have fun and laugh often your Instagram friend Gabe. Lots of love to everyone.”

In the past, as in this photo, Gabe had made light of romantic misfortune.

This particular image, posted only weeks before his final selfie, was captioned:

“My romantic evening for one I have these too often lol.”

Clearly, though, he found it hard to move on after rejection and we guess that being on social media either no longer held any interest or was simply too painful.

Or, perhaps, both.

Gabe Brown shared this blurry selfie out of nowhere on January 2nd.

He captioned his triumphant return to social media:

“I’m back [grinning emoji] moohaha”

(We think that the bit at the end was supposed to be a gregarious or even playfully sinister laugh, like muahaha or mwahaha, rather than sounding like the laughter of a nefarious cow)

That’s great news!

Fans and followers were quick to welcome Gabe back with open arms, commenting:

“Welcome back I’ve missed talking with you.”

“Nice to see you back on IG we all have hard times but you have the strongest family bond there is.”

Welcome back I would love to chat with you.

“So glad. I’m so sorry about your mom. My mom passed in 2002. I no how hard it can be. Love the show and you.”

Some kept it short, sweet, and purely positive:

“Hi Gabe!! Happy New Year!”

Considering that Rain had clarified that Gabe was going through some tough times when she warned of the imposter, this is good news.

Good news for fans, sure, because they’re happy to get updates on Gabe’s well-being.

But also good news, in that it may be a sign that Gabe’s emotional health is in a better place.

He’s putting himself out there again, and that can only be a good thing, right?

We think so.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Alaskan Bush People Celebrate Milestone... Without Ami?

Billy Brown turned 65 years old last week.

Such a major birthday is typically a reason to get together with loved ones and enjoy a lavish celebration.

But while many members of Brown’s immediate family did, indeed, gather for the occasion… they weren’t in a very celebratory mood.

For one very obvious and sad reason:

It doesn’t appear as though Amy Brown was part of the contingent.

On Sunday, 15-year old daughter Rain shared a photo of herself and sister Birdie eating ant an oceanside restaurant.

She also wrote the following message as the caption to the self-portrait below:

“Happy birthday to the amazing man that has put up with this mess (and six others) for so many years, I hope your day has been wonderful daddy!

“And I’d like to wish a late birthday to his beautiful wife and my adorable mommy.”

Rain, however, did not include an image of Ami along with this post.

It makes us think Ami wasn’t around to actually celebrate either her birthday or Billy’s birthday with her sons and daughters.

And, tragically, we think we know why.

Ami continues to battle stage four lung cancer, as the Browns have even moved out of Alaska in order to Ami to receive the best treatment possible in the continental United States.

It’s believed they were in southern California for a bit, but have now relocated to Colorado.

This is where Alaskan Bush People Season 8 has reportedly begun filming, although details on the location and on whether or not Ami will be featured remain scarce.

We can confirm, however, that an Alaskan Bush People Christmas special is on the way.

The Discovery Channel has confirmed this exciting piece of programming news.

Rain, meanwhile, has tried to keep Instagram followers abreast of the sad situation.

But it isn’t easy to talk about, of course.

“She is now going though her second round of chemo, sadly I can’t say how she is doing just yet, but we are all hopeful and faithful,” Rain wrote as an update on late October.

All she could really do from there was thank her fans for showing such constant support:

“Thank you all so much for your support and love in this harsh time. Stay strong my rainbows, God bless,” she wrote.

We know that there aren’t any words that can really help the situation right now.

But hopefully Rain and all of the Browns know they are in our thoughts.

Hang in there, Ami.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Alaskan Bush People: Filming Season 8?

Change is coming. And, perhaps, a new season.

Ami Brown’s battle with lung cancer is serious, folks. Depending on how well her chemo treatments go, she could still be with us for some times … but some things are never going to be the same.

For the family, and also for Alaskan Bush People.

Ami Brown has recently been in Colorado. And it’s believed that she was filming with her family.

Not necessarily filming Season 8, to be clear.

Until now, it’s appeared that Alaskan Bush People remains mostly in production limbo as Ami continues to undergo cancer treatments.

(That’s really for the best — Ami does not need to be overextending herself during this difficult time, and we’re glad that the network and production are willing to accommodate her medical needs and the family’s feelings during this time)

No, the Brown family has been filming an Alaskan Bush People Christmas special that is set to air on Discovery on December 15th.

(That’s right, folks; they filmed their Christmas special in, like, late October and early November … that’s how reality shows work, but it’s not going to discourage the people who like to slam Alaskan Bush People as fake)

When they’re not filming in the area of Trinidad, Colorado, the Brown family has been living large in a $ 2.7 million Beverly Hills mansion.

In fact, Ami has taken a brief break from chemo to film … but she’s said to be headed back.

The non-fan page Alaskan Bush People Exposed, which has often been a source of reliable information about the Brown family, shared that Noah Brown and his fiancee, Rhain, are in Trinidad, Colorado for filming.

(Actually, they call her “Night Stalker.” Again, they are not a fan site)

The anti-fan page’s admin adds:

“The rest of the Browns should be showing up sometime soon after Ami finishes chemo.”

They’ve also stated that all of the Brown family is filming “this season.”

This might mean that the Brown family is filming Season 8 at last. But, until there’s an official announcement, we need to remind ourselves that the Browns may have been filming a little extra footage for their upcoming Christmas special.

(Reshoots can happen way closer to an air date than most people would think)

Still, if there is a Season 8, certain things will absolutely be different:

For one thing, Alaskan Bush People is now a misnomer.

Some would argue that it was always misleading and that the entire series is a “sham,” based upon reports that the production team delivered supplies to the family and that they all slept in hotel rooms instead of actually sleeping in the wilderness.

(It’s a reality show, folks; not a documentary)

Now, though, the family will be filming in a new homestead … in Colorado.

And, according to Alaskan Bush People Exposed, the Brown family is never ever going back to Alaska to film.

“Colorado will be their new forever home,” their admin wrote.

That’s a disappointment to many fans who enjoyed the first seven seasons and are uncomfortable with change.

Others are excited, including some residents of Alaska who felt that the “frontier” image of the series was doing their state a disservice.

And of course there are haters who, citing the “sham” elements of Alaskan Bush People, wanted to end their association with Alaska.

But Colorado won’t be so bad, right? Just look at this photo that Rain snapped recently:

There’s plenty of wilderness in Colorado, so fans can enjoy much more.

And there’s a hospital less than an hour from the family’s new homestead. That’s absolutely vital.

Even if Ami receives her chemo in L.A. … we all know that terrible things can happen when someone is battling a terminal illness like Ami is.

The new homestead in Colorado seems like the perfect balance of rugged wilderness and not so far from civilization that you’d die if something goes wrong.

Nobody likes change, but Ami Brown’s health — everyone’s health, really — should come first, shouldn’t it?


Monday, November 13, 2017

Alaskan Bush People Christmas Special Set to Air!

More Alaskan Bush People is on the way! 

Alaskan Bush People‘s grim hiatus exists for a very good reason, but fans of the series and of the Brown family are about to get a reprieve. But we’re not talking about Season 8 filming. Not just yet.

The Browns are coming back with an Alaskan Bush People Christmas special. But … will it involve Ami?

Christmas is a big deal for the Brown family.

Not just because they’re Christians and not just because Christmas in both its secular and religious forms is thoroughly ubiquitous in American culture.

And also not just because they’re reality stars whose producers know that a “feel good” Christmas episode is often a recipe for success.

We’ve talked a bit about the Brown family’s youngest member, Rain Brown. She’s on social media now, so we get to see her selfies along with more serious posts about how she’s not sure if her mom’s going to make it.

Well, Rain’s birth name isn’t “Rain” or “Rainy.”

Her full name is, and we are not making this up: Merry Christmas Katherine Raindrop “Rainy” Brown.

Now, she’s named that because of the time of year in which she was born — Rain’s 15th birthday is in just 10 days, folks! — but she’s not named Thanksgiving Brown or Solstice Brown or Dies Natalis Solis Invicti Brown.

So, yeah, it’s a pretty special time of year.

This year will be an even bigger deal, because Alaskan Bush People will be filming, not in Alaska, but in Colorado.

We told you that the Browns were called out as fake by fans over their move to Colorado.

Those fans felt like they’d been played for fools by the Brown family’s survivalist antics on-screen but real life comfort. For them, the final straw was the family moving to another state altogether.

And, of course, we know that the Brown family is now living large in a Beverly Hills mansion. That’s kind of the opposite of “roughing it.”

(But it’s not actually surprising — Ami Brown’s chemotherapy can’t happen in the wilderness, and they’ve been making money for seven seasons of a reality series)

TV Insider reports that this year’s “Bushmas” special features nearly the entire Brown family, and that is has already filmed.

This is exciting news! … Mostly.

(Honestly, “Bushmas” as a name is a mistake … it sounds less like a wholesome family special and more like particularly festive pubic hair)

There’s been no formal announcement of a new season, and we probably won’t know about that until Ami Brown’s battle with terminal lung cancer is resolved.

But the “Bushmas” special will air on December 15th.

The Brown’s have done Christmas episodes before, but this will be a standalone special.

It will be in Colorado.

And … will it involve Ami?

Like we said, the report doesn’t guarantee that every Brown will be there. And Alaskan Bush People is famous for its recycled footage, so there’s bound to be some of that.

But Ami Brown was photographed in Colorado recently. Billy Brown ignited a firestorm of controversy by prominently displaying his preferred brand of cigarettes in his pocket while his wife dies of lung cancer.

That sort of overshadowed questions of why Ami was there.

Now it seems likely that Ami was there.

We just hope that this “Bushmas” and the actual Christmas that follows won’t be her last.

The real mystery is whether or not Bam Bam or Noah, who have both reportedly been spotted in Colorado recently, made the cut or not.


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Alaskan Bush People Fans: Outraged at Billy Brown!

One photo of Billy and Ami Brown has ignited two controversies.

First, as previously reported, Alaskan Bush People fans analyzed the photo below on Facebook and determined that Ami Brown is in Colorado with her family.

Why would this be cause for controversy?

Because Brown sadly has stage four lung cancer and she had been spending the past several months in California, under the best doctor supervision possible.

Would her loved ones really have moved her away just so they could start filming a new season of Alaskan Bush People?

It’s unclear, but there has been a lot of talk these days that filming will resume shortly.

Elsewhere, meanwhile, other fans who took a close look at the picture above focused less on where Billy and Ami are and more on a certain something in the former’s pocket:

Yes, that’s a pack of cigarettes.

And, yes, as previously mentioned Ami has lung cancer.

Put those two facts together and you can understand why folks are peeved, can’t you?

“He actually has a pack of smokes in his pocket?” one person asked in the Comments section of Facebook in response to the image.

Added another critics:

“Ohhhhh wait…. I thought none of them smoked, and Ami’s cancer is from cooking over all of those campfires for 30 years. I guess he forgot to hide his smokes.”

As you can see below, though, Billy does have his defenders.

We can’t really know what someone in his situation is going through, can we?

We need to be careful when we judge others.

apb screen shot

Earlier this year, Billy opened up to People Magazine about the struggles he and his kids are going through.

Whoile gushing over his sick wife at the same time.

“She’s the strongest person I know, so if she’s saying it hurts, it really hurts,” the reality star said, adding at the time:

“She tries to hide it from everybody but four or five times a day she bends over like a baby and cries. She bends over and tears run down.

“She put out seven babies without a grunt. I’ve always had a lot of respect for Ami, but I’ve got a lot more now.

“She makes me feel like a wuss.”

This is then what Ami said in her own interview with People:

“Worrying about it only makes it worse. There is hope and that hope is having faith in God. You can’t give up. I tell people be happy. Just be happy. It’s a choice.

“Things can be hard and you just want to curl up but you have to shine.”

We wish her nothing but the best.


Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Alaskan Bush People: Filming WITHOUT Ami Brown?!

Alaskan Bush People‘s production has been in limbo for a while now. Ami Brown’s cancer battle takes priority.

But even though we know that Ami Brown is back in the hospital for another round of chemo, new evidence has surfaced of the Brown family being in Colorado — at their new homestead.

Are they filming the new season without Ami?!

Ami Brown has been battling stage 4 lung cancer.

The Alaskan Bush People star and Brown family matriarch’s news has seen waves of support from fans and viewers of the show.

If you’re concerned that living in the wilderness is no lifestyle for someone fighting cancer and dealing with the rigors of chemo, don’t worry.

The Brown family has been living large in their Beverly Hills mansion.

(People don’t do reality television for free, folks — and the Browns have filmed seven seasons. Yes, that adds up to a mansion)

The mansion is located just minutes from a hospital.

All of this adds up to an ideal situation for Ami Brown.

She can receive checkups and chemo treatments at the hospital.

Then she can come home and, surrounded by her family, recover and continue her battle in comfort.

Though they don’t know if Ami Brown is going to make it, the family is trying to stay positive and they hope that living in L.A. with its warm weather and sunny skies will do Ami a world of good.

So … what are we to make of this?

This beautiful, beautiful photo was shared by Rain Brown. Her caption provides a little context:

“Breathtaking… #nofilter #sundayhike #stayhappy #staystrong #CO #sisterphotographer”

Unless Rain is trying to alert us to the presence of carbon monoxide in the wilderness, we think that CO here means that she is in Colorado.

Oh, and she tagged the location as “Trinidad, Colorado.”

She says that she’s “hiking,” here, but you don’t have to be a geography whiz to know that hiking in Santa Monica or wherever isn’t going to take you to Colorado.

Rain is also still just 14, so … we don’t imagine that she and her sister are in Colorado by themselves.

Colorado, of course, is the site of the Brown family’s new homestead. A homestead that no one expected them to return to until, you know, season 8 begins filming.

Rain shared another photo the next day, revealing that the family is still there.

You can see the snowflakes in this photo.

Rain did not tag her location here (which is smart, folks — for minors and for celebrities and for women, you might not want to advertise where you stop for a cup of coffee or shop).

But it’s sure as hell not L.A.

The last time that it snowed in L.A. was either 1962 or the season 3 Christmas episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Either way, not during Rain’s lifetime.

So we think that it’s reasonably safe to say that at least a portion of the Brown family is in Colorado right now.

Are they filming without Ami?

There might be other reasons.

Maybe, for example, Rain is just looking to make some friends in the area.

It could also be that they sent just a few of the young Browns to check on the homestead and maybe make sure that whatever they already have there is prepped for the snow.

Or maybe … no, we’re out of alternative explanations.

Could the Brown family be filming without Ami Brown? They might.

Even if Ami Brown manages to pull a total recovery, her days of roughing it in the wilderness — even just for the camera’s benefit — may be over.

So it may be that, no matter how Ami’s cancer battle ends, the family will have to do the show without her. It’ll be different. And weird. But they’ll try to make it work.

We just don’t know if they’ve actually started filming yet. But we sure get the feeling that they might be preparing to.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Rain Brown: Wanting to Quit Alaskan Bush People?!

Considering that Alaskan Bush People is in production limbo while Ami Brown undergoes cancer treatments, we don’t know when the new season will begin.

But though the Brown family is living large in a mansion during this hiatus, you figure that, sooner or later, they’ll retreat back into the wilderness to continue filming.

Rain Brown said something recently, however, that has fans concerned. it sounds like she wants to quit the show!

We absolutely love that Rain Brown is on social media.

Her posts and photos are a great insight into her life and thoughts — sides to her that we would never get to see on a series that follows the entire family.

And as carefully as we follow Ami Brown’s chemotherapy treatments, we — and all fans of Alaskan Bush People — need to see that the rest of the family is coping during this trying experience.

Remember — cancer patients don’t go through their cancer battles alone.

Their loved ones are in the thick of it with them.

Just as when we were excited to learn of Noah Brown’s engagement finally being official and confirmed, we welcome any positive news about the family.

Rain Brown, however, the youngest of the Brown clan at just 14 years old, has revealed more than just her quirky side and fondness for equality over Instagram.

Rain Brown is depressed. And this is not a new development, either.

What’s worse, she’s often felt sidelined or ignored when speaking about her battle with depression.

No one should be dismissed because of their youth.

In fact, teens and preteens experiencing depression can be at extremely high risk, which is why treatment is so important. Hormones and a tumultuous social life can both work to exacerbate depression symptoms.

And Ami Brown’s cancer battle must also be taking its toll.

Rain’s alarming new post doesn’t refer to any of that, but you can see how it all might be an influence if she’s tired of being on Alaskan Bush People.

The picture is fine (it looks like a still from a Vine, actually; gosh I miss Vine), but the caption is what has fans worried.

“This is my I don’t really want to take this picture but I love the person who I’m taking it for look #yup #idontwannadothisanymore #hurtinginside #staystrong #stayhappy”

In case you find hashtags overwhelming, Rain wrote: “I don’t wanna do this anymore” and “hurting inside.”

Both of those tags are huge red flags — not only for her mental health, but for fans of the series who enjoy he role on the show.

Fans were quick to comment, and Rain Brown even responded. …

One fan wrote:

“If you want to quit, then stop. You will be so missed. I so look forward to your posts. If you need to get out of the public eye do it! You can’t be strong for others if you don’t take care of yourself.”

Honestly, Rain Brown is a minor, so we doubt that she ever had much of a choice to begin with and we don’t know that she gets to decide that for herself now, either.

Rain jumped in, however, and replied:

“I was actually talking about taking a picture lol.”

We have to say that “hurting inside” sounds a little more serious than posing for a photo, but it may be that her humor isn’t translating well over Instagram.

But that’s okay. She’s 14 and she’s just figuring out how to (and how not to) deliver her quirky brand of humor to her fans.

This is a relief. Though, as long as the show remains in hiatus for Ami Brown’s treatments and recovery, we won’t know for sure if the show will go on.


Thursday, October 12, 2017

Alaskan Bush People: The Brown Family is Living in a Mansion!

As we are all painfully aware, Ami Brown remains in grave condition even though she’s no longer in the hospital. Her health is reportedly the reason why Alaskan Bush People is on indefinite hiatus. Everybody wants Ami to rest and recover from her chemo treatments.

We’ve mentioned that most of the Browns are in California, but now we know where they’re living. And no, it’s not the Colorado homestead that they plan to set up whenever filming resumes.

Their new home could not be more different from the Browntown that they vacated in Alaska. The multimillion dollar price tag alone makes that clear.

The Alaskan wilderness is cold and dark and, so often, damp — from icy cold rain or from even colder snow.

So if you want the exact total opposite of that environment but you can’t quite budget a trip to the coronasphere of the sun any time soon, where do you go?

Why, to Southern California, of course.

That dry, desert hellscape is dry, hot, and lorded over by the glowing hate orb in the sky, known by some as “the sun.”

You might think that there are plenty of other desert locations, and you’re right, but not only do the Browns clearly want a break from living in the wilderness — they need to be close to medical care.

For Ami.

Well, until hospitals start offering up penthouse apartments, this is about as close as they can get.

RadarOnline reports that the Brown family’s new home is a $ 2.7 million Beverly Hills mansion.

It’s only minutes from the UCLA Medical Center, which is where viewers have seen Ami go on Alaskan Bush People.

The home features 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and the master suite comes equipped with a jacuzzi and an in-ground pool.

The 3,382 square foot home was built in the seventies and is located in Beverly Glen, which is part of Beverly Hills.

(If that sounds like about 5 times what you’d expect to pay for a house of that size, remember that the location sets the price and locations don’t get much more expensive than Beverly Hills)

The house has only recently been remodeled — quite possibly at the behest of the Browns themselves. 

Those 5 bedrooms that we mentioned are among 14 different rooms within the small mansion.

Even if the living conditions of the Brown family weren’t exactly what’s been shown on television, this is a huge step up for their lifestyle.

The kitchen features hardwood floors, which are intensely popular for homeowners in recent years but also really matches the Brown family aesthetic, you know? And the cabinets match.

The master bathroom has a jacuzzi and a shower, which makes it pretty much everyone’s ideal bathroom, right? 

RadarOnline reports that the Browns had been staying in a rental mansion before they moved into this one. Were they buying it or just waiting for rennovations to finish?

As large as it is, this home doesn’t really have enough rooms to house the entire clan (the Browns, as you may have noticed, have more than four children, so five bedrooms wouldn’t cut it — but most of their children are adults so that shouldn’t be an issue).

But it should give residents and guests more than enough wiggle room as the Brown clan gathers around Ami Brown to support her as she fights a desperate, uphill battle against lung cancer.

Even aside from Ami’s terminal illness, there are other tensions within the Brown family.

Rain Brown, the youngest of the Brown children, has revealed a battle with depression that is unfortunately not uncommon. It’s good that she’s talking about it, but she’s shared that her depression had been dismissed as “just hormones.”

We hope that this change in her environment might do her some good, but depression is complicated.

Maybe Rain Brown’s trolls will back off, at least.

Noah Brown has been conspicuously absent from his family for a while, now. He and his fiancee, Rhain, have been spotted in Colorado, we believe, but they’ve been doing a fair amount of traveling.

Noah actually plans to move back to Alaska and become a sheriff. It will be interesting to learn how that works out for him.

Most of the Brown family appears to be prepared to continue with their series, only in Colorado — but, for better or for worse, it doesn’t look like that will happen until Ami Brown recovers from her latest round of chemotherapy.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Alaskan Bush People Star Rain Brown Reveals Depression Battle

Rain Brown has a lot on her plate. She’s an Alaskan Bush People star and her show might be in production limbo. Her mother, Ami Brown, is in grave condition as she battles lung cancer.

To top it all off, Ami Brown is a 14-year-old girl with problems that plague teens every day.

On social media, Rain has revealed some of those troubles, including her battle with depression, in a series of troubling posts.

Rain has shared this photo, which honestly looks straight out of one of those “depression hurts” commercials that used to play.

It’s a good photo, but not exactly uplifting.

Her captions only added to that sense of gloom:

“On the outside always looking in will I ever be more then I’ve ever been? Cause I’m tap tap tapping on the glass, waving through a window.”

You might point out that those are obviously lyrics, and they are — to the Broadway show, Dear Evan Hansen. The main character in that musical has severe social anxiety — a condition that has a strong link to depression.

Now, maybe she shared this because this was her mood, or maybe she was just sharing a photo that seemed illustrative of the song.

But rest assured that we wouldn’t be worried if all that she’d shared were some lyrics.

Rain Brown shared this throwback photo, and you can really feel a sense of loss in her captions:

“#TBT to my last time in AK, it was spent with some of my favorite people, and I couldn’t have asked for a better goodbye to Juneau, I hope to go back one day but for now I got to say my last words in a very beautiful way, #AK #goodbye #stayhappy #staystrong”

Now, sure, that’s a throwback photo to the live that she used to live in Alaska.

(Yes, that’s Alaska, if you couldn’t tell from the landscape and context — AK does not mean Arkansas)

Now, when she refers to missing people, does she mean that she misses her whole family living together and doing the show?

Some of the Browns might be tired of Alaskan Bush People, but remember, folks — Rain grew up with it. That was half her life.

Or is she referring to friends she had and left behind in Alaska, left behind as she moved and moved on?

Because most of us have been there at some point in our childhoods or our lives.

Most concerning of all is Rain Brown’s open letter to fans in which she reveals her struggle to get diagnosed and how easily she was dismissed because of her youth.

“I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone and your feelings matter! The way you feel isn’t stupid, I’ve struggled with a lot of depression over the last couple years.”

And she got a worse-than-useless response from one quack, apparently.

“I was told it was puberty I was told I was too young to feel any real emotion that I “wasn’t fully developed so my brain couldn’t have actually been depressed” one of the main things I struggle with is my age.”

Rain talks more about her age and how she’s been limited because of it, but even just that opening is so heartbreaking and so worrisome.

Because, as just about anyone could tell you, 14-year-olds absolutely get depressed. Puberty might exacerbate depression (hormones make pretty much anything relating to emotions about a zillion times worse, honestly), but depression is a very real concern in people Rain’s age. And younger.

Wasn’t it just yesterday that we were talking about radio host Delilah’s son’s suicide after battling with depression? Zachariah was a teenager. And he was receiving treatment.

(As with any serious illness, being treated doesn’t guarantee a cure or even survival, unfortunately)

To be clear, when we say that these were “troubling” posts, we don’t mean that we’re unhappy that she posted them.

This isn’t like when someone rages on social media or when a President posts impulsively before sunrise, to the collective horror of his friends and enemies alike.

We’re glad that Rain has a place where she can express herself.

Though she has an extraordinary number of haters who troll her posts, she also has a lot of fans and supporters.

And her social media popularity has increased exponentially over the past few months.

She’s a strong, determined young woman and she can get through whatever life throws at her. Including depression.

But we hope that she has plenty of support. Because she deserves it.


Friday, September 29, 2017

Rain Brown Pens Moving Note to Alaskan Bush People Fans

Rain Brown has been going through a lot over the past several months.

As reported on at length, the Alaskan Bush People star and her siblings are faced with the strong possibility that their mother will soon pass away, considering Ami Brown"s lung cancer diagnosis.

In response, the 14-year old has been taking often to social media, having to actually deal with trolls who are giving her a hard time over the way she"s handling this difficult situation.

Thankfully, Rain hasn"t been backing down.

In a new Instagram post, the teenager opened up like never before about her present state of mind, her past and how no one should ever lose hope.

Scroll down for the latest from Rain Brown…

1. Some Background:

Rain brown instagram image

Rain has starred on Alaskan Bush People since its very first episode. She has basically grown up in the spotlight, due to the popularity of this Discovery Channel series.

2. She Calls Her Social Media Followers "Rainbows"

Rain brown flower crown selfie

Get it? We sort of love it. And Brown has always been very open about herself and her family on Instagram.

3. Tragedy Hits

Rain brown loves sunshine

Mother Ami Brown has stage four lung cancer. Her odds of long-term survival are very low. Rain has not talked specifically about this sad situation very often, but she has referenced it in general and thanked fans for their support, saying at one point: “Love is never wrong… just be and love yourself the rest will fall into place… All of your support and love is amazing and it’s great to know there are so many Rainbows out there.”

4. That Brings Us to This Meme

That brings us to this meme

Rain shared it on September 28, 2017 and used it as a jumping off point to send her followers an important message.

5. Take It Away, Rain:

Rain brown working out

This is how Rain opened her emotional note: “This probably speaks to a lot of you out there and I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone and your feelings matter!…”

6. I Feel Your Pain:

Rain brown singing

“The way you feel isn’t stupid, I’ve struggled with a lot of depression over the last couple years, I was told it was puberty I was told I was too young to feel any real emotion that I “wasn’t fully developed so my brain couldn’t have actually been depressed” one of the main things I struggle with is my age.

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