Showing posts with label Aren't. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aren't. Show all posts

Monday, May 15, 2017

Rob Kardashian to Blac Chyna: Maybe You Aren"t the Devil!

The state of affairs between Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna remains a mystery.

Are they back together? Is she trying to worm her way back into Tyga’s bed?

Are Rob and Chyna on good terms? Terrible terms? Terms that fall somewhere in between these options?

We can’t say for certain. But we can post the following video!

This sweet piece of footage – which chronicles Chyna’s pregnancy and eventual birth-giving to daughter Dream – was shared on Instagram yesterday by Rob in honor of Mother’s Day.

It’s nice to see he can put aside any differences he may be having with Chyna at the moment to recognize the important role she plays in his life, isn’t it?

It’s a role she’ll play in his life forever, too; that of co-parent to a very special daughter.

“Happy mama’s day to the mother of my only child @blacchyna,” wrote Kardashian as a caption to the video, adding:

“I am so Thankful for our beautiful baby girl and so Thankful for YOU and never thought I could be this Happy so thank you for giving me Her.”

The on-again/off-again/on-again/off-again stars appeared to spend the holiday apart, however.

Rob visited his sisters earlier in the day on Sunday, where they all cuddled with little Dream on Snapchat, posting several sweet clips.

Here’s the latest cute collage of the child, for instance:

Prior to sending his best wishes to Chyna, Rob also said some nice things to another woman with whom he’s had an up and down relationship: Kris Jenner.

There was a period of time during which Rob wasn’t speaking to his mom or any of his siblings, but he also put aside these differences in honor of Mother’s Day.

“Happy Mama’s Day to all the Beautiful Mothers out there ! I Love You mama @krisjenner,” wrote Rob along with the image below:

It’s pretty obvious that Rob is now on solid terms with his immediate family again.

But no one can speak with any authority when it comes to him and Blac Chyna.

Just a couple days before his Mother’s Day shout-out, Rob shared a throwback photo of himself and his ex while wishing Chyna a happy birthday.

We can confirm, however, that he did not actually celebrate with his former lover.

It’s all a little confusing, but it does seem to say very positive things about how far Rob has come in his life.

Has the overweight, bitter, angry and jealous brother of Kim and company turned into a mature, appreciative, loving individual in the face of fatherhood?

Might he have learned some important lessons that he can pass along someday to his daughter?

Let’s hope so.

And speaking of that daughter, take a look below. She sure is a cutie!!!!!


Friday, April 14, 2017

Gilbert Arenas Says Darker Black Women Aren"t Beautiful ... Sorta Apologizes

Gilbert Arenas says he didn’t mean to say darker skinned black women aren’t beautiful (although that’s exactly what he said) and is apologizing for his insulting remarks … sorta. This started when Gilbert commented on a meme encouraging women with…


Friday, March 17, 2017

Nick Viall and Vanessa, Where"s the Love When Cameras Aren"t Rolling (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEO)

Nick Viall and Vanessa Grimaldi are supposed to be engaged … but you’d never guess it by the way they hang together when cameras aren’t rolling. Paps got America’s newest favorite TV couple Thursday in Hollywood fresh off their ‘Bachelor’ finale…


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Mr. T Says Bodyguards Aren"t Supposed to Know How to Dance (VIDEO)

Mr. T damn near popped a vein breaking down why bodyguards aren’t supposed to know how to dance … which only fired us up more to watch him on “Dancing with the Stars.” We got the bodyguard-turned-actor Wednesday in NYC, and he explained why…


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Future -- My Ciara Tweets Aren"t THAT Bad ... Catches Break in $15 Mil Lawsuit

Ciara’s $ 15 million lawsuit against Future is going to be more of an uphill battle for her … after the judge just ruled the rapper’s angry tweets alone aren’t enough to prove Ciara’s been damaged. The exes are locked in a nasty suit — with…


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

33 Celebrities Who Aren"t Partial to Penis or Vagina

A number of celebrities have revealed themselves to be bisexual over the years.

From a True Blood star to one of the most beautiful women of all-time to the actress who famously flashed David Letterman, it"s a long and growing list.

Many of them are now with partners of the opposite sex, but all of them have admitted to at least experimenting in the past with their own gender.

How come? Offers Tatum O"Neal: "I think women are the most amazing creatures … they"re gentle, and also more intelligent than the men that I"ve met."

That may be up for debate, but the openness of the following celebs is not…

1. Bella Thorne

Bella thorne selfie pose

Click on the name above to read what prompted Thorne to come out in the summer of 2016.

2. Miley Cyrus

Miley cyrus thumbs up

Miley Cyrus doesn’t must make out with girls and lick stuff for attention. She has admitted she has been in relationships with women and identifies as “genderqueer.” She’s also a hardcore advocate for LGBT rights.

3. Ke$ ha

Photo of keha

Ke$ ha has talked about her bisexuality with Seventeen and Out. She says she is attracted to both genders.

4. Lady Gaga

Lady gaga in drag

Lady Gaga wrote “Poker Face” about her time as a bisexual. She talked about it with Barbara Walters in 2010.

5. Amber Rose

Amber rose party pic

Wiz Khalifa and Kanye West’s ex has long been perceived to be openly bisexual, saying a few years ago that she is “extremely open with my sexuality. I can be in love with a woman, I can be in love with a man. I’m not into bestiality, but as far as humans go, I definitely find beauty in everybody … If I see a women and I think she’s beautiful and I like her, and she likes me back we can definitely try to be in a relationship together.”

6. Anna Paquin

Anna paquin red carpet pic

“I’m proud to be a happily married bisexual mother,” Paquin Tweeted in March of 2014. There you have it.

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Monday, May 9, 2016

13 Terrible Celebrity Moms You Can Be Glad Aren"t Yours

Hollywood has produced a long list of great mothers, to be sure.

These women are not on it, though. No sir, no ma"am. No way.

Think we"re being too harsh, or maybe not giving them a chance?

We beg to differ. Scroll through this slideshow of the worst this town has to offer and try to decide not whether everyone on it is a terrible mom …

… but who is the worst of the worst. The competition is stiff.

In honor of Mother"s Day, let"s look at the contenders!

1. Kate Gosselin

Photo of kate gosselin

Kate Gosselin has eight children. And given her non-stop string of questionable behavior and shameless antics, we feel sorry for each and every one of them. Sorry, we’re not buying the “working mom” bit … there are ways to work and put food on the table while still being a more tolerable human being who sets a better example. Jon is not exactly a prize himself but let’s be real.

2. Kris Jenner

Kris jenner with a smile

Kris Jenner is sort of evil. Okay, more than sort of. She likes using her kids to make a lot of money. There’s a reason they call her the Momager, and why she is trying to trademark the term Momager … and why the Kardashian and Jenner children act the way they do, with the priorities they seem to embody.

3. Dina Lohan

Dina lohan in sunglasses

Dina Lohan is responsible for Lindsay Lohan. What else needs to be said? Well, this: Dina Lohan is a wannabe Momager … sort of like a less shrewd, less intelligent, substance abuse-ravaged version of Kris Jenner.

4. Jenelle Evans

Jenelle evans kiss

Jenelle Evans, mother to two sons, only has custody of one of them because of her train wreck past, and while many young moms turn things around, she continues to rack up arrests – 15, at least, by our count – to this day, and remains as unstable as when she first burst onto the Teen Mom 2 scene. If not more so.

5. Farrah Abraham

Farrah abraham vivid

Farrah Abraham has starred in a sex tape AND brought a life into the world. Not many women can say that … well, actually a decent number of celebrities can these days. But Farrah has taken it to a new level, not just with her porn career, but with the associated lies she tells about it, and the way she conducts herself on a daily basis, including with regards to Sophia, her daughter. Her poor, innocent daughter.

6. Nadya Suleman

Octomom birthday party

Nadya Suleman is best known as the Octomom, because she had eight kids at one time. And boy do they look happy at this party. But it should be the SUCK-tomom, because she already had six children she couldn’t support before she had eight more implanted inside her clown car uterus by a shady doctor to a total of 14. Which she can’t support and occasionally commits welfare fraud on behalf of. While being an embarrassment to America and humanity as a whole. We could go on.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Awesome Woman Goes Off on Leggings: They Aren"t Pants!

Jamie Higdon Randolph has a few important points to make about leggings:

They are very comfortable. They do not cut into you and they feel like pajamas and, as the weather turns colder, now is the ideal time to sport this item any time one sees fit.

You can look relaxed while wearing leggings, but you can also look "classy," depending on what you pair with your leggings.

But here"s the thing about leggings, Randolph makes clear: they are an accessory. They are not pants. Repeat: THEY ARE NOT PANTS!

For some reason, women go around wearing leggings without covering up their rear ends, showing off their thongs to the world and this is where Randolph feels a need to step in.

“If they’re too tight, and I can see you have a tattoo on your A… they’re too tight," she says. "That’s called pantyhose, honey.”

Randolph is not a fan of white leggings, either. They simply show too much. 

But she isn"t here to discriminate. You can be a "big girl" or a "thick girl," like she classifies herself as, and you can still wear leggings. Totally. Absolutely. Go for it!

Just keep that buttocks covered up, folks. It"s all about concealment in the end.

This video has nearly 500,000 views on YouTube and over 13 million on Facebook. Yes, 13 million!

Watch the way in which Randolph states her case and you"ll understand why.

Awesome woman goes off on leggings they arent pants

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Donald Trump Boycotts Fox News Because They Aren"t "Fair And Balanced" Toward Him!

Apparently he’s taking his ball and going home!

We’re ALL aware of how ridiculous Donald Trump can be at times.

Whether it’s kicking a reporter out of a press conference, or making misogynistic remarks about Megyn Kelly, there’s no doubt, the GOP candidate sure knows how to start a feud.

Video: Donald Trump Or Stephen Colbert?? Guess Which Said It!

Well now, he’s apparently had it with Fox News!

We know, we can’t believe it either, especially after The Donald patched things up with the network president regarding the Kelly incident!

But Trump seems serious this time as he took to Twitter — where the presidential candidate makes all his “serious announcements” — to say:

Awww, that’s weird since they’re usually so “fair and balanced!”

Shortly after he tweeted:

Well it sure sounds like he had a lot more respect for the CBS late night host than he does for Fox!

What do you think, is Donald REALLY calling it quits with the news network or will he come crawling back if his poll numbers start to fall?!

[Image via WENN.]