Showing posts with label Austin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Austin. Show all posts

Friday, April 6, 2018

Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: Dark Relationship Secrets Revealed (Exclusive)

Earlier this week, reports that Austin Forsyth had behaved abusively toward his wife, Joy-Anna Duggar, made their way across the social media landscape.

The allegations were based primarily on what Counting On fans had witnessed both on the show and in web exclusives posted by TLC.

To be clear, Austin has not been accused of physically abusing Joy-Anna, but viewers who claim they’re able to recognize the signs from firsthand experience say that Austin has repeatedly demonstrated behavior that’s typical of men who perpetrate emotional and verbal abuse.

A former employee of the Duggars who spoke exclusively with The Hollywood Gossip tells us that many who know the Forsyth family best would not be the least bit surprised to learn that Austin is sometimes overly-harsh in his interactions with his young wife.

Our source claims that like Joy, Austin was raised in an extremely strict household.

And it seems the harsh lessons he learned from his overbearing father may have irreparably damaged the young man’s views on relationships:

“His father governs everything that he does, from cutting cows to doing whatever,” the source tells THG, adding that Terry Forsyth offered his son a bizarre ultimatum when Austin requested permission to begin courting Joy:

“He couldn’t date Joy-Anna until he flipped five houses,” the insider says. “Austin had to flip and sell five houses before he’d be allowed to date.

“He went to his dad, and he said, ‘What do I need to do?’ and his dad said, ‘You need to flip five houses before you can court."”

Though Austin was already a grown man at the time, such parental demands are not entirely uncommon in the Duggars’ world, a place where there’s no such thing as casual dating, and courting is viewed as a prelude to marriage.

However, like the man himself, Terry’s request of his son was viewed as unnecessarily harsh.

But even before he set such a difficult challenge before Austin, Terry was something of a controversial figure around the Springdale, Arkansas community:

“Terry, he’s on his second marriage, and I still haven’t figured this one out yet, he’s an officer in Paul [Caldwell]’s church, and you can’t be an officer in the church if you’ve been divorced,” the source tells us.

“Austin is a prime candidate for mental abuse, because I’m sure he’s been totally mentally browbeat.”

The insider elaborates:

“I guarantee [Joy] is at his beck and call. To me, she really has no life with Austin. She’s just gonna be a baby factory.”

Fortunately, the source says, Joy is so highly-regarded in her hometown, that if Austin ever crosses the line into physical abuse, he’ll pay dearly.

“If he does abuse her in any way, there won’t be nowhere he can hide,” the informant tells us.

As for the question of whether or not Joy got pregnant before marriage, our source says those who know the couple best believe there’s a distinct possibility those rumors are true.

“She’d been alone with him several times. They got caught several times,” says the tipster.

“I caught them kissing outside the garage door one night. They were standing in this little area where the cameras weren’t, and she went up and kissed him.

“I yelled out, ‘What’s going on over there?’ I mean to tell you, they ran like scared rabbits,” our source says.

The insider continued:

“About an hour later I was in the garage, and Austin came up to me and said, ‘We’re only human, you know.’

“I said, ‘I know you’re human. But when you make rules, you need to follow them."”

On the question of whether or not Joy and Austin broke the rules of courtship in more serious fashion, the insider says:

“She may have had sex before they were married.

“She ain’t no sexpot, don’t get me wrong, but she was ready to be married.”

Asked for a final impression of Austin, our source said simply:

“He doesn’t have a backbone. He doesn’t have a whole lot of common sense.”

It sounds like Austin should have no trouble getting along with some of Jim Bob’s other sons-in-law.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth Head to Therapy Amidst Abuse Claims

It’s only been less than a year since Joy-Anna Duggar married Austin Forsyth, but it seems the newlyweds are already experiencing some rough patches.

Earlier this week, for example, accusations that Austin had abused Joy made their way across social media.

Now, the Forsyths are reportedly addressing their issues head-on with a trip to a marriage counseling retreat.

Of course, the Duggars don’t believe in traditional forms of therapy, so Joy and Austin’s options are limited.

Any help that they seek must be rooted in their religious beliefs, and they’re obligated to keep it all in the family for secrecy’s sake.

As a result, the young couple is pushing conflict of interest concerns to the side and seeking help at a retreat hosted by Austin’s parents.

”Getting some work done at camp. We have the Spring Marriage Retreat coming up on April 20-22, come hear Austin and I share our testimony,” an ad on the Forsyth’s website reads.

The retreat promises “powerful truths from scripture encouraging couples to strive for a marriage the way God designed it to be….Coupled with team building activities, and humorous games, these 2 night, 3 day events are perfect for rekindling, reviving and renewing any love story!”

It sounds like pretty lighthearted stuff … and perhaps that’s the problem.

Joy and Austin aren’t looking to rekindle the flame ahead of their silver anniversary.

These are two very young people who didn’t get to spend any time alone together until their honeymoon, and who welcomed their first child almost exactly nine months after tying the knot.

Now the difference in their personalities is abundantly clear to fans, and it’s reached the point where Austin’s constant annoyance with Joy’s childlike personality has allegedly pushed him into verbal abuse territory.

Unfortunately, they live in a world where even if they decided they’re both miserable and horribly ill-suited for one another, divorce is simply not an option.

Joy and Austin don’t need trust falls and couples archery; they need real treatment for a licensed therapist.

Unfortunately, that sort of thing simply doesn’t fly in Duggar Land.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Austin Bomber Mark Conditt Recorded 25-Minute Confession Before Death, Cops Say

Austin bomber Mark Conditt recorded a 25-minute video on his phone confessing to the crimes before he was killed by his own explosive device … according to cops. Austin PD Chief Brian Manley says they’ve a recovered a recording from Conditt that…


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

WWE Superstar Mark Henry Was Friends With 17-Yr-Old Austin Bomb Victim

WWE Superstar Mark Henry was personal friends with the 17-year-old boy senselessly murdered by an exploding package bomb last week in Austin. TMZ Sports talked to ’18 WWE Hall of Fame inductee — who lives in Austin — about the package bombings…


Austin Bomber Mark Conditt Railed on Homosexuality, Abortion

Austin bomber Mark Conditt blogged that homosexuality is not natural and therefore gay marriage should be illegal. It appears Conditt was a student in an online American government class in 2012 at Austin Community College, where he submitted…


Austin Bomber Mark Conditt Contemplated "Mission Trip"

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Austin Bombing Suspect Blows Himself Up After Being Caught on Surveillance Video

This is the suspect in the series of Austin bombings … shot on surveillance video Sunday at a FedEx office … 2 days before he blew himself up as cops closed in. The man dropped off 2 packages at the South Austin FedEx store, this according to…


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Dan Rather Has a Message For Austin Package Bomber

The violent jackass behind the deadly Austin package bombings is picking on the wrong city, and the wrong citizens … according to Dan Rather, who has a home there. The veteran newsman is a born and bred Texan, so when we got him…


Stevie Wonder Says Austin Package Bomber Is No Different from Terrorists

Stevie Wonder thinks America needs to be more like Australia if it’s serious about curbing mass shootings, and other acts of domestic terrorism like the package bomber in Austin. We got Stevie leaving Mr. Chow Monday night in Bev Hills — just a…


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

daily-celebrities: Austin Butler and Vanessa Hudgens


Austin Butler and Vanessa Hudgens


Joy-Anna Duggar & Austin Forsyth: Ties to Child Abuse Scandal Exposed

It looks like another scandal is rearing its ugly head for the Duggars, and this one could have lasting and far-reaching consequences for the entire family.

Newlyweds Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth have been linked to a couple with some very extreme views on the use of physical discipline to raise children.

Austin works for his parents, who are proprietors of the Fort Rock Family Camp and Retreat Center.

And it seems that the facility will be hosting two highly controversial guests later this year.

According to its website, Fort Rock will feature appearances by Michael and Debi Pearl in June, and again in October.

The couple travels the country offering seminars on child-rearing, and their critics accuse them of encouraging abuse.

The Pearls advise their followers to strike children as young as 6 months old with switches in order to foster a disciplinary environment.

They go into great detail regarding the materials and dimensions of said switches, advising parents to hit their children with a quarter-inch flexible plumbing line.

In cases in which plumbing line is not available, the Pearls offer alternatives that are also less likely to cause visible bruising and scarring.

In 2011, the Pearls’ controversial book To Train Up A Child was found in the homes of three separate victims who died from child abuse.

For obvious reasons, Duggar fans are not thrilled that Joy-Anna, who’s currently pregnant with her first child, has been tied to the Pearls and their controversial teachings.

But it doesn’t look like her in-laws will be removing the Pearls from their appearance schedule anytime soon.

“Michael and Debi Pearl of No Greater Joy Ministries are nationally renowned ‘practical family-living’ teachers and authors of books such as To Train Up a Child, Created to Be His Help-Meet, and Jumping Ship,” reads a description on the Fort Rock website.

“This dynamic couple has dedicated their lives to educating families on basic principals of cultivating Godly relationships within the family so that their relationships with God and others can be infinitely more fruitful.”

When Joy-Anna and Austin got married back in May of 2017, little was known about his family, but insiders claimed the Forsyths were every bit as extreme in their views as the Duggars.

Now, it looks as though that may have been a massive understatement,

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Sunday, January 28, 2018

UFC"s Paige VanZant Engaged to MMA Fighter Austin Vanderford

Paige VanZant just got engaged to her MMA fighter boyfriend … and her last name ain’t gonna change all that much. The UFC figther posted a photo Sunday of her guy, Austin Vanderford, getting on one knee to propose, with the caption … “I said…


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Matt Barnes Blasts Austin Rivers, He"s An Arrogant Trash-Talker

Matt Barnes is sounding off on everything from NBA fighting, to the NBA refs sucking, to calling Austin Rivers an arrogant punk … and he doesn’t care who knows it.  The recently retired NBA star went off on the NBA refs on Tuesday night –…


Matt Barnes Blasts Austin Rivers, He"s An Arrogant Trash-Talker

Matt Barnes is sounding off on everything from NBA fighting, to the NBA refs sucking, to calling Austin Rivers an arrogant punk … and he doesn’t care who knows it.  The recently retired NBA star went off on the NBA refs on Tuesday night –…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Coco Austin Slammed For Claiming She Made Big Butts Mainstream

As you’re probably aware, Ice-T’s wife Coco Austin is no stranger to butt pics. Her derriere is … how should we put this? Large and in charge. She gets shamed for it sometimes, but she always knows how to clap back.

This time, though, she’s taking some heavy criticism for talking about her butt.

Because Coco Austin is giving herself credit for making big butts “trendy” and it is not going over well.

On Sunday, Coco Austin posted to Instagram:

“I would like to shed light to almost 21 years of modeling ..”

Sometimes, when you’re writing a long post to Instagram, you might come across as a non-native speaker. That can happen to anybody who’s writing quickly.

“I don’t post much about it & new followers don’t even know I had a career in modeling they just see a wife, mother, and someone that was on reality tv but just like every actor, singer, rapper, entertainer I’m proud of what I’ve done.”

We really do first and foremost think of her as a mom and reality star (though we’ve very aware of her modeling history).

“I feel people should know it wasn’t easy..I helped pave the way for thick girls during the skinny genre (during the Kate Moss days what they call the waif era) to be noticed as beautiful..”

There’s nothing wrong with slender or skinny models, and Coco isn’t suggesting that there is. There is something wrong with portraying only one body type as attractive.

“This was back before social media when magazines were popping, back before KimK, Nicki Minaj..( I mention them because young people see pop culture as the history makers but they need to know it started somewhere before them, this was also back before the plastic surgery craze.”

Well … plastic surgery was still very much a thing. The procedures favored were just different.

Coco gives a shoutout to a number of curvy trendsetters.

“During my time it was pretty much Jlo that was making waves with the derriere phenomenon and Cindy Margolos was a popular bikini model and Buffie the Body was a popular urban model and of course I need to give props to Anna Nicole Smith for also seeing this vision..”

She summarizes what it was like, working with her body type as a model:

“To have booty it was considered to be fat in the modeling world.”

Coco believes that she had an impact:

“But I helped changed the minds of what booty was.”

“Today its a normal thing to see all different shapes & sizes, no one even thinks about it anymore.”

While curvy bodies are becoming more normalized, one need look no further than the comments section of … almost anything … to see that our culture has a long way to go before people really stop giving a second thought to different body shapes and sizes.

But she’s right in that larger butts are totally accepted without question, and often even preferred, in certain roles today when they would have stood out in decades past.

And Coco believes that she was part of that change.

“I helped history in someway.I don’t want to toss it aside like it was nothing.I’d like to think some of my modeling was meaningful.”

In other words, modeling wasn’t just something that she did until she met her husband. It was a real career and she was part of that world.

“Thank you for all years of support .Power to the booty and strong healthy women!”

It’s a nice message, but she got criticism on two fronts. One was accusations that her body only comes from plastic surgery. The other, well, on racial grounds.

One commenter wrote: “Sis, you paved the way for white women to get plastic surgery. But as for the minorities Melyssa Ford, J.Lo, etc. they paved the way for REAL thick women. Let’s get that straight. Stop trying to take the shine away from MLK Day #next.”

Another wrote: “You could’ve just posted your thirst trap…no need for a fake history book as a caption.”

And another wrote: “Stop trying take credit for things that y’all never had until injections . My race women was born with curves y’all was the ones who had bulimia.”

Coco Austin has addressed backlash before, and now she’s doing it again:

“Update to post!!! This was posted Sunday 1/14 & ALL comments were positive until race was brought up today.”

Race and context are both important. As someone whose immediate family isn’t white, we hope that Coco understands that.

“Let me remind you 20 years ago there were not a lot of white girls w/ thick bodies in the modeling game. They didn’t consider my body type as the standard therefore It was harder to work in the industry.”

So she’s sort of doubling down on having had an impact … but at the same time, trying to clarify that she’s not trying to take credit for black women.

“I was one of the 1st white models to break the mold & go mainstream with my body type and to let people know its OK to be curvy in the modeling world.”

It sounds like she wishes that her first post had made that clearer.

“Today curvy is the norm but when I first started out it wasn’t. Yesterday I felt I explained this thoroughly but I see some of you needed more details”

Disagree with Coco’s claiming her place in modeling history if you like, but we think that she deserves credit for actually addressing controversies and fan comments rather than ignoring everything that isn’t praise.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017