Showing posts with label Breakup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breakup. Show all posts

Monday, August 21, 2017

TMZ Live: Justin Bieber & Floyd Mayweather: The Big Breakup!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Tommy Lee: Mile High Club With Hot GF Jay-Z Talks Feud With Kanye & Elevator Video Future: Wild Brawl At Concert Blac Chyna Tries To Jack Rob’s Car!


Friday, August 18, 2017

Matt Baier on Amber Portwood Breakup: It"s All My Fault!

If you’re a Teen Mom: OG fan, then by now, you’ve probably heard the news that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier have broken up.

Fans have been hoping these two would part ways pretty much from the day they went public with their relationship, and now that Amber has a new boyfriend, it seems it’s safe to say she and Matt are well and truly over. 

But while TMOG viewers may be thrilled by the split, Matt is most definitely not.

The newly single Baier opened up about his split from Amber in a recent interview with E! News:

“I’m trying to do a lot of work on myself because I realize now the downfall of our relationship was my fault,” he explained.

“When you’re thrust into the spotlight like that, it can affect you. My mistake was taking our relationship for granted.” 

Baier says the high-profile nature of the relationship was part of the problem (which is odd, because he never would have met Amber if she weren’t on TV), but he also accepts responsibility for being a less-than-stellar partner:

“What I’ve learned from this is you have to do the work,” he told the outlet.

“You have to make the person you’re with feel loved every single day. I forgot to do that and now I’m paying the price.”

Matt says he’s full of regrets over the way his relationship played out, and if given a second chance, he would change everything about the way he behaved.

“If I got a do-over,” he said, “I would do everything differently. I should have listened to her more.”

The couple was filming a new season of the We TV reality series Marriage Boot Camp at the time of their split.

Matt left the set ahead of schedule and took off for Vegas – where he’s apparently been living ever since.

“I went to Vegas to get my head around the split. Ultimately, my hope was to get a place where Amber could come visit me and we could work on our issues. Obviously, that didn’t happen.”

But despite the fact that Amber is in a new relationship, Matt is still hopeful that she’ll find her way back to him:

“I’ll hold out hope for a reconciliation. But if nothing else, I hope we can stay friends,” Baier says.

“We started off as best friends and that’s what I miss the most from her—her friendship. To not have that is painful. When something happens, my natural instinct still is to call her and tell her everything. She was my family.”

As though that’s not depressing enough, Baier concluded the info with some insights into his day-to-day life post-Amber:

“I’ve been making a living through my [poker] winnings,” he says.

“That said, I’m not really enjoying it. This isn’t the life I want to live.”

Yeesh. Matt may not have been the perfect boyfriend, but here’s hoping he’s able to pull himself out of what sounds like a pretty considerable funk.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive Matt and Amber’s tumultuous relationship.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

13 Lamest Break-Up Excuses of All-Time

For the record, if someone cheats on you, it"s totally okay to break up with this person.

But if someone does one of the things or says one of the things listed below?

To certain people, per Reddit, these also qualify as totally okay reasons to break up with someone.

But scroll down to see if you agree…

1. I Was Tired!

I was tired

What else was I supposed to do?!?

2. So… She Had Anger Issues?

So she had anger issues

If that’s the case, perhaps just chalk it up to “anger issues” instead.

3. For Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!

For shame

That actually is annoying. But a relationship-ender? Really?!?

4. Look Anywhere Else!

Look anywhere else

I’m begging you.

5. There’s a Lot to Unpack Here

Theres a lot to unpack here

On both sides. We’re just gonna move on.

6. YouTube?


More like Stop Being Such a Boob, right?!?

View Slideshow

Monday, July 31, 2017

The Bachelorette: The Final Breakup Will Be BRUTAL!

Even if you’ve been following The Bachelorette Spoilers and have known for ages which suitor becomes Rachel Lindsay’s fiance, there are still some details that have yet to be revealed.

One of them pertains to exactly how that final decision goes down.

According to this new report, it’s a decision that didn’t come easily … and the final breakup is apparently “brutal.”

Okay, so the world watched as Rachel Lindsay introduced her final three suitors to her family.

The last episode ended with a cliffhanger — and one-on-one dates in Spain — but even with some extra time, Rachel Lindsay remained torn towards the end.

Apparently, of all of the decisions that Rachel has had to make this season, the final one was the hardest.

(Leaving some of us wondering where all of this hesitation was when she said goodbye to precious blue-eyed Dean Unglert)

According to Us Weekly‘s source, Rachel Lindsay’s final breakup is brutal.

“When it gets down to the finale and the final two guys, the last breakup is the most heart-wrenching of all time”

That already sounds like it’ll be a lot.

But there’s more:

“They couldn’t say goodbye, and even when they did there were so many tears from her. After she left, he collapsed and sobbed.”

That’s such a sad image.

But it wasn’t just hard on the suitor.

“She was torn until the very end.”

Most of the time, you don’t think of these decisions as being last-minute or impulsive.

It sounds like Rachel is really following her heart.

Rachel Lindsay said she wanted to quit The Bachelorette at times because her choice was so hard, and we’re definitely getting a sense of that.

It won’t be easy on the viewer, either:

“It’s brutal to watch this breakup — worst breakup in years on this show.”

Describing it as “brutal” gives us an image of, like, a gladiatorial arena — which sounds like a setting for a dating show that’s probably been pitched to at least one network over the years.

(Imagine if suitors literally fought each other on The Bachelorette … oh wait, that sounds like the premise to an episode of Black Mirror)

But saying that it’s the worst breakup in years on the show … that’s a tall order.

Remember, more than love or romance or anything else, The Bachelorette is about breakups.

Because there are way more breakups on The Bachelorette than there are actual couples.

(Though at least some people forge lasting friendships)

Just a reminder that the finalists are:

Peter Kraus, a handsome guy from Wisconsin who should absolutely be Rachel Lindsay’s pick.

Bryan Abasolo, a smooth-talking chiropractor who seems to say whatever Rachel wants to hear.

Eric Bigger, a personal trainer who really doesn’t seem to raise that much positive or negative interest.

Seriously, Peter Kraus and Bryan Abasolo may be polarizing individuals, but fans seem to have basically forgotten that Eric exists.

Maybe he’ll make a name for himself as a suitor in a future season.

Dean Unglert is a favorite to be The Bachelor, but anyone who made it to the end could have a future within the Bachelor Nation.

We may already know who Rachel picks, but it’ll be interesting to see how it all goes down.

(But, based on this, we should all have some tissues handy)


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Chelsea Soccer Star Rebounds with Hot Bikini Chick After Breakup

Out with the old, in with the new … butt.  Here’s Chelsea goalkeeper Thibaut Courtois on a yacht with a smokin’ hot lady friend — just months after breaking things off with his baby mama, Marta Dominguez.  The backstory … in…


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Amy Roloff and Boyfriend: Are They Headed for a Break-Up?

In our recap of Little People, Big World this week, we focused on little Jackson Kyle Roloff.

Not yet a member of this universe, Jackson was still in his mother’s womb when the installment was filmed, as Zach and Tori Roloff and other members of their family learned that the impending baby would, indeed, be a Little Person.

But this wasn’t the only storyline to be featured on the episode.

Elsewhere, Amy Roloff expressed concern over her future with boyfriend Chris Marek.

How come?

Because Amy is a Dwarf and Chris is a regularly-sized person and this significant difference is difficult for Roloff to see past.

Or, to be more specific, Roloff is under the assumption that it’s difficult for others to see past… and that could foretell problems to come in the relationship.

“When we’re out in public, I know people look,” Roloff said to the camera on Tuesday night.

But it’s not these folks she really cares about, of course. It’s the perception in Chris’ head.

“Has it ever bothered him?” she can’t help but wonder, adding:

“I just hope my being a little person isn’t an issue in regards to my relationship with Chris. Because if it is, let’s get it out and let’s go from there.”

It seems hard to believe this would be an issue.

It’s not as though it comes as a surprise to Chris, and he’s clearly been okay with things getting serious between himself and Amy over the past few months.

The TLC star shared the above photo of her and her man on Instagram about a month ago, making it apparent at the time that everything was going very well.

“Another wonderful evening Chris and I had,” she wrote as a caption, expounding as follows:

“I’m happy and we’re still doing great. So looking forward to more adventures we have planned together.”

Roloff even added the hashtags #secondact #datingrelationship #adventurestogether #stilltogether #havingfuntogether to her post.

After 27 years of marriage, Amy and Matt Roloff announced their divorce in June of 2015.

In a joint statement, they expressed mutual “sadness” at the time and wrote of the split:

“We are proud of what we have accomplished together, including raising four wonderful children who have grown to become remarkable adults.”

Chris is the first serious boyfriend Amy has had since the divorce, and she’s very open about her insecurities.

“Dating Chris, I’ll always have that fear when I’m out in public, having the comments said here, comments said there,” she on Tuesdsay’s episode.

“I still lack confidence. I’m a little person for crying out loud!”

Thankfully, Amy did not keep these feelings inside on this week’s installment of her family’s popular reality show.

She came right out and asked Chris if he notices how people sometimes look at her.

Yes, he said, he’s seen a few snickers.

Do these snickers cause him to have “doubts” about their future, she asked?

“Those thoughts came up initially, because it was very different for me,” Chris replied. “But we’re well past that now. It doesn’t bother me.”

We recommend you watch Little People, Big World online to check out this full exchange, but it ended on a positive note for Amy.

“When I see someone snickering or laughing, to me, it shows their ignorance,” Chris told Amy. “I really don’t care what they think.”

This guy sounds like a keeper.


Monday, May 22, 2017

Farrah Abraham Comments on Amber Portwood-Matt Baier Breakup

We learned last week that Amber Portwood and Matt Baier have called off their wedding.

It remains unclear if Amber dumped Matt (as so many fans are hoping), or if she simply pushed back the exchange of vows in order to determine if he’s really the man she thought he was.

Whatever the case, all is certainly not well in Mamber Land.

And wherever one of her co-stars is having a difficult time, you can be sure Farrah Abraham will pop up to rub salt in their wounds and throw her unique brand of semi-coherent shade.

Farrah and Amber have been feuding for months now, and things have escalated well beyond the smack talk and social media burns that usually characterize reality star beefs.

Abraham and Portwood’s cold war heated up in a hurry when Baier attacked Farrah’s dad during the filming of last season’s Teen Mom: OG reunion show.

We generally don’t side with Farrah as a rule, but in this case, her team was definitely in the right.

Regardless of who said what during the taping, Baier overstepped his bounds by making it physical, and it seems that all these months later, the bad blood between Farrah and Amber is just as real as ever.

Asked about her feelings on Amber’s relationship woes on social media, Farrah responded with two words that speak volumes about her feelings on the Portwood-Baier romance:

“Not surprised,” she wrote.

Yes, like so many of us, Farrah is “not surprised” that Amber is finally waking up to how shady her fiance is.

We were hoping for more creative trash talk, but this is Farrah, so a thread of angry tweets probably isn’t far off.

Amber made tabloid headlines back in March, when she invited Farrah to her wedding, but obviously, she won’t be attending for a number of reasons.

For one thing, she publicly rebuked Amber’s invitation.

On top of that – it’s looking more and more like the wedding will never happen.

Amber and Matt say they’re just taking a break to figure out where they stand.

But it’s tough to imagine them getting back together and then abruptly getting hitched.

We think Farrah may have gotten the last laugh on this one.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Kailyn Lowry & Chris Lopez: Ugly Breakup Details Revealed!

From the moment we learned that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child, the social media world of Teen Mom 2 fans was abuzz with speculation about the identity of Lowry’s baby daddy.

After months of remaining tight-lipped on the subject, Kailyn eventually revealed that Chris Lopez was the father of her child.

Shortly thereafter, details regarding Chris and Kailyn’s brief time together began to emerge, and it became clear why Lowry was so reluctant to identify the man who got her pregnant.

It seems that Lowry and Lopez broke up after just a short time together – and the split was far from amicable.

Lopez was reportedly the one to call it quits, and while Lowry has portrayed the relationship as a fling that resulted in an unexpected pregnancy, sources are now claiming that she planned to remain with Chris for the long haul.

“Kail was very upset when they broke up,” an insider close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“But she has never said anything bad about him. She wishes him the best and hopes he’s genuinely happy with his life.”

She hopes he’s “genuinely happy” with his life?

Sounds like these two are planning to never have any contact with one another again.

Which might be a problem, what with the baby they’re about to have and all.

There’s no word on what sort of custody arrangement has been worked out, but in a surprisingly candid blog post that’s since been deleted, Kailyn revealed she’ll be raising the child alone, with no help from Lopez outside of financial contributions.

Needless to say, these two aren’t on the greatest terms, and that fact is likely to result in a deeply complicated co-parenting relationship.

Not surprisingly, many fans have assumed that the pregnancy came as a total shock to Lopez, but the insider says that’s not the case:

The source claims Chris “knew exactly what he was doing” when he helped Kailyn conceive.

What he apparently didn’t know, however, was that she was planning to build a relationship with him:

“Kail became a relationship of convenience for him,” the insider says.

“He never actually loved her. It was a relationship, but he just decided he wanted something different and things didn’t work out so they went their separate ways.”

Yeesh. Sounds like Kail should’ve vetted her sperm donor a bit to make sure they weren’t looking for different things.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Kail’s long history of questionable decision making.


Friday, May 5, 2017

Kylie Jenner-Tyga Breakup: Is It Getting Ugly?

When we first learned that Kylie Jenner and Tyga had broken up for the 47th time, our initial thought was that they’d quickly get back together, just as they had on the previous 46 occasions.

When it became clear that Kyga was well and truly dunz-o this time, we assumed the couple would attempt an amicable split, the kind where Tyga still occasionally pops up on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, maybe sipping tea with Kris Jenner, a la Scott Disick.

Now it looks as though Kylie and Tyga are throwing us a curveball in that respect as well.

Sources close to the ex couple are now claiming that the split has ignited a full-blown Kard clan civil war:

According to Hollywood Life, the family and their hangers-on have been divided into pro- and anti-Tyga factions, with Lord Disick himself leading the pro-T-Raww movement:

“Their split has caused a major rift in the family,” a family source tells the site.

“Scott has always gotten along with Tyga and has been encouraging Kanye [West] to keep him on his label. Scott doesn’t want to see his friend get iced out of the family cause Tyga and Kylie are on the outs.”

Apparently, the rapper’s first baby mama is also on his side, but not because there’s any truth to the rumors about Blac Chyna and Tyga getting back together.

No, it seems Blac’s decision to join Team Tyga was motivated purely by the bottom line:

“She knows firsthand how bad he is with money and wants her baby daddy to stay working,” says the insider.

These days, it’s rumored that Kylie is dating Travis Scott, and the relationship has reportedly led Tyga to the conclusion that Kylie won’t be running back to him this time.

“Tyga’s beginning to feel quite threatened by Travis and for the first time ever thinks he could end up losing Kylie [for good],” an insider tells Hollywood Life.

“Travis is winning at life! He’s on a successful tour… and every time he turns around he’s being offered a new opportunity of sorts. It’s been a while since Tyga’s seen that type of action.”

Yes, not only does Travis have Kylie, he also creates music that people actually purchase and intentionally listen to.

We don’t think there’s any doubt about who’s coming out on top in this rivalry.


Monday, May 1, 2017

LaLa Anthony Shows Off Extreme Post Break-Up Hotness At Met Gala Without Carmelo

Here’s LaLa Anthony showing the entire world her hotness hasn’t missed a beat since her separation from Carmelo … absolutely slaying the Met Gala in an insanely sexy dress. The Gala used to be an annual tradition for the couple to do together ……


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Derek Fisher Says He"ll Help Carmelo Anthony Through Breakup (VIDEO)

Derek Fisher says Carmelo Anthony needs to be focused on family … not basketball … and promises he’ll reach out to his former player and help him cope with the separation from his superstar wife, La La. Derek coached Melo on the Knicks a few…


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Confirms Breakup With Baby Daddy: I"m Single!

Ever since Teen Mom 2 fans learned that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child, social media has been abuzz with speculation as to who knocked her up.

It’s looking more and more as though questions about the identity of Kailyn’s baby daddy will never be answered (at least not by Kailyn) and now we may have new insight as to why it’s such a sore subject for the 25-year-old.

There have long been rumors that Kailyn is no longer with the father, and it seems that Lowry confirmed that the relationship is dunz-o on Twitter today.

During a conversation with a fan who complained of having difficulty agreeing with her boyfriend on a name for their child, Kailyn tweeted:

“Girl I don’t need anyone to agree with me and I still can’t decide.”

It was the first confirmation from Lowry that she’s no longer involved with the man who got her pregnant.

Many took it as Kailyn’s way of revealing that she’s currently single.

But that’s not necessarily the case.

Becky shared the above photo of herself with Kailyn’s kids last week.

She captioned the photo simply, “#dadlife”.

The given the intensity of the microscope under which Lowry’s life is examined at all times, it’s not surprising that TM2 fans have been obsessively picking Hayter’s post apart.

Many seem to have arrived at the conclusion that Becky and Kailyn are romantically involved, and that Hayter is playing a parental role in the lives of Lowry’s sons.

While the latter part may be true, it doesn’t look as though Kailyn and Becky are dating, but who’s to say?

The friends have been subjected to rumors that they’re more than friends on several occasions, but it looks as though they’ve never gone down that road in any serious or lasting way.

Plus, judging by her tweets, it seems that Becky is in a relationship with someone else.

Some fans are now speculating that Kailyn never actually dated her baby’s father but instead got knocked during a fling or a one-night stand.

We also don’t think that’s true, as Kailyn talked about dating the man who would later turn out to be her baby’s father during a Teen Mom 2 promotional segment that was filmed back in November.

And just who is the dad?

Well, the smart money says Chris Lopez got Kailyn pregnant, but that’s certainly not the only possibility.

Check out the gallery below for a full run-down on all the suspects an watch Teen Mom 2 online to gather your own evidence.

The truth is out there, y’all.


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Is Her Breakup with Tyga Tearing Her Family Apart?!

If you can believe it, it’s been nearly a month now since Kylie Jenner and Tyga’s most recent breakup.

And this time, it’s serious.

Or, you know, as serious as a 19-year-old girl breaking up with her older, creepier boyfriend for the umpteenth time possibly can be.

We’ve heard several possible reasons for the split — some sources say that Kylie cut Tyga loose because she’d heard rumors he’d been cheating on her again, and she simply feels like she can no longer trust him.

Other sources claim that the issue is that Tyga won’t take the relationship to the next level.

“Kylie has been begging Tyga to propose to her for years now and she pulled the plug on this relationship because she was tired of waiting,” a source recently explained.

“She has been trying to force him into marrying her and seems to think that Tyga cannot live without her.”

Unfortunately though, “she’s wrong because he clearly can and does!”

Ha ha, gross.

But whatever the reason for the breakup, whether Tyga was cheating or Kylie gave him an ultimatum or things just fizzled out, people seem to agree that this split definitely feels more permanent than the others.

And her family simply cannot handle the heartache.

An insider explained the whole issue to Hollywood Life: see, it seems like her sisters and her mother are arguing about what Kylie’s next step should be.

“There’s serious drama between the sisters over Kylie and Tyga,” the source says. “While Kim and Kris are in Kylie’s ear telling her to dump him, Khloe and Kourtney are telling her to make it work!”

And while this could be a simple debate over the love life of a teenager, things are getting nasty.

“Kim and Kris don’t think Kylie should listen to her other sisters,” apparently, “and point out that Khloe’s relationships don’t last longer than six months and that Kourt and Scott are a hot mess of a couple.”

… Well, they’re not wrong.

Meanwhile, “Khloe and Kourtney feel a little salty about that shade but are telling Kylie that when it comes to love, logic doesn’t stand a chance.”

“No doubt Kourtney and Scott love one another and it’s obvious. They’ll always be together and their situation works for them!”

As for Khloe, she’s “having the time of her life with Tristan Thompson and they’re making it work.”

But at the end of the day, “Everyone wants Kylie to be happy and whether she wants to stay with T is ultimately her decision.”

Is there one single thing in this world that this family won’t twist into some sort of drama?

Kylie is 19. Tyga is terrible. It’s great that she’s over him right now, and her family shouldn’t be trying to get in her head with all these ideas about how precious and pure her love for Tyga is.

Sometimes, on very rare occasion, Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner will have worthwhile ideas. This is one of those times.

Leave the guy alone, Kylie.


Friday, April 7, 2017

TMZ Live: Olivia Munn & Aaron Rogers: The Shocking Breakup!

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kim Kardashian: Sex Tape Still Raking In Millions!  Mel B: Looming Custody War Kendall Jenner: Pepsi Ad Pisses off Police Don Rickles: Unseen Reality Show Footage


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

"Star Wars" Screenwriter Sues Tinder Date Over Disastrous Breakup

A big-time screenwriter is suing a woman he met on Tinder, claiming she was using an episode of “Entourage” as a template to ruin his life. Derek Connolly, whose credits include the upcoming “Star Wars: Episode IX,” as well as “Jurassic World” and…


"Star Wars" Screenwriter Sues Tinder Date Over Disastrous Breakup

A big-time screenwriter is suing a woman he met on Tinder, claiming she was using an episode of “Entourage” as a template to ruin his life. Derek Connolly, whose credits include the upcoming “Star Wars: Episode IX,” as well as “Jurassic World” and…


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Kylie Jenner-Tyga Breakup: Confirmed By Tell-Tale Snapchat?

Ever since they first got together, Kylie Jenner and Tyga, collectively Kyga, have gone through more breakups and make-ups than … 

Well, Kylie Jenner and Tyga. There’s no other way to complete that analogy because they’ve set a new high water mark for such things.

The lovebirds may really be over now, though, and a simple, tell-tale sign from her Snapchat would seem to confirm the rumored split.

A quick glance at Kylie’s social media speaks volumes.

Anyone who follows Kylie on Snapchat or Instagram knows she posts like it’s her job; Jenner is active at least 10 times a day, on average.

Which sort of makes it her job, come to think about it.

For Kylie Jenner or anyone else, when you’re that active online, sometimes what you don’t talk about is as noteworthy as what you do.

(The Duggars’ silence on Josh and Anna’s pregnancy was a great example of saying a lot on social media by saying nothing at all.)

Anyway, Tyga has been a fixture on her pages forever, whether they’re hanging with his kid or he’s got Kylie Jenner’s breasts in his face.

Until about a month ago, when he disappeared.

That’s right, the rapper just totally vanished from her social media about four weeks ago, and hasn’t been seen with her in public either.

On its own merit, this was more than enough to trigger talk of Kylie and Tyga breaking up, but one of her latest Snaps goes even further.

Last night, Kylie posted a pic with her best friend Jordyn Woods at dinner (above), and fans quickly noticed the reality star’s left hand.

Note the lack of ring on it.

Those who follow Kylizzle know that the huge diamond Tyga gave her last year (a promise ring, natch) is one she almost always wears.

Its absence, therefore, stands out even more, especially since the rapper gifted it as a tease that an engagement might soon follow.

Looks like the 19-year-old beauty mogul may never find out what he had in mind for an encore if that “promise ring” was just a preview.

Especially if he’s really raiding his kid’s savings.

The Snapchat sleuthing comes just hours after Blac Chyna ripped Tyga for stealing from King, their son, on her own Snapchat account.

Chyna, who recently broke up with Kylie’s brother Rob Kardashian, slammed him in profane terms for not paying child support for the boy.

Bringing it back to Kylie, some Jenner fans are interpreting her lack of response or defense of T-Raww as yet another sign that it’s over.

Ironically, Rob Kardashian – who just welcomed a baby girl, Dream, with Blac Chyna – is said to be siding with Tyga in this latest argument.

The “Rack City” rapper hasn’t commented on any of this, but he recently moved into a new home in the Hollywood Hills last week.

Insiders say he’s “been partying and having people over every night,” and if it didn’t go without saying, “there’s been no sign of Kylie.”

Last Friday, Tyga was spotted out at the Los Angeles hot-spot Avenue Nightclub, with KJ nowhere to be found in his VIP section.

The next night, he hit up 1Oak in L.A., then hopped a plane to Las Vegas on Sunday for a concert, also sans Kylie in all locales.

To make a long story short: Kylie and Blac are mad at Tyga; Tyga and Rob are mad at Blac; Blac and Rob are definitely broken up.

Kylie and Tyga? We’re pretty sure they are too. His loss.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

29 Breakup Texts That Almost Made Getting Dumped Worth It

Oooh, OUCH! And also: HA!

These breakup text messages may have been terrible to receive for the person on the business end, but they are amazing to read.

Some of them had to have a feeling this was coming, and others just plain asked for it. Others still had to be blindsided. All are amazing.

Check out these classics …

1. That’s the Point

Thats the point

File this under comebacks that missed the mark.

2. #TransformationTuesday Breakup

Number transformationtuesday breakup

Ouch. This is not the way you want #TransformationTuesday to go. Not at all.

3. Take the Hint!

Take the hint

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try to break that heart again.

4. Well, That Was Blunt

Well that was blunt

No beating around the bush here.

5. Ex Games

Ex games

We really hope this guy got back together with this girl after this exchange.

6. At Least It Was Mutual

At least it was mutual

See, it really is possible to have a mutual breakup.

View Slideshow

Friday, February 17, 2017

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna: Their Breakup is Killing Kris Jenner!

Hey, friends — hope you’ve all recovered from the absolute shock of Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna breaking up this time around!

It’s tough when such a stable, long-standing couple splits, isn’t it?

Makes you question everything you’ve ever believed about true love. Or about what some people won’t do for attention and/or money.


This time around, things were “less dramatic” because, believe it or not, “They are both trying to be mature about it.”

“They split a while ago,” apparently, and “The wedding plans are off.”

But what was the reason for the split this time?

According to other reports, their relationship has been strained since the Christmas debacle when Chyna left Rob, taking Dream and all their belongings and going elsewhere.

And it sounds like the disappearing act is happening again.

“Chyna has disappeared for days at a time without communicating or providing any updates,” a source claims. “This won’t end well.”

The issue is that nothing has changed between them — “it’s the same with her yelling and screaming about how his family doesn’t like or support her, and his insecurities.”

And speaking of his family … they sure aren’t loving this latest development.

“This was somewhat expected but all parts sad,” a source reveals to Hollywood Life.

“Kris and the family always thought this scenario could happen and they all expect something to come from it that throws everything on its head.”

Young love, right? Or love between a person with zero self esteem and a person with her eye on the prize, as it were.

“But overall,” the source continues, “Kris finds this breakup a complete nightmare in the making, and the bad totally outweighs the good right now in her eyes.”

Poor Kris. That’s the takeaway from all this.

Relationships come and go, but her reputation, not to mention all that money she’s losing from what would surely be a popular wedding special?

That’s the real heartbreak.

But, to get real for just a minute, it sounds like the breakup is doing a number on Rob — specifically on his health. Because even though he and Chyna are trying to be mature about it, it still must be hard.

“Rob is not taking this well,” another source reports. “The latest issues with Blac Chyna have totally derailed him.”

And so he’s resumed his old habits — the ones that put him in such a predicament before Chyna even came into the picture.

“He’s back to emotional eating,” the source says, “which is dangerous for his diabetes.”

“His family’s so worried about him. He could end up in the hospital over this. They’re very scared for him. His health is a real issue.”

What a mess.

But really, was there ever any other way for this to end?


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Mariah Carey & YG Crank Out Breakup Track, Music Video (PHOTO + VIDEO)

Mariah Carey’s turning her split from ex-fiance James Packer into a breakup song featuring YG – and they’ve already recorded the track and shot the music video. We’re told the collabo went down over the weekend as Mimi laid down what she…
