Showing posts with label City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label City. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Josh Duggar Files New Lawsuit Against City, County Officials

Josh Duggar is resuming his legal action against city and county officials he believes wronged him by releasing police reports in 2015.

The disgraced reality star filed suit against Springdale city officials over the release of information related to allegations of sexual abuse.

Four of Josh Duggar’s sisters filed a separate lawsuit against the city officials, Washington County officials and In Touch Weekly magazine.

Josh’s attorneys filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court, claiming Duggar’s right to due process was violated and his privacy was invaded.

He seeks $ 75,000 in damages, legal fees and a jury trial.

A spokeswoman for Springdale, Ark., responded through counsel that this is a “misguided lawsuit against dedicated public servants.”

The city criticized Josh for “seeking damages from public tax dollars,” a similar response to their response to the Duggar sisters’ lawsuit.

Josh’s four sisters sued Northwest Arkansas officials in May, claiming police documents were improperly released to a celebrity tabloid.

The sisters filing the lawsuit are Jill Duggar (Dillard), Jessa Duggar (Seewald), Jinger Duggar (Vuolo) and Joy-Anna Duggar (Forsyth).

Federal claims include invasion of privacy, outrage and violation of the right to due process; Josh Duggar’s lawsuit comes on its heels.

Josh initially filed a motion to join, then pulled out of that suit, without explanation, in June, only to file his own suit against the defendants.

Police investigated allegations of sexual abuse against Josh Duggar in 2006, related to incidents in 2002-03, but did not file charges.

His four sisters were obviously minors at the time.

The lawsuits contend police that the case details would only be available to law enforcement, juvenile court and child services personnel.

In both lawsuits, the Duggars claim officials released documents to In Touch after it filed a state Freedom of Information Act request.

The suits say officials supervised the Police Department’s redaction and release of a report in violation of the Arkansas juvenile code.

According to the famous plantiffs, this conduct was also in violation of the Arkansas Code, plus both the Arkansas and U.S. constitutions.

Josh, then 14, revealed to his parents in March 2002, July 2002 and March 2003 that he had inappropriately touched the girls at home.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar admitted this June 3, 2015, in an interview with Fox News after the scandalous In Touch story broke.

They took the teenager to report what he had done to an Arkansas State Police employee, according to the Springdale Police report.

However, this is where it gets complicated, as the police didn’t report the matter to the state’s child abuse hotline as required by law.

Moreover, Springdale police said they didn’t learn about the accusations until someone anonymously called the abuse hotline in 2006.

By then, the criminal statute of limitations had lapsed.

Springdale police said that when they got the freedom of information request, the protections afforded to youth offenders no longer applied.

Josh resigned as a lobbyist for a group run by the conservative Family Research Council, admitted wrongdoing and went to sex rehab.

After also admitting infidelity and porn addiction, he returned to Arkansas but has been laying very, very low for the past year and a half.

He wife Anna Duggar are expecting their fifth child.


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Duggar Lawsuit Against City, Publisher to Be Dismissed?

Springdale, Arkansas officials have asked a judge to throw out a federal lawsuit filed by four members of the Duggar family of TLC fame.

At issue is the allegedly illegal release of documents.

Four Duggar women sued Northwest Arkansas officials, claiming they improperly released police investigation documents to a tabloid.

A police investigation in the 2000s determined that Josh Duggar, the family’s oldest child, fondled the girls and at least one other girl.

No charges were filed against Josh Duggar because by the time officials learned of the incident, the statute of limitations had lapsed.

In 2015, the story was published by In Touch Weekly, stunning the public and irreparably changing the way the Duggars are perceived.

The sisters’ lawsuit was filed in federal court in Fayetteville, alleging invasion of privacy, outrage and violation of the right to due process.

According to multiple media reports, the lawsuit filed against the city officials seeks unspecified compensatory and punitive damages.

The officials from the city argue that they have immunity from legal action in this case, and that the lawsuit is a baseless cash grab

In addition to various city officials, defendants include Bauer Media Group, the publisher of In Touch Weekly and related social media sites.

The lawsuit also lists 10 unidentified “Doe” defendants, believed to be employees of the defendants named specifically in the case.

Jill Dillard, Jessa Seewald, Jinger Vuolo and Joy-Anna Duggar, the plaintiffs, are members of the family featured on TLC’s Counting On.

Previously, they starred on 19 Kids & Counting, which garnered 3.6 million viewers as recently as May 2015 before the scandal broke.

TLC canceled the show before reviving it in its present form, which maintains a considerably smaller albeit loyal following to this day.

Having previously filed to add his name to his sisters’ case, Josh Duggar pulled out of the lawsuit last month for unspecified reasons.

It was revealed, thanks to the celebrity tabloid in question, that Josh confessed to “inappropriate touching” of his sisters in March 2002.

Then just a teenager himself, he admitted he had run hands over young girls in the family home as they slept, their parents said later.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar say they told the girls about the incident, disciplined their son and took precautions to prevent a recurrence.

They did not seek outside help for this.

Their choice to handle such an event “in house” for years, before eventually telling police (who also did nothing), was widely criticized.

Later in 2015, Josh was also outed as a user of Ashley Madison and went to sex rehab for cheating on wife Anna and porn addiction.

The motion to dismiss the lawsuit argues that the girls fail to make a constitutional claim against the city or establish intentional conduct.

A tort is an act injuring someone, after which the injured person may sue the wrongdoer for damages. Springdale says that didn’t happen.

The defendants’ attorneys said in their motion:

“In their complaint against the Springdale defendants the plaintiffs use such turns of phrase as ‘contrary to the bounds of human decency’ and ‘basic notions of civility and personal dignity’ and ‘horrible and blatant re-victimization’ in order to advance claims for damages.” 

“The allegations of fact in the complaint, rather than the hyperbolic turns of phrase, are assumed to be true at this stage.”

“Yet a close examination of the alleged facts reveals that individual Springdale defendants acted not outrageously, but well within the protection provided by the doctrine of qualified immunity.”


The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 14 Recap: A Slippery Slope

The ladies embarked on a trip to Vermont on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 14, but that did not mean they were going to be civil to one another. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you will already know that everyone has been at odds with Ramona Singer at one point or another. 

When the episode got underway, Ramona was trying to play nice with everyone and made them avocado toast. Maybe she’s turned over a new leaf.

Bethenny quickly took a moment to speak with Tinsley. In case you missed it: Tinsley was crying to the ladies last week for the way her life was turning out. 

Tinsley seemed happy that Bethenny took the time to make sure she was okay, and they were immediately back on good terms. 

While one feud was over, another was kicking off with Sonja and Luann. Luann wanted an apology for the way Sonja spoke about her man a few days earlier. 

Like most viewers, Sonja is skeptical of Tom’s intentions with Luann. Who can blame her? Rumors surface every day about what he’s been up to. 

In the end, Sonja claimed she would try to get accustomed to the idea of Luann being with Tom. Um, alright then. 

Carole and Dorinda had a break in front of the fire to have a chat about their co-stars. Their hot topic was Bethenny and what was going on with her ex-boyfriend. 

They chatted about him being arrested for stalking and threatening her. Basically, they were talking about what we already knew about the situation. 

While that’s not entirely a bad thing, it was cumbersome to watch. Get some new material, ladies. 

Back on the slopes, Bethenny opened up to Luann and Tinsley about her hatred for Ramona. Luann and her agreed that they should invite Ramona to Mexico because she could only stay half the week. 

Bethenny got the alerts that her drama was breaking the news, and she was upset. She did not want it to ruin her trip with the ladies. 

Carole checked in with Bethenny, and it was evident Bethenny was not fussed about her friends learning the truth. Instead, she wanted to have fun. 

At dinner, Bethenny felt like Ramona was trying too hard to make things right with her. However, she felt like she was going a little too far. 

Luann then opened up to Ramona about only being invited for half of the Mexico trip. The reaction on her face was genuinely hilarious. 

She looked like she was going to leap over the table and hit Bethenny with the half empty wine bottle. It would have been amazing to watch that, but it would not have boded well for her contract renewal talks. 

When the ladies play Truth or Dare, we learned Tinsley had anal sex in the past and that John’s penis was huge. Luann then shocked the women by boasting about being married. 

While the ladies started bickering, Bethenny leaped to Luann’s defense. 

What the heck?

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 12 Recap: Did Ramona Go Too Far?

Did Ramona Singer purposefully drive a wedge between LuAnn de Lesseps and Tom D’Agostino?

That appeared to be the case on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 12, and it resulted in one of the better hours of the Bravo reality series. 

When the episode got underway, Tinsley Mortimer and Carole Radziwill were ecstatic because they were mentioned in the press for something positive. It’s unheard of that reality TV stars make the press for something good, so they were clearly lapping it up while they could. 

Tinsley opened up about going to therapy for “Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.” This was related to her last relationship and how terribly it ended. Carole tried to change Tinsley’s thoughts. 

She wanted her to think of happy things, and in doing so, change her hairstyle. If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you will already know that Tinsley loves nothing more than her blonde locks. 

She laughed as she said there was no way she would change them. 

After the lunch, Tinsley met up with her mother to go apartment hunting. She and Sonja seem to be on the outs every other day right now, and part of that is because they are both very different. 

Her favorite apartment was $ 9000 and had four bedrooms, but we’re struggling to come to a conclusion as to why she would want that many bedrooms. Is she planning to go one step further in her plan to steal Sonja’s friends and offer then bed and breakfast at her place?

That would not surprise us in the slightest, but she did feel like she could afford it. 

“I have a job. I do business development for a family office, and then I also have some family money, so I can afford it,” Tinsley said to the camera. They later visited an apartment on the Upper East Side. 

That’s when Tinsley broke down into floods of tears. 

“I am starting to get worried that I am maybe moving too fast,” she said.

While Tinsley was gearing up to move away from Sonja’s house of horrors, Frenchie seemed to be spending more and more time there every day. 

Sonja opened up about how her friends were asking about whether their relationship was serious. Frenchie knew Sonja was seeing Rocco, yet did not seem to care. 

Sonja then left her home and went on a date with Rocco, but she opened up about sleeping with Frenchie. Their date went well, and Rocco seemed okay with everything. 

Elsewhere, Ramona tried to make things right with Bethenny, so she sent her an invite to her party. But Bethenny was not ready to end their feud. 

“I don’t like her. I’m not going to go,” Bethenny revealed to the camera.

Everyone was shocked when Missy appeared. She was the one dating Tom when he got with Luann. 

Missy asked Tom about being married, and he replied that the ring was like a collar. Luann did not care and felt that they way he was acting was healthy. 

Um, alright. See you in divorce court. 

What did you think of the drama?

Sound off below!


Friday, June 16, 2017

Adam West Gets Bat Signal Salute at L.A. City Hall

Adam West was honored in L.A. Thursday night with the iconic symbol he helped popularize on TV … the bat signal. The gigantic 70 ft by 20 ft emblem was projected on the side of city hall for several hours. “Batman” fans flocked to the area to…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 11 Recap: A Countess No More

With Ramona and Bethenny on the outs, Bethenny made it her mission to ice her former friend out of all of the social events. Did she succeed?

When The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 11 got underway, it became apparent that Frenchie was becoming more than just a friend with benefits for Sonja. 

She was dead set on him not being in her home in the morning, but it seemed like he was hanging around the home. Tinsley continued to be a little too forward, poking the bear to find out whether Sonja was in a relationship. 

We then switched gears to Bethenny’s holiday party which was down two women this year: LuAnn was off getting married, and Ramona was still in Bethenny’s bad books, so no caviar for those two. 

Dorinda was on the wine and quickly started ranting about Ramona screwing with her home. If you watch The Real Housewives of New York online, you will know that Dorinda is the least malicious housewife there is.

The ladies then decided to trash Ramona for hanging around with her daughter’s friends, and not having many friends her age. Maybe Ramona just wants to feel younger for longer?

It is pretty sad, and poor Avery probably wants to warn her friends to stop chatting with her mom. Who needs the mother to ruin all the fun? 

Turns out, Bravo did not pay LuAnn enough to film at her wedding. Who would have wanted to watch it when we know it’s going to last, like, ten months? 


She decided to give up some personal footage from the event to give fans the gist of what went down during the momentous occasion. LuAnn opened up about how she knew she was going to be his wife soon after meeting. 

“I knew the first week I was going to marry him,” and, “The pearly gates opened and my father dropped [Tom] into my lap.”

Um, alright then. Of the cast members, the only ones invited were Dorinda and Jill Zarin. As expected, the others were iced out of the nuptials. 

We were then graced with a time jump of two weeks, and Ramona was ecstatic to be invited out for lunch with Dorinda. Ramona remained sober throughout, which makes me think she’s kind enough when she’s sober, but changes with the alcohol. 

She seemed happy to see all of the pictures of LuAnn’s big day, so something had changed. 

The final big event of the week was LuAnn’s New York-based wedding reception, which included people who were not good enough to attend the real event. 

All of the women seemed over the wedding event, but Tom and LuAnn did successfully prove everyone wrong, and they were married. They can stay married as long as we never hear about the cheating rumors again. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below. 


Thursday, June 8, 2017

2 Chainz Party Shut Down, Promoters and City Officials Blame Each Other

2 Chainz is pointing the finger at the fire marshal for shutting down his new album listening party, and the event promoters are blaming cops … but NYC officials are calling BS. NYC Dept. of Buildings officials tell TMZ … their reps were at…


The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 10 Recap: Ramona Singer v. Bethenny Frankel

Considering the way we left things on last week’s episode, The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 10 was all about picking up the pieces. 

When the episode got underway, Bethenny Frankel and Ramona Singer were still going at it. If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you will already know the ladies have been bickering for quite some time. 

The reason? Ramona thought Bethenny was not there for her when she needed her the most and wants everyone her to cut the crap and apologize. 

Bethenny decided the best course of action was to list all of the crappy things Ramona did to her over the years. Things took a desperate turn when they bickered over who was the most successful. Yes, that is not a word of a lie. 

Ramona then claimed Bethenny was “an opportunist” who “uses people” and told her she was screwed up. “I feel sorry for you,” Ramona said. “You are a bitch. You’re Bethenny, the Bitchy Witch. That’s who are you. Good luck to you.”

Yes, Ramona was very drunk during the exchange, but at least she knows how to cause some drama for the cameras. Bethenny grew tired of being put on the spot so went to tell Carole she was leaving and they both left. 

Ramona then rehashed her version of the argument to LuAnn and Sonja, and both women could only look on in shock at what they were hearing. 

“I feel bad that every time she comes to my house, it’s a nightmare for her,” Dorinda Medley said to the camera. “To be honest, I wish Ramona were leaving.

Ramona then focused her attention on Carole, claiming that Bethenny was just using her as a friend for a short while. This did not go down with Bethenny, who said: “

You and I will never speak again. “You and I will never be on the same sidewalk ever again,” Bethenny screeched at her former friend. It looks like they are not friends anymore. 

The next morning, Tinsley and Sonja packed up to leave for New York, and could not stay civil to each other. Sonja wanted Tinsley to know that she was not to use her “house guy” as her own personal slave. 

After some back and forth, the ladies made nice with each other, but that did not stop Tinsley from looking at apartments to get away from Sonja. 

Meanwhile, Jill Zarin made her triumphant return to the series, with her husband in tow. Dorinda, however, could not shut up about Bethenny being targeted by Ramona. 

Tom then revealed that Ramona had been calling his friends to try and get the gossip on his past. 

“Her life is in such a mess that she wants everyone to be a mess. Misery loves company,” Jill said.

The episode concluded with LuAnn and Tom heading out for their wedding, but did it go without a hitch?

Tune in next week to find out!


Monday, June 5, 2017

Josh Duggar Wants in on Sisters" Lawsuit Against Cops, City

Josh Duggar now wants his own pound of flesh from the police and city officials 4 of his sisters are suing for releasing investigators’ reports on his molestation case. Duggar filed documents to join the lawsuit Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy filed…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 9 Recap: More Cheating Allegations!

With Tom’s infidelity coming to the forefront once again, it’s making for a boring string of episodes of The Real Housewives of New York City. 

On The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 9, the rumors continued to swirl, but it all felt like a rehash of Season 8. 

When the episode got underway, LuAnn continued to claim she trusted Tom, even though there was a lot of evidence that he was stepping out on her. 

“I’m getting married in two weeks,” LuAnn declared. “What couple doesn’t have lover’s quarrels?”

Ramona opened up about Tom exchanging saliva with other women, but LuAnn did not seem to care. Is there a chance that she lets her man do that to her?

Bethenny then chimed in with her thoughts on the matter. 

“We all just want to hit her over the head with a baseball bat one last time to make sure she’s really sure,” Bethenny said to the camera, adding that “cracks become craters.”

Ramona tried to get LuAnn to admit that Tom had not stopped being a cheat, but it was all falling on deaf ears. Ramona then felt the need to imply she was trying to help LuAnn because she was worried. 

Um, we’ve already witnessed a number of scenes with Ramona being downright obsessed with LuAnn. 

“Tom and I are confident in who we are, and we trust each other,” Luann fired back, irate at being put on the spot.

The conversation quickly changed gears when LuAnn opened up about her and Tom’s luxurious lifestyle. Seriously, LuAnn, get yourself some new friends and a new man.

While the Tom drama seemed over, Ramona switched her attention to making things right with Bethenny. Bethenny, however, was done with Ramona. 

LuAnn stepped in to offer some advice. Bethenny fired back that LuAnn’s advice found her in the “torture chamber” she was stuck in with Jason Hoppy. 

“I’m in a very, very negative, tortuous situation as a result of my divorce and I am holding on by a thread,” Bethenny said.

LuAnn then tried to imply that everything would be all right and Bethenny should look at it as life defining moment. This did not impress Bethenny, and she decided to shout at her former friend. 

“I didn’t go through s–t! I’m in s–t! I’ll never be done!”

“I don’t know why I’m being punished this way,” she cried. “I sometimes feel hopeless, and I sometimes feel like my ex is untouchable and I’m not going to be able to get out of this.”

Ramona then felt the need to get very drunk and try to make nice with Bethenny. 

“Ramona, all of a sudden, like a bat, comes crawling on my shoulder,” Bethenny says to the camera. Ramona then tried to apologize, but Bethenny left. 

Ramona chased her and the two ladies finally engaged in a conversation. 

“I want to go through it because I want you to understand it,” Bethenny said. “You have not been a good friend to me.”

“Wow, wow, Bethenny, wow!” Ramona screamed. “Are you f–king kidding me? Are you kidding me?”

So, what do you think happens next? Hit the comments!


Thursday, May 25, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 8 Recap: Did Tom Cheat on LuAnn?

Did the ladies find more evidence that Tom D’Agostino was cheating on LuAnn De Lesseps?

That was one of the more pressing questions on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 9 when new information appeared to be falling from the trees. 

When the episode got underway, Bethenny Frankel was meeting up with Fredrick Eklund. Yes, the dude Bethenny is launching a reality TV show with about flipping houses. 

The pair discussed the way in which they were going to sell her apartment. Things got hilarious when Fredrick claimed Bethenny’s home was filled with clutter and that is not a good look when it comes to selling. 

The price, however, was agreed to be $ 5.25 million. Hey, it’s not every day you’re selling your multi-million dollar apartment and getting the price you want. 

Meanwhile, Carole and Ramona continued to fish for information about Tom’s infidelity, and it paved the way for them to go on one of the most shocking missions in reality TV history: Looking for more ways to piss LuAnn off.

Carole was quick to point out the revelation that LuAnn was having second thoughts about the relationship because of all the crap she was hearing about the man she was about to marry. 

Ramona claimed that another woman had texted her, claiming that Tom groped her and was being very inappropriate with her. This was music to Carole’s ears, and only made her more intrigued by the notion that she could get revenge on Tom. 

“He’s so insecure and grasps at anything for attention,” Ramona read from the text. 

“Are we bad friends if we tell her or are we bad friends if we don’t tell her?” Carole asked. Um, we at The Hollywood Gossip agree that there’s something sketchy with Tom. 

As much as we like our reality TV to be filled with controversy and drama, we think these two women may be on to something with Tom. 

It can’t be a coincidence that all these women keep coming forward. Unless, of course, the producers are the ones giving the ladies the Intel. 

That would be bad. 

Despite all of the drama between the women, everyone made their way back to the Berkshires to celebrate the holidays and host Dorinda’s epic birthday bash. 

While Dorinda was trying to keep the peace, Sonja continued to trash Tinsley for the way she was treating her and felt like she was a D-bag for no reason. 

Carole and Bethenny started comparing notes on Tom, wondering what the heck he could have been up to. 

“Looks like Tom is dipping his stick in the fun dip again!” Bethenny said to the camera with a grin. 

The ladies then informed Dorinda about the drama, but she did not understand how it was possible. 

Dorinda turned to LuAnn to say the ladies were still trying to find flaws in her relationship. 

Dorinda questioned whether LuAnn really trusted her man. 

“I totally trust him, 100 percent,” Luann said. “I feel amazing. I know when it’s right.”

Dorinda decided to drop it. 

“I’m totally, 100 percent sure about Tom and that’s all that matters,” Luann said.

Um, alright then. 

Do you think LuAnn knows something is going on?

Sound off below. 


Monday, May 22, 2017

Duggar Girls" Molestation Lawsuit Criticized By City Officials: Cash Grab Alert!!

As reported last week, four Duggar sisters are suing their hometown over the release of documents pertaining to the Josh Duggar molestation case.

Now, the Arkansas town is firing back.

Jill (Duggar) Dillard, Jessa (Duggar) Seewald, Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo and Joy-Anna Duggar all filed a lawsuit against the city of Springdale.

The Duggar girls are suing the police and city officials and In Touch Weekly magazine, as well, in regard to the release of this information.

According to the lawsuit, the Counting On stars claim that the city was wrong to release official documents that contained their statements.

Jinger, Joy-Anna, Jill and Jessa spoke to police back in 2006, when they were minors, about Josh molesting them years before that.

By releasing these docs to In Touch, which published the details, the four girls say the defendants exposed them on a global scale.

The City of Springdale sees this differently, however.

“The claims and allegations in this lawsuit are without merit and are false,” the statement reads in part, disputing the girl’s central point.

“[The lawsuit] claims that that the release of a heavily redacted police report pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act Request was somehow unlawful.”

“We are confident that the Federal Court will take the time to carefully hear the facts and arguments in this matter.”

“It is unfortunate that now, at this late date, the Plaintiffs have chosen to file a misguided lawsuit,” said the city in its response.

Springdale lamented the case being brought “against dedicated public servants and seeking damages from public tax dollars.”

Implicit here is the accusation that the Duggars are doing this two years after the scandal broke as a money-making endeavor.

The Duggar girls counter that they’re only taking legal action now in order to help prevent other child victims from such “reckless reporting.”

“This case is solely about protecting children who are victims of abuse,” Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna Duggar said in their statement.

“Revealing juvenile identities under these circumstances is unacceptable, and it’s against the law,” the four siblings added.

By suing, they hope that “media and custodians of public records who let these children down must be held accountable.”

“This case has vast implications for all our children. We hope that by bringing this case to the public’s attention, all children will be protected.”

They do have a point in one important sense:

While the police documents released were redacted to remove the victims’ names and other identifying information, as the city claims.

However, enough information was left in the documents that it was obvious that the victims in the case were Josh’s four younger sisters.

What’s the point of redacting anything then?

If the goal is to protect minors, but officials willingly disseminate information that fails to achieve this, there should be consequences.

This may well depend on whether they met that reasonable threshold. Jill tweeted a link to a story about the lawsuit, along with a message.

“We hope our lawsuit will send a clear message that releasing the names of juveniles is never OK,” the eldest of the four wrote.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 7 Recap: More Lies About Tom?

How did Bethenny feel about being in the same room as Tom for the first time since all of her claims about him cheating?

That was revealed on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 7, which was an explosive episode of the Bravo hit. 

When the episode got underway, Bethenny and Dorinda were doing some charity work and chatting about their personal lives. 

They both came to the conclusion that they were turning to real-estate ventures to keep them busy because they were unmarried. 

Dorinda opened up about Hannah moving out and how much she was looking forward to having the house to herself. 

“I’ve either been married or a single mom or remarried. I definitely want to spend a little time being on my own. And also I’m looking forward to whenever I leave a Chanel jacket out it doesn’t go missing for two weeks,” she says.

Bethenny then revealed that she was very much into Dennis, but did not want to change things in the house because things for her and her daughter were on the up. 

While this was going down, Luann met up with Sonja to discuss what went down at the party after she left. Sonja did admit that Ramona went too far by bringing Bethenny’s kid into it. 

“When it comes to Bethenny’s business and her kid, those are two subjects you can’t even tread lightly on.” Ramona knows what she’s doing when she acts this way. She’s causing drama to make the other women uncomfortable with one another. 

Meanwhile, Tinsley was in a tough spot because she wanted to settle down, but could not find the man of her dreams. Sonja kept on her back about Tinsley dating men lower than the age on the “list.” Yes, that list she and Sonja created. 

Sonja was not amused with a man named Chad, who was 24-years-old. Tinsley did not seem to give a damn. In fact, all she was concerned about was having fun. 

When Tinsley went out with Sonja and Ramona, they met up with Chad and another man. Ramona then tried to be, like, flirty with him and it rubbed Tinsley the wrong way. 

Later, Ramona met up with her friends, who confirmed what we all already knew: Tom is a cheat. Missy claimed she was dating Tom until he bumped into him with Luann in a bar. 

How will Ramona bring this to Luann’s attention? We’re intrigued. 

At yet another party, the women were together for the first time in a long time. Bethenny wanted to steer clear of Ramona and her random word vomit about who was the better friend. 

She turned to Tom to apologize for the way she treated him. He did not seem fazed by the apology, but hey, at least she tried. 

However, Carole was let in on the revelation that Tom was still hanging around the Regency hotel in the company of other woman. 

Carole got ready to talk to Luann about it, but the episode concluded. Well, that was a great conclusion, but something tells us Luann brushes the claims off. 

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 6 Recap: Wishful Invitation

Is Ramona Singer going off the rails?

That thought crossed Dorinda Medley’s mind on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 6 when it became apparent there was something going on with the veteran housewife. 

When the episode got underway, Bethenny met up with Sonja for some light lunch, and the ladies immediately started chatting about Dorinda and why she was mad at Bethenny for not showing up to Ramona’s party. 

Bethenny was quick to comment that she was just so over Ramona and her foul mouth, to the point she did not even want to be in the same room as her. 

Sonja then started chatting about how many of the cast members have dated her former boyfriends, and boy, Bethenny had the best zinger of the entire series: “You’re like a curator of c–t.”

While this was going down, Dorinda rallied her family, and they went to visit her late husband, Richard Medley’s grave. Hannah opened up with a speech, which basically said even though Richard was not her biological father, he was a great man. 

Elsewhere, LuAnn de Lesseps continued to prepare for her nuptials to love rat, Tom D’Agostino. She showed off her gown to the girls, who did not seem overly excited by the number. 

Dorinda was there, but she was the only one who had not quizzed LuAnn about what was going on with Tom, so there’s that. Now, that’s not to say she has kept her mouth shut when LuAnn is out of earshot. 

Also, Bethenny went to find out what the heck was going on with Carole. It turned out that she wanted Adam out of the house, but claimed they were still all fine and dandy. 

Bethenny claimed that it was a major red flag for the couple, one that would likely signal the end of their relationship. While Carole’s relationship was on thin ice, Bethenny opened up about her drama with Jason Hoppy. 

He was sending horrible emails, and even made her want to get rid of her apartment for somewhere nicer. 

While Dorinda was implying she was the keeper of the peace, she seemed to be trying to cause $ hit between Bethenny and Ramona. She decided it was a good idea to confront both LuAnn and Bethenny. 

Ramona quickly turned on LuAnn, wanting to know why she was not invited to her wedding because she already had her location booked. She felt like she was unfairly treated.

“Now you’re doubly not invited,” Bethenny shouted at Ramona, while LuAnn looked ready to duck for cover. Ramona then claimed she was happy for LuAnn. 

Yeah, right. 

When LuAnn made her getaway, Bethenny tried to do the same, but she was cornered by Ramona. Yikes.

“With your girlfriends, we all have situations that are good, but sometimes when it’s a bad time in their lives, do you like to be there for them?”

Bethenny was not impressed and tried to run off, but Ramona wanted Bethenny to know she was pissed at her.

“You can’t even have a conversation,” Ramona squealed. “I’m very disappointed in you in so many ways. I was there for you every day when you were sick.”

When Bethenny fired back that she was there for Ramona during her divorce, it sent Ramona into overdrive, but Bethenny escaped. 

The episode ended with her trying to get close with Carole, who wanted to run off. 

Is Ramona on thin ice with the ladies?

We have no idea. 
