Showing posts with label Cocaine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cocaine. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2015

Lamar Odom Tests Positive For Cocaine; Will he Be Prosecuted?

It’s not exactly shocking that Lamar Odom had cocaine in his system when he nearly died from an overdose at a Nevada brothel.

Most of us assumed that was the case, but until today, we were only speculating about the cause of Odom’s twelve strokes. Now we know the exact cause – and the newly-released toxicology report could spell trouble for Lamar:

TMZ is reporting that Odom tested positive for cocaine according to lab results that were just turned over to law enforcement today.

Nye County sheriff Sharon Wehrly previously told the website that she plans to prosecute if she finds evidence that Lamar was using illegal drugs on the the night that he OD’d.

Yes, you may not expect it from the state that’s home Sin City and legal prostitution, but Nevada has some pretty tough drug laws, and Lamar may find himself forced to go before a judge once he’s able to leave the hospital.

Fortunately, even if he’s prosecuted, it’s unlikely that Odom will do time.

While cocaine possession can carry 1-4 year sentence, first time offenders like Lamar usually get off with drug counseling and probation.

We don’t think the authorities need to worry about the former NBA star using again.

Not only has he already learned a hard lesson, Odom knows that Khloe Kardashian will leave him if he gets mixed up in drugs again.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lamar Odom Cocaine Use: Confirmed by Prostitutes

According to recent reports, Khloe Kardashian agreed to remain married to Lamar Odom this week because the former basketball star agreed to stop doing drugs.

But according to an even more recent report, Lamar has a long way to go… because he was almost definitely doing some serious drugs just a few days ago.

TMZ has obtained the search warrant used by police in Nevada to take blood from Odom at the hospital to which he was taken after falling unconscious on October 13.

It quotes prostitutes who worked at the brothel where Odom had been partying, and it quotes them as saying Odom was very likely snorting cocaine during his stay there.

The detective who signed the affidavit for the warrant confirms he interviewed the women who were with Lamar, at least one of whom told him the following:

“He possibly ingested cocaine in the bathroom adjoining in the bedroom.” 

The detective adds that the employees at The Love Ranch “indicated that they heard him snorting.”

Witnesses also say they saw Odom taking an “unknown substance in the form of an unidentified pill, which he obtained from his pocket in a plastic bag that was unmarked.”

It’s widely assumed these pills were “Reload,” an herbal sexual stimulant with dangerous side effects. 

Immediately upon finding Odom’s body in the brothel, a manager called 911, at which time Odom was rolled on his side and a white substance poured out of his nose and mouth.

“It was just horrible. Blood was coming out of him,” sex worker Ryder Cherry says of finding Lamar unconscious in his room.

“He wouldn’t wake up. I even tried to ice his genitals. Someone said that might revive him, but it didn’t!”

Doctors later performed blood tests that revealed the presence of cocaine in Odom’s system.

If the blood taken from Odom by police also turns up cocaine, he could actually be prosecuted.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Lamar Odom Shows Signs of Cocaine and Opiate Use, Source Claims

Last night, Lamar Odom was found unconscious inside his VIP suite at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch in Nevada.

Currently, Odom is comatose and in critical condition. Sources say he is unable to breathe on his own and his heart and kidneys are failing.

Sadly, a full recovery is looking increasingly unlikely, and friends, family and doctors are working to figure out how the 35-year-old former NBA star wound up in this state.

Lamar has a history of addiction, and sources are now telling TMZ that he had visible track marks on his arms when he was brought to the hospital.

Subsequent tests reportedly revealed that Odom had cocaine and opiates in his system.

Love Ranch insiders initially stated that Odom seemed relaxed and happy at the beginning of his stay, but became withdrawn and moody over the past 48 hours.

Sources close to Odom believe his relapse was triggered by watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians on Sunday night. 

We may never know for certain if that was the case, but the timing of the episode coincides with the reports of Odom’s abrupt change in demeanor.

As of this writing, hospital sources say they’re uncertain if Odoam will ever regain consciousness. We’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Lindsay Lohan Gives Shoutout to Cocaine Kingpin Pablo Escobar, Begs For Roles on Instagram

It’s no secret that Lindsay Lohan loves cocaine.

The girl loves her booger sugar so much she’s endorsed Brazilian political candidates on the basis of their lax stances on transporting blow into the US.

If drugs weren’t involved, getting Lindsay Lohan to give a sh-t about politics would be like training your cat to fetch the paper and then read it to you.

Anyway, Linds once again expressed her fondness for yayo and the kingpins who sling it in a bizarre Instagram post paying tribute to notorious Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar:

Lindsay posted a screen shot reading, “Magical realism is defined as what happens when a highly detailed, realistic setting is invaded by something too strange to believe.”

Fans of the Netflix series Narcos – which centers around the incredibly violent and lucrative exploits of Escobar and his Medellin Cartel –  will recognize it as the show’s epigram. 

In case her point was too subtle for you, Lindsay hashtagged the pic, “#SugarMan.”

It may seem strange for an actress with a well-documented cocaine problem to give a shout-out to the man who made his billions smuggling literal tons of the stuff into the US (taking just a few hundred lives in the process) but that’s Lindsay for ya.

The timing is more than a bit odd, as Lindsay is attempting to jumpstart her career at the moment, and reminding potential employers of her long criminal history is probably not the best method of weaseling her way back into their good graces.

Of course, it probably doesn’t matter, as her comeback seemed pretty lame and half-assed from the start, anyway.

In addition to her continued efforts to make a Mean Girls sequel happen, Lindsay has been jawing on social media about how totes awesome a Carmen San Diego movie would be.

Now, if only producers knew where to find a redheaded actress who could really inhabit the role of a sketchy criminal who travels to foreign lands to avoid prosecution.

Wait a minute…we’ve got it! Someone get Rachel McAdams on the phone!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Chet Hanks -- I Was Wrong to Fight for "N-Word" ... That Was the Cocaine Talking (VIDEO)


Tom Hanks‘ son is waving the white flag in his crusade to use the n-word … admitting he was off the rails due to drug addiction and the pressure of being Tom’s kid.

A few months ago Chet Hanks — who raps under the name Chet Hazeranted about his right to say the n-word whenever and wherever he wanted … but now says, “It’s not my place to speak on it and I’m genuinely sorry for the people that I offended.”

The reason for his about face … rehab. Chet says he’s been getting treatment for cocaine addiction that got so bad his nose was clogged. He adds that being Tom Hanks’ son isn’t all silver spoons. In fact, he thinks that’s part of the reason he got so screwed up.

Tom Hanks" Son Chet Opens Up About His Cocaine Addiction & Stint In Rehab — "I Was Selling Coke & Doing Coke Until I Couldn"t Even Snort It Up My Nose"

Chet Hanks says he’s cleaning up his act — for real this time!

The youngest son of Oscar-winner Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson opened up about his past drug abuse and time in rehab in a series of 11 videos posted to Instagram on Wednesday.

Related: Celebrity Scandals We Never Saw Coming!

The 25-year-old wanted to clear up recent reports that he had gone missing, admitting that he was in fact in rehab:

“I’ve been in rehab. I’ve been trying to get my sh*t together, and I’m doing pretty damn good … I just really had to take a look at myself and my life and the way sh*t was going and all the crazy stupid sh*t I was doing and just finally admit to myself that it wasn’t working.”

Good for him!!

The musician, who used to go by Chet Haze, revealed last year that he has been battling a cocaine addiction since he was 16 years old. Over the summer, it got worse than it’s ever been:

“A couple months ago I was selling coke and doing coke until I couldn’t even snort it up my nose anymore because it was so clogged. I even smoked crack. If I can change, you can change. There is a solution.”

So, so sad! But we are happy to see him facing his demons once and for all — we hope it works this time!

In one of his confessions, he shared that his past has caused major challenges for him:

“It’s been a long journey discovering who I am. Because all the pressures that I’ve dealt with in my life – you know, being the son of my dad and everything. Just trying to find where I fit in.”

Chet also brought up the controversy over his use of the N-word, that even caused Instagram to temporarily shut down his account:

“I know a lot of y’all kinda understood the point I was trying to make, but the truth is it’s not my place to speak on that. And I’m genuinely sorry for the people I offended.”

In a final message thanking his friends and family for their support, he wrote:

“I only say this to show y’all how real it is, not to glorify anything I’ve done. There’s nothing glorious about bringing yourself closer to death and prison with each day of active addiction. I’m just giving y’all the raw realness to let y’all know that this shit here really is not a game. It’s life or death. And the solution is Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and the surrendering of your will and your life over to a Higher Power of your own understanding.”

Ch-ch-check out his most telling admissions (below)!

I only say this to show y’all how real it is, not to glorify anything I’ve done. There’s nothing glorious about bringing yourself closer to death and prison with each day of active addiction. I’m just giving y’all the raw realness to let y’all know that this shit here really is not a game. It’s life or death. And the solution is Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and the surrendering of your will and your life over to a Higher Power of your own understanding.A video posted by 🌴LA / WORLD WIDE 🌍 (@chethanx) on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:31pm PDT

Wow! Sounds like Chet is on the right path to recovery, and we wish him the best!!

[Image via Instagram.]

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Kylie Jenner: Cheated on Tyga, Did Cocaine With Random Rapper?

It’s been a tough week for Kylie Jenner. 

First, Kylie was the possible target of a bizarre social media threat from Blac Chyna.

Shortly thereafter, she was accused of stalking and harassing a young woman who claims that she and Kylie were rivals for Jaden Smith’s affection.

Now, yet another outrageous allegation is being leveled at Kylie, and this one could do irreparable damage to her relationship with boyfriend Tyga.

Rapper Stitches – real name, Phillip Katsabanis – gave a shocking interview with In Touch this week, in which he claimed that Kylie cheated on Tyga with him while under the influence of cocaine.

“I did cocaine with Kylie and then slept with her — while she was in a relationship with Tyga,” Katsabanis told the tabloid. “I had sex with her: We did it all.”

Asked if he was concerned about retaliation from Tyga, Katsabanis became aggressive:

“If [Tyga] has one problem with anything I gotta say about his girl, he can come see me whenever he wants,” Katsabanis said. “I’ll beat the sh-t out of him.”

Katsabanis added that Kylie “didn’t bring up Tyga, not one time” during their night together.

So is “Stitches” simply trying to help his career by goading Tyga into a fight, or could this be the beginning of the end for Kylizzle and T-Raww?

Stay tuned, because something tells us this situation will develop quickly.