Monday, October 26, 2015

Lamar Odom Tests Positive For Cocaine; Will he Be Prosecuted?

It’s not exactly shocking that Lamar Odom had cocaine in his system when he nearly died from an overdose at a Nevada brothel.

Most of us assumed that was the case, but until today, we were only speculating about the cause of Odom’s twelve strokes. Now we know the exact cause – and the newly-released toxicology report could spell trouble for Lamar:

TMZ is reporting that Odom tested positive for cocaine according to lab results that were just turned over to law enforcement today.

Nye County sheriff Sharon Wehrly previously told the website that she plans to prosecute if she finds evidence that Lamar was using illegal drugs on the the night that he OD’d.

Yes, you may not expect it from the state that’s home Sin City and legal prostitution, but Nevada has some pretty tough drug laws, and Lamar may find himself forced to go before a judge once he’s able to leave the hospital.

Fortunately, even if he’s prosecuted, it’s unlikely that Odom will do time.

While cocaine possession can carry 1-4 year sentence, first time offenders like Lamar usually get off with drug counseling and probation.

We don’t think the authorities need to worry about the former NBA star using again.

Not only has he already learned a hard lesson, Odom knows that Khloe Kardashian will leave him if he gets mixed up in drugs again.