Showing posts with label Demi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Demi. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Demi Lovato: What Does Her Sister Have to Say?

We have a new update on Demi Lovato.

While promoting her new movie Subject 16 on Sunday, Lovato’s sister, Madison De La Garza, spoke to Millennial Hollywood host Dakota T. Jones about the state of her famous sibling, who has been in a rehab facility since late July.

Right before entry, of course, Lovato nearly died from a drug overdose.

“She’s working really hard on her sobriety and we’re all so incredibly proud of her,” De La Garza said of Demi, adding:

“It’s been crazy for our family. It’s been a lot.”

We really can’t begin to imagine.

Just a couple weeks ago, however, Lovato’s mother tried to help us understand what this has all been like, opening up herself for the first time since she nearly lost her daughter.

“I literally start to shake a little bit when I start to remember what happened that day,” admitted Dianna De La Garza.

She added in this interview that Demi was in “bad shape” when she first saw the artist in the hospital and “we just didn’t know for two days if she was going to make it or not.”

Lovato, as fans likely know, was sober for six years.

She confessed in a song this past spring that she recently fell off the wagon and begged for followers to forgive her for this mistake.

Naturally, supporters then came out in loud troves and relayed their love for Lovato over all forms of social media.

On the morning of July 24, however, Lovato came home after a night partying with friends and sent a text message to her drug dealer.

He’s even talked openly about this exchange and arrangement.

We still don’t know what substance(s) Lovato took that morning, but it’s been confirmed at this point that she was discovered unconscious in her bed several hours later by an assistant.

The assistant proceeded to call 911.

Demi was revived by paramedics… rushed to the hospital… and eventually moved to a treatment center.

We’ve heard that this center is located in Utah, but we cannot say that for certain.

Throughout this entire ordeal, we’ve been keeping Lovato in our thoughts and prayers.

“We’ve been through a lot together, and every single time- I mean if you read my mom’s book, you would know – every time we go through something, we always come out on the other side a hundred times stronger than before,” Demi’s 16-year-old sister added.

“So, we’ve just been so thankful for everything – for the little things.”

Well said, Madison.

About two weeks after her overdose, this is what Lovato wrote on Instagram:

I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction.

What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet.

I now need time to heal and focus on my sobriety and road to recovery.

The love you have all shown me will never be forgotten and I look forward to the day where I can say I came out on the other side.


Monday, October 1, 2018

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Monday, September 24, 2018

Demi Lovato: Where is She? How is She?!?

We have a couple of important updates on the whereabouts and conditions of Demi Lovato.

Following multiple reports that claimed the artist was seeking treatment far away from the bad influences that plagued her life for months in Los Angeles, we can now confirm the following:

This is accurate.

Lovato is in Utah.

According to Radar Online, the 26-year old is recovering from her near-fatal overdose, along with her substance abuse problem in general, somewhere in the Salt Lake City area.

She’s in a treatment faclity for certain, but it’s one that offers its residents a great deal of freedom.

To wit, an employee at a local coffee shop says Lovato has often stopped by at various points in the last few weeks.

“She seemed happy to be out getting fresh air,” this worker told Radar, adding of Demi:

“The other day, she sat alone for like 30 minutes staring out the window. But it looked like she was hopeful and in good spirits.”

The first photo of Lovato out and about seems to back up this claim.

In an image posted by TMZ on Saturday, Lovato is holding a cup of coffee, wearing a baseball cap and talking to a lady whose holding a dog on a leash.

The snapshot (which you can see here) was taken two months, almost to the day, after Lovato was found unconscious in her Hollywood Hills bedroom.

An assistant discovered the singer in this state and dialed 911, prompting paramedics to rush to the scene; revive the superstar; and transport her to the hospital.

Demi had been out the night before with some friends and then called her drug dealer upon arriving back at her residence; it remains unknown exactly what she snorted or smoked or injected that caused her to pass out.

But insiders do say she appears to be doing well all these weeks later.

“Demi has lost some weight and she’s feeling better,” a source tells Us Weekly, expounding as follows:

“She’s repositioning herself again and getting her life back on track and retraining herself on the 12 steps to recovery. She is doing much better and eventually she will come back to L.A.”

This trip marks the third time Lovato has checked into rehab.

Those close to the singer hope that coming so very close to dying will serve as the wake-up call she finally needs to hopefully kick her dangerous habit forever.

Prior to falling off the wagon this spring, Lovato had been sober for six years.

Just a few days ago, Lovato’s mom spoke out for the first time since the horrifying overdose, opening up about how close she came to losing her daughter.

“We just didn’t know for two days if she was going to make it or not,” Dianna De La Garza said.

Back on August 5, meanwhile, Lovato broke her own silence and issued the following statement on Instagram:

I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction.

What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet.

I want to thank God for keeping me alive and well. To my fans, I am forever grateful for all of your love and support throughout this past week and beyond.

Your positive thoughts and prayers have helped me navigate through this difficult time. I want to thank my family, my team, and the staff at Cedars-Sinai who have been by my side this entire time.

Without them I wouldn’t be here writing this letter to all of you.


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Demi Lovato Seen Out in Public During Rehab Break 2 Months After Overdose

Demi Lovato looked relaxed and happy Sunday as she exercised her day pass from her rehab facility … nearly 2 months to the day after her near-fatal overdose. The “Sober” singer was seen out in public Sunday morning near the rehab facility,…


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Demi Lovato: Getting Back Together With Wilmer Valderrama While In Rehab?!

It’s been nearly two months since Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that nearly claimed her life.

After spending more than a week recovering in a Los Angeles hospital, Lovato headed straight to rehab, where she’s been devoting herself to the hard work of getting sober ever since.

Fortunately, Demi enjoys the support of a vast network of family, friends, and fans who are committed to assisting her in any way they can.

And it seems one special person in the singer’s life has really been going the extra mile to ensure that she knows she’s not alone during this dark and difficult time.

Despite the fact that Lovato and Wilmer Valderrama broke up back in 2016, the pair have remained close as friends, and it seems Demi has been leaning heavily on her ex in recent weeks.

According to TMZ, Demi recently transferred to a different rehab facility.

Her whereabouts are being kept under wraps, but sources have confirmed that she relocated in part so that she could be closer to Valderrama.

The actor has been spotted visiting Demi at the facility several times, and witnesses claim that the two of them have visited a nearby Starbucks together several times.

The facility reportedly has an “open door” policy, and patients are permitted to come and go as they please.

In fact, going for walks and frequenting local businesses is said to be encouraged, as the treatment center is a long-term facility that seeks to help residents transition back into everyday life.

Sources close to the facility say that it features a group-based recovery program, a claim that seems to be confirmed by the fact that Demi has been spotted at Starbucks with large groups of fellow patients.

As for the question of her relationship with Wilmer, sources claim the exes are nothing more than platonic friends, but fans have their doubts.

There have long been rumors that Demi is still in love with Wilmer, and the fact that he appears to have put his life on hold in order to assist with her recovery has been interpreted by many as a signal that the two of them are romantically involved.

Whatever the case, we wish Demi all the best on her road to recovery, and we applaud Wilmer for sticking by her side throughout this life-or-death struggle.


Wilmer Valderrama Constantly Visits Demi Lovato in Rehab

Demi Lovato is still in rehab — nearly 2 months after her overdose — and one person has put his life on hold to be a constant presence — Wilmer Valderrama.  TMZ has learned Demi quietly transferred from a rehab center on the East Coast to…


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Demi Lovato"s Mom Talks About OD for First Time, Says Demi"s "Happy and Healthy"

Demi Lovato’s mother says she was terrified for days her daughter was going to die, and she believes it was only the prayers of Demi’s fans that saved her life. Dianna De La Garza talked about the OD for the first time Tuesday during an…


daily-celebrities: Demi Lovato


Demi Lovato


Demi Lovato"s Drug Dealer Has a Warrant Out for His Arrest

The man who admittedly gave Demi Lovato the drugs that led to her overdose is now a wanted man … TMZ has learned. The L.A. County D.A.’s Office tells us a judge issued a bench warrant for Brandon Johnson – but not for Demi … it’s…


daily-celebrities: Demi Lovato and Kehlani


Demi Lovato and Kehlani


Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Demi Lovato: Leaving LA to Escape "Druggie Friends" [Report]

These days, Demi Lovato is still in rehab after suffering an overdose that nearly claimed her life back in July.

Sources close to the singer say she’s fully devoted herself to the hard work of recovery, dividing her time between an in-patient treatment facility in Arizona and a Chicago psychiatric hospital where she consults with the experts who helped her get sober the first time.

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to put one’s life on hold for a month or more in order to attend to one’s health — especially when you’re the head of a multimillion-dollar media empire.

And so, while she attempts to get to the root of her relapse and battle the demons that stand between her and a long, healthy life Demi also has to deal with the headaches of the outside world.

And of course, she must do all of this while formulating a plan for re-entry into everyday life that will allow her to put into practice the lessons she learned in treatment.

That next step was complicated this week by news that Demi is losing control of certain aspects of her life while in rehab.

Several media outlets reported that Lovato’s bodyguards have taken up residence in her $ 9.4 million Beverly Hills mansion.

Sources claimed the employees have multiple women living in the house with them and have become a nuisance to neighbors.

Now, according to Radar Online, Lovato and her team have reached the decision to sell the house, partially due to the bodyguard situation, and partially because doing so will allow the pop icon to make a clean break with her past.

“They do not want her druggie friends knowing where she lives anymore,” one insider tells Radar.

“They know that the house will be a trigger for her when she gets out, too”

Insiders say that although Demi has a profound sentimental attachment to the home, she’ll be happy to be rid of it, as it’s been a frequent source of aggravation over the years.

In addition to the wild parties that took place there, the property itself has caused a fair bit of drama.

Last year, Demi was forced to evacuate the home after mudslides put it in danger of falling off a cliff.

Sounds like if the sale goes through as planned, Demi will have one less major headache to cope with when she finally leaves treatment, a step she’ll reportedly take sometime before the end of 2018.


Demi Lovato Overdose: Drug Dealer Off the Hook?!

Last week, Demi Lovato’s drug dealer spoke pretty bluntly about his involvement with Demi Lovato … and how he had provided her with the pills on which she overdosed.

Considering that Demi nearly died, that sounds like lousy self-promotion. It also sounded to many like a public confession to one or more crimes.

But apparently the police won’t be charging him over any part of this incident.

Brandon Johnson spoke to TMZ just a little over a week ago and … he did not hold back.

He says that Demi had texted him on the night of her overdose, inviting him to come to her residence.

He says that she was fully aware that he had offered her “aftermarket” pills — powerful painkillers laced with another powerful painkiller.

Oxycodone mixed with fentanyl makes for a dangerous and potentially deadly combination. And he says that Demi knew the risks.

“100% she knew what she was taking,” he insisted.

Sometimes, people speak of their alleged criminal behavior cleverly, in such a way that they haven’t — legally speaking — confessed to anything.

Johnson is not exactly a criminal mastermind. So you might think that police would see his interview and want to interview him themselves, right?

TMZ reports that their sources in law enforcement say that they’re not going after Johnson for this.

The reason? Because this was an overdose, which they classify as a medical emergency rather than a crime.

Johnson is in the clear for this particular incident.

Now, Demi could always try to sue Johnson. if she had died, her loved ones might have tried that — and tried to press charges.

Wrongful death suits can be nasty, and they are sometimes easier to prove than criminal cases.

But since Demi lived, it is difficult to imagine that she will go after this guy. She knows what she allegedly did or did not take and what she knew beforehand.

Besides, her inner circle of colleagues, friends, and family must want her to have as little stress as possible.

Oh, and you know that they don’t want her having any further contact with Johnson. A lawsuit is nearly the opposite of that.

It is important to know that, to hear Johnson tell it, he was much more than Demi’s dealer.

He says that the two of them were primarily just friends, but that their relationship had evolved into a sexual friendship.

He also says that she had sent him that 4-in-the-morning text message because she had wanted to hook up.

It sounds like the suggestion is that hooking up and getting a drug hook-up from him went hand-in-hand.

Clearly they weren’t too close, as he reportedly high-tailed it out of there — leaving Demi’s staff to discover that she had overdosed.

While we’re noting things about Johnson, the dude has been arrested a couple of times this year over possession of drugs, including cocaine.

He also had a fully loaded semi-automatic firearm without a permit, which those who favor an end to drug prohibition might say is worse.

Police have not yet charged Johnson for any specific crimes over his arrest in March.

But that does not mean that he is off the hook forever.

And it is always possible that the attention garnered by Demi’s overdose could mean that prosecutors aim to make an example of Johnson.

Demi, of course, is in rehab on the East Coast. She is said to have limited contact even with her close friends.

She is going to remain in rehab for as long as it takes.

For some people, an addiction is a lifestyle habit that they want to adjust. For others like Demi, a relapse isn’t embarrassing — it’s potentially lethal.

We are so glad that Demi survived and we hope that she makes a full recovery soon — but we’re glad that she’s taking her time in rehab.

We hope that no other creeps slither into her life.
