Showing posts with label Doing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doing. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Shares First Pic of Baby True, Swears She"s Doing Fine

With everything that’s been going on in Khloe Kardashian’s life lately, it’s easy to forget that her top priority these days is not crushing Tristan Thompson’s genitals in a vice.

No, the majority of Khloe’s time and energy is devoted to something much more important – the joys and stresses of raising a newborn.

Of course, the fact that Tristan cheated on Khloe while she was pregnant with his child is clearly never far from her mind these days.

And this is a woman who hosts a show called Revenge Body, after all.

So you can be sure that while True is the first thing on her list of priorities, achieving peak physical condition so as to stick it to Thompson is a close second.

Khloe returned to Snapchat yesterday after a lengthy hiatus, and not only did she offer fans their first glimpse of baby True, she also provided an update on her health.

“It feels so good to sweat again,” Khloe told her followers as True wriggled and cooed just out of frame.

“I feel like I am evolving and doing something impressive with my body,” she added.

“Mentally I am strong, but physically it’s not the same. My body is not doing what my mind tells it to do, that’s the struggle.”

Okay, so a little bit of elbow and a stray thumb is probably not what fans imagined when word got out that Khloe had finally posted pics of her newborn.

The important thing is that Khloe is taking care of herself and seems to be enjoying first-time motherhood – despite the nightmare situation that she’s dealing with because of Tristan.

“It’s also a struggle trying to fit in working out between feedings. No two days are the same,” Khloe continued.

“True is so great, but still, I can’t predict if she’s gonna sleep for the full two hours or if she’s hungry.”

Though Khloe didn’t mention Tristan by name, she did reveal that he’s assumed a very active role in his young daughter’s life.

“Baby True is going to be a month old on Thursday!” she told the camera.

“So far, she’s so incredibly sweet and patient—really not fussy at all. I can tell she’s going to be super athletic and incredibly strong! She’s very calm, peaceful and loves to cuddle with her parents.”

It’s nice that mom, dad, and baby are engaging in family bonding, but comments like that make us worry that there’s some truth to those rumors about Khloe staying with Tristan.

Just a few short weeks ago, fans were certain that Khloe would dump Tristan the moment his team was finished competing in the NBA playoffs.

These days, however, he seems to have weaseled his way back into her heart.

In fact, there have been reports that Khloe still plans to marry Tristan.

Here’s hoping she’s just biding her time and stringing him along while she perfects her revenge body, at which time, she’ll promptly bang one of his teammates.

We hear Kevin Love is single!


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Little People, Big World Fans are Aghast Amy Roloff is Doing THIS to Matt Roloff

It’s been known for several months now that Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff share a unique living situation.

The reality stars got divorced in May of 2016, yet have continued to reside very close to each other on the family farm.

However, Little People, Big World fans learned two new things about this arrangement on Tuesday night’s episode:

ONE: Amy and Matt only live, like, 500 feet apart.

TWO: Amy resides in the home in which she and Matt raised their kids; while Matt resides in a much smaller house.

It’s been this way for nearly two years now, but Matt admitted on Little People, Big World this week that things have gotten especially awkward now that both halves of the ex-couple are in serious relationships.

“It wasn’t supposed to be permanent,” Matt said on camera about the circumstances, adding:

“I’m either at a place now where I need to dig in my roots further on the farm and build a house that suits me, or I need to think about finding real estate off the farm.”

Along those lines, Matt and girlfriend Caryn Chandler looked a few properties toward the end of this latest episode.

Will Matt really move away?

He’s hesitant to go too far because he wants to stay close to grandkids Ember and Jackson.

And while Matt weighs his options, Little People, Big World viewers have taken to social media to drag Amy for putting her ex-husband in this unfortunate bind.

“Amy should not have the house he should be able to buy her out!!” wrote one Internet user following the episode, while another shared this sentiment:

“He has more medical issues… he does more of the work on the property anyway!!! I would never have agreed to let her live there. She is so combative and her attitude is negative!

This same individual told Amy to go shack upwith her boyfriend, writing:

“Live with Chris, Amy!!! [It’s] a family farm.”

For whatever reason, it really does seem as though fans of this TLC series don’t like Amy very much.

In this case, they’re giving her a hard time for simply sticking to the terms of an agreement she and Matt made together a long time ago.

In past cases, they gave her a hard time for… showing off her Easter dinner table?!? Yes.

“It’s sad to see you put Chris in your home your Matt built for y’all and the kids!!” one person commented, continuing to blast the star as follows:

“It’s so [disrespectful] I could never do that to my ex-husband or my kids.”

Pictured here with Chris Marek, Amy Roloff simply can’t watch a break from many television viewers.

To Amy’s credit, she has never responded to this misguided vitriol.

She has always taken the high road — or no road at all, even, simply ignoring the online hate and going about her business.

It’s also worth mentioning that this Little People, Big World episode was filmed many months ago.

Matt has not raised the living issue since in public, making it apparent that there’s no real beef here. His complaints at the time may have been scripted by producers for the sake of drama or ratings.

Therefore, if Matt doesn’t really have a problem with his living arrangement, why would anyone who has never even met these problems speak up about it?

Take a chill pill, trolls.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Kim Kardashian Shares Shocking Family Photo (What is Kanye Doing?!?)

Something is definitely wrong with Kanye West.

Are we saying this because the rapper has returned to Twitter with a stream of indecipherable nonsense?

Because he has publicly expressed affection for President Donald Trump and conservative commentator Candace Owens and openly scoffed at the Black Lives Matter movement?

Because a new report from The Blast claims that Kanye recently blew up at everyone around him during a studio session, screaming that he needs no assistance and that “Yeezy is the new Apple?”


For all these reasons, it does seem like something is very off about West.

But they actually do NOT account for why we’re concerned.

No, we’re concerned about the artist because of what he’s doing in the following image, which features Kanye, Kim Kardashian and all three of their kids on board a private plane.

In the rare snapshot, Kanye is… actually smiling.

It’s true! See for yourself!

Kim made no mention of this unusual act upon sharing this sweet family photo on her Instagram page this week.

“Party of 5,” she simply wrote as an affiliated message instead.

And this is now true, of course:

Kim and Kanye added to their immediate unit in mid-January, announcing to the world that son Chicago West had been born to a surrogate.

(Due to health complications, Kardashian had been advised by doctors not to get pregnant for a third time.)

In this picture, West is cradling his five-month old, while Kim has her arm around two-year old Saint and four-year old North flashed the peace symbol.

It’s actually the second five-member family photo Kardashian has shared of late, as she also gave social media followers a look at her precious brood over Easter weekend:

“The most beautiful family ever!” one fan wrote in response to the latest image, while another added:

“This is the most beautiful pic for you bcuz it represent real happiness.”

And yet another replied that North is the “spitting image” of her mother.

Having overcome divorce chatter several months ago, Kim and Kanye have been showing more affection for each other than ever before in public.

Take the video below, for instance, which features a very cute kiss between the famous couple:

The question now, of course, centers on whether or not Kim and Kanye are finished.

Could their party of five become a party of six?

Might they actually add a FOURTH child to the family, in the very near future, no less?

This is what a certain report alleges is at least under consideration.

We can’t say for certain whether it’s accurate or not, but we can say that this would explain Kanye’s mental state at the moment.

Four kids is a lot. We’d also go a bit crazy just thinking about the possibility!


Monday, April 23, 2018

Traci Braxton Doing Solo Tour After Getting Dropped from Toni"s

Traci Braxton is taking a career setback and turning it into a comeback — after getting thrown off her sister Toni’s upcoming tour … she’s opting to hit the road on her own. Traci says she’s getting a second chance thanks to a TV network…


Traci Braxton Doing Solo Tour After Getting Dropped from Toni"s

Traci Braxton is taking a career setback and turning it into a comeback — after getting thrown off her sister Toni’s upcoming tour … she’s opting to hit the road on her own. Traci says she’s getting a second chance thanks to a TV network…


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Colin Kaepernick Hits NFL Headquarters to Depose Roger Goodell, "I"m Doing Great"

Colin Kaepernick just arrived at NFL headquarters in NYC flanked by his high-powered legal team  ready to grill Roger Goodell like a cheeseburger … and he had a message for his supporters.  “I’m doing great,” Colin said on his way with…


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Maci Bookout: Ryan Edwards is Still Doing Drugs!

If you"ve been keeping up with the comings and goings of Ryan Edwards, you"d probably have some serious doubts that he"s currently clean and sober.

And that"s for many, many reasons.

Ryan was shooting up heroin, and that"s not exactly known as an easy habit to kick. He did go to rehab, but he left before completing even 30 days.

When he got home, he promptly began drinking, and we"ve seen him with a beer in hand in quite a few Teen Mom scenes since then.

None of that is great, but in the past few weeks, things have seriously begun falling apart for him.

He was arrested late last month for violating the probation he was on for an arrest last April — possession charges — and it was also revealed that he"d been creeping on ladies on Tinder again.

Both of those things are especially bad since right at that same time, the news came out that Mackenzie Standifer is pregnant with their first child together.

What else … oh, Maci Bookout and her family filed orders of protection against him because he"d been threatening to kidnap Bentley, and also because he threatened to murder Maci"s husband.

So yeah, you may have had an inkling that Ryan isn"t exactly drug-free these days.

But in this sneak peek for the season finale of Teen Mom OG, Maci is confirming it.

In the clip, Maci and her mom sit down for a nice little lunch together, and she breaks the news that Ryan is going to be a father again.

"Uh, I"m sorry, what?" Mama Bookout says in response, which is pretty much what we all said when we heard the news, too.

She also says that she "thought Ryan wasn"t about that life right now," which is still true.

Mackenzie is pregnant, but Ryan told her to call him when the is about three, so it feels safe to say that he"s still not about that life.

Maci shrugs and says that she has no clue, and her mom tries to look on the bright side by speculating that maybe having a baby "is what Ryan needs."

Bless her heart.

"Maybe, maybe not," Maci replies. "I feel like if this don"t do the trick then absolutely nothing will."

"He"s 30," her mother tells her. "Ryan"s going to do what Ryan wants to do. Babies and wives and baby mamas and stuff aren"t gonna do it for him."

She then asks if he"s passed the drug test to see Bentley yet, and Maci says that he hasn"t, which they agree is a good sign that he"s not clean.

"My people know people," Maci says. "I mean, he"s not clean. He"s not. Like that"s just it, he"s not."

The people she"s talking about are probably the same people that told her last year that his drug problem had escalated, and we all saw proof of that on the show, so it"s likely good information.

And the proof for that is what"s been happening for the past few weeks.

Maybe having a baby will help Ryan straighten up, but he wasn"t doing heroin when Maci had Bentley, and he was a deadbeat then, so we can"t imagine heroin would make it easier.

Watch the sad revelation in the video below:

Maci bookout ryan edwards is still doing drugs

Friday, March 30, 2018

Sammi Giancola: I"m Not Doing Jersey Shore Family Vacation, It"s Toxic!!

We’ve all seen the insane trailer for Jersey Shore: Family Vacation, and this reunion looks like it’s going to be bonkers.

But while most of the cast was begging MTV to make this happen, Sammi Sweetheart isn’t even going to show up.


Sammi Giancola took to Instagram to explain her reasoning.

“I have chosen not to join the show this season because I am at a completely different place in my life right now focusing on my businesses and relationship.”

Her statement continues to emphasize that, like many of her castmates, she is in a different stage of her life than she was when she first attained stardom.

“I am not the same person as I was when I was 22. At 31.”

And she says something cryptic that many fans found to be alarming.

“I am currently extremely happy in every aspect of my life and want to avoid potentially TOXIC SITUATIONS.”


But, despite dropping the word “toxic,” it sounds like she’s not trying to bash anyone.

“However, it was a difficult decision as I love my roomies.”

She announces what she’ll be doing instead of Jersey Shore: Family Vacation.

“I’ve decided to focus on me, my future and what truly makes me happy.”

And she makes it clear that she holds no ill will.

“I will forever be grateful to ‘Jersey Shore’ and everything it has brought to me!”

We have to wonder if the “toxic” situation to which she referred was the party atmosphere or reality television itself, not the people.

She explains why she’s left reality stardom behind.

“I’ve just decided to live my life for me these days.”

And she gives a big shoutout to everyone who’s been part of her life.

“Also I am forever grateful & thankful for all of you!!!”

She singles out her fans in particular.

“Special shoutout to my fans, but I’m not going anywhere! Follow me and stay tuned, you never know what I could be up to NEXT!”

After posting that, Sammi wrote in the captions:

“I love you guys! Thank you all so much for your DMs, comments, messages & kind words.”

She says that they really do mean a lot to her.

“I read them all and am forever grateful and thankful for you guys!!”

And she got support in the comments from none other than JWoww’s husband, Roger Matthews, who wrote:

“Lots of respect for this as I said to you. Minus the money I see absolutely zero benefits to participating. You look happy and at peace. Stay blessed.”

Matthews did clear up that he wasn’t condemning his wife or anyone else:

“Different circumstances for different households. My wife is a grown adult and can make her own choices. Very proud of the businesswoman and mother my wife has become.”

He sounds like a very supportive husband.

“I would never tell my wife what she can and can’t do. Free will should always prevail. I wasn’t aware of what the show would be.”

In his mind, Jersey Shore: Family Vacation was going to be something very different.

“I thought the powers that be might want to show a new side to them. A mature side with [families] and children.”

That is adorably naive.

“I was wrong but to be clear I love my wife very much. Drama sells. I get it. Just not my thing anymore.”

It sounds like Sammi’s former castmates aren’t really clear on why she decided to opt out.

But Pauly D tells TooFab his theory:

“She must be rich! Maybe she doesn’t need the money. I’m trying to think about it, like, maybe she’s rich? I don’t know. We wanted everybody to do it.”

Honestly, most people would assume that anyone who would turn up their nose at a reality TV gig must be wealthy enough that they just don’t need money.


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Adam DeVine Says Doing Full Frontal Nudity Ain"t Hard

“Workaholics” star Adam DeVine is so comfortable with letting his junk hang free in his new comedy, “Game Over, Man!” … he says he’s bringing his mom to the film’s premiere, and it doesn’t look like he’s kidding. The movie, which does look…


Friday, March 16, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Maci Bookout is Doing Porn Too!

Farrah Abraham … well, the girl has seen better days, that"s for sure.

Back in October — and as we"re just now seeing on Teen Mom OG — she was given the choice to either keep filming the show or keep working in the adult industry.

She chose the adult industry, or as she explains it, she was neither fired nor did she quit, she was bullied out of the show because of all the hate crimes committed against the nation"s top female celebrity.

So Farrah is out, and she"s obviously been pretty salty about it for months now.

The latest example of that?

She"s talking about how hypocritical it is that she lost her job for doing porn when Maci Bookout is doing the exact same thing and is facing no consequences.

Really, this is an argument she"s trying to make.

But why would she even think that?

Let"s get into it!

1. Farrah’s Firing

Farrah abraham castle selfie

You surely know this story by now, but let’s recap just for fun: after nearly being fired a few years ago for that celebrity sex tape, Farrah got fired for real last October when she began getting real into that thing where she masturbated on a webcam and streamed it online.

2. Did She REALLY Get Fired?

Farrah abraham red hair

Things were confusing for a while, because sometimes she said she was fired and sometimes she said she quit, but now we know that she was given an ultimatum, and she chose to quit filming Teen Mom in favor of her adult endeavors.

3. Huh

Farrah lynn abraham

We saw that all very clearly, but still, she’s suing Viacom for unlawful termination and also because she says executive producer Morgan J. Freeman made her fear for her life, because hey, why not?

4. Interesting …

Farrah abraham blonde photo

Real quick though, remember the first time this was an issue, back when Teen Mom came back from being canceled when Amber went to prison? In the beginning, Farrah wasn’t asked back at all, and when producers approached the other moms about finally bringing her back on, Maci in particular had an issue with it.

5. Think of the Children

Maci bookout interview with mtv uk

At first, Maci said that she’d quit if Farrah came back, but then she said that she wouldn’t allow Bentley to film because she didn’t want her son on the same show as a porn star.

6. Empty Threats

Maci bookout and bentley

That didn’t last too long either though, and before we knew it, both Maci and Bentley were back to filming as usual, even though Farrah was back in full force herself.

View Slideshow

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Update: How is She Doing in Rehab?

Catelynn Lowell has been back in rehab for about a month now — and good for her, right?

If you’ve been keeping up with this whole sad story, you know that she’s currently on her second rehab stay in the past three months, and her third in the past two years.

The first time she went to a treatment center, back in 2016, the issue was a pretty severe case of postpartum depression she’d been dealing with since giving birth to her daughter a year before.

The second time was in November, when she checked into the same treatment center after admitting that she’d been struggling with some suicidal thoughts.

She did check out early that time because she reportedly felt guilty at the prospect of being away from her little girl for the holidays.

But thankfully, she quickly realized that her mental health was more important than Christmas, and also that she simply wasn’t ready to be home yet.

So she went back, completed her six weeks of treatment, then went back home.

Then just a few weeks later, Catelynn made the tough decision to go back again for another six weeks, this time to work through some of her childhood trauma.

She also said she needed to get some issues with her medications sorted out.

Unlike last time, she’s been silent on social media, which is definitely for the best.

During her last stay, she was on Twitter a bit, even taking the time to make fun of Farrah Abraham, which didn’t seem like the best way for her to spend her time there.

While it’s good that she’s focusing so hard on her issues, we’d be lying if we said we weren’t wondering about how she’s been doing.

But don’t worry — Tyler’s got us covered!

Last weekend, Tyler said that he and Nova would be away all week at Catelynn’s facility, doing family therapy together — or at least he would be involved with the therapy, it wasn’t clear what exactly Nova would be getting into.

He predicted that it would be a tough week for everyone, and it’s easy to understand why.

But no matter how tough things were, Tyler’s love for Catelynn is just as strong as ever.

In one of his customary sappy, sweet Instagram posts, he shared this adorable photo of himself with Cate, and in the caption, he wrote that “Seeing this gorgeous woman & all the work she has done has given me such hope, a feeling of peace, and unconditional love that is hard to explain with words.”

“It was a very emotionally intense Family Week Program, but I know that our love & commitment towards each other will persevere through anything this life throws our way.”

“I’m so proud of you Babe,” he added, “and I can’t wait until you finally come home so I can just hug you & hold you for as long as I want.”

“You are worthy…You are strong…You are beautiful…You are loved! Thank you for not giving up on your life.”

He also threw in hashtags like “my babe,” “my wife,” and “soulmate,” just in case your heart wasn’t touched enough already.

A little while later, Tyler shared a couple more photos, this time explaining that “Marriage & relationships aren’t always sunshine & rainbows.”

“I believe love begins as a feeling, but evolves into a choice. A choice to sacrifice for that person, a choice of dedicated commitment to one another & understanding the selfless acts that are required from both to maintain serenity.”

How darling is that?

Cate shared one of the photos too, and she captioned hers “SO HAPPY I got to see you today!!! Until next time my love!”

It’s not much to go on, but she does sound happy, and in the photos she actually looks pretty radiant.

Here’s hoping that she’s getting the help she needs, and that soon she’ll be able to go home, happier and healthier than ever!


Lionel Richie Really Hopes His Daughter Stops Doing Scott Disick

Lionel Richie is not in denial.

He’s well aware of what’s going on between his teenage daughter and Scott Disick.

But that doesn’t mean the legendary singer has to like it… or even truly accept it as legitimate.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph this weekend, the Grammy Award winner addressed the often-drunk elephant in the room, talking for the first time about Sofia Richie choosing to actually date Kourtney Kardashian’s baby daddy.

Yes, choosing.

Why would anyone choose to be with Scott Disick?

It’s a question to which Lionel does not have an answer.

“She’s 19,” he told the aforementioned publication, adding:

“When you’re 19 you know everything. Is it going to be for life? I don’t know.

“But for right now it’s just a phase and I’m going to stand real still in the corner, get me a good drink and not make too much noise.”

That’s likely the smartest course of action.

No one out there thinks Sofia will marry Scott or anything… so the relationship will likely fizzle out.

It’s just taking longer to do so than we previously imagined it would.

What looked like a fling at first has evolved (devolved?) into a full-blown, steady romance, as Richie posted the above photo of herself with Disick in Valentine’s Day.

She went on to write that Disick gifted her with flowers for the occasion.

Moreover, the C-Listers have taken trips to Mexico and Italy together.

What the heck, right?!?

There’s a 15-year age difference between Sofia and Scott and, in case we haven’t mentioned it yet, the latter is Scott Disick.

He likes to drink more than he likes to hang out with his kids and he’s never come across as anything more than an attention-seeking lugnut.

Added Lionel in his interview:

“Now I know what my parents meant when I came through the door with my Afro and my girlfriend and said ‘Dad, I’m in love’ and [he] looked at me and said ‘Okay, we’re going to leave you alone for a minute and you’ll figure it out.’

“My daughter is getting me back for my Afro days!”

This is one of those times where someone is clearly joking and yet… not.

Asked what Disick is like as a person, Lionel had only nice things to say. He didn’t take any bait.

“From what I met of him he’s a very nice guy,” the artist said.

Asked why he’s with Lionel’s child, Disick allegedly recently praised her affection for hot sex.

Sorry, Lionel. We should have warned you prior to posting a link to that story.

Lionel Richie will soon co-host the new version of American Idol, which premieres on ABC on March 11.

So you’ll be seeing a lot more of him over the coming weeks and months, just as he hopes to stop seeing Sofia and Scott together.

“When you hang around the reality world, who knows what you are really doing?” Lionel concluded.

“This is a well-oiled machine, the Kardashian machine. I don’t really know what to think. I told Sofia I will have no opinion.

“I’ll continue to be my cheerful self and move on.”


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Savannah Guthrie & Hoda Kotb: How is "Today" Doing Without Matt Lauer?

In the wake of a sex scandal that included some truly heinous allegations, Matt Lauer has lost his wife. He’s lost his job. He’s lost any respect or trust that the American public once placed in him.

And NBC’s Today, which he hosted for decades, lost him as its host.

Now hosted by Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb, how are the ratings doing? You might be shocked.

Matt Lauer is said to be broken and ashamed following the horrible accusations from his time at NBC.

Sweet, sweet schadenfreude aside, a lot of people wonder if NBC — while doing the right thing — effectively shot itself in the foot by firing Matt Lauer.

Before the accusations of sexual harassment and rape came out, Matt Lauer enjoyed tremendous popularity.

Some considered him to be akin to “America’s dad,” finding his occasional slip-ups during interviews to be adorable rather than red flags.

With Lauer gone, Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb are cohosts of Today.

While they’re definitely better choices than an alleged sexual predator and creep, how are the ratings going? Did viewers flee from the show when the scandal broke?

As it turns out, and you may be surprised by this, Today‘s ratings aren’t just good — they’re outstanding.

According to Nielsen results, Today ranks #1 among adults 25-54 and adults 18-49. Those are a couple of very coveted demographics.

Looking back to the same week last year, Today has improved its lead over Good Morning America by 16%.

This makes this Today‘s best streak in 5 years, in terms of raw numbers of viewers and in terms of key demographics.

Hoda Kotb and Savannah Guthrie should be very proud of themselves.

Just after Thanksgiving in 2017, Matt Lauer was fired for alleged sexual misconduct.

At the time, NBC admitted that they had reason to believe that the incident that had been reported to them was part of a larger pattern.

And then the reports, which reporters had been quietly researching for weeks, began to surface.

Accusations included stories of dropping his pants or “gifting” sex toys to colleagues without invitation or consent.

One pants-dropping incident was allegedly followed by Matt Lauer lecturing the woman for not performing a sex act.

One sex toy-gifting incident allegedly included a creepy, detailed note describing the ways in which he wanted to use that toy on, again, a woman he worked with, who was literally just coming into work to do her dang job.

Matt Lauer was also accused of rape. According to the accusation, he used his creepy desk-based-door-locking-button to trap a woman in his office with him before bending her over and beginning the sexual assault.

He allegedly didn’t relent and unlock his door until she passed out.


As we alluded to earlier, Matt Lauer’s wife Annette Roque is officially divorcing him.

Since news of the scandal broke — and since she fled the country with her two younger sons — people have been waiting to see if she would divorce Matt Lauer and take everything.

For a while, though, it seemed that Matt and Annette were trying to play nice for the sake of their children. Given the weight of the accusations against Matt Lauer — accusations of so much more than just cheating — that attempt was doomed from the get-go.

We imagine that their divorce process will be complicated and may grow contentious — these things always do. Especially when it comes down to money, division of property, and custody decisions.

(In other words, everything that matters in a divorce)

The ratings news is fantastic.

It’s especially good because the Winter Olympics are just about to begin.

For years, people have associated the Olympics with Lauer because he covered the event every time.

From recent accusations, the world has now heard how he used these NBC trips as a sort of hunting ground to invite or lure young, ambitious NBC employees to his hotel room.

It will be hard for some people to not notice Matt Lauer’s absence. That can lead to some awkward discussions.

So it’s wonderful to hear that Hoda Kotb and Savannah Guthrie are doing Lauer’s Today job better than he has in years.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Joey Fatone Bets TMZ $1,000, I"m Not Doing Super Bowl Halftime!!!

Joey Fatone is so deadly serious Justin Timberlake is NOT reuniting ‘NSYNC during the Super Bowl halftime show, he bet our photog $ 1,000!!! And the best part … the bet was made IN MINNESOTA … just a few miles from the site of the big…


Joey Fatone Bets TMZ $1,000, I"m Not Doing Super Bowl Halftime!!!

Joey Fatone is so deadly serious Justin Timberlake is NOT reuniting ‘NSYNC during the Super Bowl halftime show, he bet our photog $ 1,000!!! And the best part … the bet was made IN MINNESOTA … just a few miles from the site of the big…


Friday, December 1, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Doing Well in Rehab with Support of Tyler Baltierra!

Catelynn Lowell has been through many, many things so far in her life.

Her father hasn"t been around all that much, her mother was emotionally abusive when she was younger, and it"s clear that she really struggled with her decision to place her daughter, Carly, for adoption.

In addition to all of that, or perhaps because of it, she"s had issues with depression and anxiety for much of her life.

Last year, things had gotten so bad with her postpartum depression that she went off to spend a few weeks in an inpatient facility to try to get a handle on things.

And a couple of weeks ago, she revealed that she"d once again be heading off to get treatment.

Is she doing any better now?

Read on to find out …

1. Catelynn’s Struggles

Catelynns struggles

In November, Catelynn shocked us all by tweeting “Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment.” Teen Mom fans know she struggles with her mental health, but we had no idea things had gotten this bad again.

2. So Sad

Catelynn lowell purple hair

She further shocked us in an official statement she released, one that read “I’m taking the time I need right now to take good care of myself… On November 17th I thought of every way possible to commit suicide… from wrapping a belt around my neck to just running my car into an electric pole… THANK GOD I have a support system and a HUSBAND and a DAUGHTER… thank god I am self aware… I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better… anyone feeling alone you ARE NOT ALONE! This world needs all of us! We are all here for a reason… Thank you for your support during this tough time…. Much Love, Catelynn Baltierra.”

3. Off to Rehab

Tyler baltierra catelynn lowell novalee hike pic

So Tyler escorted her to a treatment center in Arizona to get a handle on things … and speaking of Tyler, can we gush about him for a moment?

4. Oh, Tyler …

Cate lowell and tyler baltierra

He and Catelynn have been together since middle school, which is insane. Through the years, they’ve grown together and supported each other through so much, and it’s obvious that he’s being strong for her now.

5. Incredibly Proud

Incredibly proud

He tweeted that message after Catelynn revealed her plans to enter rehab … so sweet, right?

6. Love You More

Love you more

Shortly after that, he shared this darling little snippet of some text messages between the two of them.

View Slideshow

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer Confirms Ryan Edwards Wedding: He"s Doing Amazing!

Looks like wedding bells will indeed be ringing this weekend for one of the Teen Mom franchise’s most discussed couples – again. 

Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Edwards’ wedding will take place in the duo’s native Chattanooga, Tenn., and this time, not in a parking lot.

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you surely recall that Ryan and Mackenzie rushed to become husband and wife on the season finale.

How could you possibly forget if you saw that?

The couple tied the knot with only Ryan’s parents and a camera crew present, which would’ve been weird enough, but wasn’t the half of it.

Ryan drove high to the ceremony – so much so that he was nodding off at the wheel – leading outraged fans to slam Standifer and MTV.

How could she (or they) let him drive in that state? What does that tell us about his mindset (or lack thereof) at the time he said “I do”?

Edwards went to rehab soon after, but instead of quelling doubts about the future, a new scandal rocked the newlyweds upon his release.

Rumors of Ryan sending d–k pics and looking to hook up with random girls on Tinder turned out to be true, with Mackenzie even intervening.

Not only that, he reportedly told members of the MTV show’s crew that he was filing for divorce, and he didn’t just say this in passing.

Yet here we are at this exciting, surprising juncture.

Maci Bookout’s ex-boyfriend and his spouse will hold their “original, intended” wedding ceremony this weekend, and couldn’t be happier.

“It’s been in the works since the day we got engaged,” Mackenzie said, speaking to E! News. “It was never just decided upon.”

“We knew from day one this was going to be it.”

Mackenzie added that unlike the parking lot finale, this wedding will be “in this little cathedral-type church and it’s just absolutely beautiful.”

Standifer told the site that the event is a blend of their styles:

“We went for a rustic-chic theme so there are elements that are super formal and elements that are just very laid-back. But it’s gorgeous.”

“There’s a reception afterwards that’s in this old warehouse-type space that’s been redone. The ceremony is me: super urban, super chic.”

“The reception is Ryan, where it’s rustic. It’s a great mix.”

MTV cameras will be rolling when the pair exchange vows this time, too, and Mackenzie believes Maci Bookout herself will be attending.

“She invited us to her wedding. Everything is just kind of at a resting place right now. It’s about our boys. This is a day about us, yes.

“But it’s also about us becoming a family.”

Maci attending the event would be a great show of support and solidarity with a guy who hasn’t exactly made her life easy over the years.

Bookout, who has three younger kids with husband Taylor McKinney, has often feuded with Ryan and his family over Bentley’s care.

Still, to hear Standifer tell it, they’re all on the same page, and she’s looking at Wedding #2 as a means of cementing their family bond.

“The boys have no idea that we’re already married,” Standifer said, adding of Ryan and Maci’s son, “Bentley doesn’t even know that.”

“So you know, for them, this is a huge day.”

Mackenzie, who is also the mother of young son, said it’s all about the kids, and “if that makes them happy, then that’s what we’ll do.”

Standifer’s son Hudson (top photo above) and Bentley’s feelings aside, fans are understandably wondering how Ryan is feeling lately.

Leading up to the big day, Mackenzie says that despite their ups and downs, she can’t help but gush over the special man in her life. 

“He’s doing amazing. I’m really truly impressed,” she said of how far he’s come since spring. “I’m so proud of him and he is trying so hard. 

“I mean, I can’t imagine what that’s like,” she added, referring to all that Edwards has gone through and struggled with, but “I’m so proud.” 


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Jackson Roloff Turns 6 Months. And He"s Now Doing THIS!

Tori Roloff has shared an update on her son via Instagram that has fans of Little People, Big World asking one important question:


Does it not seem like just yesterday that Tori and Zach Roloff were awaiting their first child’s birth?

And like just last week that Tori and Zach were introducing Jackson Kyle to the world?

In actuality, the latter event took place six months ago, nearly to the day, as Tori just shared a photo of her infant in celebration of Jackson’s six-month birthday.

(He was born on May 10, 2017.)

“We officially have a kid who is half way to one year!” Roloff wrote to kick off a lengthy caption to the above photo.

To the precious and adorable above photo, we should write.

As Tori has done in the past on occasions such as this, the beloved TLC star went on to list a few of her son’s most recent milestones and accomplishments.

And she began with the one all new parents look forward to the most.

“Jackson is sleeping through the night,” Tori wrote excitedly, including with these incredible words the emoji of hands clapping.

What else can the Little People, Big World star pass along about her firstborn?

He survived his first pumpkin season and LOVED IT.

He was a pumpkin for Halloween!

He has cut his first tooth.

He can roll from his back to his stomach (if he wants to).

Also… still trying to regroup after daylight savings.

Tori concluded her post by writing “Love you Baby J! Keep growing!” and by adding:

“Ps. These little photo shoots are getting harder and harder.”

We’re pretty certain she means they are getting cuter and cuter… because just look at that hat on Jackson! Totes adorbs!

At some point in the fairly near future, we’ll be seeing Jackson and his parents on the small screen again.

TLC is yet to announced a return date for Little People, Big World, but Amy Roloff recently said the show would return in March at the latest.

We can’t wait.

We’re excited to see Jackson in action, moving all around and growing up before our eyes, while also getting a glimpse at the young life of his cousin, Ember Jean.

In the meantime, here’s a look at our favorite Roloff family photos:


Tori shared this emotional message not long after posting the above update:

After breastfeeding for the last 6 months we introduced solid food to Jackson tonight.

Although we’re still doin our thing it felt like the first time I have to let go of my baby a little. We worked so hard to get where we are with BFing and I’m proud of the two of us but it was a glimpse into baby J already becoming more independent.

Before i know it he’ll be in college right? It all goes by so quickly.

The other day I looked up the meaning of Jackson and it is this: God has been gracious; has shown favor. Are you kidding me? That’s exactly what I feel every time J looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

i never knew one person can make you love so much. He makes me love God more, and Zach more, and myself more.

i just pray this boy knows the love he exudes and that he shares it with the world always.
