Showing posts with label Engagement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Engagement. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Resize Engagement Ring

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are making sure her engagement ring doesn’t slip off her finger because one of their first stops after getting back to NYC was at a jeweler.   The Biebs and Baldwin looked super chill and blissed out…


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Return to NYC Post Engagement

Justin Bieber and the future Mrs. Bieber, Hailey Baldwin, are back on US soil after their engagement fun in the islands — and they’re getting flooded with well wishes at every turn. The couple returned to NYC Tuesday and, as soon as Justin…


Selena Gomez Ignores Questions About Justin Bieber"s Engagement

Here’s the reality … Selena Gomez will be asked A LOT about Justin Bieber’s engagement to Hailey Baldwin, but she’s all warmed up and ready to respond … with a cold shoulder. Photogs caught Bieber’s ex Monday evening in NYC, and a pap…


Monday, July 9, 2018

Justin Bieber Breaks Silence on Engagement, Is "Soooo in Love" with Hailey Baldwin

… and just like that, he’s off the market.

Following a day’s worth of (very strong) speculation, Justin Bieber has come out and confirmed what multiple outlets confirmed on Sunday afternoon:

He really is engaged to Hailey Baldwin.

It’s still legitimately shocking, isn’t it?

“Was gonna wait a while to say anything but word travels fast,” Bieber wrote as a caption to the Instagram photos above and below on Monday evening, adding in gushing detail:

“listen plain and simple Hailey I am soooo in love with everything about you!

“So committed to spending my life getting to know every single part of you loving you patiently and kindLY.”

It does seem as if Justin doesn’t seem Hailey all that well.

The two started dating in late 2015 and then continued with their romance into 2016, posing for a handful of cozy photos on Instagram.

But the romance never seemed all that serious.

Heck, Baldwin herself said back then in a magazine interview that the stars were not “exclusive” and shrugged casually at the fact that Bieber was set to go back on tour and the two would therefore be separating soon.

She all but admitted it was nothing but a f-ckfest at the time.

But that was over two years ago and the celebrities have remained tight ever since.

They were spotted making out in New York City about six weeks ago and then… BAM!

The engagement news hit.

In his heartfelt Instagram message, Bieber made vows to Hailey (yes, already!) and even hinted strongly that kids were on the way.

At some point, that is.

“I promise to lead our family with honor and integrity letting Jesus through his Holy Spirit guide us in everything we do and every decision we make,” Bieber wrote, going on as follows:

“My heart is COMPLETELY and FULLY YOURS and I will ALWAYS put you first! You are the love of my life Hailey Baldwin and I wouldn’t want to spend it with anybody else.

“You make me so much better and we compliment eachother so well!! Can’t wait for the best season of life yet!”

A million hearts of Beliebers just shattered into a million pieces, didn’t they?

Did you ever imagine Justin would write these words about someone NOT named Selena Gomez?

As detailed HERE, Bieber proposed to Baldwin in the Bahamas on Saturday night, doing so in front of many other hotel guests.

The soon-to-be-newlyweds then celebrated their engaged status by going from bar to bar in this same tropical location on Sunday.

They really do seem to be in love.

Just look at the way Bieber concluded this lengthy post:

It’s funny because now with you everything seems to make sense!

The thing I am most excited for is that my little brother and sister get to see another healthy stable marriage and look for the same!!!

Gods timing really is literally perfect, we got engaged on the seventh day of the seventh month, the number seven is the number of spiritual perfection, it’s true GOOGLE IT! Isn’t that nuts?

By the way I didn’t plan that, anyways My goodness does feel good to have our future secured! WERE GONNA VE BETTER AT 70 BABY HERE WE GO! “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains FAVOR from the Lord!”

This is the year of favor!!!!

So… there you have it, folks.

Now, you tell us:

Do you think Bieber and Baldwin will make it down the aisle?


Justin Bieber"s Engagement Note to Hailey Baldwin, "Everything Makes Sense!"

Justin Bieber just broke his silence on his engagement to Hailey Baldwin … and JB held nothing back in describing his emotions. Justin basically wrote a love letter to his fiancee, saying … “I am soooo in love with everything about you! So…


Katharine McPhee Defends Engagement to David Foster

Last November, Katharine McPhee responded to dating rumors by claiming that she was more or less single.

Fast forward half a year, and Katharine McPhee and David Foster are engaged.

Fans had a lot to say, and Katharine is defending her engagement.

Katharine McPhee reminds her fans and followers to keep their priorities in order.

“Y’all should be worrying more about registering to vote and midterm elections,” McPhee admonishes on Twitter.

She writes that the fate of the country and the world is much more important “than who’s marrying me.”

McPhee finishes her tweet with one of the best ways to conclude any announcemeng or argument on social media.

She says: “Thank you for coming to my TED talk.”

Katharine McPhee Tweet - ted talk

In a text message with Jared Eng, who is the Jared of Just Jared and Just Jared Jr., McPhee provided some details on the proposal.

“He did it at the top of this mountain in Anacapri,” McPhee shares.

She also posted a screencap of the conversation to Instagram, so that everyone could get the details.

“Totally dark, only stars,” McPhee described, setting the mood.

“Thankfully he didn’t push me off the cliff,” she joked.

McPhee is known for her wit.

“He said it was one or the other,” she said, continuing the joke. “And in the end he spared me.”

Katharine McPhee, Jared Eng Convo

“He still has the option to push you off another day,” Jared Eng wisely commented.

It’s good when you can have a sense of humor with your friends.

Katharine McPhee also joked on Twitter about her engagement news, acknowledging that fans already knew before she ever tweeted about it.

“Guys HELLO!” She wrote. “i’m back in america and back on stage tonight.”

“Were you saying anything?” she asked, making it obvious that she had seen their tweets about her engagement. “What did I miss?”

Of course, even so, some people decided to respond to the engagement news by throwing some shade.

One person tweeted: “Hope his 5th marriage & 8th engagement works out!”

Yes, he has really been married four times. He also has five (biological) daughters and seven grandchildren.

But neither that, nor the fact that, at 68, he is literally twice the age of the 34-year-old actress, necessarily mean that this is a bad match.

Similarly, just because McPhee had a relationship with a man while he was married and also just because she’s on that awful Scorpion show doesn’t mean that she isn’t marriage material.

For the record, Foster’s daughters Erin and Sara have already weighed in on this happy engagement news.

After David confirmed the news on Instagram, Erin commented: “Mommmyyy” followed by three heart emojis.

(Erin has made this joke before, even when her father and McPhee were “just friends”)

Sara echoed McPhee’s joke, writing: “Out of the country. What did I miss?”

It’s always good when you’re already comfortable with someone who is about to be family.

Congratulations to Katharine McPhee and to David Foster on their engagement.

But we recommend that they avoid honeymooning on any mountains.


Selena Gomez: PISSED About Justin Bieber-Hailey Baldwin Engagement!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Justin Bieber is reportedly engaged to Hailey Baldwin.

Beliebers the world over were stunned by the news, but perhaps no one was more shocked than Justin’s most famous ex, Selena Gomez.

Justin and Selena just got back together for the 40 bajillionth time earlier this year, and many fans assumed that if Justin were to propose to anyone, it would be Gomez.

Sources close to the singer say Selena was utterly blindsided by the report that Justin and Hailey are planning to get hitched.

“Selena was totally shocked and stunned to hear it’s being reported that Justin proposed to Hailey,” one insider tells Hollywood Life.

“She honestly can’t believe it. Selena didn’t think they were even that serious, so the thought of them getting married is just mind-boggling to her.”

Like pretty much everyone who’s familiar with this situation, Selena is mystified as to what Justin was thinking when he popped the question to a woman he’s only been with for a few weeks.

“Selena can’t help feeling that Justin has some ulterior motive going on, like, he’s trying to make her jealous, or he’s proving a point to her that he really is grown up and ready for commitment,” our source added.

“She just can’t get her mind around it otherwise.”

Obviously, Selena is far from alone on that one.

A different source claims Selena blames her mother for her latest breakup with Justin.

“We could easily be talking about Justin and Selena being engaged right now, but the strain that her mom brought to that rekindled relationship basically was the last straw for them to be a forever couple,” the insider says.

“They tried and there was push-back from her family to him and he didn’t want to deal with that the rest of his life. So that is why he found love elsewhere.”

One insider says the quickie engagement has led Selena to question whether Justin’s declarations of love were ever sincere:

“If it is a serious proposal, and Justin is being totally genuine in wanting to marry Hailey, then Selena can’t help questioning what he really felt about her, and if her really did love her, because it was only a few months ago that he was declaring his undying love for her, and swearing he couldn’t live without her,” the source claims.

Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean Justin was lying to Selena.

We get the feeling this is a guy who falls in and out of love very easily.

Like, we wouldn’t be surprised if dude proposed to an Egg McMuffin this morning.


Ariana Grande Defends Her Speedy Engagement -- And Justin Bieber"s, Too

Over the weekend, Justin Bieber proposed to Hailey Baldwin after the two had only been going out again for a matter of weeks.

The parallels to Ariana Grande’s engagement to Pete Davidson were obvious, since they also dated for mere weeks before Pete proposed.

When fans tried to connect the two as a pair of publicity stunts, however, Ariana was gentle but firm in quashing the rumor.

Someone tweeted the conspiracy theory, perhaps in jest, that Ariana and Justin’s mutual manager was the culprit behind the warp-speed engagements.

“First ariana get engaged to pete Davidson now Justin bieber to hailey Bladwin,” a fan tweeted. “The devil works hard but Scooter Braun works harder.”

The line about the devil works hard has become something of a meme of late. Largely because it is often funny.

Ariana was not amused by the suggestion that her romance was masterminded by her manager.

“You do realize we are human beings who love and have lives …… right …. ?” Ariana asked.

Ariana continued, objecting to the characterization of her manager, adding: “And that scooter is a wonderful human being too who cares first n foremost ab our health and happiness?”

Scooter has, in the past, very famously put the health and well-being of performers ahead of (short-term) business interests.

“Love is lit,” Ariana says, adding that “S–t happens.”

She’s right about both of those things.

“I hope to god it happens to you too,” Ariana adds, taking the sting out of her admonishment. “U deserve it.”

That is very sweet.

As we mentioned, over the weekend, Justin and Hailey got engaged.

Though there had been rumors that Hailey wanted to marry Justin, they had only been dating again for a few weeks.

And the last time that they dated was, what, 2016? That feels like at least a decade ago.

But over the weekend, in front of a camera-less crowd at a resort, Justin popped the question to Hailey. 

Since then, the world has gotten a few glimpses of what is widely believed to be Hailey’s engagement ring.

We’re not sure how Scooter Braun is supposed to have masterminded all of this, since it seems very clear that these relationships are real and not manufactured as a PR stunt.

Do they imagine that he manipulated his client Justin into proposing to Hailey?

How, exactly, does that boost the Biebs’ career, which is seemingly on hiatus ever since he ended his tour last year?

And how exactly do people suppose that Scooter tricked Pete Davidson into proposing to Ariana?

It wouldn’t take much. Oh, wait, it wouldn’t take anything, because Pete and Ariana are crazy about each other.

Sometimes, love happens.

Not everyone is going to fall in love. Some people are just unlucky. Others are aromantic and just don’t experience romantic love or even the desire for romance.

But when people do find themselves engaged to people they love, fans should support them (just as they should support them if they end the relationship).

Remember, folks — unless someone might be in danger, someone else’s personal choices are not your business. You can celebrate them all that you like.

Coming up with conspiracy theories about them or trying to tell them that they’re making a mistake isn’t going to go over well with them.

Try to be as loving and supportive as Ariana is. She’s full of love, even when Pete makes unfunny mistakes.


Hailey Baldwin Engagement Ring: First Look!!!

Hailey Baldwin is engaged to Justin Bieber.

We repeat: Hailey Baldwin is engaged to Justin Bieber.

No matter how many times we read stories about this development and/or how many times we write them ourselves, we still find the entire thing hard to believe.

The model and the singer, after all, carried on a mere fling for a few months in 2015/2016 and then started sucking face again a few weeks ago and… that’s it.

That connection and that time together has apparently been enough for each star to believe he/she wants to spend eternity with the other.

On Saturday night, Bieber popped the major question to Baldwin while the two were on vacation in the Bahamas, doing so in front of dozens of onlookers at a hotel in the tropics.

According to an Entertainment Tonight source, the artist “had been planning to ask her for a couple weeks,” despite having only reconciled with Hailey romantically like six weeks ago.

This same insider added:

“Hailey is over the moon with joy. [They] can’t stop telling their friends and family how excited they are for their journey together.

“The two have always had a great bond, and it is stronger now than ever.”

After digesting this stunning news, we were left with a couple of main questions:

1. How would Selena Gomez react?

2. What does Baldwin’s engagement ring look like?

We sort of have the answer to the first question already, while multiple social media users have tried to provide us with the answer to the second.

Bieber and Baldwin flaunted their love for each other on Sunday, openly hanging out and drinking at a bar in these same Bahamas.

As a result, multiple fellow patrons were able to sneak a few photos of the engaged celebrities, with many trying to hone in one Hailey’s ring finger.

This is probably the best snapshot we have yet of Baldwin’s new, giant sparkler:

“well my friend just met justin bieber and hailey baldwin in the bahamas and she is wearing a ring,” reads the caption to this revealing image.

The pal told the person who posted this picture that Bieber and Baldwin looked “very happy and relaxed.”

There was also the following photograph, snapped on the same day at the same place:

biebs and baldwin

This one does not give us the same candid look at Hailey, but it does give us a look at the couple hanging out, just having a fun time.

Said a source to People Magazine of the singer:

“Justin has been extremely happy these past few weeks. He has known Hailey for a long time. This might seem sudden, but they know each other very well.”

That’s fair, we guess.

Just because the two haven’t been getting it on for a year or something doesn’t mean they haven’t shared an emotional connection for a very long time.

Here’s another glimpse at Bieber and Baldwin at this same establishment yesterday:

at a bar

“They were really cute and sweet together!” said a witness to E! News, adding:

“They had to leave because there were so many fans.”

This is something Baldwin will need to adjust to often going forward.

She said back in 2016 that it was difficult to date someone as famous Bieber… and now she’s engaged to him!

Might the pressure become too much? Will she be able to withstand the constant glare of the spotlight and the paparazzi?

In short, will Hailey and Justin make it down the aisle?

Once you put your eyes back in their sockets and pick up your shocked jaw from the floor, let us know what you think!


Selena Gomez: All Smiles Amidst Justin Bieber Engagement Bombshell

Have you heard the stunning news?

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin are engaged.

Multiple outlets have reported that the singer proposed to the model while the two were on vacation in the Bahamas and, of course, she said yes.

We know, right? EEEEK!!!

And also: WTH? Really?!?

Bieber and Baldwin carried on a fairly brief romance toward the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016, with the latter even admitting at the time that the stars were very casual and not exclusive.

They were basically just banging.

But Justin and Hailey reportedly kept in close touch after they went their separate ways and then started touching each other’s private parts again just last month.

The Internet saw photos of Baldwin and Bieber kissing, yet this same Internet was still woefully unprepared for this earth-shattering, life-altering engagement news.

Seriously, did any of you see this coming?!?

Naturally, however, there’s only one person whose take is truly desired right about now.

What, pray tell, must Selena Gomez be thinking at the moment?

The artist dated Bieber off and on for many years, culminating in a reconciliation this past fall that many assumed would lead to the Jelena wedding for which we’ve all been waiting.

Alas, the rekindled romance barely got off the ground before it ended… by Selena’s hand, nearly all insiders have indicated.

Still, just because she pulled the plug on Bieber, this doesn’t mean she’s totally cool with him asking someone else to marry him.


Wrong, perhaps.

On the same day Bieber proposed to Baldwin, Gomez was hanging out in New York City with friends and looking like this:

Close friend and assistant Theresa Mingus shared the above snapshot on her Instagram Stories Sunday, just after the Bieber-Baldwin engagement news went viral.

It’s unlikely that Selena was actually aware at the time of her ex-boyfriend’s proposal, but we’d still like to believe she simply smiled broadly and shook her head upon learning what transpired.

Last we heard, Gomez was absolutely fine with Bieber dating Baldwin, having moved very far on from the man who treated her so poorly over the years.

Selena doesn’t care what Justin does with his love life anymore,” a source said three weeks ago, adding:

“In the end, Justin turned out to be exactly the same person he [always was], a selfish and immature kid who only cares about himself.”

This may be true, but his engagement must still sting for Selena.

And for all those fans who fantasized that she would end up with Bieber in the end.

It’s also important to remember that Gomez has checked into rehab on multiple occasions to deal with bouts of depression and anxiety.

This makes us a bit concerned over her emotional state right about now.

Let’s just hope the singer’s support system is strongly in place and let’s just hope the above quote is accurate.

She can do so much better than Bieber and she better know it.


Sunday, July 8, 2018

Hailey Baldwin Flashes Huge Engagement Ring from Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber appears to have spared no expense for Hailey Baldwin’s engagement ring … ‘cause that thing is HUGE. A photo of of Justin and Hailey popped up online Sunday showing the newly engaged couple hanging in the Bahamas the day after…


Hailey Baldwin Flashes Huge Engagement Ring from Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber appears to have spared no expense for Hailey Baldwin’s engagement ring … ‘cause that thing is HUGE. A photo of of Justin and Hailey popped up online Sunday showing the newly engaged couple hanging in the Bahamas the day after…


Selena Gomez Surfaces on a Boat After News of Justin Bieber"s Engagement

Selena Gomez seems to be taking the news her on-again-off-again ex, Justin Bieber, is engaged to Hailey Baldwin quite well. And why not? She’s living her best life … on a boat. Selena surfaced Sunday in a friend’s social media post,…


Katherine McPhee Ducks Photogs Trying to Shoot David Foster Engagement Ring

Katherine McPhee is going to great lengths to hide her engagement ring courtesy of David Foster, despite the fact the secret — and pics of the ring — are out. Katherine was signing autographs Saturday in Times Square when our photog asked to get…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Porsha Williams is Coy When Asked About Engagement Rings After Leaving Jewelry Store

Porsha Williams tried playing it coy when our camera guy straight-up wanted to know if she and her BF were shopping for engagement rings … keyword: tried. ‘Cause, all signs pointed to them hunting for a rock. We got the ‘Real Housewives of…


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Katharine McPhee and David Foster Back in U.S. After European Engagement

Katharine McPhee and David Foster are back in the U.S. after their European vacation and made an interesting first stop after their trip. The couple — dressed pretty casually — was spotted in Tribeca, but reportedly made their way to a jeweler in…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Pete Davidson Confirms Engagement to Ariana Grande: I Feel Like I Won a Contest!

The the delight of millions of fans, Ariana Grande is now engaged to Pete Davidson. It happened fast, but sometimes, love is like that.

Though we"ve already seen Ariana"s engagement ring, Pete has now washed away any lingering doubts by saying it out loud.

Folks, Pete cannot contain his enthusiasm. Can you blame him. He feels like he won the lottery.

Pete davidson and ariana grande funny faces

On The Tongight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Pete Davidson and Robert Pattinson were the guests.

Ariana is a beloved guest on Fallon"s show, and as you can imagine, he definitely brought up her name when speaking to Pete.

Jimmy Fallon says: "Now, you know that you didn’t have to get engaged to Ariana Grande to come on our show."

Pete"s boyish excitement cannot be contained.

"But I did, though!" Pete says.

The audience replies with cheers and applause.

Ariana grande and pete davidson pic

After Fallon offers his congratulations, Pete offers a very apt description of the situation.

"I feel like I won a contest.," Pete says. "So sick."

Ariana isn"t just an extremely talented singer, an actress, an activist, a gay icon, and a beloved social media personality.

She"s also just incredibly hot, and Pete seems truly head-over-heels.

Fallon asks: "How are you handling it all right now?"

Pete replies: "It’s f–king lit, Jimmy."

We would imagine so.

Ariana grande and pete davidson harry potter

"It"s so funny," Pete shares. "Walking down the street."

Keep in mind that Pete has been famous for years because he is a cast member of Saturday Night Live.

In fact, debates over whether he or Colin Jost is the most attractive cast member at the moment are not uncommon on social media or among friends.

But now, when he is recognized, the reactions that he elicits are a little different.

"It"s so funny," Pete says. "Because dudes are walking by, and they"re like:" Pete mimes tipping a hat in a casual salute or a gesture of respect.

That"s cute.

Ariana grande thirst trap dance move

"Some dude came up to me," Pete continues. "And said: "yo, man, you gave me hope.""

The implication being that Pete has managed to get engaged to a girl out of his league — to one of the most attractive women on the planet — without being more famous than she is or richer than her.

Pete admits that he started to feel a little unsulted, saying: "And I didn"t know I was that ugly! Jesus."

Pete is, of course, very much not ugly.

But he is still counting his blessings.

"Yeah," Pete admits. "I"m a lucky motherf–ker."

That"s true! But so is Ariana. Anyone who finds any sort of love in this globe of nightmares we all inhabit is very fortunate!

(Also, Pete sells himself short — literally. The guy is 6-foot-3, which makes him a whopping 15 inches taller than Ariana. We are very much rooting for them even though they will have to get creative to take decent photos)

Pete davidson heart eyed caption

Pete"s excitement over his engagement to Ariana is not limited to late night talk shows.

On Thursday, he shared the image of Ariana Grande arching her back in the grass while wearing a less-than-huge amount of clothing.

(Fans will of course recognize this as part of a dance that she has practiced and performed on social media before)

"What the actual f–k," Pete writes, showing his desbelief in how beautiful his fiancee is.

He follows up that photo with a heart eyes emoji.

Pete has also, of course, already gotten two tattoos in Ariana"s honor. One of her bunny eared mask, and another of her initials.

Go big or go home.

Pete davidson dangerous woman tattoo

Arianators have celebrated this welcome news. Naturally, her fans are happy when she is happy.

Many are relieved to see that she is no longer in a toxic relationship with someone whose personal substance abuse issues make him a danger to himself and others.

(Though Pete was never a danger, per se, he has experienced and overcome a mild substance abuse issue and has been outspoken about his mental health)

Some critics have accused Pete of "robbing the cradle," which is absurd. Age and height aren"t synonyms, or Ariana would be feeling nervous about the sixth grade.

They"re both about the same age, but Ariana, who turns 25 next week, is a few months older than Pete.

Pete will not turn 25 until September.

Ariana grande in the morning

Pete davidson confirms engagement to ariana grande i feel like i

Pete Davidson Opens Up About Engagement to Ariana Grande on "Jimmy Fallon"

Pete Davidson is clearly over the moon to be engaged to Ariana Grande — and he let Jimmy Fallon know it. Davidson was on ‘The Tonight Show’ Wednesday and was asked straight-up about his engagement. Pete held nothing back, saying “it’s f***in’ lit.”…


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson Flaunt Her Engagement Ring

Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande are battling over who’s better at showing off — Pete proudly parading around his smoking hot fiancée, or Ariana flaunting her massive engagement ring. Pete and Ariana were arm-in-arm Monday in NYC –…


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Pete Davidson Confirms Ariana Grande Engagement, Shows Off Ring!

So, uh … this whole thing with Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson …

It’s a roller coaster ride, and we are 100% here for it.

Many, many people think that these two crazy kids are moving too fast, and obviously that’s true.

Looking at their relationship timeline will likely make you a little nauseous.

But you know how anytime you hear a story about a couple getting engaged fast, and someone pops in with “well, when you know, you know,” or “my grandparents were married twelve minutes after the first met” or something along those lines?

Maybe Ariana and Pete just know, you know?

Maybe one day, they will be those grandparents in that story, just with more tattoos and more weed.

Anyway, today we’re going to be talking about their engagement, because Pete just confirmed it with an Instagram post!

He shared this adorable picture:

Ariana ring

For the caption, he wrote “u know what you’d dream it be like? it’s better than that,” which is really sweet.

But let’s be real, nobody is looking at the caption when there’s that ring on Ariana’s finger.

It looks like a huge pear-shaped diamond, and it is SO PRETTY, right?! 

The jewelry designer that made the ring, Greg Yuna, did a quick little interview about it, and he revealed that the ring is just over three carats, and Pete paid $ 93,000 for it.

“Pete called me at the end of May and said ‘Look, I’m getting a ring. This is what I want,"” he recalled.

“And I told him I had the right ring for him.”

He said that “He didn’t tell me who it was for but told me to keep it a secret. He didn’t tell me anything about it.”

OK, so that’s really interesting — let’s add this little tidbit to the timeline.

On May 9th, Ariana announced that she and Mac Miller had broken up, and on May 16th, Pete revealed that he’d broken up with his girlfiend, Cazzie David.

A couple of days after that, the rumors really began about a possible relationship between Ariana and Pete, and on May 30th, he shared the first photo of the two of them together, seemingly confirming the rumors.

And right around that time was when Pete had the ring made.

The very, very first thing that made people think these two could be together was when Ariana attended a Saturday Night Live after-party on May 12th.

But when you consider their previous relationships and when those ended, they couldn’t have been together for more than a few weeks when Pete got the idea to propose.

And man, how crazy is that?

Judging by the comments on Pete’s photo, it looks like the vast majority of people are excited for the engagement, which is nice to see.

Besides a few good-natured jokes about how fast things are moving, most of Twitter seems supportive of their love, too.

So we’re really doing this thing, huh?

Ariana and Pete really are going to get married.

Judging by everything else, we’ll be back with wedding details sometime in the next fifteen minutes!
