Showing posts with label Fiance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fiance. Show all posts

Friday, November 17, 2017

Jennifer Hudson and Fiance David Otunga Split After 10 Year Relationship

Jennifer Hudson and fiancé David Otunga have split after nearly 10 years — and Jennifer was granted a restraining order — but David’s attorney says it’s only because Hudson’s afraid to lose their kid. Otunga’s attorney, Tracy Rizzo,…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

90 Day Fiance Spoilers: Josh and Aika! Do They Marry? Who Has a Criminal Past?

We"ve gotten to know the new 90 Day Fiance couples and grown to like (and perhaps dislike) some of them as they travel to be together decide if they want to potentially spend the rest of their lives together.

One of those new couples is Aika and Josh, and their relationship has … a lot of complications. Some of which are contained in the video below.

Well, we know how how their engagement ends. Beware, folks — spoilers below!

Aika and josh

First, here"s some background:

Aika is 36 and hails from Quezon City, Phillipines.

Josh is 43 and lives in Mesa, Arizona. (Meaning that yes, they"re a couple with an appropriate age difference of a mere 7 years!)

There"s a lot that"s weird about these two.

For starters, the way that they met was an "accidental glitch" that placed Josh"s dating app in the Phillipines when he lives in Arizona.

That"s a story that we find about as believable as 

Some fans and viewers believed that Aika was more interested in a green card and being taken care of in the US than she was in Josh himself.

TLC"s "love story" video for the two of them (full of creepiness; it"s below) even ends with Aika reminding Josh that he"ll be her provider.

Josh and aika beach pic

So … did these two make it, or did they part ways?

According to the investigations by the good folks over at Starcasm, Josh and Aika got married.

Their marriage certificate says that they got married on September 7th.

Josh and Aika haven"t officially announced this news, of course — that"s 90 Day Fiance"s secret to reveal.

But the couple has been spotted all over the US for the past few months. Since Aika is only allowed to stay in the US for 90 days before getting married, that was already a pretty strong hint that the two had tied the knot.

Oh, and a number of sightings of the two involved the pair wearing matching rings.

Josh and aika selfie

Normally, we"d be offering up congratulations at this point.

But honestly … we don"t know that this is good news.

First of all, thanks to Reality Blurb, we know about Josh"s criminal past.

His rap sheet includes a DUI, some credit issues that involved his wages being garnished, and, much more seriously, a domestic violence arrest.

Josh allegedly punched a 28-year-old woman in the face and pushed her down an embankment near their apartment.

Police apparently broke down the door when they heard her screaming for help from inside.

Josh managed to weasel out of it, however, because the woman — as is not uncommon with domestic violence victims — refused to press charges or cooperate with police.

We have no idea how much of this, if any, Aika knew.

We wish that we were surprised, but Josh has been alarming from the get-go, as you"ll see in the video below.

Aika of 90 day fiance

In this video — which yes, of course is edited — Josh"s every other sentence seems to raise a red flag.

He describes Aika as "like a trophy to me."

And then there"s the fetishism when he says: "I"ve always kind of had a thing for Asian girls."

Dating Asian women is fine. Exclusively dating any one race of people because you have particular ideas about them being "sexier" than others is gross.

It gets worse somehow when he talks about the Phillipines having a low divorce rate, because it sure sounds like he wants an "exotic" beauty who will totally depend on him and never leave.

Which, we suppose, is why he waited only 5 days after meeting her to propose.

But they"re married now. For better or for worse.

90 day fiance spoilers josh and aika do they marry who has a cri

Monday, November 13, 2017

90 Day Fiance Spoilers: Do Molly and Luis Make It?!

One of the new 90 Day Fiance couples that we’ve been getting to know is made up of Molly and Luis.

They face a number of relationship hurdles beyond the issue of citizenship. The biggest of those is probably a conspicuous age gap.

But we now know a huge spoiler about what awaits Luis and Molly. Okay … you’ve been warned!

First, a refresher.

Molly is an American from Georgia. She’s a lingerie entrepreneur. She’s also 41.

Luis is Dominican … and he’s only 26.

Their age difference is pretty significant, though we’d point out that part of what raises people’s eyebrows is that they’re accustomed to seeing the gender dynamic being a little different.

.In other words, when a man has a girlfriend 15 years his junior, he’s praised. When a woman like Molly does the same, people are more likely to emphasize her age and suspect the man of being up to something.

In this case, some fans wondered about Luis’ intentions.

He was working in a bar into Santo Domingo when he and Molly met, and some wondered if he was less interested in Molly and more interested in her US citizenship … and potentially her money.

Molly is also a mother, and 90 Day Fiance teased that her daughters weren’t entirely onboard with her prospective new husband.

We’ve also learned a bit about Molly Hopkins’ shady history.

Long story short? Molly’s criminal record and multiple mugshots suggest that she might not be the safest driver.

We sure hope that Molly told Luis about all of that before …

(Remember how we said that there woudl be spoilers?)

… They got married!

Starcasm reports that Molly and Luis are married.

Reality shows thrive on secrets, but it’s hard to keep marriages a secret when they’re a matter of court record.

In this case, the court records show that Molly Hopkins and Luis Emmanuel Mendez Rosa tied the knot on July 20, 2017.

(Just two days before Selena Gomez’s birthday!)

It’s wonderful that they were able to get past their relationship barriers and make it to the altar. However … it seems that, in so doing, they may have stirred up some trouble.

See, remember how Molly has two daughters? The youngest one’s name is Kensley.

Kensley’s father and Molly got their divorce a little over three years ago.

Molly was granted full custody, and records indicate that her ex made child-support contributions but not on a regular basis.

Until this year, the biggest “stir” that Kensley’s father had made, that we know of, was asking for legal recognition as Kensley’s father (so, ensuring his visitation rights) and for an amount to be set for child-support payments.

In July of this year, he suddenly changed his tune … and filed a Complaint For Equitable Partitioning And Damages.

That means that he wants payment for his portion of the house that he says that they jointly own, and repayment for a $ 45,000 loan that he says that he gave Molly. (He says that she has repaid over half of it, but that a $ 20,500 balance remains)

Molly says that she is unaware of any lingering balance on the loan.

Molly’s ex is asking that she be forced to sell her car (which she was awarded during the divorce) in order to pay.

We somehow suspect that the timing of all of this was not a coincidence.

Marriage represents an opportunity in the eyes of divorced exes. When alimony is involved, it’s usually grounds for them to stop paying.

In this case, it may be that Molly’s ex doesn’t like the idea of another man living in a home where he once lived or driving a car that he once drove.

Some exes can’t let go.

And then there’s the reality of Luis now being a stepdad to Molly’s daughters. That can easily stir up unhappy feelings.

We don’t know whether Molly’s ex sees this as more of a legal opportunity or an emotional motive, but … we imagine that the litigation for this isn’t a lot of fun for anyone involved.


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

90 Day Fiance: How Much Are The Stars Paid?

90 Day Fiance is still running and has three different spin-offs. It’s a successful series. But … how much are the stars actually paid?

Two recent guests on the series are exploiting a loophole to reveal everything about what goes on behind the scenes, and they’re not holding back.

And yes, they’re letting us know exactly how much this pays. Though we’ve had our suspicions about this series for a while now, seeing the actual numbers in front of us was a real shock.

The 90 Day Fiance couples that we know and love (or know and whatever) give out whatever updates they can.

Remember how Mohamed Jbali has been giving moving updates? He has now in Texas.

And Paola Mayfield has apologized for her and her husband’s controversial Halloween costumes.

But there’s only so much that they can tell us about what went on behind the scenes on 90 Day Fiance. Because, well, reality shows come with contracts.

If you want to get paid for being on a reality show, whether you’re one of the stars or just behind the scenes, it’s standard for you to sign documents that you won’t reveal trade secrets.

Plenty of jobs come with those, in fact.

Since nobody stars on reality shows just for charity and since nobody just volunteers to film or edit a reality series solely for fun, no one who knows details — like how much the stars of 90 Day Fiance are paid — is at liberty to say, right?

Until now, that is.

Annie is from Thailand and David is from the US.

There’s so much to their story — Annie comes from extreme poverty, David is fresh out of a divorce (and lost a lot of weight, too).

David is about twice her age, Annie is hoping to live in comfort and she’s been a little surprised that David isn’t as rich as she’d imagined.

Nothing in their story was too painfully awkward, though, until this last episode.

David and Annie were offered a place to stay by Chris’ good friend, Chris, and Chris’ pregnant wife, Nikki.

In a jaw-dropping, horrifying scene, Chris suggests that Annie could “pay him back” for letting them stay there … by giving him a massage.

Now, especially in the wake of the Weinstein scandal, we hope that we don’t need to explain that “massage” is too often a code for someone trying to leverage a sexual encounter.

(And, worst of all, when it’s a white guy asking an Asian woman, there are often racist undertones because of a long history of racist perceptions of Asian women within the US)

Chris asked this in front of his wife, by the way. It was a shocking moment.

To all of us — but not to anyone on the show. Because Nikki and Chris have taken to social media to clear things up. And they say that Chris’ overture was scripted.

“Yes, the awkward scene of Chris asking for a massage was SCRIPTED,” Nikki posted.

“The producer asked him to say it & Chris had to say it more than once because it didn’t come off as natural.”

Honestly, it’s hard to imagine being talked into that, but when you’re doing a favor for a friend, it’s easy to feel pressured to go along with things to help your buddy out.

“We were fed our lines while sitting at the table, which is why no one reacted. WE ALL KNEW WHAT TO EXPECT.”

That, folks, is not how reality shows are supposed to work. Little prompts, like what topic to cover, are normal. Edits are normal.

What Chris and Nikki described is not normal for reality shows.

Nikki is eager to let the world know: “I’m a very outspoken person you’d be a fool to think I just sat there & [allowed] my husband to disrespect me, Annie, & our marriage.”

Good that she included Annie in that.

How can they reveal this? Well, Nikki and Chris say that they aren’t under contract with TLC or the production company and weren’t in any way paid to appear on the show.

(They only agreed to it as a favor for Chris)

So: how much do 90 Day Fiance stars make?

According to Chris and Nikki, David only makes about $ 1,000 per episode, and was paid $ 2,500 to appear in the tell-all.

Look, $ 1,000 is a nice thing to make, but remember that 90 Day Fiance stars don’t appear in every episode. For a successful reality series, these numbers are shockingly low.

For a little perspective, the good folks over at Starcasm compared 90 Day Fiance income to that sweet, sweet Teen Mom money.

We know that Teen Mom 2 stars are banking about a quarter of a million dollars, or more, every year. Even the dads who appear on the show are making six digits.

Now, 90 Day Fiance isn’t supposed to be anybody’s full time job, which is good — because it sounds like that would put David below the poverty line.

But 90 Day Fiance does at least as well, and sometimes better, in ratings than Teen Mom does. (It looks like slightly more viewers, but slightly fewer in the coveted still-culturally-relevant age demographic)

We imagine that couples like Paola and Russ are making a little more than a brand new star like Chris, but … how much more?

It sounds like part of 90 Day Fiance‘s success is that they’re not paying their actors anything close to what we’d consider to be industry standards.

Which might be even shadier than the accusation that they also go to such lengths to stir up drama where it doesn’t exist.

Chris and Nikki suggested that they might have more to reveal in coming weeks, as new episodes air. We’ll be interested to find out what they choose to share.


Monday, November 6, 2017

90 Day Fiance: Did Nicole Cheat on Azan ... AGAIN?!

Nicole and Azan aren’t new to 90 Day Fiance, but the couple has returned to season 5 because … well, things didn’t exactly get wrapped up in season 4.

But a new development has arisen, and fans are wondering if it could tear this couple apart.

Did Nicole cheat on Azan? Or, more accurately, did Nicole cheat on Azan … again?!

First, a refresher:

Nicole is from the US, while Azan is from Morocco.

The couple managed to hit things off online, but Azan wasn’t happy when he met Nicole and her body was a little larger than he’d realized.

Azan could have handled that more sensitively.

(Remember, folks — people don’t have to be attracted to someone but they do need to be nice about it)

Azan himself is extremely fit, so that contrast adds to the couple’s dynamic.

This season, Nicole is headed back to Morocco — and she’s bringing along her toddler, May, to see how Azan is with her.

That’s great, because if you already have a kid, seeing how good of a parent someone can be is quite frankly the most important thing that you can learn about them.

(When you’re a parent, your child has to come first. Always)

And let’s not forget that Nicole and Azan’s future depends on Nicole’s father’s willingness to foot the bill for Azan to come to the US and actually go through the visa process and, you know, marry Nicole.

But, last season, we saw the first wrench get thrown into the gears.

Because Nicole confessed to Azan that, before she flew out to Morocco and met him in person, she cheated on him.

Azan was able to forgive her, which is great.

But some time after she returned from meeting with Azan in Morocco, Nicole slipped off her engagement ring … ostensibly for a night out with some female friends.

That’s what Nicole told Azan.

As it turned out, though, Nicole took off her ring so that she could hang out with a male friend.

Women — engaged or married or whatever — can absolutely be friends with men, contrary to what Mike Pence might think.

But if you have to take off your ring to hang out with somebody … that doesn’t sound like a friendship.

Not to us, anyway.

Nicole assured Azan that nothing of an intimate, cheating nature happened when she went ringless with a guy friend.

And Azan was, once again, able to forgive Nicole.

More than that, though, it looks like the two of them are still really getting along.

As in, in real-time, not whenever these episodes of 90 Day Fiance were filmed.

Nicole has been gushing about Azan on Instagram, and the couple has been showing off their fair share of PDA in Instagram photos.

Just last week, Nicole was positively gushing about how much her daughter, May, and Azan love each other. And about how much she loves them both.

That probably qualifies as spoilers for this season of 90 Day Fiance, but they’re really the best kind of spoilers, right?

Long-distance relationships are tough, so maybe these little slip-ups of Nicole’s won’t keep happening once the two of them have settled down together in the US.

Like, after they’re married and have a routine and are living together, a lot of conflicts should hopefully go away as the two of them put precious little May first.

Many fans will rejoice at that.

Of course, some “fans” of 90 Day Fiance are haters of Nicole, and try to body-shame on her own Instagram. That’s not an okay thing to do, folks.

It even looks like Azan is over his surprise and insensitive misgivings. How Nicole and Azan feel about her body is really all that matters.

We’re rooting for this couple, and we look forward to seeing where this relationship will take them both.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

90 Day Fiance Update: Where is Mohamed Jbali?!

90 Day Fiance star Mohamed Jbali is dealing with a lot right now.

He recently confessed that he might get deported thanks to a paperwork issue. He"s in the middle of moving. And he recently found a new, post-Danielle romantic entanglement.

Well, in a new Instagram video that we have for you below, he delivers some updates and shares one, possibly paranoid, fear of his.

On Halloween, Mohamed Jbali shared a text update on his big move to Texas:

"I am officially homeless until I get to my new place in Texas."

That"s such a weird feeling, right? When your apartment is no longer yours but your stuff isn"t at your new place, yet?

It must be immeasurably more intimidating for people who aren"t from the US who, should something go wrong, can"t just drive to a friend"s place or their mom"s because Tunisia is not conveniently nearby.

And then, on Wednesday, Mohamed shared another update:

"I"ve been driving forever and I"m still in Tallahassee that"s because I have a heavy load."

He makes a goofy analogy trying to connect that as a metaphor for all of life, which shows you how absolutely, mind-blastingly boring driving a moving truck can be.

Well, now he"s shared a video update on everything that he"s been up to.

"I"m still in Alabama."

The US is, though we don"t often think about it, very large. Traveling between states can take days, easily.

Mohamed has probably had his fill of the logistics of driving a moving truck, so he decided to give his fans an update on something much more interesting:


"You remember when I told you that love is happening?"

He has recently hinted at a blossoming romance, but not shared a lot.

Many have suspected that his newfound love is in Texas. (He"ll address that, also, in a moment)

"I was talking to a girl from Canada."

He"s using the past tense, so … that"s not promising.

"And I thought we are good for each other, but, after some time, we found out that it"s not happening, it"s not … we are not a good match. So we broke up."

That sounds like the right course of action. Besides, was Mohamed going to move to Canada to be with her? How many countries can you hop to?

Then, strangely, he seems to backtrack and correct himself.

"We didn"t even start a relationship. We decided that we don"t want this; that"s it."

It"s hard to tell if they really didn"t get past the talking phase, or if he"s just trying to minimize what they had for his fans.

Sometimes Mohamed can be a little hard to read.

Like we said, he talks about his move to Texas.

His plans are no longer vague — he knows exactly where he"s going to be living.

"Now, I am moving to Texas. To be living with a family. They are friends and they are going to rent a room for me in their house and I"m going to be paying my rent every month."

You might think that this goes without saying, but we think that there"s more to Mohamed belaboring this point than just his desire to be clear.

See, Mohamed got on 90 Day Fiance and into the US by, well, hopping into bed with Danielle Mullins. Just once, to consummate their marriage, but still.

That, very famously, didn"t work out. But Mohamed got to the US, like he wanted.

Some people see him as, if not a gold digger, a man who will do whatever it takes in order to get to where he wants to be.

Fair or not, that reputation follows him.

So he felt the need to address it.

"No love involved. No relationship involved. Just a roommate with a family. They have kids and everything, so I am not going for love."

Clearly, Mohamed feels more than a little grudging about having to clarify that he"s not paying rent with his body.

In fact, he seems paranoid that people will make up stories about him anyway.

"Don"t believe the media; they are sick."

From some people, that would sound like the lady protesting too much. In Mohamed Jbali"s case, he"s just a very outspoken guy who gets a little heated sometimes … and who"s been doing a lot of driving.

Honestly, videos for his fans are probably a healthy way for him to blow off steam.

Here"s the video:

90 day fiance update where is mohamed jbali

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

90 Day Fiance: Did Darcey Silva & Jesse Meester Split?

This isn"t the first time that we"ve had to wonder if Darcey Silva and Jesse Meester are still together. The couple comes from different continents and also different generations.

This time, though, the two had a huge Instagram fight. That"s about as public as a fight can get without being on pay-per-view.

They"ve been a staple of 90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days. Fans are understandably concerned that they"re splitting before the 90 days ever begin.

Jesse meester and darcey silva

In case you need a quick refresher:

90 Day Fiance is so named because US immigration policy permits someone engaged to a US citizen to enter the country in order to live with their fiance for as long as 90 days.

After that period of time, however, the couple needs to marry … or go their separate ways.

90 Day Fiance follows couples as they undergo that process. In some cases, that means that they are meeting in person for the first time in months — or even for the first time at all.

90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days is a spin-off series that finds couples before the 90-day clock starts ticking. Which means that they are not yet in the US as a couple.

Darcey Silva is 42-year-old American.

Jesse Meester is a 24-year-old Dutch hottie. Seriously, he"s a fitness model.

From judgmental friends and relatives who have issues with their age difference to the regular differences that two distinct individuals might have in their personalities, Darcey and Jesse have not been a sure thing.

Fans and viewers have been on the edges of their seats. Will the couple make it?

Darcey silva selfie

Well, just a couple of days ago, someone threw a wrench into this relationship.

And that someone was Darcey Silva.

She allegedly drunkenly attacked one of Jesse"s fans on Instagram. Don"t mix jealousy and booze, folks.

(Frankly, there are real stories of Instagram models connecting with fans, so jealousy here might be toxic but it"s kinda understandable)

The two of them weren"t secretive about how unhappy they were with each other.

Darcey responded to a fan"s innocuous comment with: "Maybe you guys got something special. If u want him then just ask him."

Jesse replied to that with: "Sorry for that! She knows she has a problem with alcohol and shouldn"t do this. She knows she needs help and shouldn"t randomly attack or accuse people when she drinks."

That"s Jesse straight-up accusing Darcey of being an alcoholic. We"re not saying that we have any evidence that he"s wrong, but we are saying that this isn"t healthy for a relationship.

The spat ended up with deleted comments.

This was only a few days ago — on October 29th. This was Sunday.

Fast forward a couple of days, however, and the couple is singing a different tune.

Jesse meester of 90 day fiance

In the video that you"ll see below, Darcey and Jesse make it clear that they"re still together.

They added this caption:

"What you haven’t seen yet… Our love story! Thank you all for being a part of this. I love my girl with all my heart. We grow, we fight, we make mistakes, but we always love and overcome!"

Jesse included a couple of heart emojis with that, which makes it even sweeter.

Some people, as hard as this is for the rest of us to understand, argue pretty regularly with their significant others. That sounds super toxic, but we guess that Darcey and Jesse don"t mind.

Jesse meester kisses darcey silva

This sweet video isn"t the first time that they"ve put their affection on display.

Darcey is all too happy to talk about how sexy Jesse is and even about their sex life.

She also shared this caption with a photo of the two of them:

"I am his Queen…He is my King…Together we are bonded by our soul & love…Together as a Twinflame we build our Empire…Together as one we love, create and manifest our true Love Legacy."

That"s very sweet and also the sort of thing that you should maybe whisper into a lit candle or a crystal or whatever instead of posting on Instagram. It"s a lot.

But this reassuring video that they shared with their fans hit just the right tone. It"s precious.

90 day fiance did darcey silva and jesse meester split

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

90 Day Fiance: Molly Hopkins" Shady History Revealed!

Not all of the obstacles on 90 Day Fiance come from bureaucratic red tape or judgmental parents or lack of financing. A lot of issues arise when people haven’t been up front about their past.

There’s a lot going on with Molly and Luis, but the more that we learn about these two, the more concerns we have. Especially when it comes to Molly Hopkins and her newly exposed criminal history.

We know that every couple on 90 Day Fiance is unique, but … is Molly the new Danielle Mullins?

We know that it’s harder to keep up with new 90 Day Fiance couples than it is with the ones we’ve had years to get to know, so here’s a bit of a reminder about Molly and Luis.

Molly is 41 and comes from Woodstock, Georgia. Originally from Atlanta.

Molly was also a star of the reality series Double Divas for two seasons.

Luis, who is only 26, is from Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic.

It was in the DR that Luis and Molly met and eventually fell in love.

Molly and some of her friends were on a trip, Luis was bartending. It was a classic cougar-meets-boy romance.

Separated by a 15-year age gap and by nationality, they’re letting the 90 Day Fiance cameras follow them as they undergo the K-1 visa process.

But the couple faces other challenges.

For one thing, Molly has two daughters — not, in and of itself, a challenge. But her older daughter, Olivia, does not seem to be a fan of Luis or of the idea of him becoming her new stepdad.

(A stepdad who was only 12 when she was born? That’s not always a bad thing, but we can see why she might balk at it)

Molly’s father is also not convinced that Luis is right for her. He believes that Luis is just using Molly for her resources or citizenship or both.


On Sunday’s episode, Luis finally made it to Cougartown.

Wait, sorry … we mean to America. And into the embrace of Molly Hopkins.

Molly had to get her daughter, Olivia, to drive her to the airport.

Now, there are plenty of folks who can’t or don’t drive for a variety of reasons, but it’s only natural that fans wondered why Molly had to rely upon her daughter for this.

As it turns out, there’s a very good reason:

Molly Hopkins’ criminal history doesn’t really portray her as the best or safest driver.

This photo is only one of the mugshots that Molly Hopkins has accumulated.

Starcasm, bless them, did some digging, and came up with a list of Molly Hopkins’ arrests.

In 2008, Molly Hopkins was charged with possession of marijuana.

It was a misdemeanor charge, involving less than an ounce of the naughty plant that is, don’t forget, still illegal in many US states.

Molly’s May 2012 DUI arrest involved accusations of speeding and improperly changing lanes. But … we’re mostly concerned about the DUI.

In November of 2012, Molly had another mugshot taken, but records aren’t clear on why that happened … except that she was booked in a courtroom. She may have appeared in order to address the DUI.

In June of 2016, Molly was pulled over for speeding.

The officer administered a breathalyzer test and, well, she got another DUI.

Molly pleaded guilty and was sentenced to “72 hours in jail, two years of probation, and 240 hours of community service.”

(That sounds like Paul isn’t the only 90 Day Fiance star who is currently on shock probation)

But … what happened to Molly’s license?

She had two DUIs within the same 5 year span, and had to surrender her vehicle tags.

Which she did.

Now, all reality shows (just about) are filmed months in advance, so Molly filed for an early end to her probation in July and, in August, her wish was granted. She is still subject to random drug testing and may not have any alcohol in her house.

(To our horror, we just realized that Molly and Luis may have to have a dry wedding, if they make it to the altar. So Molly’s friends and family will be punished for her mistakes)

Starcasm notes that Molly had four non-DUI speeding tickets on top of all of this, which is probably more than most people get within their lives. That’s cause for concern, right?

Still, this kind of shady past isn’t quite the same Danielle Mullins’ criminal background, is it?

Just because she’s an older woman of means with children and Luis is a twenty-something younger man whom many suspect of looking for an easy route to American citizenship doesn’t mean that these two are the next Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali.

But … let’s keep our eyes open.


Monday, October 16, 2017

90 Day Fiance: Are Paul and Karine Over?!

90 Day Fiance sometimes feels like it has 90 different spin-offs, but it only has three spin-offs. For now.

Before The 90 Days follows international couples before the fiance comes to the US and begins their K-1 visa process. We’ve all seen couples fall apart after marriage or even before the 90 days are up, but some don’t even stay together long enough for their 90-day engagement.

It looks like one couple doesn’t make it. And it looks like they may have spoiled that ending on social media.

The couple that looks like they’ve parted ways?

Paul and Karine.

The 90 Day Fiance franchise has a lot of couples, so we won’t hold it against you if you need a refresher on Karine Martins and Paul Staehle.

Paul is from the US and Karine is Brazilian and … we cannot talk about this couple without listing the red flags that have been cropping up throughout their relationship.

First: Paul is 34 and Karine is 21.

This is a very low-level red flag, because plenty of healthy and balanced relationships exist with that age gap. And they’re both adults.

The issue is that, when viewed in conjunction with the fact that Karine is both the younger partner and the woman and the one expected to uproot her entire life and move, it looks like a setup for a thoroughly imbalanced power dynamic.

Second: Paul has stated himself that his past relationships haven’t worked out well for him, and that this is why he thought outside of the box when looking for a girlfriend.

When a guy has one girlfriend and it doesn’t work out, well, maybe it just didn’t work out.

When a guy says that his past relationships have been so bad that he figured that he’d try something incontinental instead of one of the other millions and millions of eligibile women in his own country … maybe he’s just not a good boyfriend.

Third, and perhaps most alarming of all: Paul’s criminal record.

Paul Staehle mugshot, 90 Day Fiance

Yes, that’s Paul’s mugshot.

Paul once hinted on Before The 90 Days that his relationship history wasn’t so good.

“I haven’t had the best of luck in past relationships here locally. I’ve been betrayed. I’ve experienced unfaithful girlfriends — a lot of negative, chaotic things. Being burned that many times definitely affects anybody.”

That fits into the second red flag that we mentioned.

But then it got a lot more alarming.

“One of the relationships I was in ended so badly, it ended up getting me in some serious trouble.”

And what’s worse: he wasn’t being honest about it with the woman with whom he intended to share his life.

“And I haven’t explained it all to Karine yet.”

You don’t have to divulge your sexual history to a prospective spouse, but a criminal record is another story.

Specifically, Paul allegedly committed arson in 2007.

Paul was charged with second degree arson and “Burning Personal Property To Defraud Insurer,” for which he was finally found guilty in 2014.

Paul is on probation. Specifically, “shock probation,” where the court sends you to prison for a short time before releasing you on probation in the hopes that the horrors of prison life act as a deterrent.

His probation isn’t scheduled to end until April of 2020.

Now, you might chalk that up to insurance fraud and therefore a very fiery version of white collar crime, but it gets worse.

It also appears that Paul was arrested in 2013 for violating a protective order — one that may have been issued over domestic violence concerns.

If your behavior is bad enough to warrant a protective order and then you violate it, that’s not a relationship “ending badly.” That sounds like you being a bad person.

Somehow, it looks like the relationship between Paul and Karine ended because of something else.


Despite everything (and some awkwardness with Karine’s parents), everything seemed fine for this couple … until this past weekend.

Paul took to Facebook to level some unkind accusations against Karine, accompanied by a photo of what we’re to believe is Karine’s phone. (Did he have someone spy on Karine’s phone? Or did she snap this photo herself for some reason? We don’t know)

Paul wrote:

“When you love someone you don’t call or talk about sex with another man. Or blow up another man’s phone.”

That’s not always true, but it’s a good rule of thumb.

“Karine told me I am bad and she loves Alex.”

Meanwhile, Karen posted a message in Portuguese on Instagram, which Starcasm translated to mean:

“I think in the past a very bad person has hurt Paul’s feeling that even I can not help him. I tried. Not for interests. But for finding a Paul a good person. God knows what is best for each person.”

Since this information comes in real time and not on the show itself, this is not reflected yet on Before The 90 Days.

Which, we suppose, is why Paul’s Facebook promptly shut down.

The producers don’t want their stars posting spoilers.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Kirlyam and Alan Cox: 90 Day Fiance Couple Gives Birth!

Not every couple on 90 Day Fiance ends up as bitter and full of mutual loathing as, say, Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali. But that doesn’t mean that every couple gets their happily ever after, either.

Kirlyam and Alan Cox, however, are one of those beautiful exceptions. They lived the dream and made it and are a happy couple. And this summer, we told you that Kirlyam was pregnant.

They were due in September, but sometimes the best things take a little extra time to prepare. (And yes, of course there are baby pictures)

There are schemers and cheaters and toxic relationships left and right on 90 Day Fiance.

But we can’t forget about the good relationships, too.

Alan Cox was doing his work as a Mormon missionary in Brazil when he met Kirlyam.

The two of them hit it off. And though there were issues — Kirlyam may have looked a bit like a mail-order bride to some of Alan’s peers, while marrying Kirlyam meant leaving her family behind in Brazil for Kirlyam — they went through with their engagement and got married.

Honestly, we’ve loved watching the two of them be adorable nerds together on Instagram, whether they were going out to see Wonder Woman or geeking out about Harry Potter.

The most dramatic part of their relationship, in our estimation, is that Kirlyam’s family couldn’t afford the trip and had to watch a livestream of Kirlyam and Alan getting hitched.

In fact, the only downside to these two is that their high-on-love, low-on-drama relationship doesn’t make them as juicy fodder for the 90 Day Fiance cameras (or their spin-offs).

But check out their latest adorable development!

Baby Liam was born on the 6th of October, 2017.

Alan Cox took to Instagram to share the wonderful news:

“Welcome to the world Liam Jordan da Costa Cox. Born 10/06/17 at 7:57 pm. 6 lbs 15 oz 20 inches long. Baby and momma are doing great. I’m so proud of you @kirlyam_. You are a true warrior. I love you so much!”

He also translated it, like most of his updates about Kirlyam, into Portuguese for Kirlyam’s relatives. Awww!

She pushed for twenty hours, which is enough to impress us but the thought of that makes us want to curl up and die.

Sharing an up-close photo of precious baby Liam, Alan shared the experience of every new parent.

“Loving life right now! Well except the no sleep part.. hahahahaha but then I look at Liam and suddenly I’m not so tired.”

He’s so cute!

Alan Cox elaborated about Kirlyam’s labor experience.

“I do not have the words to describe what I feel for this wonderful woman. I am so proud of her. She was an absolute warrior in the delivery room. After 20 hours of active labor she still had the energy and drive to sacrifice her body for Liam.”

We can only imagine how tough it was for Kirlyam, especially given the difference in stature between herself and her husband.

(Not every big baby becomes a tall adult, but there’s something to be said for the effort of pushing a very tall man’s baby out of a very small woman’s uterus)

Alan Cox continued:

“I will forever be grateful and love this woman for all time and eternity. @kirlyam_ thank you”

These two are so sweet with each other. That tribute is even more precious than Alan’s glowing face as he shopped for baby clothes during the summer.

And to think that mere days before, the two had been throwing up their hands and wondering when Liam, due in September, would ever enter the world!

Kirlyam made her own, much more succinct post. Again, her baby was born less than a week ago, and if we’d just pushed for 20 hours, you wouldn’t catch us so much as tapping “like” on Instagram.

“Welcome to the world Liam. We love you so very much!!!!”

She included some blue hearts and, of course, a Portuguese translation.

The next time that 90 Day Fiance makes you feel cynical about relationships, about marriage, and about the show itself, maybe think of this growing family.


Monday, October 9, 2017

90 Day Fiance: New Season Begins Tonight!

90 Day Fiance and its various spin-offs are so captivating because they show human struggles and relationships that defy political boundaries. Also, you know, there’s a lot of drama. 

Well, a new season premieres tonight on TLC.

A new season means new couples — with new backgrounds, new romances, new baggage, and new drama.

Evelyn and David

This good-looking young couple has potential for both controversy and internal drama.

Evelyn is just 18, is an aspiring singer, and is from Claremont, New Hampshire.

David is 27, and comes from Granada, Spain.

What drew them to each other — aside from David’s attraction to Evelyn’s looks, which first prompted them to connect over social media — is their shared conservative Christian values.

In fact, Evelyn announced on the season trailer that she and David have been saving themselves for marriage.

Clearly, their beliefs could prove controversial with viewers, just as David’s age and apparent fondness for teenagers could not go over so well (in addition to being a huge red flag!).

One reported area of conflict for the couple is that David wants to live in a major city, while Evelyn enjoys living close to her family.

One other potential item of drama for these two could be if one of them were to discover that the other doesn’t quite share their beliefs.

Josh and Aika

This couple’s drama looks like it’s mostly going to come from external sources.

Josh is 43 and comes from Mesa, Arizona.

Aika is 36 and hails from Quezon City, Phillipines.

Though Aika is from the Phillippines, Josh said that his dating app “accidentally” connected with hers, which sounds like either some love god was determined to make these two meet or … someone’s been lied to. Just saying.

Despite that “glitch,” Josh and Aika started messenging each other. You’d think that the next step would be to start dating in person, but Josh pushed the envelope a little.

When he flew out to see Aika, he didn’t just ask her out — he proposed.

(Josh has been married twice before, but apparently that hasn’t tempered his enthusiasm for love or marriage)

As for this couple’s drama? Josh’s friends and family seemed to be throwing major side-eye at Aika in the trailer.

They think that Aika will do anything for a Green Card. It will be interesting to learn if there’s anything to those accusations or if it’s just, like, concern mixed with racism.

It will also be interesting to see how Josh responds to these doubts and also how Aika responds to them.

Molly and Luis

Molly is 41 and comes from Woodstock, Georgia.

Luis is 26 and comes from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Molly was on a trip with some lady friends when she met Luis, who was bartending.

American cougar meets young, hot bartender — not necessarily everyone’s dream, but it’s for sure the dream of a lot of cougars and the young men who chase them.

Whether Luis was smitten with Molly or perhaps her American citizenship and financial resources remains, um, up in the air.

Regardless, Luis proposed to Molly just two months after they started seeing each other.

Molly’s kids — a 17-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old daughter — aren’t exactly over-the-moon about Luis.

And neither is Molly’s father, who is convinced that Luis is just using her. So … we’ll find out.

Elizabeth and Andrei

Oh boy.

Elizabeth is 27 and comes from Tampa, Florida.

Andrei is 31 and comes from Chisinau, Moldova.

These two met over social media while Elizabeth was looking for a local guide.

Andrei obliged, but the two ended up falling for each other in the process. Like something that happens in a romance movie — before the inevitable twist.

See, Andrei’s views on gender roles are positively archaic. He expects wives to be submissive to their husbands.

This might cause problems between these two, but it’s already causing problems with Elizabeth’s family and friends, who feel that Andrei’s views and assumptions might be a deal-breaker.

We suspect that, unless he changes his tune, Andrei’s views aren’t going to go over well with a lot of viewers, either.

Nicole and Azan

These two aren’t new to 90 Day Fiance, but they are set to have new adventures.

Last season, Nicole and Azan’s meeting in Morocco didn’t go over as well as it might have.

They’re still together in a “long term relationship,” but Azan didn’t respond well to Nicole’s body size.

In fact, he was downright insensitive. The guy’s done some fitness modeling, but he should realize that different people have different builds. He should also, well, be less of a dick about it.

Now, it looks like they’ve worked through that, since they’re both still in a relationship and still friendly on social media.

In fact, Nicole is giving it another try and heading to Morocco. She’s bringing her 2-year-old daughter, May, with her to find out if Azan would be a good father figure — and the partner that she needs in a potential husband.

Even if everything works out with this couple’s dynamic (and previews suggest that it won’t go smoothly), Nicole will still have to convince her father that Azan is the man for her — because it’s her dad who will need to sponsor Azan, as Nicole doesn’t make enough to pay for them both.

This new season is going to be quite something.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

90 Day Fiance: Meet the Season 5 Couples!

Can you guys believe that a new season of 90 Day Fiance is only a couple of weeks away? Season 5 of the series begins October 8th on TLC, and we"re all kinds of pumped about it.

The thing about 90 Day Fiance that sets it apart from so many shows is that some couples will just go off and live normal lives. Some couples won"t make it.

Other couples, though, will become fan favorites (or the ones that fans love to hate), and we"ll get to follow their stories even after their wedding on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?

There"s no way of knowing with any real certainty which relationships will succeed and which will result in breakups, but … you always know that some are doomed to fail.

What can make all of the difference with those relationships that just aren"t built to last is whether they end before the 90 days are up, or after they get married and the non-US spouse gets their green card.

Take a look at these couples from Season 5 and what we know about them so far. We"ll be getting to know them a lot better in the coming months, but you can already sort of tell which relationships are going to go down in flames.

1. Josh and Aika

Josh and aika

Josh is American, Aika is from the Philippines. He’s 43, she’s 36. They met through a dating app and chatted for months before getting engaged. But Josh’s friends suspect that Aika wanted just any American man who could get her a green card.

2. Nicole and Azan

Nicole and azan

We’ve actually seen Nicole and Azan before, last season. They are still in a long-term relationship. This time, Nicole is going to Morocco to see if she can bring Azan back to the US — while seeing if Azan can be a father to her two-year-old daughter.

3. Evelyn and David

Evelyn and david

Evelyn is American and David is from Spain. This good-looking young couple are both super conservative Christians and are saving themselves for marriage. Obviously, there’s a lot of drama potential. Will one find out that the other lied? What if they get married but they just don’t click? We’ll find out. …

4. Elizabeth and Andrei

Elizabeth and andrei

Elizabeth is from Florida, Andrei is from Moldova. Andrei is apparently impatient and, because of his culture and upbringing, expects submissiveness from women. Elizabeth’s family is concerned, we’re concerned, and even Elizabeth is concerned that this will be a problem. it sounds like Andrei is impatient, too. Honestly, we’ll be shocked if these two last all 90 days.

5. Molly and Luis

Molly and luis

She’s 41 and from Georgia, while Luis is 26 and from the Dominican Republic. They met while Luis was tending bar, and it was Luis who proposed. Molly’s father is wary of Luis’ intentions and worries that he just wants a green card. And it sounds like Molly’s adolescent daughter isn’t thrilled about her mom’s new relationship, either.

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