Showing posts with label Forward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forward. Show all posts

Monday, March 27, 2017

Selena Gomez Is Looking Forward to The Weeknd (PHOTO)

Selena Gomez had the best time watching The Weeknd from backstage … her face confirms it. Abel was performing Sunday in Brazil for his Starboy tour — and Selena’s clearly enchanted watching from afar. It’s that, “Yeah, I’m banging…


Selena Gomez Is Looking Forward to The Weeknd (PHOTO)

Selena Gomez had the best time watching The Weeknd from backstage … her face confirms it. Abel was performing Sunday in Brazil for his Starboy tour — and Selena’s clearly enchanted watching from afar. It’s that, “Yeah, I’m banging…


Monday, March 13, 2017

Josh Duggar Sex Scandal: Whistleblower Comes Forward, is "Not at All Sorry" For Outing Him

It has been almost two years since 19 Kids and Counting star Josh Duggar was outed for molesting five young girls in the early 2000s.

Now we finally know who blew the whistle on him, and why.

The revelation that Josh violated his own sisters as a teenager led to his abrupt resignation from a job with the Family Research Council. 

It also nearly ruined his family’s entire image, and empire.

How did such a huge story – which dominated headlines for months and led to TLC canceling the series – stay buried as long as it did?

Furthermore, how was it finally exposed to the public?

In a Washington Post article about the scandal In Touch editorial director David Perel, whose tabloid broke the story, explained it all.

“This all comes from good, basic journalism,” he said. “It comes from being there. It’s knowing where to attack and where to start digging.”

The story came together over three weeks in May 2015.

Perel won’t reveal the celebrity gossip magazine’s sources, but a woman named Tandra Barnfield apparently offered helpful assistance.

Now, a woman claiming to be the original source has come forward, motivated by a 20/20 documentary on gay conversion therapy.

She took responsibility for outing Josh Duggar on Facebook.

“I’m going confess/admit to y’all something that I did a couple of years ago that not very many people know was me,” Sherri Townsend wrote.

“I told a reporter from In Touch magazine about Josh Duggar’s molestation/ pedophilia of his sisters and others, which broke the story.”

“[This] ultimately caused his resignation as the head of the Family Research Council and got his family’s hypocrisy filled show cancelled.”

“Yep, that was me and I’m not at all sorry that I did it.”

Sherri said she had to go public after “sitting here sick to my stomach from watching last night’s 20/20 expose on conversion therapy camps.”

“I can see that hateful religious bigotry is alive and well.”

“The dangerous hate group, the Family Research Council, has doubled down on promoting their brand of bigotry causing terrible harm to countless people.”

“THEY NEED TO BE BROUGHT DOWN. That group is true evil!!! Bringing them down will now be added to my list of causes!!!”

Soon after she posted it, her admission was shared on the “Duggar Family News: Life is Not All Pickles and Hairspray” Facebook page.

Numerous people asked the million-dollar question in the comments: How did Sherri Townsend know about Josh and the police investigation?!

“She lives in Springdale and she said it was pretty common knowledge in that area,” explained a page admin, on Townsend’s behalf.

“She told In Touch, for no money, after Michelle Duggar’s gay hating robocalls and In Touch [was able to hunt down] the court documents.”

Sherri’s claims are also consistent with the other In Touch source mentioned in The Washington Post article, Tandra Barnfield.

Barnfield was contacted by a reporter, Melissa Roberto, after Barnfield Instagrammed a photo of her kissing wife Samantha Muzny.

The lesbian couple’s kiss (below), of course, famously took place in front of the Duggars’ home near Springdale, Ark., and went viral.

It was their personal protest, Barnfield said, of Michelle Duggar’s role in promoting opposition to a statewide anti-discrimination initiative.

During their conversation, Barnfield, who lives near Houston but has family in Northwest Arkansas, told Roberto about the police report.

“It wasn’t like it was a rumor to us,” Barnfield said. “We knew all about it … It wasn’t hard to get it. You just had to know where to look.”

The original police investigation, which took place over a decade ago, came after tipster informed Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Productions.

In 2006, the family filmed an Oprah segment, which never aired – likely due to the anonymous tip about Jim Bob Duggar hiding this secret.

Harpo forwarded the anonymous email to local authorities, who launched the investigation that only came to light almost a decade later.

Josh and Jim Bob were not charged in the case.

Despite the cancelation of 19 Kids and Counting by TLCthe Duggar brand was rebooted in the form of a similar series, Counting On.

Jim Bob and Michelle play only a minor role now, though, with the focus on the young adult generation: Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joy et al.

Josh is considered too radioactive to appear at all, which led the show’s editors to scrub him from all of Jinger’s wedding footage (above).

As for Josh’s marriage to Anna Duggar, that has been a frequent topic of discussion among fans, though very little is known definitively.

The family recently honored Josh’s birthday with an old photo of the couple, sparking rumors that there is serious trouble in paradise.

Or whatever you’d call Josh’s personal purgatory.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

19 Shows To Look Forward To In 2017

2017 will be a huge year for fans who like to watch a lot of TV.

With a string of new shows that are poised to be the next big hits, could this be the year that most of the new shows make it to second seasons?

Quite possibly. 

Scroll down for the new and returning shows to watch out for in 2017.

1. 24: Legacy

24 legacy picture

24: Legacy will see The Walking Dead’s Corey Hawkins take on the lead role. We’ve already laid eyes on the first episode and if you were a fan of the original series, you’re in for a treat. It debuts after the Super Bowl on February 5, before settling into its regular slot on Monday.

2. Big Little Little Lies

Big little lies picture

Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman and Shailene Woodley star in this miniseries about three mothers whose seemingly perfect lives start to spiral out of control. HBO is airing the series from February 19.

3. Emerald City

Emerald city poster

This show has been waiting in the wings for quite some time and having viewed the whole season, it’s pretty great. If you’re looking for another fantasy epic to bridge the gap to the return of Game of Thrones, look no further than Emerald City. It debuts on January 6.

4. Famous In Love

Famous in love promotional picture

Bella Thorne returns to TV in a new TV show from the creator of Pretty Little Liars. It will follow a young woman as she navigates West Hollywood as an actress. It debuts out of Pretty Little Liars on April 18.

5. Homeland

Homeland season 6 cast

Can you believe that we’ve went a whole year without a fresh episode of Homeland? The political drama series returns to its roots in Season 6, with a compelling character return. It returns January 15.

6. Scandal

Scandal olivia and fitz

We’ve waited a long time to find out who the heck won the race for POTUS, but will Olivia and Fitz finally manage to carve out a relationship? We can’t wait to have this one back on January 19.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Donald Trump: Alleged Child Rape Victim to Come Forward at Press Conference

Over the past two weeks, 12 women have come forward to accuse Donald Trump of sexual assault.

Each of the women stated they felt compelled to go public with allegations after the Washington Post released footage of Trump boasting about forcing himself on female colleagues in a recorded conversation with Access Hollywood host Billy Bush.

Trump has called the women liars and accused them of conspiring with the Clinton campaign, but as the nation is soon to be reminded, they were not the first to accuse Trump of sexual impropriety.

Back in June of 2016, a woman identified in court documents as Jane Doe filed a civil suit against Trump, alleging that the real estate mogul molested her when she was just 13 years old. 

Moments ago, attorney Lisa Bloom of the Los Angeles-based Bloom Firm issued a press release announcing that the plaintiff will come forward to “break her silence today and speak out about her allegations.”

A press conference is scheduled to take place at Bloom’s office today at 3 pm Pacific Time.

The shocking civil suit against Trump alleges that along with American financier and convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein, the GOP presidential nominee “sexually and physically abused” the plaintiff “by making her their sex slave.”

Bloom and her associates re-filed in a New York court after the case was dismissed in California when a judge determined that the statute of limitations for bringing charges had expired.

Attorneys for the plaintiff maintain that the suit is still valid, as the plaintiff had been denied “freedom of will to institute suit earlier in time,” due to being intimidated by threats from Trump.

Epstein – Trump’s accomplice in allegedly making the plaintiff a “child sex slave” for four months in 1994 – was convicted of soliciting an underage prostitute in 2008.

Epstein hired famed attorneys Allen Dershowitz and Ken Starr and wound up serving just 13 months behind bars.

Trump spoke about Epstein in glowing terms in a 2002 New York magazine profile:

“He’s a lot of fun to be with,” Trump told the magazine.

“It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Epstein was also an associate of Bill Clinton’s prior to his 2006 arrest and subsequent conviction.

Public court documents that appear to be associated with the case identify the plaintiff as Katie Johnson, but the name may be a pseudonym and has not been verified by either the alleged victim or her attorneys.

We will have further updates on this story as more details become available.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Bill Cosby Accuser -- We Helped Trump"s "Victims" Come Forward (VIDEO)

One of Bill Cosby’s accusers says she and all the other women who have spoken out against the comedian empowered Donald Trump’s alleged victims. Sarita Butterfield — a former Playboy model who claims Cosby groped her — scoffs at cynics who…


Friday, October 14, 2016

Donald Trump: Another Accuser Comes Forward

It’s become alarmingly clear that Donald Trump, actual candidate for President of the United States of America, believes that he can do whatever he likes to any woman he comes across, and that he can do it with no consequences.

Hell, he’s even admitted as much.

We as a people will never be able to forget those horrible tapes in which Donald announced that “when you’re a star,” you can just approach women and “grab them by the pussy” without any permission at all.

(In case there’s any confusion here, that’s called sexual assault. There’s not some kind of cool Hollywood crotch handshake that you haven’t heard about.)

And even if Trump hadn’t been dumb enough to brag about sexual assault, there have been quite a few women coming forward with horror stories about what he did to them.

This week alone, three women have reported that Trump forced himself on them, kissing and groping them without their consent. The first of these incidents happened all the way back in the early 80s, and the latest happened in 2005.

But now another woman, People writer Natasha Stoynoff, is sharing her story of what Trump did to her.

Settle in, because this is absolutely horrific.

Stoynoff writes that her job for People was to cover all things Donald Trump. She developed a professional relationship with him and his current wife, Melania, and in December of 2005, she visited his Florida estate to do an interview with them.

Things were going well, but when Melania left them alone to do a wardrobe change, Trump told Stoynoff that he wanted to take her on a tour of the mansion, and that there was one particular room that he wanted her to see.

“We walked into that room alone,” she writes, “and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat.”

Before things went any further, a butler entered the room to tell them that Melania would be ready to continue the interview soon.

Stoynoff says she was “in shock” after it happened, and that as they were waiting for Melania, Trump told her “You know we’re going to have an affair, don’t you?”

Thankfully, Melania joined them at that point, and Trump, of course, acted like nothing had happened.

The next day, Stoynoff had an appointment with a massage therapist at Trump’s private resort, an appointment that he had arranged for her. She wasn’t sure if she should keep the appointment, but in the end, she did, though she was 30 minutes late.

She apologized to the massage therapist, and he told her that “Mr. Trump was here waiting for you.” He said that he was in the massage room, but since she was late, he had to leave for a meeting.

She recalls thinking that “He’s going to show up and this guy’s going to let him in with me half-naked on a table.”

He didn’t though, and Stoynoff left the appointment early.

After the encounter, she asked for a different job assignment and she avoided Trump altogether. She tried to pretend like what happened wasn’t a big deal, but, of course, it was.

But while Stoynoff’s story is definitely a big deal, and it should definitely be read by anyone and everyone, especially those who think Trump is a good person to run the entire country, it seems like the man himself is not all that bothered.

Yesterday, the Donald held a press conference in Florida, and the entire point was to discredit his accusers.

He said that the women who’ve been coming forward with stories of sexual assault and harassment were lying and working to “help the Clintons keep their corrupt control over our government.”

So if any of these women are expecting an apology, well, sorry ‘bout it. It’s beyond clear that he doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. At all. Ever.

Does anybody else fantasize about Ashton Kutcher popping out at the next debate to reveal that this entire thing has been the longest, most Punk’d sketch of all time?


Monday, June 20, 2016

Josh Duggar: New Sexual Assault Victim to Come Forward?

In May of 2015, the world was shocked to learn that reality star Josh Duggar had molested 5 young girls, four of whom were his sisters.

His family’s beloved reality series, 19 Kids and Counting, was cancelled, and fans were disgusted by the revelation that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar had assisted their son in covering up his crimes.

Later it was revealed that as an adult, Josh cheated on his wife by using an online profile to find willing partners.

Needless to say, the situation left fans with a very different view on the squeaky-clean Duggar clan.

Remarkably, however, less than a year later, the family was able to pick up the pieces and launch a new reality show on TLC.

Josh is now out of rehab and back living in his hometown of Tontitown, Arkansas, and it’s even been rumored that he’s planning to return to television.

That may all be soon to come crashing down, however, as various media outlets are reporting that a new victim may be soon to go public with a tale of the abuse she suffered at the hands of a young Josh Duggar.

“After last year’s revelations about Josh’s molestation scandal, word got around that there was another girl who said she’d been abused by Josh when she was a teenager,” a source tells In Touch.

“The Duggars knew the girl. Michelle was terrified when she heard that this girl was talking about what Josh had done.”

There are conflicting reports as to whether or not this girl is the fifth victim that was originally reported or if Josh had more victims than previously thought.

Whatever the case, the Duggars are said to be running scared.

We first reported on the possibility of a new victim coming forward to reveal she’d been molested back in April. 

It remains unclear if the woman in question is the girl who was rumored to come forward then.

In any event, it seems the Duggars may be in store for another public relations nightmare.

Given the current state of the family’s reputation, there’s a good chance that this one could take them down permanently.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Joan Rivers Wrongful Death Suit Settled, Melissa Rivers Ready to Move Forward

Melissa Rivers got a bit of closure today.

While nothing could replace her mother, the comedic legend Joan Rivers, Melissa announced that the multimillion dollar malpractice lawsuit she brought against Yorkville Endoscopy has been settled.

Melissa filed the suit against the facility, which she claimed was negligent in caring for her mother during a minor throat surgery to treat acid reflux.

In a statement given to Us Weekly, Melissa wrote the following:

“In accepting this settlement, I am able to put the legal aspects of my mother’s death behind me and ensure that those culpable for her death have accepted responsibility for their actions quickly and without equivocation. 

“Moving forward, my focus will be to ensure that no one ever has to go through what my mother, [my son] Cooper and I went through and I will work towards ensuring higher safety standards in out-patient surgical clinics.

“I want to express my personal gratitude to my legal team for their wise counsel and prompt resolution of this case.”

The late Fashion Police host went into the outpatient clinic in 2014 to have the surgery, but died from complications several days later.

Melissa alleged the center was guilty of gross medical malpractice when they failed to perform an emergency tracheotomy on her mother after she stopped breathing.

The doctors also waited several minutes before calling 911 – a move that may have cost the star her life.

Adding insult to injury, one of the physicians treating Joan also snapped a selfie with the comic as she lay unconscious on the operating table.

The amount of the settlement was not disclosed.

“We have agreed to keep the terms of the settlement confidential to make certain that the focus of this horrific incident remains on improved patient care and the legacy of Joan Rivers,” stated Melissa’s legal team.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Josh Duggar: New Molestation Victim to Come Forward?

It’s been almost a year since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls (four of who were his sister) and, with the help of his parents, covered up the crimes for over a decade.

In the time since, the Duggars returned to television, and Josh completed six months of in-patient therapy for sex addiction – but all that progress might soon be undone with one revelation:

According to In Touch, the Duggars were aware of a sixth victim who was previously unwilling to come forward with her story.

That victim is reportedly now considering pursuing a civil case against Josh, and sources say his family is terrified of the impact the trial will have on their public image.

“After last year’s revelations about Josh’s molestation scandal, word got around that there was another girl who said she’d been abused by Josh when she was a teenager,” a source tells the tabloid.

“The Duggars knew the girl. Michelle was terrified when she heard that this girl was talking about what Josh had done.”

The alleged victim, now in her 20s, has reportedly suffered profound psychological damage as a result of Josh’s attacks.

The insider has described the accuser as “an emotional wreck” who has found herself unable to move on from the trauma of her youth.

If she does pursue legal action against Josh, it will be the second time the 28-year-old has been sued for sexual misconduct in the past year.

Back in November of 2015, a former sex worker named Danica Dillon sued Josh for his actions during two paid sexual encounters that took place several months prior.

Dillon says she agreed to have sex with Duggar in exchange for cash, but he was so aggressive on both occasions that she was left feeling as though she had been raped.

The case was eventually thrown out due to lack of evidence, but Dillon says she plans to appeal the decision.

At this point, little is known about the latest accuser, but another court battle would be devastating to the Duggars and their efforts to rebuild their brand.

As it is, several major corporations have pulled their ads from Jill & Jessa: Counting On due to fears about being associated with family that’s best to known to many for helping to cover up horrific sex crimes.

The emergence of another victim could well mean the end of the Duggars careers as reality TV mainstays.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Bill Gothard: Male Plaintiffs Come Forward in Sexual Assault Case Against Duggars" Minister

Back in March of 2014, Institute for Basic Life Principles founder Bill Gothard resigned in disgrace amidst allegations that he had sexually abused dozens of young women, many of them former employees.

In October, five of those alleged victims filed a lawsuit against Gothard in an Illinois civil court.

To the surprise of many, Gothard has stood his ground and refused to settle out of court.

Even after 10 more victims came forward last month, Gothard continued to vaguely admit to some sort of impropriety, but maintained that he was not guilty of any criminal offense.

Earlier today, Radar Online delivered another crushing blow to the reputation of the man who’s best known as the former minister of the Duggar family, reporting that three young men have come forward claiming they were repeatedly sexually molested by Gothard beginning when they were as young as 13.

With the alleged victim total at 18, the plaintiff’s attorney and many in the media are comparing Gothard’s scandal to that of former TV legend Bill Cosby.

Both men admit to behaving inappropriately, but insist that they have not done anything that should necessitate the involvement of the law.

“I was very wrong in holding hands, giving hugs and touching their hair or feet,” Gothard said in a recent statement.

“I was also wrong in making statements that caused emotional turmoil and confusion. My guilty is compounded by my hypocrisy of requiring standards for others but not following them myself.”

Thus far, the Duggar family has refused to comment publicly on the matter.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Jenelle Evans" Father Comes Forward: I Haven"t Seen My Daughter in 10 Years!

Last week, Jenelle Evans launched her new website with a blog post about her relationship with her father

The troubled Teen Mom star didn’t go into specifics, saying that she would save the details “for her book,” but she did reveal that she hadn’t seen her father in quite some time.

Now, Jenelle’s father, Robert Evans, is speaking out for the first time in an interview with Radar Online, in which he reveals that he hasn’t seen his daughter in more than a decade.

Surprisingly, however, Robert does not accept responsibility for his absence from his children’s lives, and instead blames Jenelle and her siblings for their failure to contact him.

“They don’t call me,” he said. “They don’t get in touch with me. And I have no idea how to get in touch with them.”

In her blog post, Jenelle speculated that her father disappeared from her life as a result of her mother Barbara’s relationship with her second husband, writing:

“We use to have visitation with my father after the divorce, along with my brother and sister tagging along. These visitations lasted for a few years…until my mother met my step-father Mike.”

Robert, however, refutes this explanation:

“I was never down in North Carolina,” he tells Radar. “I never even knew him.”

Asked if he’d like to get in contact with his daughter, Robert replies that he would, but still leaves it up to her:

“Yeah I would probably like to get in contact with her,” he says. “If she wants to get ahold of me, my number is in the phone book. She can call me anytime she wants.”

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jenelle’s tempestuous relationship with her mother.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

More Trouble For 19 Kids & Counting"s Josh Duggar — Another Porn Star Prepared To Come Forward About "Rough" Affair!

Things aren’t looking up for Josh Duggar.

Just weeks after a porn star named Danica Dillon claimed to have had a rough and frightening sexual encounter with Josh, another adult film actress has come forward with a similar story.

Related: Uh-Oh! Josh Might Have Bailed On Rehab!

Eek! We wonder if this new allegation will be enough to finally persuade Anna Duggar to divorce the reality star!

According to InTouch, the 19 Kids & Counting star’s sexual appetite is worse than his family ever thought:

“A second porn star is saying she also hooked up with Josh. The second porn star had a similar experience to Danica — Josh was also rough with her. He’s a monster with what he did to these women and the embarrassment he’s caused his family.”

So gross. We truly hope Duggar is getting the treatment he needs in “sex rehab” though that remains to be seen…

It’s just too bad Anna is isolated in Florida with her parents and four children all because of Josh’s mistakes! So sad!

[Image via Instagram.]