Friday, May 13, 2016

Joan Rivers Wrongful Death Suit Settled, Melissa Rivers Ready to Move Forward

Melissa Rivers got a bit of closure today.

While nothing could replace her mother, the comedic legend Joan Rivers, Melissa announced that the multimillion dollar malpractice lawsuit she brought against Yorkville Endoscopy has been settled.

Melissa filed the suit against the facility, which she claimed was negligent in caring for her mother during a minor throat surgery to treat acid reflux.

In a statement given to Us Weekly, Melissa wrote the following:

“In accepting this settlement, I am able to put the legal aspects of my mother’s death behind me and ensure that those culpable for her death have accepted responsibility for their actions quickly and without equivocation. 

“Moving forward, my focus will be to ensure that no one ever has to go through what my mother, [my son] Cooper and I went through and I will work towards ensuring higher safety standards in out-patient surgical clinics.

“I want to express my personal gratitude to my legal team for their wise counsel and prompt resolution of this case.”

The late Fashion Police host went into the outpatient clinic in 2014 to have the surgery, but died from complications several days later.

Melissa alleged the center was guilty of gross medical malpractice when they failed to perform an emergency tracheotomy on her mother after she stopped breathing.

The doctors also waited several minutes before calling 911 – a move that may have cost the star her life.

Adding insult to injury, one of the physicians treating Joan also snapped a selfie with the comic as she lay unconscious on the operating table.

The amount of the settlement was not disclosed.

“We have agreed to keep the terms of the settlement confidential to make certain that the focus of this horrific incident remains on improved patient care and the legacy of Joan Rivers,” stated Melissa’s legal team.