Friday, April 22, 2016

Josh Duggar: New Molestation Victim to Come Forward?

It’s been almost a year since the world learned that Josh Duggar molested five young girls (four of who were his sister) and, with the help of his parents, covered up the crimes for over a decade.

In the time since, the Duggars returned to television, and Josh completed six months of in-patient therapy for sex addiction – but all that progress might soon be undone with one revelation:

According to In Touch, the Duggars were aware of a sixth victim who was previously unwilling to come forward with her story.

That victim is reportedly now considering pursuing a civil case against Josh, and sources say his family is terrified of the impact the trial will have on their public image.

“After last year’s revelations about Josh’s molestation scandal, word got around that there was another girl who said she’d been abused by Josh when she was a teenager,” a source tells the tabloid.

“The Duggars knew the girl. Michelle was terrified when she heard that this girl was talking about what Josh had done.”

The alleged victim, now in her 20s, has reportedly suffered profound psychological damage as a result of Josh’s attacks.

The insider has described the accuser as “an emotional wreck” who has found herself unable to move on from the trauma of her youth.

If she does pursue legal action against Josh, it will be the second time the 28-year-old has been sued for sexual misconduct in the past year.

Back in November of 2015, a former sex worker named Danica Dillon sued Josh for his actions during two paid sexual encounters that took place several months prior.

Dillon says she agreed to have sex with Duggar in exchange for cash, but he was so aggressive on both occasions that she was left feeling as though she had been raped.

The case was eventually thrown out due to lack of evidence, but Dillon says she plans to appeal the decision.

At this point, little is known about the latest accuser, but another court battle would be devastating to the Duggars and their efforts to rebuild their brand.

As it is, several major corporations have pulled their ads from Jill & Jessa: Counting On due to fears about being associated with family that’s best to known to many for helping to cover up horrific sex crimes.

The emergence of another victim could well mean the end of the Duggars careers as reality TV mainstays.