Showing posts with label Frankel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frankel. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

Dennis Shields, Ex-Boyfriend of Bethenny Frankel, Found Dead in Manhattan

Dennis Shields, best known in celebrity gossip circles for his on-again/off-again relationship with Bethenny Frankel, was found dead in his Trump Tower apartment on Friday morning.

He was 51 years old.

According to The New York Post, Shields passed away due to a prescription pills overdose, as insiders tell the newspaper that he knew something was very wrong shortly before he died.

Sources tell the publication that Shields asked his assistant to administer Narcan around 9 a.m. today, which is a medication used in order to reverse the affects of over-opioid consumption.

(Narcan has been in the news of late because it was also given to Demi Lovato by paramedics as soon as they found the singer unconcious from her own overdose last month.)

Sadly, however, Shields lost consciousness before the medication kicked in and he was pronounced dead a short time later.

Not many other details surrounding his death are available at this time.

Frankel and Shields began dating in 2016.

We started writing about him in June of that year, giving readers as clear an idea as we could about Shields.

We believe he was the first person Frankel started dating after she split from husband Jason Hoppy.

The late 51-year old found himself caught up in this ugly divorce after Hoppy sent Frankel an endless number of harrassing emails post-break-up, CCing Shields in the process.

At one point, Shields’ attorney sent Hoppy a letter accusing him of firing off 49 emails of “increasing frequency and hostility” in 70 days, TMZ reported back in late 2016.

This past May, the veteran Bravo star told Steve Harvey that her relationship with Shield was complicated.

“I’ve been with someone on and off for years,” she told the talk show host just a couple months ago, adding:

“It’s like a partnership where if we’re not being teammates and it’s not working and one man is down, then the other man is down.

“We’re trying to really kind of be good partners and be good teammates and I think relationships oddly are – and this sounds cold – but a little bit like business.”

Frankel and Shields actually first met nearly 30 years ago when he dated (and later married) one of her high school friends.

Although she didn’t stay in touch with her classmate, Frankel and Shields share other mutual pals and started dating several months after he separated from his wife.

Added Frankel to Harvey, when discussing her future with Shields:

“If both people aren’t happy about it but slightly uncomfortable and giving up something or giving in [to] something, it doesn’t work. So both partners have to say, ‘All right, I’m in it for this.’

“And I think we might be at that point, believe it or not.

“I haven’t said that to anyone yet.”

Bethenny was saying here that she really thought she might be committing to Shields in the near future.

The Real Housewives of New York City star also spoke about taking a break from Shields during the Wednesday, August 8, episode of the Bravo series, telling Dorinda Medley:

“I didn’t say it to Dennis, but in my own mind, I said, ’90 days. I’m not saying a word to Dennis for 90 days.’ It’s a really hard thing to realize that someone you love, it doesn’t mean they’re the right person.

“And I wish he was.”

Our heart goes out to her and all who knew and loved Dennis Shields.

May he rest in peace.

UPDATE: “Preliminarily, we are investigating it as a possible overdose,” a NYPD spokesperson has simply said, while Dennis’ estranged wife, Jill, adds in a statement:

“We are all heartbroken. Dennis was, and will always be, the love of my life.

“His spirit lives on in our children. Please respect our family’s privacy at this time.”


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Bethenny Frankel: My Co-Stars Can"t Afford Their Lavish Lifestyles!

There’s more to Bethenny Frankel than a reality star who knows how to show off her melons while shading her frenemies.

She is also a businesswoman.

But in a new interview, Bethenny is saying that many of her co-stars don’t have an ounce of her business sense — and cannot afford their lifestyles.

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online or even just follow the ladies on social media, you know the kind of opulent lifestyles that many of them lead.

But in a recent interview with Money, Bethenny says that her co-stars are spending recklessly and could end up poor if something goes wrong.

“They can’t afford the lives they’re living,” Bethenny announces in reference to her fellow Real Housewives.

Bethenny goes on to declare: “and if the music stops, they’re going to get in some trouble.”

In explanation, Bethenny says: “You can’t put yourself in a position where, if the shit hit the fan, you couldn’t pay all of your bills at one time.”

Bethenny says that, unlike some of her short-sighted co-stars, she is prepared for a worst-case scenario.

“If the world came to an end,” Bethenny says, referring to an economic crisis. “I would be able to pay for everything.”

“I might not be left with much,” she admits.

“But,” Bethenny says. “I can afford what I have.”

Good for her!

This doesn’t come from nowhere.

Bethenny was only paid $ 7,250 for the first season of The Real Housewives of New York City, but she made sure that her contract did not require her to give Bravo a share of her profits from her business.

As a result, the Skinnygirl mogul raked in millions that Bravo could not touch.

This stipulation became known as the “Bethenny clause.”

“Everybody else just had to try to play catch-up,” Bethenny says. “After they saw what I did.”

What Bethenny is talking about when she discusses the finances of her co-stars is sustainable spending and keeping a reserve of liquid assets.

For simplicity’s sake, if your paycheck is a million dollars a year and you spend a million dollars a year, that means that if you suddenly lose that job, you have nothing but the property that you own.

It’s good to have cash on hand in case something goes wrong.

We say cash because, as Bethenny suggests, sometimes “the music stops” — meaning an economic downturn.

Bethenny is saying that, if RHONY ended and all of her investments and businesses went to hell, she’d still be able to cover her current bills and continue living.

But she is suggesting that some of her co-stars would s–t out of luck.

Now, a very fair objection is that not everyone is worth millions and, therefore, not everyone is able to set aside a rainy day fund as Bethenny has.

But please notice that she is not suggesting that a minimum wage worker who takes home $ 250 a week is somehow inadequate for not having savings.

Bethenny is talking about other wealthy socialites and reality stars — women with real financial options.

Of course, what they do with their money is their business, but if Bethenny’s assessment is accurate, they may want to curtail their lavish spending.

Bethenny knows what she’s talking about.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Bethenny Frankel Shows Off Melons, Sends Giant EFF YOU to Carole Radziwill

Bethenny Frankel has hurled some pretty serious shade at one of her most prominent foes…

… by posing in the bright sun.

This past weekend, the Real Housewives of New York City cast member shared a photo on Instagram that featured her lounging in the pool on a float.

This typically would not be a big deal.

As you can see above, Frankel very often posts pictures on her social media of herself in a bikini or in some kind of skimpy outfit.

But this one was different.

“Nice melons #NationalWatermelonDay #FlashbackFriday,” Bethenny wrote as a caption to the following image, which was snapped some time ago.

Why, therefore, did Frankel go ahead and publish it again this week?

To take a hard jab at Carole Radziwill, of course!

This is the theory floated by a Page Six source, who notes that Frankel tagged Radziwill’s ex, Adam Kenworthy, as the photographer behind this snapshot.

Seems like a random thing to have done, right?

Considering Frankel and Kenworthy aren’t especially close and the picture is not even new.

“It’s not nice. It’s a f-ck you to Carole. Adam and Bethenny have not spoken in a year,” the aforementioned insider tells The New York Post, adding:

“Adam and Bethenny are not friends. Carole and Bethenny are not friends. Bethenny’s taken it to a whole new level. It’s like, leave a bitch alone.”

There was a time, of course, when Carole and Bethenny were VERY good friends.

But those who watch The Real Housewives of New York City online or on television each week are well aware that only negative feelings now exist between the reality stars.

And it was pretty clear that Radziwill was taking a shot at Frankel when she announced her departure last month from the franchise.

“After six seasons on Bravo’s RHONY, I have decided to return to what I do best –  journalism and producing,” Carole said at the time, adding in more detail:

“My original curiosity about reality television has waned over the years and I am focusing on TV and writing projects that better suit my more steady temperament.”

In conclusion, Carole wrote:

“I have worked with amazing producers, made great friends, and I’m thrilled to leave frenemies behind.”

Yup: frenemies.

She might as well have just come out and said: See ya, Bethenny!

But while The New York Post source labels Frankel’s as “obsessive and stalkerish” for shading Radziwill with the watermelon-themed image above, a rep for the entrepreneur scoff at Bethenny’s supposed intentions.

“It has nothing to do with Carole,” this rep says, adding:

“It’s a pic of Bethenny on a watermelon raft on National Watermelon Day. She doesn’t have a wardrobe of watermelon pics, so she used that one.

“She gave Adam credit because he was the photographer.”

Everything except for the idea of there being a National Watermelon Day makes sense there to us.

What do YOU think, readers?

On whose side do you call in this rivalry?


Monday, July 30, 2018

Bethenny Frankel Disliked by Most "RHONY" Stars and Not Just Carole Radziwill

The icy relations between Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill aren’t unique — we’re told a whole lotta ‘Housewives’ aren’t feeling the love from Frankel … or giving it back. Sources close to “The Real Housewives of New York” cast tell TMZ…


Bethenny Frankel Disliked by Most "RHONY" Stars and Not Just Carole Radziwill

The icy relations between Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill aren’t unique — we’re told a whole lotta ‘Housewives’ aren’t feeling the love from Frankel … or giving it back. Sources close to “The Real Housewives of New York” cast tell TMZ…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Carole Radziwill Leaving "RHONY" Because of Bethenny Frankel

Carole Radziwill’s announcement she’s leaving ‘Real Housewives of NY’ due to “frenemies” is a not-so-thinly veiled shot at Bethenny Frankel … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the ‘RHONY’ cast tell TMZ … Carole feels like Bethenny is…


Friday, May 18, 2018

Carole Radziwill to Bethenny Frankel: If You Come For Me, Don"t Miss!!

This week on The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 7, Bethenny Frankel and Dorinda Medley were helping the Americans in Puerto Rico with hurricane recovery efforts.

Bethenny gossiped about Carole’s boyfriend, and the feud between the erstwhile friends continued to intensify.

Now, Carole has taken to her blog to write about Bethenny. And she gets pretty vicious.

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you know that Bethenny was appalled at the slow recovery efforts in Puerto Rico.

While she didn’t toss a paper towel roll into the crowd and declare “mission accomplished,” she did hand out $ 125,000 in gift cards in addition to toys for children and other basic necessities.

In her blog post, Carole praises her … after a fashion.

“I’m glad to see my friend Bethenny step outside her affluent bubble, with her stream of rich boyfriends, rich friends with private planes, million dollar homes, and five-star resort vacations.”

That, folks, is shade. And it absolutely sets the tone for the rest of her post.

“One gets the impression this is the first time she’s witnessed real poverty. It can be life-changing. I know it was for me, many years ago when I first covered tragedies as a journalist.”

You have to love when people talk about someone else’s actions while reminding you of their own.

“The shock of having, then losing, one’s home and all its possessions (and having the guts and dignity to soldier on) is awe-inspiring.”

Yeah, but not in a good way. There’s a fine line between admiring someone’s perseverance and what people call “poverty porn.”

“It is partly why I quietly give money to charities and political campaigns I believe will make a difference in the world. And why, years ago, I created my own charitable foundation.”

And why she “quietly” blogs about it, right?

Carole hopes that Bethenny’s work in Puerto Rico will change her, as well.

“It is a good use of celebrity, and I hope this journey will make Bethenny a wiser and kinder person closer to home too.”

Then she gets more direct.

“From the looks of it she’s got a ways to go.”

Still, Carole expresses optimism for her former friend.

“But I’m not counting her out yet!”

At least there’s that.

“We are now in Episode 7, and as I continue to say how proud I am of her, and ask her about Puerto Rico, she continues to be out-of-control aggressive, parrot back anything Sonja tells her, berate Tinsley (a woman who wrote her a $ 10k check) and insult me behind my back.”

Politely insulting someone instead of directly insulting someone might be better … but not by much, right?

“And that’s just over drinks at Megu. Lol.”

Carole then makes a cringeworthy comparison.

“At lunch Dorinda is being verbally water-boarded, (that’s what we all call it).”

She’s about to explain her analogy, and we get it, but it’s not the most sensitive word to use. Domestic abusers have been known to use this torture method on their victims. Find a new metaphor.

“Bethenny does this often, you’ve all seen it:  her uninterruptable talk pattern that leaves her victims helplessly nodding in agreement.”

Bethenny Frankel has a forceful personality. She is charismatic. That is part of why she is so successful and why she makes for such good television.

“Sonja does this too which may be why these two are attached at the hip now.”

Notably, Bethenny believes that Sonja deserves more respect because she opened her home to Tinsley in her time of need.

“Dorinda is being used as a pawn to further Bethenny’s agenda and she doesn’t quite know it — yet.”

Right now, that agenda is just … helping people in Puerto Rico.

But Carole objects to how Bethenny characterizes her and to how her boyfriend, Adam, is characterized.

“Not only am I a high maintenance, eyelash-wearing, fashion-obsessed, childless friend who doesn’t have a job and isn’t interested in what’s going on in the world, but guess what, Adam is too (minus the lashes)!”

Bethenny did not appreciate that Adam refuses to do charity work without compensation. And she said as much on this week’s episode.

“As a woman, it makes me sad to watch another [woman], who I thought was my friend, talk behind my back with such cattiness and disrespect.”

Some may question whether speaking in front of a camera in footage that will certainly be aired qualifies as “behind someone’s back.”

“But it makes good television and in the end that is Bethenny’s one true friend. Pass the popcorn.”

Carole gets very defensive over her career.

“All I’ll say about the latest bunch of insults, including the bizarre claim that I don’t have a career, is this: I will put my resume up against Bethenny Frankel’s any day of the week.”

She’s happy to compare work histories.

“When Bethenny was auditioning for B movies, I was travelling for ABC News to places similar to what you saw in Puerto Rico.”

We do think that Bethenny was referring to her current work situation. Not that it matters, because it doesn’t.

“After that I worked in publishing and wrote for national magazines, and now yes, I am on Reality TV.”

She then suggests that she has better priorities.

“The irony isn’t lost on me that while Bethenny is gossiping about me over pizza with Dorinda, I’m working. “

At the end come Carole Radziwill’s most explosive words.

“Get off my jock and if you’re going to come for me — you better not miss.”

Dang, girl.

“You did a great thing in Puerto Rico, then you let your ego get the best of you.”

Isn’t that all part of the job?

“I’m still rooting for you… Until next week…”

This feud continues to be a lot.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Bethenny Frankel: I Might Leave RHONY ... Again

Bethenny Frankel had one hell of a year. Personal tragedies like the loss of her dog, Cookie. A falling out with Carole Radziwill. A lot of stress from a lot of sources.

A lot of fans are concerned that Bethenny will quit The Real Housewives of New York City. They might be right to worry.

Bethenny says that the show is draining. Will she leave the cast … again?

Bethenny was part of the cast of The Real Housewives of New York City as far back as 2008.

She left in 2010 … only to rejoin the Bravo series in 2014.

She is iconic and has a massive fanbase, but, as she tells The Metro UK, Bethenny still considers leaving the show.

Bethenny says that she thinks about departing “every so often.”

When asked about her future plans, Bethenny is very honest:

“I honestly don’t know.”

She says that the choice to remain part of RHONY‘s cast is a perennial consideration.

“I have to make this decision each season.”

Bethenny does discuss how exhausting reality stardom can be.

“This season was a very emotionally draining one.”

There was more than just appearing on cameras that tired her out, however.

“I took on way too much with the Puerto Rico effort.”

She did a huge amount for Puerto Rico. She’s known for her philanthropy, and she raced to fill the gap when the Trump Administration refused to provide sufficient assistance.

“Combined with motherhood, my career, three renovations, and three TV shows, I hit the wall.”

That happens to everyone. Even to someone as driven and relentless as Bethenny.

“I am very focused on philanthropy and I hit a wall and had to revisit my life, my choices, and my personal happiness.”

Self-care is important.

Bethenny also discussed some new friendships that she forged with a couple of RHONY castmates 

“Bonding happens for different reasons.”

She’s absolutely right.

“This season, Luann and Sonja (and even myself) hit rock bottom in different ways so it formed a connection between us.”

And they sort of grew closer in the process.

“We all needed to make a change in our lives.”

She was particularly impressed by Countess Luann de Lesseps taking control of her life after she was arrested for trespassing and kicking a police officer.

“To be honest, Luann handled her very negative situation in an impressive and graceful way.”

That’s certainly true.

Bethenny continues to praise Luann’s recovery.

“She faced it head on and moved forward. I felt genuine compassion for her and simply felt a connection there.”

As for how their newfound friendship has formed, Bethenny says that it was spontaneous.

“It just happened. I cannot explain it, but that was the evolution of the relationship.”

Hey, that’s how a lot of things happen.

“If you see something, you react. Luann seemed vulnerable and scared and was handling it with dignity and grace.”

That is absolutely true. 

“No matter what she does or has done, if she is honest about it, I can connect to her. Her honesty was what bonded us.”

That’s wonderful! And it would be a great reason for Bethenny to remain on the show.

That said, Bethenny’s fallen friendship with Carole Radziwill has to be weighing on her.

The two simply grew apart as they spent months on end last summer doing very different things.

Carole competed in a marathon, which is great if you like running, but sometimes people move on when they’re not side-by-side.

The fallout from that has led to some palpable tension on RHONY.

But maybe her new friendships will be enough to keep Bethenny onboard for a little while longer, at least.

Let us hope so.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill: Friendship Over!

Fans have finally gotten their first look at The Real Housewives of New York City, Season 10. And there’s a lot to process.

There’s a lot about Luann. After all, she got a divorce after a very short marriage and she also was arrested. But she’s not the only star, and the trailer shows Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill’s friendship on the brink.

It looks like fans’ fears are realized, because Bethenny and Carole are done with each other.

Us Weekly has learned that Bethenny and Carole ended their friendship. It’s sad, folks, but it happens.

To start, their source says that the pair naturally drifted apart last summer because they were both busy with very different activities.

Carole was training for the New York City Marathon. There’s a lot more to preparing for a marathon than choosing a cute running outfit and stretching beforehand.

Bethenny, in the mean time, was working on her B Strong charity. Bethenny is known for her altruistic work that has helped and continues to help countless people.

It wasn’t that either of them hated what the other was doing — they were just occupied with activities that did not include the other. It happens.

Later, however, accidental disinterest in each other turned into something less pleasant.

“Things turned acrimonious while filming.”

Fans and viewers of the trailer (posted above for your convenience) got a little taste of that already.

It’s tense and it’s sad.

Apparently a point of contention was that Carole began “sticking up” for Tinsley Mortimer.

And that just didn’t sit well with Bethenny.

Reportedly, Bethenny feels replaced. That’s never a good sensation.

“Bethenny’s jealous of their relationship.”

So it’s not just that Bethenny and Carole drifted apart.

Carole and Tinsley drifted closer. 

“Tinsley has replaced her as New York City Marathon Carole’s bestie.”

They bonded in Bethenny’s absence and she was not feeling it when they started filming again.

Bethenny admitted the division in the teaser clip:

“I’m not sure Carole is as excited to see me as she used to be.”

Bethenny vocally objected to being called “Honey” by her erstwhile friend.

Carole, on the other hand, accused Bethenny of being very “aggressive” around her.

(Bethenny is admittedly a very assertive woman, even by New York standards)

Their apparently quarreling seems to be be about these underlying issues. That doesn’t make it any less sad for fans and viewers to watch, however.

Bethenny and Carole haven’t always been friends. In fact, when the series first began, they hadn’t even met.

While Carole came in and joined the cast in season 5, Bethenny was an original cast member who left after three seasons.

It was only when Bethenny returned to the series in Season 7 that she and Carole met. At the time, they became fast friends.

Season 10, however, will paint a very different story for these two. And that’s definitely going to be sad — though hopefully outweighed by Luann’s drama.

We’ll all find out together when we tune in to The Real Housewives of New York City on April 4th.


Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bethenny Frankel Comforts Jill Zarin After Bobby Zarin"s Death

Earlier this month, Jill Zarin lost her husband to cancer after he had struggled with his health for nearly a decade.

After Bobby Zarin had seemed so much better in 2017, this loss is hitting her hard. Of course it is.

Bethenny Frankel, who only recently mended fences with Jill, is stepping up and supporting her friend as she grapples with this terrible loss.

It was just last year that Jill Zarin returned to The Real Housewives of New York City, with husband Bobby Zarin along for the ride.

RHONY has been around for a decade, so naturally it’s had its ups and downs. Back in season three, Bethenny and Jill had a falling out.

Now, they’ve mended fences.

Though Jill Zarin and Bethanny having made up was great, it was Bobby Zarin’s health that really seemed to warrant celebration recently. 

Bobby Zarin was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2009, and responded by having it removed.

In 2013, the cancer had spread to his lungs. In 2016, he had a brain tumor that required Gamma Knife treatment.

But last year, it seemed that Bobby Zarin had recovered to the point where it was hailed as a miracle.

Then, earlier this month, he tragically passed away.

A source tells Entertainment Tonight that Bethenny is going out of her way to provide comfort to her once-again friend, Jill Zarin, during her time of grief and loss.

“Bethenny has gone above and beyond in private to be there for Jill since Bobby passed.”

Bethenny has also posted in public, but it makes sense that she wouldn’t use social media to harp on everything that she’s doing for her greving friend.

And the source gets specific about the steps that Bethenny is taking.

“She visits her at her apartment, calls her daily, and sends her food.”

That is so heartwarming.

This is a collage that Jill Zarin put together of photographs of Bethenny with her various family members.

It’s good to keep busy when you’re grieving, but it’s clear that she has a lot of appreciation for what Bethenny’s been doing for her.

ET‘s source goes on about how they made nice:

“Jill has wanted to put this in the past for a while and after so many years of not talking.”

Of course.

“It’s sad that a death had to bring them together again, but if there’s anything positive from this, it was that they were able make up.”

it’s so good to look at the positives. The two had set aside their differences last year, but based on reports, they seem closer even just in the past few weeks.

“Jill apologized for her role in it and Bethenny forgave Jill.”

If you’ve never lost an immediate family member, you may not be familiar with the tradition of bringing food to loved ones.

Some families are so inundated with food that they literally cannot eat it all. But that’s better than trying to worry about food plans or, worse, going out to eat when you’re juggling self-care and a lot of planning.

(There’s more to planning a funeral than picking out a casket, and there’s more to dealing with the death of a loved one than the funeral. Sad movies seldom delve into the grim logistics that follow a sudden death)

Bethenny is doing good things for her grieving friend. That’s no surprise, but it’s still heartwarming.

Our hearts go out to Jill Zarin as she processes this sorrow.


Sunday, December 31, 2017

Kyle Richards and Bethenny Frankel Shopping in Aspen after Burglary

Kyle Richards had a fellow “Housewife” with whom she could commiserate … as she processes the burglary that left her jewelry box empty. Kyle and Bethenny Frankel were in Aspen Saturday, bundled up and shopping at Grosuch … a high-end ski apparel…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Bethenny Frankel Sues Ex-Husband for Child Custody

Bethenny Frankel is taking her ex-husband back to court for custody of their daughter … and she might be using his stalking and harassment case as leverage. Bethenny reopened her divorce case against Jason Hoppy, according to docs filed…


Monday, October 30, 2017

Bethenny Frankel Shares Devastating News About Her Dog, Cookie

Today is Manafort Monday, and we"re all gleefully following the news of indictments, arrests, and plea deals. But not all news today is happy news.

Over the weekend, Bethenny Frankel shared some very grim news about her dog, Cookie, experiencing seizures. She asked fans for help and advice, and we have some video of that, below.

Bethenny shared a tragic update this morning.

Bethenny Frankel is more than just a star of The Real Housewives of New York City.

She and her team coordinate disaster relief efforts. She"s been busy this summer, visiting disaster sites in the US such as Houston and Puerto Rico.

For some wealthy celebrities, charity is a means of self-promotion or even a way to alleviate a misplaced sense of guilt.

(Or boredom!)

For Bethenny Frankel, her work in devastated areas is a passion.

As I told my roommate when she arrived in Puerto Rico with private planes loaded with relief supplies: "Bethenny Frankel is not a chillful woman."

Even after everything that she"s gone through in the past few days, Bethenny was sure to tweet shortly after noon on Monday:

"PR/USVI/MEXICO I am still working for you. Still donating, planning flights & working for the cargo ship. xoxo"

Bethenny is also an avid dog-lover.

(Aren"t we all?)

Her dogs have their own social media accounts.

On Saturday, Bethenny took to social media to share the very upsetting news about the health of one of her dogs, Cookie.

In a series of truly hard-to-watch videos, a tearful Bethenny Frankel on Saturday revealed that Cookie was undergoing lengthy seizures.

Separated from her assistants and staff (she was staying in the Hamptons with her daughter, as she does on weekends), Bethenny turned to social media for advice — as so many of us do.

Though Bethenny reportedly took Cookie to the veterinarian after about three minutes of Cookie"s frightening seizures, she got flack from fans for reaching out to social media.

Bethenny replied: "Bc u cannot call dog 911, so I needed you. I literally didn’t know if lifting her would kill her or if she’d swallow tongue."

She took Cookie to the veterinarian, who was 40 minutes away.

In addition to the videos (below), Bethenny also shared updates in a series of tweets.

"My peanut & I experienced a 45 min dog seizure & have obvious decisions to make &” in case” goodbyes to say. @co​okiedabooboo is still alive."

Bethenny"s young daughter, whom she shares with Jason Hoppy, experienced all of this, too.

"It’s clear what’ll happen, but panic/trauma w 7 yr old is a lot. Constant seizures for 45 mins in car to vet 45 mins away. #sadhelpless​"

Bethenny thanked her fans for their advice and support.

"And u are amazing. When ur alone in something terrifying, u don’t know whether to move dog,put stick in mouth or sit still. This waa rough."

She updated how she was doing throughout the weekend.

"My dog had too long a seizure & I’m pissed the closest vet is 40 mins away. I’m in a bad place. She will be put down"

And the updates got worse.

"She is not regaining consciousness. It’s to be expected but this was a horrifying experience."

Someone asked why she didn"t take Cookie to the vet right away — but she did.

"We did 3 mins into foaming/seizure.Holding 30lb convulsing dog w 7 yr old&driving w bone in dying dog’s mouth is rough."

That is truly heartbreaking.

"Thanks for the love. @cookiedab​ooboo is alive but had a very high temp & 45 min seizure so she’s resting at hospital. Not time yet…."

She reported good news.

"She is 17 & did have 108 fever & 45 mins of seizures, but she licked Bryn & reacted to my belly rubs. Better today but TBD"

But Bethenny has always been a realist.

"Yes. I’m not delusional abt it, but she oddly seemed peaceful & MD said she’s in no pain & it would be a miracle"

She thanked fans again for their outpouring of love and support.

"I’m grateful. People are loving & caring. Part of me thinks the crap in the world is to bring us closer & make us better. Thank you."

And then, early Monday morning, Bethenny provided another update:

"My baby had 2 more seizures last PM. My heart is broken."

A lot of stories have happy endings.

Tragically, this one does not.

Bethenny posted this morning, on both Twitter and Instagram, a photo of her giving Cookie a kiss.

Her caption reads:

"My furry first baby, May your next life be as beautiful as this one was over the last 17 years. Thank you for all the love you gave to me and my peanut. See you on the other side my love. Xo"

This is devastating news.

Some hateful people will doubtlessly try to tell Bethenny that she"s in the wrong, here.

She is not.

It"s the responsibility of everyone with a pet to make medical decisions for their furry (or scaley or feathered) friend. Cookie was 17 and did not deserve to suffer.

It sounds like Bethenny did the right thing every step of the way. This is heartbreaking news, but sometimes death is the preferable option to slowly suffering.

Our thoughts should be with Bethenny Frankel and her family as their mourn losing a loved one.

Here is the video and, be warned: it can be tough to watch.

Bethenny frankel shares devastating news about her dog cookie

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Bethenny Frankel Says She Has to Put Her Dog Down After 45 Minute Seizure

Bethenny Frankel had an extremely tough weekend — her family dog suffered a massive seizure … and now she’s saying she has to put her down. Bethany posted a number of harrowing videos Saturday of her pup, Cookie, having a seizure at her home ……


Friday, September 1, 2017

Bethenny Frankel: Does She Have Cancer?!

Bethenny Frankel is devoting pretty much all of her time this week to relief efforts for Houston and other areas devastated by Hurricane Harvey. She’s certainly not the only celebrity helping with the relief effort.

We say “pretty much” all of her time, because Bethenny Frankel has also experienced what sounds like a major health scare.

One serious enough that she’s reportedly undergoing screening … for cancer.

The polarizing star of The Real Housewives of New York City has never held back an opinion, ever, in her life, and she’s taking her usual lack of chill and putting it towards a great cause: desperately needed hurricane relief.

She’s raised at least $ 500,000 for those impacted in Corpus Christi and she’s making sure that much-needed resources, including clothing, go directly to women and their families in those areas hit hardest by the massively destructive storm.

In the process, Bethenny showed her face, where you can clearly see that roughly circular bandage on one of her cheeks.

It’s not subtle, folks.

Among the comments (most thanking her for devoting her time and resources to such a good cause), some fans and followers expressed curiosity or concern over Bethenny’s bandage.

And Bethenny answered.

Bethenny explained in the comments that she had “had a growth removed.”

That was instantly alarming to some people.

One followers, however, asked if the growth was a reaction to face-fillers.

“No. [Basal] cell. I don’t do fillers.”

She had accidentally written “basil,” which sounds more delicious but less worrisome.

Then, in classic Bethanny Frankel fashion, she makes sure that people don’t think that she’s being defensive or vain.

“My jaw is the size of Pittsburgh. Nothing needs enhancement.”

Basal cell carcinoma, of course, is the most common form of skin cancer.

Did you know that as many as four million cases of basal cell carcinoma are diagnosed each year, just in the US?

That’s more than 1% of the population.

Every year.

Pay attention to your moles and don’t neglect your sunscreen, folks.

Us Weekly reports that Bethenny Frankel is now being screened for cancer.

We assume that this means that Bethenny’s growth, that has now been removed, has been sent to a pathology lab for analysis.

We also assume that she might undergo a battery of other tests to determine whether or not she might have skin cancer elsewhere or even another form of cancer.

Cancer is weird, dangerous, and deadly, folks. You can never bee too careful.

Bethenny Frankel, though, has the resources to cover medical care and also the exact sort of fighting spirit that can give people an edge if they do have a cancer diagnosis.

She didn’t wage this battle against Jason Hoppy for years only to fall to cancer just as she reaches the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

And it sounds like they caught this basal cell growth on her face really early. Hopefully, these tests will all come back negative and Bethenny will be able to rest easy.

Or, at least, do the Bethenny Frankel equivalent of resting easy. She’s a little intense, and that’s just the way that we like her.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York Season 9 Episode 22 Recap: Did Bethenny Frankel Forgive Ramona Singer?!?

Did Bethenny find it in her heart to make up with New York’s biggest pot stirrer?

That was the big question on The Real Housewives of New York Season 9 Episode 22 as the ladies met up for part three of the big reunion. 

Bethenny was quick to point out that Ramona was the root of all evil amongst their friend group and recalled a moment Ramona turned to her daughter and asked about a home video she had filmed several years ago. 

Yeah, who asks their friend’s kid about THAT? Ramona has long been the master of drawing a line and doing a cartwheel over it, but that was just too far. 

“I didn’t come from a place of meanness,” Ramona countered.

“It’s about my daughter, and it’s about the maliciousness,” Bethenny said.

“You’ve been disgusting to me.”

Ramona did not want to be part of the narrative (thanks for that one, Taylor!) and implied that she was not the one in the wrong. 

“What did I do to you, ever?” Bethenny asked.  

In true Ramona fashion, she tried to deflect all of it and did not give a solid answer. That was enough for Bethenny to label her as a jealous old hag. Well, she never said it in those exact words, but clearly wanted to. 

“Ramona’s sold a couple of handfuls of bottles of wine over the last couple of years,” Bethenny snapped. “You can’t be happy for other people.”

In the end, Bethenny tried to cover her bases so people would not turn on her.

“I don’t not like you,” Bethenny said.

Is there hope for them yet? Stay tuned, we guess. 

We then switched things up to the trials and tribulations of Tinsley and Sonja who have been at war for weeks. 

Despite Tinsley being labeled a bad houseguest, the attention quickly turned to whether Sonja had been selling her friends out to the press. 

Sonja denied it, but nobody believed it. We’re not even sure Sonja even believed it, to be honest. 

“I will be forever grateful,” Tinsley said of staying with Sonja.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t the perfect houseguest. I’m sorry I didn’t get you coffee and flowers.” That was clearly a dig at Ramona who caused seven hells when she dragged Tinsley for not being nice to her host. 

Luann then opened up about just how much she loved Tom, and that is pissed her off the ladies could not shut the eff up about him. 

“I love him, and so it was tough,” Luann said. Yeah, she’s probably cringing right about now. This episode was filmed just weeks before the divorce announcement. 

Dorinda said the rose of her season was getting rid of her daughter so she could live her own life, while the thorn was definitely her random feud with Bethenny. 

Tinsley’s was making friends in New York again and finding a man who likes her for her, while her thorn was her feud with Sonja. 

Sonja said that her rose was getting closer to Dorinda while her thorn was wasting too much time on Tinsley’s flaws. 

Bethenny’s favorite moments involved her being naked in the pool, and the thorn was all the crap Jason Hoppy put her through to get to that point. 

Okay, what did you think of this crazy reunion?

Sound off below!


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Bethenny Frankel: I Need ZERO Contact with Jason Hoppy!

We may have seen Bethenny Frankel break down in tears in the latest Real Housewives of New York City, but she knows that there’s a way that she can move forward.

We’ve all heard about how Jason Hoppy has put Bethenny Frankel in hell through all of his alleged stalking and harassment and their nightmarish divorce battle. 

Bethenny says that she knows how this has to end.

So, Bethenny Frankel’s divorce from Jason Hoppy was long, painful, and nightmarishly expensive.

They may be exes now, but they’ll always be linked through their young daughter, Bryn.

Jason Hoppy’s arrest back in January was actually over threats that he’s accused of making to Bethenny Frankel at Bryn’s school.

(Imagine threatening the mother of your child at your child’s school — that’s so unimaginably hateful)

Jason Hoppy was arraigned on additional stalking charges over the summer, before that first arrest was even dealt with in court.

The details weren’t immediately made apparent, but it appears that he may have been harassing a third party as part of his alleged campaign of harassment against Bethenny.

Like … does he not have hobbies?

Don’t get us wrong — Bethenny Frankel can come across as callous and dismissive of other people’s problems sometimes.

(A lot, actually)

But there’s a difference between having what some might call an “abrasive” personality and being an actual menace.

Jason Hoppy is due back in court in September (his motion to have the charges against him was dismissed earlier this month), and maybe Bethenny will get some sort of resolution then.

Bethenny Frankel lamented to Andy Cohen how her conflict with Jason Hoppy has impacted her relationship with other Real Housewives.

But she knows what can resolve this and put it behind her.

“Any resolution is legally mandated and I’m fine with that.”

She’s putting a lot of faith in the court.

“I don’t care what happens, I have faith that somehow I will be able to live a normal free life.”

Basically, she’s not campaigning to have Jason Hoppy put in prison. But there’s just one thing that she needs.

“But it has to be with zero contact. Because with any contact, this will not end.”

She says that she can’t accurately describe what this has been like for her.

She does temporarily lapse into some unfortunate hyperbole.

“It is indescribable and it is inexplicable and it’s like, if someone wants to talk about like a war zone in Israel, how are you going to explain that to someone?”

But she quickly clarifies that she’s not trying to equate her situation with a genuine humanitarian crisis.

“I’m not comparing this to actual war but in my life, you can’t even imagine the torment that this has been. There’s no way to describe it.”

We get it — trauma is difficult to articulate. When you try, you feel like you sound silly. It’s not silly, though.

“I just stifled it in because if I let any of it out, I’m going to totally break down. I can’t believe this happened to me.”

Keeping it suppressed doesn’t work, in the long term. While things are going on, bottling things up helps you survive.

Over time, though, those coping mechanisms backfire. That’s why PTSD is so rough.

And yes, you can absolutely get PTSD from stalking.

Bethenny found the entire struggle to be inescapable.

“It was part of my life. I thought I was never getting out of it. I couldn’t even understand it. How can I explain this to everybody?”

We know that she’s doing charity work to help other women, but we wonder if she’s met with a victim advocate to try to just articulate her own situation.

Bethenny isn’t really the “ask for help’ type, but it really might help her.

“You’ve never — it is torture. So that’s why I didn’t explain it. There’s no way to describe this to anybody. Nobody would believe it.”

Jason Hoppy might not be done tormenting her, though, because he didn’t immediately accept a plea deal that would have basically gotten him off scott free.

We have to ask why he’s so obsessed with having contact with Bethenny that he would apparently rather continue his court battle than continue to be legally barred from having contact with her.

Maybe he doesn’t want it on his record or claims that he’s innocent — though an officer was a witness to and confirmed Bethenny Frankel’s account of the January incident at Bryn’s school, so … good luck with that?

More than anything else, we hope that this situation doesn’t hurt Bryn.
