Showing posts with label Gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gift. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

French Montana -- Time For My $100k Weeknd Bday Gift (VIDEO + PHOTO)

French Montana’s lucky to have friends like The Weeknd when his birthday rolls around … he just bought French a pricey new watch fit for Father Time himself. French hosted a small gathering of his closest pals Tuesday night to celebrate his 32nd…


Friday, June 17, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Wrap Your Next Gift With My Butt Cheeks!

Next time you buy a gift for a loved one, show them how much you really care by enveloping the keepsake in a paper shroud of Kim Kardashian"s butt cheeks.

Yes, this is a thing you can actually do now, thanks to the shameless promotion of Kim K. herself.

As owner of the world"s most famous ass, Kim has plastered her cartoon Kimoji butts all over a sheet of high-end paper and is selling the rolls for $ 35 a pop.

Thirty-five dollars? It"d be far cheaper to DIY with a few copies of her Paper magazine shoot and some Elmer"s glue, but that"s just me.

Actually, no. Because who wants to receive any sort of present wrapped in Kim"s ass?

We see that thing all day, err day in all of our internet feeds, whether we want to or not.

But don"t despair, if you prefer the other end of Kim"s bod, you can also purchase a roll of the wrap featuring her cry face.

At this point, pics of Kim"s butt or any other body part is truly just passe and barely worth a glance, because they"re not exactly in short supply.

Recently, the selfie queen took it all off for GQ magazine, and the only one who even seemed to look twice was her husband Kanye West.

Actually, we take that back. Her ex-husband Kris Humphries reportedly described her images in the magazine as "scrumptious," although Gossip Cop refuted that claim.

Ironically, even though Kim"s ample ass has brought her fame and fortune, she now wants to downsize her badonkadonk.

While she"s met her goal of losing all the weight she gained while pregnant with her son Saint West, she says wants to lose 12 more pounds of butt weight to get down to 120.

"My butt and my hips are the last to go, but I"m not stopping!" Kardashian said.

“I want to lose my bum, not all the way but it’s weird how your body changes with different babies," she told fans at London"s Vogue Festival last month.

“I want to get to Kim 2010-11 so I’m really going to focus and get there,” she added.

And when that happens, she can re-brand the wrapping paper as "Vintage Kim" and charge an extra $ 25.

She already sent some to Kylie Jenner, who posted it on Snapchat:

Kim kardashian wrap your next gift with my butt cheeks

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Little Girl Tries to Scam Mother Into Revealing Surprise Gift


They’re the best, aren’t they?

Except for when they’re vomiting all over themselves in the backseat of your car, perhaps.

But Imgur user FunkyFunkyJones is here to remind us why kids can be so gosh darn adorable.

In the above example, FunkyFunkyJones gives us a look at how the daughter of his friend attempted to get to the bottom of a surprise present by impersonating her father via handwritten note.

How did the young girl’s mom know that it was her daughter, and not her husband, who wrote her the letter?

The opening of “Dear Wife” was a pretty clear giveaway.

The rest of the hilarious note reads as follows:

Dear Wife what Did you get Lily for a suprise again. I forgot. Love: Don.

Lily was apparently hoping that her mom would respond (via her own note? Just left out on the open?) with the answer of what surprise Lily was about to receive.

“Seems legit,” FunkyFunkyJones wrote of the picture.

We love it.

And we’ve gone ahead and added Lily’s precious note to the following examples of kids being too cute for words.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Bride and Groom Claim Guest Gave Too Cheap a Gift, Demand More

Some brides get it into their heads that wedding gifts are required/expected, completing negating the very definition of the word.

One British couple went so far as to call a guest out for only gifting them with a 100-pound check.

The guest, who said she was a former co-worker of the bride, was so upset by the request that she sought out advice from total strangers.

According to the Guardian, the woman posted her grievance to Mumsnet Forum, hoping that she wasn’t going insane by thinking the couple’s note was a bit rude.

“We were surprised that your contribution didn’t seem to match the warmth of your good wishes on our big day,” the newlyweds wrote to their guest.

“In view of your own position, if you wanted to send any adjustment it would be thankfully received.”

The guest was, understandably, horrified and opened up to the forum.

“I recently attended an ex-colleague’s wedding where, in response to a request for cash gifts, I sent what I thought was a pretty decent cheque (£100 if it matters, though I can’t help feeling it shouldn’t)

“For someone who’s not easily shocked I confess I’m utterly gobsmacked by this. So as not to drip feed I’ll mention that “your own position” probably refers to a recent inheritance I’ve had, which maybe they expected something from (and this is an ex-colleague, remember, not a close friend or relative)

“Please, anyone, what do I do now? I’ve never come across anything like this before and still can’t quite believe they’ve done it – but since they have, should I reply, ring them, ignore it or what??

One user wrote suggested the guest “email back but BCC any mutual friends in so they are able to see the email for themselves. That is entitled and grabby. It’s a gift not an obligation and many people wouldn’t have given so much to an ex-colleague.” 

Another wrote: “Whatever the circumstance that is very rude. As to whether or not the gift was appropriate: did you bowl up with a partner and six children and proceed to demolish the buffet and free bar? No? Then £100 is a generous gift to an ex-colleague.”

“It’s a gift not an obligation and many people wouldn’t have given so much to an ex colleague,” one other chimed in.

The guest was grateful for the suggestions, and wrote back to the group herself.

“It’s unlikely I’ll bump into the B&G much in future as I’m retired now, which is probably just as well,” she explained.

“However I’ve just replied to her email with one sentence: ‘I assume this was some sort of mistake?"”

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Kim Kardashian Shares Her Favorite SEX TOYS in V-Day Gift Guide

Just when you thought you had all you needed to know about Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s sexual proclivities, the mom of two (three if you count Kanye) took to her app to share her sex toy recommendations – and just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Among the products posted in her Valentine’s Day gift guide “Behind Closed Doors” are:

  • Couple’s vibrating cock ring

  • Another vibe that looks like a mini bowling pin

  • 50 Shades of Grey riding crop

  • Edible undies

  • Mesh handcuffs

  • Chocolate body fondue

Sounds like she’s spiced things up quite a bit since her amateur sex tape with Ray J, which has been used by many as a solid alternative to Ambien.

Noticeably absent from this list, however, is any doo dad that might suggest any sort of butt play, because even though his ex Amber Rose made it clear that he did, Kanye West wants everyone to know that he most definitely does NOT like it like that.


Oddly enough, Kim also suggests a stripper pole as part of her guide – a bit ironic since Kanye has criticized Amber on numerous occasions for her past occupation as an exotic dancer.

While there are a few reasonably-priced items on her list (like a book of sex coupons for $ 5 and a Let’s F**k The XXX Board Game for $ 10), Kim also encourages $ 86 rose petals and a $ 10,000 bottle of champagne.

But I suppose if you’re on a budget you can just pluck your own petals from a gas station bouquet and while you’re there grab a $ 5 bottle of Andre Brut.

See? Even we plebes can get kinky like Kimye with a little creativity. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Kylie Jenner to Tyga: Better Show Me You Love Me with a BIG ASS Christmas Gift!

Kylie Jenner and Tyga have been on shaky ground lately, but the starlet is hoping the spirit of the holiday season will change all that.

In other words … she’s hoping he makes up for his shadiness and the fact that Tyga sucks in bed by getting her a HUGE ASS GIFT.

Yes, to say that T-Raww has been on Kylie’s naughty list – and not in a hot way – is something of an understatement these days.

Between his cruel texts about her lip kit and alleged hollering at a 14-year-old on social media, it’s amazing they’re even together.

Kylie, 18, has been fighting with her beau because she feels he’s shady, jealous and not supportive, but hey, Christmas is a-comin’.

“It is a love that is surrounded by jealousy and bad vibes,” a source says. “They are still together but they are fighting to keep it together.”

“And though it is materialistic they are using Christmas and what they get from each other as a bar to see if the relationship will continue.”

Continues the Kyga insider, “They both want something from each other that proves their love rather than showing it emotionally.” 

“Which is obviously a sign of bad news. The next few weeks should determine the longevity of their relationship or to finally call it off.”

Outlook not so good, to quote the Magic Eight Ball.

We’re not hating, but when it comes to these two, there are more obvious signs of bad news than we can even list in this space.

Is Tyga still in love with baby mama Blac Chyna? Does he really flirt with underage girls online? Is he nearly broke as a joke?

All of those rumors have gained traction since the couple went public, and wouldn’t bode well for the future of any relationship.

Add in the fact that their collective maturity level appears to be off the charts (on the low end) and we give it a few more weeks.

The only question is whether they publicly announce the split or we see Kylie ghosting Tyga and dumping him without telling him.

Kids these days.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Prince Harry Receives Amazing Gift From Injured Vet

After completing a 1,000-mile trek through Britain for charity, wounded marine Kirstie Ennis gave Prince Harry something that carried a tremendous amount of meaning for them both.

The six vets who took part in the walk, organized by Walking With The Wounded to "show how injured warriors can rebuild their lives and achieve great feats," according to the Daily Express.

On November 1st, seventy-two hours after the walk began, everyone gathered outside Buckingham Palace to celebrate.  That"s when Ennis handed Harry a dog tag belonging to her fallen colleague, one of several that she placed around the country during her walk, that was saved for pride of place at the palace.

No I can"t, I can"t accept this," Harry said to Ennis, whom he joined for part of the trek.

"Please, you know what this means to me," Ennis insisted. I want you to."

"This means so much to me," the Prince told Ennis before giving her a massive hug in thanks.

Ennis, 24, was in 2012 helicopter accident in Afghanistan, in which she sustained serious injuries to her face, jaw and leg.  According to People"s Simon Perry, the marine put off surgery to remove the lower part of her left leg until after the charity walk.

"It was quite painful and there is nothing you can do to prepare for that, even when you are able-bodied, much less when you have debilitating injuries," Ennis said of the walk.  "It was quite the challenge. I have never felt so disabled in my life at times."


Prince harry receives dog tag from injured army veteran