Showing posts with label Gordon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gordon. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Gordon Hayward Suffers Gruesome Leg Injury During Celtics Debut

WARNING … this is one of the most disgusting sports injuries you’ll ever see. NBA star Gordon Hayward suffered a brutal lower leg injury just 5 minutes into his Boston Celtics debut against the Cleveland Cavs Tuesday night … and it’s absolutely…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Josh Gordon: Baylor Coach Helped Me Cheat Drug Tests

Suspended Cleveland Browns star Josh Gordon says a Baylor football coach helped him beat the drug testing system in college … revealing he was given bottles of detox to clean his system. Gordon opened up about his serious drug issues for the first…


Friday, August 25, 2017

Nick Gordon Off the Hook in Alleged Girlfriend Beating

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s former boyfriend, Nick Gordon, is walking away clean from his domestic violence arrest. Prosecutors in Florida say they dropped all the charges because his girlfriend was no longer cooperating with investigators, and made…


Monday, August 7, 2017

Aaron Gordon: I Want The Gonzalez Twins For Master P"s Hoops League

Aaron Gordon says he wants BOTH Gonzalez twins … but hold your horses, perverts, he wants them strictly for basketball purposes. You know Dylan and Dakota Gonzalez, they’re the super hot ex-UNLV guard tandem who are so popular for their talents…


Friday, June 30, 2017

Nick Gordon: I"m NOT Guilty of Domestic Assault!

Brace yourselves, because we know that this news will just shock you.

So, remember Nick Gordon’s arrest for domestic assault and kidnapping? Many eyes were already on him for Bobbi Kristina Brown’s suspicious death, but this arrest raised even more suspicions — and horrified people on its own merits.

Well, it came time for Nick Gordon to enter a plea. …

According to a report from RadarOnline, Nick Gordon has entered a plea of not guilty to the charges.

That isn’t really a surprise.

Generally, guilty pleas only happen when either they’re in the defendant’s best interests.

You know, if they got a good deal.

Or for people of little means whose overworked public defenders simply don’t have the time or resources to help them.

Nick Gordon, facing serious charges, doesn’t fit either of those categories.

He has to know that investigators looking into Bobbi Kristina’s death consider Nick Gordon’s domestic violence arrest as evidence for a potential future criminal trial for Bobbi Kristina’s death.

Laura Leal, Nick’s ex-girlfriend who accused him of domestic assault, has even spoken about it.

Nick Gordon’s ex saw horrifying parallels to Bobbi Kristina‘s story, in terms of how she felt that he isolated her from others and controlled her.

Laura Leal described how Nick Gordon allegedly lashed out with violence and then apologized, and how he made her feel that she was at fault.

Which is just, you know, classic for cases of partner-abuse.

The final incident, as Laura Leal describes it, was of Nick Gordon holding her down on the bed and punching her repeatedly.

She describes how her face was bloody and how she was at the risk of losing consciousness.

Fearing that she was about to die, Laura says that she managed to get hold of a candlestick and strike Nick in the head with it.

She then made a run for it, pounding on the bedroom door of Nick Gordon’s mother — elsewhere in the house — to wake her up and beg her way inside.

It was apparently Nick Gordon’s mother who protected Laura Leal from her son’s violent wrath, allowing Laura to get away and contact authorities.

Before and during their relationship, Laura Leal had dismissed stories of Nick Gordon having something to do with Bobbi Kristina’s death, and stories of him having been abusive towards her.

That changed after that final assault.

After his arrest, she saw their relationship and Nick Gordon himself in a new light.

In the end, Laura says that she felt that she could have ended up like Bobbi Kristina if she hadn’t gotten away.

In addition to entering his plea of not guilty, Nick Gordon has gone ahead and requested a jury trial.

Generally speaking, it isn’t uncommon for abusers to believe that they will be able to charm jurors as easily as they charmed their victims in the first place.

Unfortunately, so much of our society teaches us to ignore or blame victims.

If we look at other famous men who’ve met with serious accusations, we see a pattern.

OJ Simpson was famously acquitted for murdering two people.

Even after evidence of Johnny Depp’s abuse of Amber Heard continues to grow, the actor doesn’t seem to find any trouble getting work.

He even has countless fans who still vigorously defend him and attack Amber Heard at any mention of the accusations.

And, most recently, Bill Cosby’s rape trial ended with a deadlock, because two people just refused to budge there at the end.

Cosby will be tried again, and likely more times in other districts, but everything is stacked against the victims — and abusers know it.

In this rare case, Nick Gordon’s celebrity status might work against him, however.

Nick Gordon is mostly just famous for his ties to Whitney Houston and Bobbi Kristina.

In fact, infamous is a better word for Nick Gordon.

Getting Nick Gordon a jury that won’t convict may be predicated upon finding a jury that’s never heard of him.

Plus his legal team will almost certainly push to forbid any mention of Bobbi Kristina or her death.

And any implications of his involvement.

Then, you know, there will be the evidence and Laura Leal’s testimony, from police, from any medics or doctors who treated Laura.

Part of us wonders if Nick Gordon’s mother might be persuaded to testify for the prosecution.

(Let us dream, okay?)

Even if he avoids a conviction for this, he may skate by only to face charges in Bobbi Kristina’s death.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Nick Gordon: Arrest Fuels Speculation Into Bobbi Kristina’s Death

On the surface, Nick Gordon’s recent arrest for domestic assault and kidnapping might appear unrelated to the coma and eventual death of Bobbi Kristina Brown.

But investigators looking into her death say that Nick Gordon’s recent arrest and the nature of his crimes will add to the evidence that they’re compiling.

Pretty much everyone has had their eye on Nick Gordon since Bobbi Kristina Brown’s tragic death.

And their gaze isn’t so much sympathetic as accusatory.

There was so much suspicious about Bobbi Kristina Brown’s death, part of which being that she was found laying face-down in her bathtub.

A grim echo of her mother, Whitney Houston’s, tragic passing in 2012.

The similarities raised a lot of red flags.

In addition to immediate accusations of physical abuse, which Bobbi Kristina’s estate alleged Nick Gordon may have inflicted the very morning before she slipped into a coma, Nick Gordon’s been widely recognized as being beyond shady.

Her estate also alleged that he had been all but robbing her blind.

Hell, even notorious scumbag Bobby Brown insists that Nick Gordon is bad news.

This is one of those it-takes-one-to-know-one situations, and Bobby would absolutely know.

But evidence in abuse cases can be difficult to come by — it doesn’t all look like it does on TV, with sullen, nervous-acting people constantly hiding black eyes and giving weak excuses for why their arms are in a sling and openly flinching whenever some looming oaf moves or speaks.

In fact, most abusers rarely leave marks in their victims.

We can only imagine how challenging it is to build a case of irrefutable evidence when the case for murder likely starts with the case for abuse, and the case for abuse then has to be proven without the actual victim.

But it sounds like, as horrible as Nick Gordon’s alleged recent crimes against his girlfriend Laura were, some good may come out of this — beyond his arrest for assault.

The Fulton County District Attorney’s office told People that they’re definitely looking at this new arrest, though of course they clarified their general policies.

“We have consistently refrained from commenting on our investigation into the death of Bobbi Kristina Brown because of our general policy regarding commenting on open criminal investigations.”

We get that, of course.

“However, it goes without saying that the arrest of Nick Gordon in the Florida domestic violence case will certainly add an additional layer of evidence to the final resolution of this matter.”

Yeah, that sounds like no matter where they turn, evidence is pointing them to Nick Gordon.

We don’t know how much of that is eyewitnesses establishing a pattern of behavior and how much of that is physical evidence about Bobbi Kristina’s final hours of consciousness.

But you can be sure that this trial, whenever it comes about, is going to be a national spectacle.

That’s not what Bobbi Kristina’s memory deserves, but that’s how the world works.

The O.J. Simpson trial was famously rushed and that ended disastrously. It seems pretty clear that prosecutors are taking their time to get everything right because they do not want history to repeat itself.

It’s worth noting that Nick Gordon has already been found legally responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s death.

That was a civil suit, but many feel that it’s at least a step in the right direction.

As frustrating as it can be for the public to watch the slow cogs of the justice system as the prosecutors build their case, we have to remember that Bobbi Kristina’s family and loved ones probably find the wait unbearable.

At this point, chances are good that Nick Gordon might already be serving a prison sentence by the time that Fulton County is prepared to charge him.


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Nick Gordon Released on Bail After Allegedly Beating Up Girlfriend (PHOTOS)

Nick Gordon — who was held legally responsible for the death of Whitney Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown —   made his first court appearance after being arrested Saturday for beating up his girlfriend. TMZ broke the story … cops…


Nick Gordon Released on Bail After Allegedly Beating Up Girlfriend (PHOTOS)

Nick Gordon — who was held legally responsible for the death of Whitney Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown —   made his first court appearance after being arrested Saturday for beating up his girlfriend. TMZ broke the story … cops…


Saturday, June 10, 2017

Nick Gordon Arrested for Domestic Assault, Kidnapping

Nick Gordon, the ex-boyfriend of Whitney Houston’s late daughter, is once again in major trouble with the law.

According to multiple outlets, Gordon was arrested on Saturday afternoon in Sanford, Florida and charged with beating up his girlfriend.

TMZ reports the incident in question sent Gordon’s unnamed lover to the hospital and that it took place on Friday night.

Law enforcement officials say the girlfriend filed a report at the police station hours after being released from the care of doctors, alleging that she’d been battered and not permitted to leave her residence.

When officers arrived at Gordon’s home, they found Nick at the pool area.

Prison records from the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office illustrate that Gordon was booked for felony domestic violence and false imprisonment of an adult.

Gordon has a checkered history.

He was taken in by Houston when he was young after his parents fell out of the picture.

Although the singer never formally adopted Gordon, she raised the young man as her own child.

He grew especially close to Whitney and Bobby Brown’s only biological child as a result and started to date Bobbi Kristina when both were teenagers.

At one point, it was believed they were married.

In January of 2015, Bobbi fell into a coma from which she never awoke, finally passing away in July of that year.

The cause of death was originally sealed due to a criminal investigation, but later revealed to be the result of pneumonia caused by water immersion and drug intoxication.

Many pointed a singer in Gordon’s direction at the time, with insiders saying he often supplied Bobbi with drugs and was reportedly even present at the time of her death.

In a subsequent wrongful death lawsuit, a conservator for Brown’s estate accused Gordon of physically and emotionally abusing Bobbi prior to allegedly dragging her to the bathtub, where she was later found face-down and unconscious.

In September, Gordon was found legally responsible for Bobbi’s death and ordered to pay $ 36 million as a result of this ruling.

This $ 36 million judgment included $ 15 million for present value of life… $ 13.8 million for pain and suffering … and $ 1.37 million for assault and battery.

The lawsuit had alleged Brown “died due to a violent altercation” with Gordon, “after which he placed her in a bathtub, unconscious, after he injected her with a toxic mixture.”

Said an attorney for Brown’s estate soon after Gordon failed to show up in front of a judge and was found to, basically, have killed Bobbi Kristina:

“In court today, we finally finished a long journey for justice for Bobbi Kristina Brown.”

Added Bobbi’s aunt at the time:

“It’s been a long time. They should have been gotten him. He should have been arrested. He’s ignorant; he’s arrogant. He thinks he’s above the law.

“He’s not.”

And now Gordon may very well learn this lesson once again.

UPDATE: We’ve learned the girlfriend’s name is Laura and TMZ has posted photos of her badly bruised arm, allegedly a result of Gordon’s actions.

Gordon, who has always maintained his innocence when it comes to Bobbi’s passing, is yet to comment on his latest legal troubles.

We’ll update this story with more news as it breaks.


Bobbi Kristina"s Boyfriend Nick Gordon Arrested for Domestic Violence, Allegedly Beat Up New Girlfriend

Nick Gordon — Bobby Kristina Brown’s boyfriend who was found legally responsible for her death — has been arrested for domestic violence and kidnapping his current girlfriend. Gordon was taken into custody Saturday afternoon in Sanford, Florida.…


Thursday, June 1, 2017

NBA"s Ben Gordon Arrested In Fire Alarm Meltdown

Ex-NBA player Ben Gordon was arrested in L.A. on Thursday morning after allegedly freaking out at his apartment complex and pulling multiple fire alarms … TMZ Sports has learned. We’re told 34-year-old Gordon — who played for the Bulls, Pistons…


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Browns WR Josh Gordon Reportedly "Desperate" for Cash

Cleveland Browns WR Josh Gordon is reportedly in dire financial straights and desperately hunting for a new agent who will float him some cash until he gets reinstated … if that ever happens. The insanely talented wideout hasn’t played a snap in…


Monday, March 27, 2017

Josh Gordon Putting On Dunk Show (VIDEO)

Josh Gordon wants the whole world — mainly NFL GMs — to know he’s still a freak athlete, and he’s proving it using a sport he doesn’t even play. Gordon is still waiting to be reinstated by the NFL, but is obviously staying in shape, and showed it…


Saturday, March 25, 2017

Jeff Gordon: The Best NASCAR Fight Ever Is ... (VIDEO)

Jeff Gordon — one of the greatest NASCAR drivers of all time — is about to tell TMZ Sports what the greatest NASCAR FIGHT of all-time is … and it’s a classic. We got Gordon out at LAX with his family (adorable) and asked him if he saw the…


Jeff Gordon: The Best NASCAR Fight Ever Is ... (VIDEO)

Jeff Gordon — one of the greatest NASCAR drivers of all time — is about to tell TMZ Sports what the greatest NASCAR FIGHT of all-time is … and it’s a classic. We got Gordon out at LAX with his family (adorable) and asked him if he saw the…


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Melvin Gordon on L.A. Rivalry with Todd Gurley -- "We"ll Let the Work Do the Talk" (VIDEO)

Only ONE running back can be the true king of L.A. … and Chargers’ Melvin Gordon says he’s ready to do battle with Rams star Todd Gurley.  The L.A. Chargers running back says he’s got nothing but respect for Gurley — but it’s clear in the…


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Josh Gordon Finally Admits ... "Yes, I"m the Father"

It took 19 months but Josh Gordon has FINALLY acknowledged in court that he IS the father of a little girl named Emma … and he seems to be making an effort to be a part of her life.  Gordon has been involved in a paternity case with Christina…


Friday, November 18, 2016

Nick Gordon -- F*** It! I"m Not Paying Bobbi Kristina"s Fam Anyway

Nick Gordon’s so broke he can’t afford to pay attention to what’s happening in his civil case … much less hand over $ 36 million to Bobbi Kristina’s estate. Nick was ordered to fork over the hefty chunk Thursday when — again — he was a no-show as…


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Bobby Brown -- My Daughter"s Life Was Priceless ... Nick Gordon Will Pay $36 Million (VIDEO)

Bobby Brown says his daughter, Bobbi Kristina, had unlimited earning potential before her bf helped take her life … and a judge put a very high dollar amount on those prospects. Nick Gordon was ordered to fork over $ 36 million to…


Monday, June 27, 2016

Sarah Symonds: Gordon Ramsay Had a Vasectomy! Tana"s Miscarriage is FAKE!!

Gordon Ramsay’s former mistress Sarah Symonds believes the celebrity chef’s wife was never recently pregnant and is faking a miscarriage.

Who would do such a thing (besides Tila Tequila)?

Sad news of Tana Ramsay’s miscarriage surprised his fans this spring, and sparked an outpouring of support for the longtime couple.

Not from Sarah Symonds, however.

“I feel he was motivated to talk about his wife Tana’s ‘phantom’ pregnancy, and then losing the child, for its public relations value,” she says.

“I find it curious that his wife never showed a baby bump up through the fifth month, when he alleged she lost the child,” Sarah adds.

“Furthermore, she never once talked publicly about being in a pregnant way, leaving that for Gordon to do on a late night talk show.”

“Then, when she miscarried, he once again took control, posting an official statement about it on Facebook.”

Accusing him of milking the story “to engender sympathy from his adoring fans,” she said, “I’m asking that he turn over his medical records.”

That’s right … his medical records.

Because he had told her, allegedly, several times during their seven year affair that he’d had a vasectomy. Naturally.

“If somehow her pregnancy was for real and she lost the baby, I truly feel for her,” added Symonds.

“But if that was the case, then it’s also possible that Gordon never had a vasectomy in the first place and lied to me so that he could have unprotected sex!”

“In fact, he only used a condom our last time together at my insistence because I’d been told there were other women.”

“To be on the safe side, I was on the pill.”

Is it possible to have a vasectomy and then get it reversed? Of course, and Symonds acknowledges this is a possibility, but …

“Gordon blabs about just about everything in his personal life, so why wouldn’t he talk about having had a vasectomy and then getting it reversed?”

“Gordon told me in no uncertain terms that he couldn’t have any more kids because of the vasectomy he’d had.”

“So which is it, did he ever have the procedure, was it reversed or was it just another of his many outright lies to me?”

“He owes me some small degree of respect in this matter given we’d been intimate for such a long period,” she ranted.

Moreover, “by going public with his story he could have helped so many men going through the same thing … to be a beacon of support.”

We’re trying not to laugh at that last line.

Furthermore, Symonds questioned her ability to even get pregnant at age 41, because her last child was conceived with the help of IVF.

Ramsay and Tana have been married since 1996. They have four kids, daughters Megan 17, Holly, 16, and Matilda, 14, and son, Jack, 16.

Symonds blasted Gordon, 49, for treating his wife like a “rag doll” and said she was in denial when their 2001-2008 affair went public.