Showing posts with label Hiddleston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hiddleston. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston: It"s OVER!

We think it’s safe to say that Taylor Swift is in the studio furiously penning sorrowful breakup ballads at the moment, as the famously unlucky-in-love songstress has ended yet another high-profile romance.

Yes, People magazine confirmed moments ago that Swift and actor Tom Hiddleston have called it quits after less than three months of dating.

At this time, no reason has been given for the split.

The world first learned of their whirlwind relationship when Swift and Hiddleston were “caught” kissing on a beach in Rhode Island back in June.

The news shocked fans, as it came just days after Swift’s team confirmed the singer had broken up with Calvin Harris.

The relationship between Swift and Hiddleston was so sudden, and the couple seemed to move so quickly that rumors that the whole was a publicity stunt spread like wildfire on social media.

It was tough to see what Swift would stand to gain from such a stunt, and indeed, it wasn’t long before Hiddleston broke his silence, confirming that he and Taylor were not only dating, but were quite serious about spending their future together.

“Look, the truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together, and we’re very happy,” Hiddleston told The Hollywood Reporter in June.

“That’s the truth. It’s not a publicity stunt.”

Insiders added that the two first hit it off at the 2016 Met Gala in May, just weeks before Swift announced her split with Harris.

Thus far, sources on both sides of the breakup have been relatively quiet.

The insider who confirmed the separation to People added only:

“It was an amicable split.”

Of course, that’s what Team Taylor said after she ended things with Harris, and we know now that those two parted on less than ideal terms.

Reports of trouble in Swift and Hiddleston’s relationship began almost immediately after their relationship became official, but the couple batted them down at every turn, usually by speaking with actions instead of words.

When fans claimed the relationship was fake, Tom and Taylor posted nauseating canoodling pics on Instagram.

When tabloids insisted Hiddleswift was over, Swift traveled to the UK to meet Hiddleston’s mother.

It may be quite some time before we find out exactly what caused such a passionate (and self-consciously public) couple to call it quits. 

But when you can bet that the news will be broken on Taylor’s terms, probably in song form.

The girl does three things very well: sing, write songs, and weather the publicity storm that follows a high-profile breakup.

Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston: Fighting Over The Emmys???

Taylor Swift fans and trolls alike have assumed that she would accompany boyfriend Tom Hiddleston to the Emmy Awards on September 18th.

As the saying goes, “to assume is to make an ass out of u and me.”

Hiddleston is nominated for Lead Actor In A Limited Series or Movie for his role in The Night Manager, a critically-acclaimed miniseries co-starring Hugh Laurie.

Swift has never walked the red carpet with a boyfriend, and according to a source, doesn’t plan on starting anytime soon.

‘Tom wants their relationship to be public, even asking Taylor to go to the Emmys with him, but Taylor wants to keep her private life private,” the source told the Daily Mail.

“Tom’s need for their relationship to be so public so quickly makes her uncomfortable.

“She tried to be OK with it in the beginning but fears he is in love with the idea of her and not falling in love with her for the right reasons.”

And here we thought she would be pumped to attend the Emmy Awards as a supportive girlfriend, but after flaunting their relationship over July 4th weekend, Swift might be singing a different tune.

Swift and Hiddleston’s relationship (fauxmance, whatever you’d like to call it) has been the source of tabloid fodder all summer, especially since it appeared to staged at first.

The two were reportedly set up by their PR teams after the MET Ball in May, and before you know it, they’re making out by the ocean and taking a romanitc trip to Italy.

It was weird.  No one was buying it.

On the Fourth, things got even weirder when Hiddleston proudly wore an “I Heart T.S.” tank top while splashing around in the waves.  

Hiddleston, however, wanted to set the record straight, and did so during an Emmy nominations interview on July 14th.

“Well, um. How best to put this?” Hiddleston said while on the phone with The Hollywood Reporter.

“That notion is — look, the truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together, and we’re very happy. Thanks for asking. That’s the truth. It’s not a publicity stunt.”  

Fast-forward a few months, and Hiddleston is feeling like a “glorified escort,” according to Radar Online.

“It’s become a total charade. Tom is just done with it,” a source told the site.

“It bothers him so much that they’ve become known as this fauxmance laughing stock.”

Will Swift join her glorified escort on the red carpet come September 18th?

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Tom Hiddleston Has HAD IT With Taylor Swift

Tom Hiddleston has to prepare for the Emmys later this month, but instead he has to deal with his seemingly high-maintenance girlfriend, Taylor Swift.

The Night Manager star is an A-Lister in his own right, but his romance with Swift has put him into a different category of fame, and one he’s not exactly pleased with.

“Tom can’t deal with being a laughing stock and has told Taylor he’s done unless there’s a 360-degree change on her part,” a source told Radar Online.

“It’s become a total charade and Tom is sick of being treated like a glorified escort.”

To be fair, Hiddleston looked to be enjoying himself over Fourth of July weekend, splashing around in the surf wearing an “I Heart T.S.” tank top.  So, Swift could be forgiven for thinking she’s got the upper hand in this relationship.

Hiddleston is filming Thor: Ragnarok in Australia, but he’s reportedly been flying all over the world at the 26-year-old’s request.

“Tom is just done with it,” the source added.

“It bothers him so much that they’ve become known as this fauxmance laughing stock.”

Hiddleston attempted to the do the grown-up thing and confirm his relationship with Swift back in July.  After learning he was nominated for Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie, the British actor agreed to do press.

The Hollywood Reporter skirted around the question until finally asking if he and Swift were the real deal, and what he had to say to those who though their romance was just for show.

“Well, um. How best to put this?” Hiddleston started politely, as most Brits do.

“That notion is — look, the truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together, and we’re very happy. Thanks for asking. That’s the truth. It’s not a publicity stunt.”  

Hiddleston had to expect this kind of attention when he and Swift started dating after the MET Ball back in May.  

Swift did not attend the MTV Video Music Awards on August 28th, but it’s believed that she will accompany to the Emmys on September 18th.

A source told THG recently that the reason Hiddleston and Swift got together was because the Brit “needed to improve his pulling power, and [her] PR team decided to take advantage of that in a way that would also benefit Taylor.

“Tom is the ‘it’ man right now, so they thought that it would work,” the source added.

“Taylor is an attractive girl with a big bank account and a lot of fame.”

How did Hiddleston see dating Swift as a great image boost, while the rest of of us saw it as career suicide?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston Had Their Very First Fight

Every relationship has its share of hardships, but the first fight can sting, as Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are finding out.

Hiddleston is busy AF shooting Thor: Ragnarok in Australia, and it seems that Swift isn’t happy that she’s not a priority at the moment.

According to Us Weekly, the couple “had a major argument” earlier this month over face-to-face interaction.  

Seeing how they spent every waking moment together until mid-July, it was a bit of a slap in the face to Swift to not able to see her amor all the damn time.

“There was so much going on so it was hard making their schedules work,” the source told US, “and they were upset they couldn’t see each other.”

Apparently Hiddleston’s August 14th visit to Swift’s Rhode Island home was his way of saying, “sorry, babe.  ILY and want to make time for you, K?”

After that, he flew back to Los Angeles for an event, then hopped a plane back to Australia to continue filming.

“Tom is busier than her right now, so it’s been hard,” a source close to the couple claimed.

“They’ve had some schedule issues, but things are otherwise fine. They are making it work.”

Hiddleston has been hounded by the press ever since his relationship with the singer went public back in June.  The only outlet to get some actual quotes out of the Emmy nominee so far is The Hollywood Reporter.

“That notion is — look, the truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together, and we’re very happy,” Hiddleston admitted during a phoner with THR after learning he was nominated for an Emmy.

“Thanks for asking. That’s the truth. It’s not a publicity stunt.”

Translation: You pricks need to get a life and stop wondering why I wore an “I Heart T.S.” tank top on the Fourth of July.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Taylor Swift: Does Her Squad Hate Tom Hiddleston?!

Obviously, Taylor Swift is best known as a multi-platinum recording artist, lover of cats, and living testament to the power of hair straightening.

But when it comes to the gossip about her personal life, there are two types of Taylor conversations:

The first and most obvious has to do with Taylor’s romantic relationships with famous men.

The other has to do with Taylor’s squad, or “#Squad” as it’s sometimes known.

Now, it looks like those two conversations may become one, as Swift’s highly-publicized relationship with Tom Hiddleston has attracted the ire of some key squad members

In case you’re somehow unaware, the squad is an A-list chick clique comprised of Taylor’s scores of famous friends.

As the “Bad Blood” music video demonstrated, they will straight up murder your ass if you mess with Queen Tay.

We’re speaking figuratively, of course, but we wouldn’t put it past them to actually straight up whack someone like the guy who told Joe Pesci to got get his shinebox in Goodfellas.

All of this is to say that it’s not a good time to be Tom Hiddleston.

According to Star magazine Karlie Kloss, Blake Lively, Gigi Hadid and Ruby Rose have all unfollowed Tom on Twitter, which is the 2016 equivalent of leaving a severed horse head in someone’s bed.

(Okay, we promise that’s the end of the mob movie analogies.)

Surprisingly, the anti-Hiddles uprising was reportedly initiated by Taylor’s brother, Austin, who has shown himself to be intensely protective of the singer in the past.

Sources tell Star that the reason Taylor’s inner circle is so anti-Tom is that they believe his romantic intentions aren’t pure and that he’s using her in the most callous way.

But apparently, they don’t suspect him of using her to boost his career as so many others have suggested.

Instead, they think Tom is dating Taylor as an elaborate act of revenge.

Hiddleston dated Ashley Olsen for a brief period last year, and the squad reportedly believes he’s pretending to be head-over-heels with Taylor in order to make her jealous.

Swift is said to be totally unaware of the con:

“Tom’s charming and he knows exactly how to work Taylor,” a source tells the tabloid.

“They could very well be on to something.”

Or maybe they just really hated Loki in all those Marvel movies. 

The world may never know!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston: Is It Over?!

It’s only been two months since we first learned (via a “candid” coupled-up photo) that Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are dating.

But as her relationships so often do, the Swiddleston romance is proceeding rapidly.

In fact, over the weekend there was talk of Swift and Hiddleston getting engaged.

Now, however, it seems the couple may have rushed right past the wedding rumor phase and skipped straight to the breakup.

Or at least that’s the conclusion some fans have arrived at following a week during which Swift and Hiddleston spent an awful lot of time apart.

We guess that’s to be expected in a relationship made up of two very in-demand people who hail from different countries, but all the alone time Taylor and Tom have been getting the past few days has raised eyebrows on social media.

Two details in particular have Swift obsessives wondering if she and Hiddleston have called it quits.

First, there was Hiddleston’s return to Australia for work purposes.

Witnesses who spotted the actor at the airport say he was sporting a lot of luggage – almost as though he didn’t want to leave anything at Taylor’s place.

On top of that, Tom missed a major social event in Taylor’s life.

Swift’s BFF Karlie Kloss turned 24 last week, and Taylor attended her birthday celebration solo.

Could this mean that he and Hiddleston are no longer an item?

Tough to say, but they’re no longer spending every second by one another’s side.

So at the very least, the honeymoon phase is over.

Like we said, relationships move fast in Taylor’s world.

Taylor Swift to Tom Hiddleston: Put a Ring on This NOW!

Someone wants an engagement ring, and soon, a new report suggests … but will she get it, or will her boyfriend high-tail it outta town?

If you hadn’t guessed by the headline, that someone is allegedly pop superstar Taylor Swift, and Tom Hiddleston is the man under fire.

Yes, while it’s been just a few months since Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston were caught kissing in Rhode Island, she’s really serious!

Tom can thank Abigail Anderson for this case of engagement fever.

In June, Taylor’s original Squad member and best friend from high school got engaged to her photographer boyfriend Matt Lucier, and, well …

What BFF doesn’t start pondering their own life in that situation?

Abigal’s wedding “has amped up Taylor’s own desire to get married,” a source told celebrity news publication Life & Style this week.

As for how Mr. “Low-Key” feels about this newfound pressure?

Some source’s believe Tom Hiddleston’s relationship with Taylor Swift is fake, or at least was contrived as a PR stunt at the beginning.

Others (including Tom himself) insist Tom really is smitten with the talented, beautiful pop star, and that this isn’t some publicity thing …

But he’s still pumping the brakes when it comes to marriage.

The 35-year-old is not ready to walk down the aisle yet, and he reportedly even turned down the invite to Abigail and Matt’s wedding!

Sending a message to Tay, perhaps?

“Tom knows he’ll be under a microscope at the wedding and that it will be intense pressure,” says a source allegedly close to the duo.

But he used logistics as an excuse: “Tom told her Abigail’s wedding is too far in the future for him to commit to going,” the source revealed.

“She sees it as a red flag. But she’s trying to give him the benefit of the doubt,” added a second source connected with Taylor’s camp.

So is this a bad sign for the relationship?

It’s certainly not a good one, because how could it be, but in fairness, it doesn’t mean Tom is trapped and wants to dump Taylor either.

It could be much ado about nothing, too.

Taylor has already met Tom’s mom, after all, and she invited herself to his native UK as well, so it’s evident that things are sort of serious.

Seriously fake? Seriously on the verge of an imminent breakup as Taylor tries to put Tom on lockdown after an eight-week relationship?

You tell us in the comments, people.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Tom Hiddleston: I"m Gonna Knock Up Taylor Swift and Quit Acting!

Tom Hiddleston has a plan, folks.

According to one of our favorite recent stories in The National Enquirer, the actor will soon be quitting his very successful career on the big screen.

How come?

Because he’s going to be a father!

Maybe! Possibly! If you choose to believe this celebrity gossip newspaper’s latest claim, that is.

It all starts with the fact that Taylor Swift has earned over $ 170 million in the past year. She’s the highest-paid celebrity on the planet, Forbes reports.

Therefore, Hiddleston wants to take advantage of the artist and is allegedly scheming to get part of her massive fortune by putting a baby inside of her womb.

“Tom is no fool, he’s going to knock her up fast,” a totally real insider tells the Enquirer. “Taylor is literally the golden goose.”

Yes, literally. Taylor Swift is literally the one and only golden goose.

“Once they have kids, he will be a stay-at-home dad and she will bring home the bacon,” the sources goes on to say, speaking in the way actual people definitely speak and adding:

“I’m sure he will make the occasional film, but when your wife earns that amount of money, why even bother working?”

Seriously… why bother?

Yes, Hiddleston earned his first Emmy nomination this month.

And, yes, he is set to star in a blockbuster next March titled Kong: Skull Island, which he previewed at Comic-Con over the weekend. 

But whatever! He can stay at home with his love child and just count Swift’s money instead of working!

We have no legitimate reason not to believe this rumor.

Hiddleston himself says his relationship with Swift is real, shooting down talk that it’s some kind of public relations stunt.

Moreover, Chris Hemsworth says Hiddleston sort of seems happy with Swift.

So there you have it! Case closed!

And if you don’t believe the source material here for some reason, allow Donald Trump to assuage your concerns.

He said last week that The National Enquirer ought to be “respected” and that it probably should have won The Pulitzer Prize many years ago when it broke the John Edwards infidelity story.

What else do you need to know?

Let’s start thinking of a Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift baby name right now!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Chris Hemsworth: Tom Hiddleston Looks Happy, I Guess!

Good on ya, Loki.

Chris Hemsworth didn’t have a lot to say about Thor co-star Tom Hiddleston’s relationship with Taylor Swift, but he sure is glad for him.

“I’ve seen Tom around and he looks happy, mate. Yeah!” Hemsworth told Australian radio show Nova 96.9.

The radio co-hosts asked if Swift had visit the set of Thor: Ragnarok yet.

“I haven’t met her personally but she’s obviously hugely talented and…as I’ve said I haven’t met her.  I think they [Swift and Hiddleston] only got here three or four days ago.”

Happy that their obligatory Hiddleswift question was out of the way, the co-hosts wanted to know if Hemsworth was going to get an autograph from Swift for his 4-year-old daughter, India.

“Nah,” Hemsworth said.  “I’ll ask her just to sing a song.  Hand her a guitar, in between set-ups with the cameras  tell her, ‘off ya go."”

Seems like a reasonable request.

Yesterday in New York, Victoria’s Secret Angel Martha Hunt told People Magazine that she’s thrilled for her friend.

“I love that they’re both happy and free together,” she said.  “It’s amazing, I’m all about people being happy in love.”

Hunt also confirmed that she and the rest of Swift’s friends gave Hiddleston the seal of approval over July 4th weekend.  The Brit joined a gaggle of girls – including Ruby Rose, Karlie Kloss, Gigi Hadid and Blake Lively – at Swift’s Rhode Island home.

Hiddleston, according to Hunt, got along “wonderfully” with the other guests, adding that he is “very charming.”

It’s the accent.  It gets you every time.

Yesterday, Hiddleston was forced to give a quote to The Hollywood Reporter on the nature of his relationship with Swift, since many saw it as a PR move to benefit both parties’ careers.

“The truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together, and we’re very happy,” Hiddleston confirmed.

“Thanks for asking. That’s the truth. It’s not a publicity stunt.”

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Tom Hiddleston: Yup, My Relationship With Taylor Swift Is Real

They caught him on a good day.

Hours after it was announced that he was nominated for an Emmy, Tom Hiddleston hopped on the phone from Australia to do a bit of press.

The Hollywood Reporter asked The Night Manager star a series of questions related to the Emmy Awards in September, all leading to the one thing everyone wants to know about:

His relationship with Taylor Swift.

It was early in Australian during the interview, where Hiddleston is currently filming Thor: Ragnarok.  

THR had a hard time believing that Hiddleston was going to celebrate his nomination by going to work, but the Brit suggested that he might toast his good news with co-stars Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo.

Does Hiddleston plan on bringing as his date to the Emmys?

“I don’t,” he told THR with a laugh.  “I didn’t even know I could. It’s 4 in the morning here!”

Then came THE question: What say you about those who write off your relationship with Taylor Swift as a damn good PR move?

“Well, um. How best to put this?” he started.

“That notion is — look, the truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together, and we’re very happy. Thanks for asking. That’s the truth. It’s not a publicity stunt.”

This is the first time Hiddleston has directly addressed his burgeoning relationship with the 26-year-old singer.  An Australia reporter attempted to do the same earlier this week, and came back with a polite “nope, not talking about that.”

Maybe he felt back for Swift, who was publicly slammed on Twitter by ex-boyfriend, Calvin Harris yesterday.

Whatever the reason, Hiddleston has either put rumors to rest or awoken the beast.

All all he wanted to do was talk about how excited he was to see his British friends at the show.

“I’m very much looking forward to seeing my friends who are nominated in the same category, Benedict Cumberbatch and Idris Elba,” he said.

“They’re both old friends of mine. I worked with Benedict a long time ago — six or seven years ago now, and he’s been a friend ever since. And the same is true of Idris.”

You can bet your bottom dollar Swift has already called up British designers to dress her for the Emmys.

“Look you guys!” she’ll say to Idris and Benedict as she twirls in her Union Jack gown.  “Ello, gov-nah!”

Go home, Taylor.  You’re embarrassing yourself.

Tom Hiddleston: Yup, My Relationship With Taylor Swift Is Real

They caught him on a good day.

Hours after it was announced that he was nominated for an Emmy, Tom Hiddleston hopped on the phone from Australia to do a bit of press.

The Hollywood Reporter asked The Night Manager star a series of questions related to the Emmy Awards in September, all leading to the one thing everyone wants to know about:

His relationship with Taylor Swift.

It was early in Australian during the interview, where Hiddleston is currently filming Thor: Ragnarok.  

THR had a hard time believing that Hiddleston was going to celebrate his nomination by going to work, but the Brit suggested that he might toast his good news with co-stars Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo.

Does Hiddleston plan on bringing as his date to the Emmys?

“I don’t,” he told THR with a laugh.  “I didn’t even know I could. It’s 4 in the morning here!”

Then came THE question: What say you about those who write off your relationship with Taylor Swift as a damn good PR move?

“Well, um. How best to put this?” he started.

“That notion is — look, the truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together, and we’re very happy. Thanks for asking. That’s the truth. It’s not a publicity stunt.”

This is the first time Hiddleston has directly addressed his burgeoning relationship with the 26-year-old singer.  An Australia reporter attempted to do the same earlier this week, and came back with a polite “nope, not talking about that.”

Maybe he felt back for Swift, who was publicly slammed on Twitter by ex-boyfriend, Calvin Harris yesterday.

Whatever the reason, Hiddleston has either put rumors to rest or awoken the beast.

All all he wanted to do was talk about how excited he was to see his British friends at the show.

“I’m very much looking forward to seeing my friends who are nominated in the same category, Benedict Cumberbatch and Idris Elba,” he said.

“They’re both old friends of mine. I worked with Benedict a long time ago — six or seven years ago now, and he’s been a friend ever since. And the same is true of Idris.”

You can bet your bottom dollar Swift has already called up British designers to dress her for the Emmys.

“Look you guys!” she’ll say to Idris and Benedict as she twirls in her Union Jack gown.  “Ello, gov-nah!”

Go home, Taylor.  You’re embarrassing yourself.

Taylor Swift: Dragging Tom Hiddleston Into The Studio?

Please no.  

I get that Taylor Swift is in a sad place right now after being involved in 2016’s biggest sh** storm of a Twitter feud, but that’s no reason to ruin poor Tom Hiddleston.

Swifty and the Hidds (who just got an Emmy nomination for his role in The Night Manager), are in Australia while the Brit films Thor: Ragnarok

Hiddleston has a pretty solid voice, and has publicly displayed it on more than one occasion.  

Of course, Swift is taking full advantage of this knowledge and suggesting they jam out until their feelings become a number one hit.

“This is so amazing for Taylor because Calvin [Harris] was always a bit snobby about her music,” a source told OK! Magazine about Swift’s discovery of the HiddleVoice.

So amazing that the two “been playing around with guitars and singing ditties together.”

Hiddleston recently played Hank Williams in I Saw The Light, the 2015. biopic of the late country singer.

“Tom can totally belt out a tune and he’s mastered the country music twang,” the source said.

“They’ve come up with some fantastic tunes too.”

This is the latest in a slew of rumors about the new couple.  Some reports claim they are ready to wed, while others believe it to be a publicity stunt put on to advance both parties’ careers.

The Hollywood Gossip‘s own source believes that Hiddleston regrets his decision immensely.

“He is well aware of what all of the media outlets, his coworkers, his fans, his friends, and even his own family are saying about him,” the source said.

“He hates that he has become a joke.”

The latest public humiliation Hiddleston faced occurred when he was about to go jogging in Australia.  A reporter was about to interview Hiddleston as he began his jog, and asked him about Swift.

“I’m not going to answer that, if it’s all right,” he said politely.

Run, Hiddleston, RUN.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Taylor Swift: Railroading Tom Hiddleston Into Proposing Already?!

Taylor Swift is living her own love story … whether Tom Hiddleston likes it or not. Insiders say she’s excited about the idea of him proposing!

ASAP, no less. OMG!! A Hiddleswift wedding?!

Despite reports that Taylor’s romance with Tom Hiddleston is fake, her camp is spinning nothing but positive, uplifting stories to the media.

“[It’s] been a dream come true,” a Tay source tells Us Weekly. “He’s so romantic, classic and chivalrous, and he’s doing everything right.”

Our Hiddleston source begs to differ.

According to a friend of the actor, he wants to dump Swift but doesn’t know how, given the way he’s been railroaded into this romance.

After a whirlwind month of dating that began as a PR stunt and has since included jaunts to England, Italy and Australia, what’s next?

Either a breakup … or if she has her way, a rock! Us’ insider says the 35-year-old Brit is ready to upgrade the duo’s relationship status.

“Tom is planning to propose very soon,” says the insider, who may or may not be Taylor herself, looking to apply pressure via the media.

We’re kidding. But admit it, you thought about it for a second. Especially since the tabloid’s source notes that she has her answer prepared.

“She would definitely say yes,” says the Swift insider.

Wow. Knock us over with a feather after that one.

While our sources and Us’ disagree on how legitimate the courtship is, the pair’s romance has undeniably gone from 0 to 100, REAL QUICK.

Seriously, it was like 45 minutes after she dumped Calvin Harris over a song (or so the latest theory goes) that she and Tom were a thing.

Their first official date was staged kissing in Rhode Island June 14, and since then, they’ve traveled the globe and met each set of parents. 

Then there was the eye-rollingly over the top “I [Heart] T.S.” tank top, temporary <3 tattoo and water slide shenanigans at her July 4 party.

If he’s looking to high-tail it out, he’s not doing a very good job of showing it … but is that the whole point? Is he being controlled by Swift?

“Taylor’s totally into him,” says the Swift source.

“She is so swept off her feet.”

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

daily-celebrities: Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston


Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston

daily-celebrities: Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston


Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston: I Need to Dump Taylor Swift ... But I"m TRAPPED in Fake Romance! [EXCLUSIVE]

A source close to Tom Hiddleston exclusively tells THG that he’s in over his head with his contrived relationship to pop star Taylor Swift.

Moreover, the actor wants to get out ASAP but can’t figure out how, feeling trapped and adrift in a sea of paparazzi and public scrutiny.

As we told you Monday, a friend of the British thespian told us, in no uncertain terms, that what we’ve long assumed to be true actually is:

The Taylor Swift-Tom Hiddleston relationship is fake.

Not just exaggerated for the sake of photographers, or flaunted on social media (though there is plenty of both), but full-on arranged.

“Tom is a very passionate actor, and he genuinely loves performing,” says our source, a friend who communicates with the star regularly.

However, he wanted more … stature, so to speak.

Not because he loves the spotlight. On the contrary, in fact. Merely so “wouldn’t have to do auditions everytime he wanted to be in something.”

Enter Taylor Swift and a run-in earlier this spring …

“After the video of Tom and Taylor dancing together at the MET was released, their respective PR teams decided to collaborate.” 

“Tom needed to improve his pulling power, and [her] PR team decided to take advantage of that in a way that would also benefit Taylor.”

“Tom is the ‘it’ man right now, so they thought that it would work. Taylor is an attractive girl with a big bank account and a lot of fame.”

“Tom decided that he would go along with it.”

Makes sense on some level, right? Of course.

But man alive, is he regretting that now.

“He, Taylor, and their respective PR teams thought that everybody would love seeing them in a relationship with each other.”

“However, his actual relationship with Taylor wasn’t as well received by the public as he was hoping it to be,” the friend laments.

Not even after (or perhaps because of) images such as this one, which have been viewed tens of millions of times on social media?!

“He is well aware of what all of the media outlets, his coworkers, his fans, his friends, and even his own family are saying about him.”

“He hates that he has become a joke.”

Well, yeah, but couldn’t he have seen fiasco this coming? Yes and no, the insider tells us, because it’s Taylor who keeps upping the ante.

In that respect, this is all very real and true to form – a smitten, swooning Swift is running the show, and running roughshod over Tom:

“It’s hard for him to prove that to everybody because of how insistent Taylor is that everything that they do with each other is photographed.”

“He has worked very hard [at his] acting career, and he hates being referred to as Taylor’s boyfriend as if his acting career didn’t even exist.”

“She insisted on going to Australia with him, and because of how influential she is with everybody, he didn’t feel like he could say no.”

Having seen the interview he just gave after they landed Down Under, it does seem like he’s cracking a bit under the pressure 

“He wanted to work in peace and quiet,” our source continues. “People think that he’s whoring himself out for fame, and that isn’t true.”

“Taylor being with him has drawn all of the attention towards them. She’s already talking about moving in together, getting married, and having kids.”

“That is incredibly unsettling for him. He wants to settle down one day, but not now whilst he has such a busy schedule.”

Gotta be rough, having Taylor Swift throwing herself at you and talking happily ever after after you’ve been together for about 45 minutes.

In all seriousness, though, why go through with it any longer then? What’s to stop him from just walking away? Well, the friend reveals:

“He is feeling very under pressure, because if he bails after just one month with her, he thinks that it’ll prove everybody right.”

There’s also the legitimate concern, given who she is: “He’s just worried about a break up album and about people saying I told you so.”

“He knows that when they do break up, the media will try to make him look like the bad guy who broke Taylor’s heart.”

“He doesn’t want that, nor does he want to hurt Taylor … he does care about her, but it’s more platonic than it is romantic.” 

That being said, Hiddleston can no longer live the “low key” (sorry) life he wishes, and would exclaim “Ole” if he could break free.

“He doesn’t want to spend much more time with Taylor either because she doesn’t give him any breathing space,” the source added.

“Somebody saw them on the beach near Taylor’s home one day before the pictures of them kissing were released.”

“They didn’t recognize him at the time, and Taylor was berating him so much, they thought that he was her new assistant.”

“It embarrassed him, but Taylor is used to public scrutiny, so she doesn’t really understand how much it bothered him.”

“He’s in over his head. He wants out of the relationship, but it’s hard for him to pick the right moment to do that.”

Tom just wants to get back to normal, his friend says, and “forget about the time that he frolicked about in the ocean wearing a bad tee shirt.”

That’s just hilarious, but in fairness to Tom …

… the waterslide photo is even worse:

daily-celebrities: Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston


Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston