Thursday, July 14, 2016

Taylor Swift: Dragging Tom Hiddleston Into The Studio?

Please no.  

I get that Taylor Swift is in a sad place right now after being involved in 2016’s biggest sh** storm of a Twitter feud, but that’s no reason to ruin poor Tom Hiddleston.

Swifty and the Hidds (who just got an Emmy nomination for his role in The Night Manager), are in Australia while the Brit films Thor: Ragnarok

Hiddleston has a pretty solid voice, and has publicly displayed it on more than one occasion.  

Of course, Swift is taking full advantage of this knowledge and suggesting they jam out until their feelings become a number one hit.

“This is so amazing for Taylor because Calvin [Harris] was always a bit snobby about her music,” a source told OK! Magazine about Swift’s discovery of the HiddleVoice.

So amazing that the two “been playing around with guitars and singing ditties together.”

Hiddleston recently played Hank Williams in I Saw The Light, the 2015. biopic of the late country singer.

“Tom can totally belt out a tune and he’s mastered the country music twang,” the source said.

“They’ve come up with some fantastic tunes too.”

This is the latest in a slew of rumors about the new couple.  Some reports claim they are ready to wed, while others believe it to be a publicity stunt put on to advance both parties’ careers.

The Hollywood Gossip‘s own source believes that Hiddleston regrets his decision immensely.

“He is well aware of what all of the media outlets, his coworkers, his fans, his friends, and even his own family are saying about him,” the source said.

“He hates that he has become a joke.”

The latest public humiliation Hiddleston faced occurred when he was about to go jogging in Australia.  A reporter was about to interview Hiddleston as he began his jog, and asked him about Swift.

“I’m not going to answer that, if it’s all right,” he said politely.

Run, Hiddleston, RUN.