Thursday, July 14, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian: Pregnant... With Justin Bieber"s Baby?!?!?

Kourtney Kardashian is pregnant with her fourth baby and the child’s father may be Justin Bieber…

… if you choose to believe a story in the latest issue of Life & Style, that is.

An anonymous insider who is totally real and definitely not made up tells the tabloid that Kourtney is expecting her fourth baby.

She last gave birth to little Reign in December of 2014.

What makes this impending child different than the three to whom Kourtney already serves as a mother?

The source claims Kardashian isn’t entirely sure whether it was fathered by ex-boyfriend Scott Disick or occasional lover Justin Bieber!

Talk of Kourtney and Justin hooking up made the viral rounds late last year, with neither side confirming he or she was banging the other – but neither side denying the reports, either.

After a few months went by when little was heard about Kardashian and Bieber’s allegedly naked shenanigans, the two were spotted partying again in Miami just a couple weeks ago.

Were they celebrating their upcoming co-parenthood?

Probably not, but Life & Style writes that Bieber really hopes Kourtney’s next baby is his.

Justin would love to have a child with her,” the magazine alleges. “They even used to joke about co-parenting a mini Bieber.”

We’ll give everyone a few minutes to recover from the thought of a mini Bieber wandering around the world, likely shirtless, possibly throwing eggs at the neighbors…

The thing is, Kourtney continues to spend time with Disick as well.

How can she not? Scott is the father of her three current kids.

There have been times in the past when one thing has led to another and Disick’s penis has ended up inside of Kourtney’s vagina, meaning she actually isn’t sure who is the father of this baby.

“A paternity test is the only answer at this point, but it’s the last thing in the world [Kourtney] wants to do,” the source concludes.

We can understand why Kourtney would be hesitant, but we have great news for her:

She doesn’t have to get a paternity test because we’re calling BS on this report.

This is the same tabloid, remember, that claims in this very same issue that Kate Middleton is pregnant with baby number-three:

And she’s not.

So we’re going to venture a guess and say that Kourtney is not pregnant, either.

The only evidence of her expecting state, after all, is an article in a supermarket tabloid.

And, call us crazy kall us krazy, but supermarket tabloids have a shoddy history of accurately reporting anything when it comes to Kourtney, Kim, Khloe and company kompany.

To wit: