Monday, August 8, 2016

Taylor Swift to Tom Hiddleston: Put a Ring on This NOW!

Someone wants an engagement ring, and soon, a new report suggests … but will she get it, or will her boyfriend high-tail it outta town?

If you hadn’t guessed by the headline, that someone is allegedly pop superstar Taylor Swift, and Tom Hiddleston is the man under fire.

Yes, while it’s been just a few months since Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston were caught kissing in Rhode Island, she’s really serious!

Tom can thank Abigail Anderson for this case of engagement fever.

In June, Taylor’s original Squad member and best friend from high school got engaged to her photographer boyfriend Matt Lucier, and, well …

What BFF doesn’t start pondering their own life in that situation?

Abigal’s wedding “has amped up Taylor’s own desire to get married,” a source told celebrity news publication Life & Style this week.

As for how Mr. “Low-Key” feels about this newfound pressure?

Some source’s believe Tom Hiddleston’s relationship with Taylor Swift is fake, or at least was contrived as a PR stunt at the beginning.

Others (including Tom himself) insist Tom really is smitten with the talented, beautiful pop star, and that this isn’t some publicity thing …

But he’s still pumping the brakes when it comes to marriage.

The 35-year-old is not ready to walk down the aisle yet, and he reportedly even turned down the invite to Abigail and Matt’s wedding!

Sending a message to Tay, perhaps?

“Tom knows he’ll be under a microscope at the wedding and that it will be intense pressure,” says a source allegedly close to the duo.

But he used logistics as an excuse: “Tom told her Abigail’s wedding is too far in the future for him to commit to going,” the source revealed.

“She sees it as a red flag. But she’s trying to give him the benefit of the doubt,” added a second source connected with Taylor’s camp.

So is this a bad sign for the relationship?

It’s certainly not a good one, because how could it be, but in fairness, it doesn’t mean Tom is trapped and wants to dump Taylor either.

It could be much ado about nothing, too.

Taylor has already met Tom’s mom, after all, and she invited herself to his native UK as well, so it’s evident that things are sort of serious.

Seriously fake? Seriously on the verge of an imminent breakup as Taylor tries to put Tom on lockdown after an eight-week relationship?

You tell us in the comments, people.