Showing posts with label Kardashian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kardashian. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Ray J Denies Saying All That Sex Stuff About Kim Kardashian

Ray J may have hit it first.

But the hip hop artist now insists:

He is not trying to have the last laugh.

ray and kim

Earlier this week, Ray J found himself back in the news after The Sun alleged that he got very drunk in a London club and blurted out some fascinating stuff about Kim Kardashian.

Specifically, some fascinating stuff about Kim Kardashian in bed.

According to this awesome report, Kim sometimes adjusts her makeup DURING SEX.

She also sometimes took phone calls from her mom DURING SEX.

Oh, and Kim had a check of lingerie and sex toys worth about $ 100,000 during her time as Ray J’s girlfriend, which lasted from about 2005 through 2007.

The ex-couple, of course, continues to be well-known for their relationship because it culminated in the world famous Kim Kardashian sex tape, Kim Kardashian Superstar.

The above claims by Ray J received so much attention that the story actually reached Kim herself.

She wrote on Twitter that her former flame was a “pathological liar.”

Now, however, Ray J is here to defend himself, alleging that he never did utter a word about what Kim was like in the sack and that he never would do such a thing.

“Yo! This is Ray J checking in. I felt like I needed to come online to shut down all of these false rumors that’s going around about me and what I said about somebody I’ve been with in the past,” the occasional singer said in an Instagram video yesterday.

He continued as follows:

“Let me make this one thing clear: I’m in a great place in my life. I’m happy. I love my wife. I got a beautiful new baby girl — her name is Melody Love Norwood — and I’ve been trying to be the best parent I can be.

“I would never say these things after watching my wife go through labor for 28 hours. OK?”

Ray J is saying he has a newfound respect for women after witnessing such a miraculous event.

Which is actually sort of cool if he means it.

This is the same person, remember, who told folks to pleasure themselves to his sex tape because he still (yes, he STILL) makes money off every purchase.

Referring to the allegations that he spilled on sex with Kim as “disgusting,” Ray J went on to say that “the person I am now is not who I was in the past, and I need y’all to give me a chance to grow, and to love and to respect the people I’m with without trying to slander my name, please.”

As for The Man Upstairs?

“God is working, and obviously the devil is trying to work, too, but it will not happen,” Ray J continued.

“I will not let that happen, y’all. I love my wife and I have nothing but respect for everybody out there, past and present. False rumors.”

The Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood went on and on with his denial, seriously adament that he had moved far on from Kim:

“I’ve done at least 10 interviews in the past 2weeks in #London and I’ve been respectful to everyone!

“These rumors are false and uncalled for! My family is all that matters and that’s all I live for. The old ray J is dead. Let him RIP. I’m a new man with new responsibilities and moral values.

“Don’t believe everything you read. Much love and respect!”

Same to you, man.

You’ve made quite a life for yourself off giving it to Kim that one time in front of a camera.

And you have a lovely wife and beautiful baby at home now.

You’re clearly a changed and respectful person and we wish you the best.

But come on. You can tell us quietly: What was Kim’s favorite position?!?


Kourtney Kardashian Dines with Scott Disick and Sofia Richie, Prompts a Million Question

Scott Disick had a threesome with Kourtney Kardashian and Sofia Richie on Sunday night.

But not in the way he has likely fantasized about for the past year or so.

According to multiple outlets, Disick, his current girlfriend and his very serious ex dined together at Nobu in Los Angeles, leaving celebrity gossip followers around the globe asking one simple question:


Why would Disick, his lover since last Septermber and the mother of his three kids share a meal?

This is how an insider described the quasi date and the basis for it to E! News:

“Scott, Sofia and Kourtney had dinner together at Nobu on Sunday and it was very amicable.

“Scott and Sofia are very serious and Scott felt it was important that Sofia and Kourtney interact and bond.”

For starters, this puts to rest talk that Richie and Disick had split after a very public fight.

It would also seem to put to rest talk of Disick and Kardashian getting back together, although let’s be honest: That talk will never actually die.

“They have kept things separate for over a year now, and Kourtney is now more open and willing to have a surface level relationship with Sofia,” adds this same E! source.

Disick and Kardashian were together for nine years and have three kids: sons Mason, 8, and Reign, 3, and daughter Penelope, 6.

They broke up when Kourtney finally had enough of Scott lying and drinking and maybe even cheating on him.

Because they share multiple kids, however, and because they star together on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, the exes remain rather close.

We really must give them credit for seemingly always putting their roles as parents ahead of their awkward roles as former significant others.

And this unexpected dinner appears to be another example of just that.

Per a People Magazine mole, Kourtney “doesn’t necessarily care to get to know Sofia better, but she feels she needs to because of the kids.”

“Sofia spends time with Kourtney’s kids, so Kourtney wants to make sure they are all on the same page,” says this source, adding:

“Scott and Sofia tend to get into arguments. Kourtney wants to make sure the kids are in a positive environment when they are at Scott’s house.

“She is setting up rules for how things needs to be when the kids are with Scott.”

Another insider, meanwhile, says the dinner was “tense” and akin to a “business” meeting, which certainly makes sense.

Kourtney, for her part, recently ended a fling with actor Luke Sabbat.

She previously spent several months in the very handsome clutches of model Younes Bendjima.

In March, Disick flew to Cabo with Richie and all three of his kids.

As he continues to get more and more serious with Sofia, Kourtney apparently felt a need to check in on the couple and remind them that the safety and well-being of her little ones must always come first.


What a mature and reasonable move by Kourtney Kardashian, right?

Are we sure she’s really a member of her ridiculous family?!?


Monday, November 5, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: I Will NEVER Forget What Tristan Thompson Did!

So hey, how about last night’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, huh?

Or, if you didn’t catch it, how about Tristan Thompson and his gross, inconsiderate ways?

Yep, last night was the big night.

Keeping Up with the Kardashians finally got to the part where everyone discovered that Tristan had cheated on Khloe.

It was honestly kind of intense, even though everything happened several months ago and we know how it all turned out.

Kourtney called Tristan’s actions “disgusting,” and Kendall said that he was an “idiot.”

Meanwhile, Khloe herself took the news pretty well, especially considering that she was just days away from giving birth.

As she explained it, she didn’t want to really think about it all or make a big decision about whether or not she’d stay with him.

“I just want to go and give birth and try to enjoy this,” she said.

She also said that she still wanted him to be in the delivery room with her, and that she didn’t want any of her family members to “make him uncomfortable and make me uncomfortable.”

But even though that was her stance, and even though she’s still with him, that doesn’t mean things are fine.

She made that perfectly clear in a series of tweets she shared last night.

To kick things off, she wrote that “Tonight’s episode is an uncomfortable and super emotional one for me.”

“But when we signed up for this show over a decade ago, we signed up for a reality show, which meant showing you guys inside our lives, the good, the bad and the ugly.”

Poor Khloe then admitted that “to relive these moments all over again is incredibly difficult,” but that “I also hope that with every trial, tribulation and curve ball life throws at us, that we ALL get to learn from our journeys.”

“Amidst the tough times,” she added, “I have been blessed with the ultimate gift, my sweet baby True who has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined.”

And for a bit of advice, she told her followers to “remember that you are never alone in your pain, and that everything is temporary.”

“Pain, joy, elation, panic, anxiety, it is all temporary. Be grateful for the experiences that continue to build character, and make you who you are.”

So it’s clear that the whole mess with Tristan affected her very deeply, right?

After all of that, a follower told her that no one would be mad if she just skipped the episode altogether.

“I will see how much I can handle,” she replied. “This goes for tonight AND next week.”

So there’s more heartbreak next week … ugh.

Later, Khloe tweeted about how much she loves doing the show and how she’s “proud that we are all strong and brave enough to be vulnerable.”

“BUT we have to start airing shows closer to real time,” she complained.

“This episode is about 7 months old and it’s a lot to relive all over again. But maybe I need to.”

She discussed some other things from the episode too, but of course she could never get too far from all the drama.

At one point, she wrote “Oh my God my heart is racing! So crazy how emotions never die! You may forgive but forgetting is not possible.”

You hear that, Tristan?

Then, to wrap up her discussion on the episode, she took some time to explain exactly why she didn’t react too strongly to the news of Tristan’s unfaithfulness.

Spoiler: it was all for True.

“I wanted to have a beautiful birthing experience for myself and for the memories of what I choose to share with True when she’s older,” she said.

“I want her to have videos and pictures of her daddy there, holding her etc. I want her to know she is LOVE and my happiness!”

“Babies feel energy!” she continued. “I know this! I chose to put my feelings aside for the birth and to try and have as much positive energy that I could.”

“My only thought was about the birth of my daughter. I wasn’t going to let ANYONE disrupt anything less than what she deserved. Joyous love.”

She wrote that she chose to be strong for her baby, especially since “I waited for this day for so many years!”

Looking back on everything now, Khloe realized that she was “in shock because I couldn’t believe that this would ever happen to me.”

However, she’s still proud of herself for being so strong and doing what she felt was best for her daughter.

“True gave me the peace and strength I needed,” she concluded.

It’s so sweet that she felt so strongly about having a positive birth for True, isn’t it?

It’s also so sad that she had to make that decision because Tristan couldn’t keep himself from stepping out on his pregnant girlfriend.

But let’s try to focus on the very few positive points of this awful story.

The very, very few positive points.

Next week’s episode sure is going to be rough.


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Kim Kardashian West Uses R-Word at Halloween Party to Insult Guests

Another huge star has offended the special needs community — this time, it’s Kim Kardashian West who used the r-word to insult Halloween party guests who couldn’t guess her costume.  Kim dressed up as Pam Anderson to attend Kendall Jenner’s…


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Khloe Kardashian to Tristan Thompson: We"re Staying Together Whether You Like It or Not!

We’ve reached the point where not a day goes by without a new rumor about Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson’s relationship status.

Earlier this week, “insiders” claimed Khloe was finally ready to dump Tristan.

Yesterday, sources insisted Khloe is moving to Cleveland to try and make the relationship work.

Now, it seems that — as is so often the case with this sort of thing — the truth is really somewhere in the middle.

According to a new report from Radar Online, Khloe very much wants to make things work with Tristan.

But that’s got more to do with her desire for a traditional family situation than with her love for Tristan.

And it sounds as though Khloe is well aware that her experiment might fail in spectacular fashion.

“On one hand, she knows that Tristan is a cheater and that he will probably always be a cheater,” a source tells the site.

“She has a hard time believing that he will ever really be faithful to her,” the insider adds.

“On the other hand, Khloe wants nothing more than to have this perfect little family.”

Fortunately, Khloe is going into this situation with both eyes wide open.

And those closest to the mother of one are highly skeptical and fully prepared for the worst.

“Everyone knows it’s inevitable she will end it eventually,” says the source. 

A different insider who spoke with Entertainment Tonight was slightly more optimistic but still extremely wary:

“Khloe and Tristan are still working on things,” says the second informant.

“Whatever they decide to do moving forward, it will be whatever is best for their daughter, True.”

Ths source adds that Khloe has not relocated to Cleveland permanently and is planning to return to Los Angeles for Kris Jenner’s birthday celebration next week.

Will Khloe hunker down with True in Calabasas, forcing Tristan to jet off to SoCal every time he wants to see his daughter?

Only time will tell, but our money is on yes.

Not only does Khloe seem justifiably skeptical about her future with Tristan, we just can’t imagine the girl riding out another Cleveland winter.


Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian


Khloe Kardashian Cheers on Tristan Thompson After Reports Couple is On The Rocks

Khloe Kardashian might just be the good luck charm The Cleveland Cavaliers need … she was in the crowd to cheer on baby daddy Tristan Thompson as his team got it’s first W of the year. Khloe was spotted at Quicken Loans arena Tuesday in the same…


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Kim Kardashian Prays for Her Photographer Injured in Serious Car Crash

Mom-shamers like to slam Kim Kardashian for posing nude, but she poses with a purpose, and usually with a professional photographer.

Tragically, Kim’s photographer, Marcus Hyde, has been in a truly horrific car accident.

Kim shared the news and is asking fans to pray for his recovery.

On Tuesday, Kim Kardashian tweeted out the news about Marcus Hyde’s terrible accident.

“Please pray for my friend @MarcusHyde,” Kim tweeted.

She also included an image, appearing to show the two of them, with words imposed over it.

“I’m trying to find the perfect picture but I don’t want to share them,” Kim writes.

Kim explains her reluctance: “We were saving these for our book.”

Clearly, she doesn’t want to signal that there’s no hope by sharing the photo. She’d rather believe he’ll recover.

Kim Kardashian tweets about Marcus Hyde, asks for prayers

Her comments go on, now directly addressing Marcus.

“Angels are surrounding you,” Kim writes.

She continues: “I’m praying so hard for you.”

“Please be ok,” she begs.

Kim’s message concludes: “Please come back @marcushyde.”

This is truly heartbreaking.

Marcus Hyde is a photographer known for his work with tasteful, artistic nudity.

He is especially famous for his work with Kim Kardashian and her sisters, including Khloe and Kendall.

TMZ reports that Marcus’ terrible accident took place Monday morning, October 29.

He was on the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu when he apparently lost control of his vehicle.

Marcus went over an embankment.

From the looks of things, the Mercedes AMG CLS that he was driving has been totaled.

He himself was airlifted to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

He had a female passenger in the vehicle at the time.

TMZ reports that, per their sources, this unidentified woman was also hospitalized.

We don’t know Marcus’ exact condition — but he reportedly suffered a critical head injury.

Sources also say that Marcus Hyde was suffering seizures as a result of the crash and the head injury.

That is devastatingly serious.

Marcus has traveled the globe with Kim and with Kanye.

He has been the man behind the camera for some of her most famous photos.

He was also the photographer for the Kardashian (and Jenner) Calvin Klein photos late last year.

This man’s artistic vision has been a part of Kim’s brand for a long time.

Kim is clearly reeling from this news. It’s no wonder that she’s asking fans for prayers.

As we mentioned, the fact that she’s unwilling to release photos of the two of them means that she’s clinging to hope.

She wants Marcus to survive, recover, and then release that book with her.

If she were to release a photo now, it would feel like she was giving up on him.

We absolutely understand the way that she is thinking.

We here at THG sincerely hope that Marcus Hyde and his passenger make a full and speedy recovery from this horrific ordeal.

We also hope that his friends and loved ones — Kim included — can find comfort and hope while they wait for news.


daily-celebrities: Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian


daily-celebrities:Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kim...


Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kim Kardashian West


Jon Bon Jovi Taunts Kim Kardashian: You Give Love (Making) a Bad Name!

According to Jon Bon Jovi, Kim Kardashian gives love making a bad name.

Her type of fan is akin to some kind of bad medicine.

While many hard-working families around the world are essentially living on nothing more than a prayer, Kim and her relatives are living off the lewd acts Kardashian went committed while naked on camera with Ray J.

What we’re saying is this:

Jon Bon Jovi is not a fan of Kim Kardashian.

The legendary musician made this as clear as he possible could while speaking this weekend to Australia’s The Sunday Project.

“I think it’s horrific that we live in that world,” the rock star said of how folks such as Kim and her family members can be famous, adding:

“I can tell you I’ve never given 60 seconds of my life ever to one of those Housewives of Blah Blah and Kardashians.”

It’s not evident what prompted this attack by Bon Jovi, but once the singer got going, he couldn’t get over how talented bands can make money by singing a song titled Bed of Roses…

… while untalented people such as Kim can make even more money by having sex on a bed in front of a video recorded and then releasing the footage online. 

“I don’t know their names, I’ve never watched 60 seconds of the show, it’s not for me,” he continued, prior to taking direct aim at the Kim Kardashian sex tape and asking Kim:

“What’s gonna be in your autobiography? ‘I made a porno and guess what, I got famous.’ F-ck, sorry, I’ll pass.”

The thing is, if Kim did write a biography with this title, you just know it would be a best-seller.

“Go and write a book, paint a painting, act, study, sing, play write,” Bon Jovi reportedly added, lamenting how reality stars and Instagram models don’t actually do anything to garner their fame and fortune.

As the saying sort of goes these days, they are famous just for being famous. 

This is a criticism that has followed Kardashian around ever since she got nude and straddled Ray J for Kim Kardashian Superstar.

She has insisited for years ever since that she actually works harder than most celebrities specifically to combat this assumption.

“I think that’s how I was definitely introduced to the world,” she told Oprah in 2012 of the sex tape, adding;

“It was a negative way, so I felt like I really had to work 10 times harder to get people to see the real me.”

The real Kim appears to be someone with very little personality or humor or ability to do much of anything aside from take off layers of clothing.

Despite this perception, though, Kim continues emphasize that she really does work hard on things such as fashion and her various business endeavors.

“It is a talent to have a brand that’s really successful off of getting people to like you for you,” Kardashian said on 60 Minutes in 2016.

“I would think that has to involve some kind of talent, you know?”

In ths same interview, Kim acknowledged the vital role Twitter and Instagram have played in her enormous success, but she also wanted credit for having figured out how to master those platforms to her benefit.

“I totally attribute my career to social media,” she said, confessing that she has “monetized the act of living.”

This is actually a very astute way of describing it.

The public can now choose to either side with Kim and praise her for figuring out how to do this…

… or with Bon Jovi and roll their eyes over it.


Monday, October 29, 2018

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West"s Photog, Marcus Hyde, in Serious Car Crash

A photographer who travels the world with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West was seriously injured in a car accident … TMZ has learned. According to eyewitnesses … Marcus Hyde was out driving in Malibu early Monday morning, cruising on…


Khloe Kardashian: Reliving Tristan Cheating is "Painful"

Khloe Kardashian is finally, finally speaking about what Tristan Thompson put her through with his massive cheating scandal.

Now that Keeping Up With The Kardashians is getting into the story of baby True’s birth, fans are going to see that scandal unfold.

And Khloe is admitting that reliving that time is “painful.” Is she ready to ditch Tristan?

“I feel so bad for @khloekardashian had to go through what Tristan did while filming #KUWTK,” a fan lamented.

“If I’m not wrong,” the fan predicted. “Next episode will be insane.”

“You’re so strong to put that personal issue as part of the show knowing millions of ppl will watch it,” the fan continued.

The tweet concluded: “I wouldn’t be able to do it.”

“Sadly, it will” be insane, Khloe confirmed.

“I signed up to show the for the good and the bad, right?” Khloe wrote. “The bad is very hard to relive but it’s life.”

That almost vague tweet from Khloe about how difficult it is to relive this part of her life is … kind of huge.

For the most part, she has avoided directly addressing Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal.

It has now been more than sixth months, though.

Not only is she reliving the horror of it on reality television …

(It’s about to blow wide open on screen in front of the entire world)

… But she has had a lot of time to think about whether or not she is really prepared to spend the rest of her life worrying if another cheating scandal will break.

On top of that, Khloe has been dropping hints that she may have ditched Tristan.

For starters, the two of them haven’t interacted on social media in ages.

That, on its own, could be a coincidence. Sometimes you don’t publicly “@” each other.

But then there’s the advice that Khloe has been peddling to her fans and followers.

People have noticed that Khloe seems less blissfully naive — and willing and ready to excise toxic people from her life.

“Free yourself from negative people,” Khloe recently counseled her fans adn followers.

“Spend time with nice people who are smart, driven, and likeminded,” she continued.

Most significantly, Khloe shared: “Relationships should help you, not hurt you.”

“Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be,” she advised.

When Khloe shared that message, Kourtney seconded the opinion, which looked to fans a lot like her pushing Khloe to ditch Tristan.

Khloe also recently shared that she is “not the woman i was 5 months ago.”

Five months ago, of course, Khloe seemed desperate to reconcile with Tristan despite what he had done.

At the end of the day, however, it is believed that Khloe clings to Tristan the way that she does for True’s sake.

Precious baby True is six months old, and it is perceived that Khloe doesn’t want her to grow up with parents who aren’t together.

It’s sweet that Khloe wants what’s best for True, but her fans have pointed out that a toxic relationship is not better for a child than co-parents.

But until very recently, it hasn’t looked like Khloe has been willing to listen to anyone else’s advice.

Ultimately, whether or not Khloe breaks up with Tristan is Khloe’s choice.

Not Kim’s, not Kourtney’s, not Kris’ … and certainly not her fans.

(It could always be Tristan who decides to end things, which would certainly be an unexpected twist)

Maybe Khloe and Tristan will outlast all expectations.

But if Khloe is finally speaking frankly about how painful it is to relive the scandal, which was entirely his doing, then maybe she’s rethinking that.

Or maybe, as some believe, she and Tristan are already over.


daily-celebrities: Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian


daily-celebrities: Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Scott Disick Goes on Bali Vacation with Kourtney Kardashian and Family

Scott Disick joined Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, his daughter Penelope, and North on a family trip to Bali. Scott’s chillin’ on the yacht … with no Kardashian in sight, but he don’t care. Kourtney was hanging with Penelope a lot … but no Scott in…


Friday, October 26, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Slammed For Posing Nude With Daughter on Instagram

These days, tt’s not exactly news when Kim Kardashian poses nude on social media.

Of course, that’s got nothing to do with any sort of deterioration in Kim’s appearance.

In fact, as far as we can tell, the 38-year-old mother of three is aging like Benjamin Button.

But Kim’s been a household name for well over a decade now, and the internet has the attention span of a gnat who missed its morning Adderall dose.

So it should come as no surprise that Kim’s curves don’t possess as much clout as they used to.

Although as she proved today, Mrs. Kardashian-West can still break the internet and stir up some controversy when she wants to.

That’s a pic that appeared on Kim’s Instagram page this afternoon.

“My heavenly baby! Showing off the new pink shadows in the Flashing Lights Collection wearing Flashy and High Key available at,” Kim captioned the photo.

Sadly, it wasn’t long before the most insidious form of species of troll — the North American mom-shamer — descended on the pic’s comments section.

“The baby’s shoulder is touching Kim’s breast!!” commented one follower, presumably while clutching her pearls.

“That’s so creepy..she looks like a pedo,” wrote another fan.

And since this is the internet in 2018, some folks were just flat-out cruel for no reason, with one follower writing, “ulgy [sic] baby like de father.”

Stay classy, Instagram commenters.

Interestingly, Kim was mom-shamed for two different pics today.

She also posted this photo of 5-year-old North wearing eyeliner from her cosmetics line.

Predictably, some idiots trashed Kim for putting makeup on a first grader, others for “using” her daughter to sell makeup.

“So now babies are selling eyeshadow too, I don’t know it’s just a lil much for me,” wrote one such dipsh-t.

“Not long before plastic surgery.”

Yes, because clearly, that child is miserable and over-worked.

You’ve flouted our nation’s labor laws for long enough, Kardashians!

This has been your daily reminder that social media is a curse from the very darkest depths of hell.

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have tweeting to do.


Blac Chyna: Her Mom BEGS Rob Kardashian to Let Her See Dream

Blac Chyna may be difficult to understand, but if you"re familiar with Blac Chyna"s mom, everything about her starts to make sense.

Just a few days ago, Chyna"s mom took to Instagram to issue a desperate plea for Rob Kardashian to let her FaceTime with sweet baby Dream.

When he didn"t oblige, she issued an angry threat to the entire Kardashian family. We have both videos here for you to watch.

Tokyo toni

Tokyo Toni, whose real name is Shaman Jones-Hunter, is Blac Chyna"s mother.

She and her daughter are clearly estranged. So much so that she has not seen her grandbaby, Dream.

"Hey, Rob," Tokyo says in an Instagram video, taking on the tone of leaving a voicemail. "This is me, Tokyo."

"Unfortunately," she continues. "Things still haven"t changed since we last spoke."

"As far as Chyna is concerned," she laments. "Things still haven"t gotten better since you told social media about it."

Rob with his dream

"Is it any way possible," Tokyo asks. "That you could let me see Dream?"

Tokyo suggests that she could do this "through FaceTime or send me a video to my DM or anything."

"I don"t even know how the baby sounds," Tokyo confesses.

"It"s absolutely ludicrous," she says of the situation.

"But," she explains. "This is the only way I can get through to you."

Tokyo elaborates that she does not have any recent phone numbers.

Tokyo toni on her grind photo

That last-ditch effort to plead with Rob, who is not even on Instagram, to hook her up with a Dream video was not successful.

A few days later, she returned with another Instagram video, striking a much less congenial tone.

"This message," Tokyo shares. "Is for Chyna, Rob, Kris, Kim, and the rest of them weirdos in California."

So much for the last video"s olive branch, huh?

"All you b–ches, all of y"all b–ches, can kiss my whole ass," Tokyo announces.

Dream kardashian on the swing

"I"m not gonna miss a motherf–king wink of f–king sleep," Tokyo informs them.

"I put my hand out there," Tokyo says. "I put my ass out there on the line to contact you sons of b–ches."

"And you all know," she accuses. "That I"ve been trying to see Dream and King."

"But guess what, b–ch?" Tokyo asks. "I give up!"

That"s a hell of a twist for this very angry video to take.

Blac chyna lipgloss be poppin

If her earlier video had the vibe of a voicemail, this follow-up has the feel of an aspiring Batman villain who"s just taken their first hostages.

"But I"mma tell you this," Tokyo warns. "None of y"all"s secrets are motherf–king safe with me, b–ch."

"Yeah," Tokyo continues. "I talked to Rob for a whole motherf–king year, bitch."

"But you could find it to make a phone call to me, Kris?" Tokyo asks.

It is clear that her intention is for Kris to toss and turn at night, unable to sleep, wondering what her useless idiot of a son blabbed to Chyna"s mom.

"I"mma put all you b–ches out there, now," Tokyo promises.

Tokyo toni glam photo

Blac Chyna"s mom is a real piece of work, huh?

As the kids say, we been knew.

From her transphobic rant against Caitlyn Jenner to angrily announcing to Chyna that she was a "statutory rape baby," Tokyo says whatever she likes.

It really makes you understand why Chyna is the sort of person who might try to throw a stroller at a stranger at an amusement park.

It also makes you understand why she might not allow her children, Dream and King, anywhere near their maternal grandmother.

Blac chyna her mom begs rob kardashian to let her see dream