Showing posts with label Kardashian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kardashian. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Kris Jenner and Scott Disick: Kim Kardashian Scares the Eff Out of Us!

These days, Scott Disick is keeping an eye on Luka Sabbat and Kourtney Kardashian

On the next Keeping Up With The Kardashians, he"s more worried about one of Kourtney"s sisters.

He and Kris are bonding over the strangest thing: being afraid to even look at Kim. She scares them.

Scott disick dressed down for dinner

Easily one of the strangest things we"ve seen recently on Keeping Up With The Kardashians was the tale of Kanye West needing a band-aid.

A grown man demanded that his wife get him a band-aid. She procured multiple bandages, but none of them were the ones he wanted.

Few people would tolerate those kinds of antics from anyone over the age of 9. Kanye is 41 entire years old.

But in this new sneak peek clip from this upcoming episode, it"s no longer time for viewers to feel sorry for Kim.

Kris Jenner and Scott Disick are commiserating over how Kim treats them. Should fans fear her, too?

Kris jenner smiles on keeping up with the kardashians

"When I had my face done, that was really a hard thing for me to go through. And who was there every step of the way? Sheila"

"It just occurred to me, like, she’s wanted to do this for years, but this is just not something she would do." Kris explains.

Kris says: "I want to do this for her and be there for her like she’s always been there for me."

Scott has his concerns, saying: "Even though it’s really a sweet gesture, are you at all nervous that you could offend her in anyway?"

His worry, he explains, is that Sheila will be insulted: "Is it like, ‘Hey, your face looks old?’"

Scott disick wears a beanie on kuwtk 01

"Just think about it … If you told me that I needed something done, even if maybe I didn’t, I would definitely go stare and look at whatever that was."

"Kim does that to me 24/7," Kris reveals.

"Kim does that to everybody in the world!" Scott exclaims.

"You know," Scott continues. "She catches every …"

He wisely cuts off before he says flaw to Kris Jenner. He is sometimes wiser than he appears.

Kris jenner bonds with scott disick

Kim"s hypercritical gaze is enough that members of her own family are reluctant to even interact with her.

"I don"t even like looking at Kim," Scott admits.

He explains: "Because sometimes she"s like," and his makes his eyes grow large as if he is examining a detail on someone"s face.

"It"s scary, right?" Kris asks. "She"ll stare at us."

Anything that can frighten someone with a constitution like Kris" would send us running for the hills.

Scott disick wears a beanie on kuwtk 02

Scott gives a sample of the sort of thing Kim will say to him.

""Is that a pimple right there?"" he quotes. "And I"m like, "i-I-I don"t know.""

That does sound like a harrowing experience.

Any good friend will point out if there"s something that you can fix right away — like spinach in your teeth or perhaps a pimple.

This is especially important for people who are constantly on camera. 

You don"t want to be embarrassed by a random snap.

Kim kardashian is looking great

But even reality stars have downtime. No one wants to feel like they are under constant scrutiny for their appearance.

Sometimes, people who are hopelessly consumed with their own looks seem to be unable to resist commenting on other people"s.

Maybe it"s a compulsion. Maybe they think that they"re being helpful.

Clearly, Kim needs to dial it down a few notches with her family.

And we really, truly hope that she does not do this to or even in front of her children.

North, Saint, and Chicago don"t need to grow up obsessing over real and perceived flaws.

Kris jenner and scott disick kim kardashian scares the eff out o

Scott Disick to Kourtney Kardashian & Luka Sabbat: I"m Watching You Two!

Against all odds, Scott Disick is still dating Sofia Richie.

So you’d think the Lord would be done obsessing over his baby mama, Kourtney Kardashian, and would instead be focused on his cradle-robbing relationship.

But as he’s shown us time and again, Scott is capable of being creepy in more ways than one.

As you may have heard Kourtney is dating Luka Sabbat these days, which means that she and Scott are both banging 20-year-olds.

It’s a weird situation, no doubt, but it’s not like Scott is in a position to judge.

Nevertheless, it seems he’s keeping a close eye on Kourt and her new man to make sure everything is on the up-and-up.

“Scott is monitoring it all because if it gets serious, then that means Luka gets closer to the kids,” a source close to Scott tells told Hollywood Life.

“He wants to make sure he isn’t a jerk because the last thing Scott wants is Luka to be a bad father figure. He wants to make sure Luka’s intentions are pure.”

Once you get past the hilarity of Scott freakin’ Disick judging another person’s moral character, you can kind of see how this makes sense.

Yes, Scott is still is dating a woman who cannot yet legally drink.

(Which is probably the best thing that’s ever happened to his liver, to be honest.)

But to his credit, he waited a long time before introducing Sofia to his kids.

Now, apparently, he wants to make sure that Kourtney does the same.

Obviously, there’s nothing new about Kourt getting involved with significantly younger dudes.

Kourtney dated Younes Bendjima for several months, and Scott reportedly wasn’t thrilled with that relationship either.

This time around, he’s even more concerned, as it’s looking like this is no mere fling.

Sources say Kourtney and Luka are already getting serious.

And since Kourt’s kids are the most important thing in her life, it stands to reason that she’s itching to introduce them to her new man.

Disick is reportedly imploring her to hold off for a while.

And we can’t believe we’re about to say this, but we’re actually on Scott’s side on this one.


Kim Kardashian West $6 Million Lawsuit Against Bodyguard in Paris Robbery

The bodyguard who bailed on Kim Kardashian West just before she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris is being sued … TMZ has learned.  Pascal Duvier and the company he worked for — PROTECTSECURITY — are being sued by Kim’s insurance company for…


Kim Kardashian Explains Why Kanye Once Paid Her $1 Million

Before you make any inappropriate jokes in response to the headline above, allow us to say this up front:

No, Kanye West did not pay Kim Kardashian $ 1 million for sex.

That"s weird and gross and just plain rude for you to even think.

But the rapper DID once hand over a check for this amount to his wife, with Kim explaining why to Ashley Graham on the podcast "Pretty Big Deal."

Scroll down to learn why you"ll never, ever, EVER be able to relate to the life of a mega huge celebrity…

1. Kim Has 118 Million Instagram Followers

Classic kimye

This is far more than just something to brag about. It’s something to profit over, as companies across various industries offer someone such as Kim giant sums of money for promoting their product in a social media post.

2. All Celebrities Do It

Kimye selfie time

We’re not passing judgement at all here. Who in his or her right mind would NOT accept a six or seven-figure check for just posing with a cup or tea or something?

3. Six or Seven Figures?!?

Kim kardashian north west and kanye west in dc

Yes. In fact, Kardashian told Graham that she was offered $ 1 million by an unnamed fashion company to simply share an ad on her Instagram page. That’s it. One click, one million dollars.

4. What Was the Brand?

Their party of 5

Kim refused to name it, but said it was a “knock off [of] Yeezy” which is obviously the fashion brand owned by her husband. As such, Kanye took issue with the possibility of his wife shilling for a competitor.

5. Fair Enough, Right?

Kimye ready to kiss

It’s not like Kim is scrambling for pennies in her sofa cusions to make ends meet anyway. She turned it down.

6. Fast Forward to Mother’s Day…

Kimye marriage pic

Kim received a very nice bouquet of flowers from Kanye and figured that was the extent of his present, she told Graham. But there was also an envelope and, well… you can see where this is going, right?

View Slideshow

daily-celebrities: Kim and Kourtney Kardashian


Kim and Kourtney Kardashian


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian to Fat-Shaming Fans: I"ll Eat Whatever I Want!

If you’re a fan of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, you may have noticed that Kim and her sisters spend a surprising amount of time eating.

We don’t mean to say they take in more food than your average person — in fact, they probably consume far fewer calories than most of us.

But the Kards almost certainly avoid carbs the way most of us try to steer clear of IRS audits or people who retweet themselves.

Combine that with the fact that they probably also stick to low-fat diets and it’s easy why they would need to munch on salads all day in order to keep from feeling like they’re wasting away.

Now, you might be thinking that we’ve spent far too much time obsessing over the food intake of a bunch reality stars and Instagram influencers — and you would be right.

But we swear we’re going somewhere with all of this.

Apparently, KUWTK viewers were appalled by the amount of time Kourtney Kardashian spent eating during Sunday night’s episode.

The situation was so bad that Kourt felt the need to defend herself on Twitter.

“I swear I just read 100 comments about me eating on tonight’s episode and some of you are very offended. Let me live,” the mother of three tweeted.

A source who spoke with People magazine claims that the idea of anyone shaming Kourtney for the amount she eats is absurd, as the 39-year-old is a known fitness fanatic.

“She works out and eats in order to try to stay around 100 lbs.,” the insider says, adding that Kourt’s problem is not with losing weight but with keeping it on.

“Yes, she eats very healthy but she wants her body to be healthy and not underweight or malnourished.”

The source adds that Kourtney’s “body type is very different from her sisters’” and it sometimes requires her to spend a large part of her day eating in order to maintain a healthy weight.

Kourtney even went so far as to outline her diet regimen, noting that she begins each day by taking a collagen supplement and always avoids refined sugars.

That’s all well and good, and Kourt deserves credit for taking care of herself, but we would have respected her more if she had just flipped off the haters and reminded everyone that it’s her body and she can do whatever the hell she wants with it.


daily-celebrities: Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kim...


Kourtney Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, and Kim Kardashian West


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: If I Get Pregnant Again, Tristan Will Cheat!

Keeping Up With The Kardashians recently teased Khloe going into labor right after Tristan Thompson’s cheating scandal broke.

Now that fans have relived that moment, a report says that Khloe wants another baby. Already.

But apparently she’s terrified that, if she gets pregnant again, Tristan is going to grow restless and cheat.

Khloe wants to hold off on getting pregnant again until she can keep her eye on Tristan, an inside source tells HollywoodLife.

“Khloe would love to have another baby right away,” an insider reveals.

The source says that this is her desire, “but she’s really terrified of being pregnant during the NBA season.”

Tristan, of course, is a basketball player, and his sports schedule takes him on tour … and apparently into the path of temptation.

“She can’t help but have flashbacks to what she went through with Tristan the last time when he was away on the road,” the insider explains.

As the entire world knows, when Khloe was pregnant with True, Tristan couldn’t keep his hands or penis to himself. Not even a little.

Khloe was pregnant, the source reminds, “and she really couldn’t travel with him that much because of her pregnancy.”

To be clear, this does not mean that Khloe thinks that pregnancy is some sort of cheating-inducing curse.

“She would never blame it on her pregnancy,” the insider clarifies.

“But the reality is,” the source says. “Things did happen and their relationship kind of fell apart for a while.”

“She worries about getting pregnant again,” the insider confesses.

Her fear is based on history repeating itself, the source says, “and how it will affect their relationship.”

“It was painful and humiliating” when Tristan cheated on her, the insider confirms.

If she gets pregnant again while he’s on the road, she reportedly worries of what might happen.

“And Khloe can’t imagine going through that again,” the source says.

“That being said, she absolutely wants more children with Tristan,” the insider affirms.

Well, True is just as cute as a button, so we can definitely understand that.

“And she’s not going to wait until he’s done with his NBA career to make that happen,” the source adds.

“So the reality is,” the insider continues. “She’s going to have to face her fears eventually.”

“But for now her plan is to wait some more time before getting pregnant,” the source concludes.

Honestly? Whether or not this report is accurate with regard to Khloe’s state of mind and her hopes and fears … waiting is a good idea.

True will turn 6 months old in a little over a week.

But just because this precious little baby is growing up before our very eyes doesn’t mean that she’s not still a baby.

Not only does Khloe need time to recover from pregnancy, but she needs more time to adjust to being a parent.

And for that matter, so does Tristan. Parenting is hard work.

Now, if Khloe really is consumed by the idea that Tristan will cheat the minute that her uterus is once again in production mode, there’s a solution.

And no, it does not require that she wait until Tristan retires from his profession.

Kim had a surrogate for Chicago because Kim’s difficult births with North and Saint were only getting worse, and giving birth again would risk her life.

While Khloe’s situation is a little different (okay, a lot different), Khloe could get a gestational carrier and still be fully capable of keeping an eye on Tristan while expecting.

Or, you know, she could get a significant other who won’t cheat on her, even when he’s away from her, even if she’s pregnant — or especially if she’s pregnant.


Monday, October 1, 2018

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian


Khloe Kardashian Claims She "Doesn"t See Color," Gets Schooled by Twitter

While Khloe shows off cute photos of baby True, some vile and racist trolls have criticized the literal baby for being “too dark.”

It’s both colorist and racist, and Khloe has been clapping back.

But after Khloe announced that she “doesn’t see color,” her followers began to school her on why she should never say that.

Khloe took a break from reading comments after racist trolls targeted True, but now she’s calling out cowardly trolls.

“I dislike the fact that people are allowed to comment on my daughter’s skin color,” Khloe begins.

She laments: “but as soon as I comment kindly back and praise her for all that she is, the comment gets erased.”

Khloe is happy to engage with racist trolls, but is noticing that they’re a cowardly lot.

“If you have the courage to post your nasty criticism,” Khloe says. “Please allow one to defend or comment back.”

“it takes time for us to understand and to be that calm and compassionate,” Khloe continued in subsequent tweets.

“We all, as humans needs to grow and evolve,” Khloe writes. “Life lessons teach us that. I’m proud of us”

Khloe continues: “We need to learn to praise all skin tones/ethnicities! Our beauty is in our differences.”

Obviously, this is all good — and not the part for which she’s gotten into trouble.

“We can learn so much! So proud of every human who is confident in who they are,” Khloe says. “I’m in my 30s I think I’m just finding this confidence.”

“Everyone is entitled to their opinions and I’m not complaining about that,” Khloe affirms. “Please state your opinion but allow me to State mine.”

For the record, if she just wants to counter someone’s mean tweet, she could post her opinion with a screencap of their mean tweet.

“I try to put myself in their shoes,” Khloe shares. “And maybe they were brought up in a different type of household then I was.”

(Perhaps in an overtly racist household rather than one that clearly fetishized black men, which is a less hostile form of racism)

“So instead of shaming I try to educate,” Khloe concludes. “In our household we do not see color. We see emotion and action. We see love. We feed off of energy.”

One fan corrected her, tweeting: “It’s not criticism it’s racism.”

“Saying she doesn’t see color is wrong,” tweeted another. “And now she’s going to help educate? When has she ever struggled in her life???”

“It just bothers me!” confessed another. “If you raise your daughter to not see color then that kid will grow up thinking it’s not important to march for civil rights because everyone is equal.

That tweeter continued their explanation: “Only white privileged actually believes that!”

It would be nice if we all lived in a truly equal society. Unfortunately, we know that this is not the case.

“The Kardashians obviously see colour hence the black men they date/marry,” another pointed out.

That tweet continues: “Khloe has no idea how racist that comment is because she’s not educated to know that not seeing colour means she’s disregarding or denying racism on POC.

The tweet concludes: “which her daughter is currently experiencing.”

“You should definitely see color, Khloe. It is beautiful,” another writes.

“It is what defines how we perceive and experience, especially for people of color,” that same tweeter explains.

“And considering your daughter is brown, you shouldn’t teach her to be blind to that,” that person adds. “The world won’t be blind to it, and neither should she.”

Of course, while some were pleading with Khloe to understand why she was wrong so say this, others had … other thoughts.

“No one should fall for this,” insisted a conspiracy theorist.

“This is a Kardashian PR sympathy stunt,” the tweet claims. “No one has said anything about True’s skin color other than paid Kardashian bots.”

We would love to believe that this is true, but it is not. Racism and colorism are all too real.

“This is a distraction from Tristan,” the tweet theorizes. “Shame on Khloé for using her baby as a shield for her cheating boyfriend.”

While some people used the opportunity to dunk on Khloe, most of these comments have a real point.

To explain this a little more directly … “we do not see color” promotes a harmful idea.

First of all, it ignores that different people experience the world in different ways.

Children of color, and particularly black children, have to be prepared for how the world will treat them.

That needs to be acknowledged.

Even a child of extraordinary privilege can face racism that their white parent did not. Khloe needs to know this.

Second of all, “I don’t see color” implies that there might be something wrong with certain skin colors.

“I don’t see color” implies that you don’t see someone’s flaw. Skin color is, obviously, never a flaw.

You love someone for who they are, not in spite of it or because you overlook who they are.

Words matter, folks.

And Khloe isn’t just a celebrity — she’s now the mother of a biracial daughter.

Her words matter more than ever.


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Kim Kardashian to Scott Disick: Give Kourtney Some Sperm!

According to a previous report, Kim Kardashian wants her sister to get back together with Scott Disick.

This may or may not be true.

But the former sex tape star says herself in the Keeping Up with the Kardashians clip featured here that she wants at least one thing for Kourtney and Scott:


In this sneak peek, Kim is talking to close pal Larsa Pippen when she says the following:

"So Scott just texts me that he wants to have another baby … with Kourtney. I think he just wants one more, and she wants one more."

We never actually see this text, of course.

And it seems somewhat ridiculous to believe that Scott would just text this to Kim — but whatever. Let"s go ahead and suspend disbelief for a few moments.

"She definitely wants more kids," Larsa replies. "If they both want to have more kids, why not have them together? Their kids are gorgeous."

"I mean, it"s like, Scott has a girlfriend, Kourtney has a boyfriend, we get it," Kim says, referring to Sofia Richie and, at the time this was filmed, Younes Bendjima.

"They don"t even have to have sex. It could be IVF."

That"s true, we suppose.

If both sides of this former couple simply want a fourth child, there is a way to make that happen without intercourse.

"When I got pregnant with North, I had no idea if Kanye and I were going to end up together," Kim then admits, adding:

"I was like, "We can break up, but let me just at least have some sperm, so I can have another one, so I could have siblings.""

This is the first time, we believe, that Kim has said anything of this nature.

In the clip featured on this page, though, she takes things a step beyond one conversation with Pippen.

She gets motivated to really push for this Scott-and-Kourtney-have-another-child plan, evidently sending an email to other members of her family.

But… OOPS! Something goes wrong with it!

What does Kim screw up?

Watch this footage to find out!

Kim kardashian to scott disick give kourtney some sperm

Friday, September 28, 2018

Kim Kardashian West Wearing Outfit Covered In Money Prints

Kim Kardashian West is feeling like a million bucks  … or a few hundred at least … ‘cause she hit a swanky party wearing an ensemble covered in prints of cold, hard cash! We got Kim going into Delilah for an Anastasia Beverly Hills…


Khloe Kardashian Shows Off the CUTEST Photo of Baby True!

The new Keeping Up With The Kardashians trailer shows Khloe first reacting to Tristan’s cheating scandal … and it also shows her go into labor.

The fruit of that labor is her precious baby, True Thompson.

In the new photo that you’re about to see, Khloe cannot help but gush about True — and when you see it, you’ll feel the same way.

“I’ve Got Sunshine On A Cloudy Day. Talking About My Girl,” Khloe writes int he captions of the photo that you’re about to see.

On either side of her words, Khloe has used music note emojis to add a little clarity and animation.

Those are, of course, lyrics from “My Girl” by The Temptations.

You can understand why Khloe is so overwhelmed with maternal love, and it’s more than just a surge of oxytocin when she looks at this cheeky little baby.

True looks adorable and she is sporting some bright, cheerful colors.

True! Looks! So! Cute!

We love everything about this, from the wrap on her head to the way that she is sitting and staring off into the warm autumn sky.

(You may nave recognized her color scheme, but we’re pretty sure that Khloe putting True in the colors of the pansexual pride flag was a coincidence)

True is just two weeks shy of six months, and she is already growing up and looking like a little lady.

It’s no wonder that Khloe feels like singing when she looks at her.

To be fair, True is absolutely adorable in every photo.

Khloe recently opened up about motherhood and confessed that, in some strange ways, she misses being pregnant.

“I miss being pregnant for a few reasons,” Khloe shared. “But I really miss being pregnant because I used to have an excuse.”

She would use her pregnancy as a free pass “to be antisocial and go to bed early and not feel any type of way.”

One, that’s not “antisocial.” But two, Khloe, aside from your responsibilities as a mom, you can just … do that.

Millionaire adults can set their own bedtimes.

Earlier this month, Kim shared a photo of Chicago, True, and Stormi, referring to the cute cousins as “triplets.”

Since racists will happily ruin everything, from America to valid criticisms of the Star Wars Sequels, we suppose that it’s no surprise that trolls targeted True.

True, for her darker skin, was targeted as “ugly” or even “too dark” by truly vile racist (and colorist) comments.

In retaliation, Khloe turned off Instagram comments for a while.

No one wants to hear racist morons attack a baby, but Khloe was understandably even less willing to look at that kind of verbal abuse.

We should note that she turned comments back on for this newest pic of True.

True is incredibly cute. One day, she will be old enough to see that kind of vitriol for herself.

We only hope that in the 12-and-a-half years between now and when she’s old enough to be allowed to use social media on her own, the world has become a kinder, better place.

That might be a little optimistic of us to even dream, but it would be amazing to see these youngest Gen Z kids — kids like True — exist in a world where people don’t treat vulnerable strangers as emotional punching bags.

Also, less racism would be awesome.

Cute babies and photos of them, however, are always welcome. No matter what we may think of their fathers.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Khloe Kardashian Goes Into Labor After Tristan"s Cheating Scandal Breaks

On the latest episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kylie Jenner gave birth. It took more than seven months for that to air.

Viewers knew that it was only a matter of time before the show reached Khloe and her much more controversial childbirth.

In this preview video, you can see Kim, Khloe, and the rest of her family react as Khloe goes into labor … and Tristan"s cheating scandal is exposed.

Kim kardashian has a tense discussion

In the Keeping Up With The Kardashians preview teaser video that we have for you, the show teases what remains to be seen on this season.

When it really becomes interesting is when, very clearly, the story of Tristan Thompson"s cheating scandal breaks.

"They have another video of him," Kim can be heard saying into her phone.

She is clearly referring to Tristan Thompson and the evidence of him being with other women during Khloe"s pregnancy.

"Unfollowed, I hate him," Kim announces in another part of the clip. "Sorry, not sorry."

Khloe kardashian goes into labor

Kim"s reaction was one thing, but what everyone wants to see is how Khloe responded to the news that her love and baby daddy is a no-good dirty cheater.

As we all know, it was a matter of hours after that scandal broke that Khloe went into labor with baby True.

"The things I can control, I have to be able to control," Khloe can be heard saying.

That is a fairly grounded response to such explosive news — though of course we can imagine that some responses may have been edited out.

Khloe does, after all, have veto power over footage from the show.

Khloe kardashian undergoes an ultrasound

She gets an ultrasound while very pregnant, and also is shown going into labor while her family races to get to where she is in Cleveland.

"I hope everyone gets here in time," Khloe says.

You can also see a van full of her family members racing towards her.

As widely reported as Tristan"s scandal was and True"s birth was, we never really got a behind-the-scenes look or Khloe"s reaction immediately afterwards.

We hope that, despite Khloe"s editorial powers, we get to see her raw reaction. Fans are curious. It"s human nature.

We"ll definitely get to see at least some of the responses, from anger to disbelief, of Khloe"s extended family. We wonder what Tristan will think.

Kim kardashian north west and kanye west in dc

Arguably the second-most-interesting storyline in this teaser is Kim using her platform for civil rights advocacy.

The story of a woman using her fame and beauty to influence a terrible old orange man to pardon a grandmother is definitely compelling.

Speaking of Trump, Kim also addresses Kanye West"s worrisome bad behavior and outlandish statements.

In this case, it looks like fans can expect to see more or less the same sentiments that she has expressed publicly.

She believes that Kanye"s apparently uncontrolled, no-filter declarations about Trump and "dragon energy" aren"t signs of mental illness.

Kim kardashian is looking great

Kim may be right. If she is, Kanye isn"t mentally troubled — he may just be a bad person.

And it is of course unfair to malign the mentally ill, many of whom are good people, by confusing bad behavior with mental health.

Viewers will also get to see things like Kendall, who is famously anxious, try skydiving for the first time. Also, Kris falls down playing baseball.

Honestly? That could all be entertaining, but it"s just filler.

Khloe"s heartbreak, Kim"s activism, and Kanye"s nonsense look like the real meat of the rest of the season.

Khloe kardashian goes into labor after tristans cheating scandal

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian Spotted With Younes Look-Alike Grabbing Juice

Kourtney Kardashian’s juices are flowing … with a dude who looks almost exactly like her ex. Kourtney was spotted grabbing juice Tuesday at Alfred Coffee in WeHo. There’s no mistake about it … the guy looks EXACTLY like Younes Bendjima, Kourt’s…


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Kim Kardashian Often Finds Kanye Annoying AF Just Like the Rest of Us

Outside of a certain cotton candy-haired McDonald’s and bigotry enthusiast, it’s hard to think of a more divisive public figure than Kanye West.

Even his fans often find themselves rolling their eyes at Yeezy as he waxes philosophical about everything from his sneaker collection to the “dragon energy” he shares with Donald Trump.

Kanye’s rants range from amusing to appalling (It’s gonna be a long time before he lives down those “slavery was a choice” comments.), but generally, even his most baffling remarks are tolerable, as we only have to deal with the man in small doses.

The same can’t be said for Kim Kardashian.

The Wests might not spend as much time together as your average married couple, but Kim still has a whole lot of Yeezy in her life.

And when Kanye flies off the handle or simply makes a big announcement without consulting her first — such as when he announced last week that he’s moving to Chicago — Kim is often forced into damage control mode.

Not surprisingly, it seems she’s beginning to grow tired of cleaning up her husband’s messes.

“Kanye has always been like this. He has a million things on his mind that he wants to accomplish and create,” a source close to the couple tells People magazine.

“Though one can see it as being very passionate, it can still be overwhelming for Kim.”

Yes, as much as she’s relished offering up her private life for public consumption over the years, even Kim draws the line at sharing future plans with TMZ before they can be discussed as a family.

“She doesn’t necessarily love when people now keep asking her if she is moving to Chicago and she has to explain to everyone what’s going on,” says the insider.

“It can be exhausting”

Fortunately, as F. Scott Fitzgerald famously remarked, the rich are different from you and me.

And thus, Kim and Kanye have the luxury of spending large quantities of time in different states.

“When it comes to their living situation, Kim and Kanye have had a long distance marriage in the past,” the source adds.

“She isn’t concerned about this.

“She spent a lot of time in L.A. while Kanye was in Jackson Hole for his album. Chicago will be the same — Kim and the kids will join Kanye when they can and then Kim will be in L.A. when she needs to.”

This has been “being fabulously wealthy makes literally everything easier and better,” exhibit 900 bajillion.


Monday, September 24, 2018

Rob Kardashian: HOMELESS After Being Kicked Out By Kylie Jenner?!

For the most part, the offspring of Kris Jenner are doing incredibly well for themselves these days.

Kylie is almost a billionaire; Kendall is one of the world’s most sought-after runway models, and Kim is planning to have a fourth child by an eccentric sneaker mogul.

In fact, all of Kris’ kids are crushing it in their own way — with one notable exception.

Yes, we’re talking about perennial f–k-up Rob Kardashian.

No, before you scroll down to the comments and point out that whoever gets paid to examine Rob’s bank statements is probably looking at some pretty sizable sums, allow us to clarify what we mean when we say Dream’s dad flat-out sucks.

Yes, he has far more money than your typical 31-year-old — but by most accounts, he’s an unconscionable douche bag.

Look no further than Rob’s revenge porn campaign against the mother of his daughter for evidence of said douche-baggery.

Anyway, unlike the women in his family, Rob is burdened with an aversion to work, but fortunately, he never has to go far to find a helping hand offered by a gullible relative.

For a while, Rob lived with Khloe rent-free.

When she understandably got tired of dust-busting blunt roaches and Crunch Berries out from between her couch cushions every morning, she gave him the boot.

And now, it seems Kylie has followed her sister’s sage example.

Not surprisingly, the ludicrously wealthy Kylie owns several homes, including a $ 6 million 7,000 square foot mansion that, until recently, had served as Rob’s abode.

Radar Online is reporting that Kylie recently decided to sell the property, leaving Rob in a lurch.

The site claims that Rob is living in in less-than-ideal conditions at his mother’s house, and although he’s working on turning his life around, he and Kris are reportedly getting on one another’s nerves.

“He is apparently working out a lot and looks really good,” a source tells the site.

“He just doesn’t want to be associated with his sisters and their drama right now and is focusing on his daughter, Dream.”

Rob is currently house-hunting, the insider adds, and while fights with Kris have been frequent, the momager has assured her son that she won’t allow him to end up on the street.

“Rob and Kris will always have a special bond and she will always take care of him however she needs to,” the source says.

Here’s hoping she never actually said those words to Rob.

Dude will almost certainly hold her to that promise.


Kanye West and Nick Cannon Squashed Their Beef Over Kim Kardashian

Kanye West and Nick Cannon have come to a mutual understanding after going at each other on social media over Kim Kardashian West — and the consensus is this … R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Sources tell us that Kanye and Nick squashed their beef this…


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson Hold Hands after Bogus Cheating Rumors

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson showed solidarity Friday night by clasping hands at a birthday party. Khloe and Tristan showed up with Kourtney for the 21st birthday bash of Kylie Jenner’s best friend, Jordyn Woods.  There were stories…


Friday, September 21, 2018

Nick Cannon Responds to Kanye West"s Kim Kardashian Warning

Nick Cannon just fired back at Kanye West, who warned him to keep Kim Kardashian’s name out of his mouth — and his message to Ye is simple … chill, bro. The ‘Wild ‘n Out’ host says he’s got love and respect for Kanye, but also thinks…
