Showing posts with label Lesbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lesbian. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2016

Kristen Stewart: In a Lesbian Relationship With French Singer Soko?

Ever since she broke up with Robert Pattinson back in 2012, Kristen Stewart has enjoyed playing the field.

In fact, the 25-year-old has demonstrated some serious versatility, taking on both teams and (we assume) several different positions.

In April of 2014, Kristen began dating Alicia Cargile, her assistant-turned-friend-turned-friend-with-benefits-turned-girlfriend.

Earlier this year, there were even rumors that Kristen and Alicia had secretly gotten married.

Now, several sources are reporting that Kristen has entered a relationship with a 30-year-old French singer named Soko (above right).

According to Star magazine, Kristen and Soko (or “Kroko,” as we like to call them) are definitely an item and are not shy about laying on the PDA.

“They were obviously more than friends, Those two couldn’t keep their hands off each other,” says one source.

“At first, they were walking arm in arm, cuddling and holding hands. But then they started making out and at one point, Soko grabbed Kristen’s butt.”

Yes, they’ve already reached the public butt-grabbing stage. When Kristen can stop touching her hair long enough to grope someone, you know it’s serious.

Insiders say Kristen flew into Paris last night to visit Soko, who was spotted giving her flowers at the airport.

Stewart hasn’t confirmed that she’s in a relationship, but sources say she’s only been sulkily biting her bottom lip 99% of the time, as opposed to her usual 100. Just kidding, K-Stew!

Monday, March 7, 2016

I Am Cait Recap: Is Jenner a Lesbian ... and a Republican?

Caitlyn Jenner is back! On I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 1, the reality star and newly-minted transgender icon returned for more adventures.

If you watch I Am Cait online or have followed the journey of the former Bruce Jenner at all, then the Season 2 premiere did not disappoint.

Jenner’s road trip with friends contained a mixture of lighter and serious moments, most notably a discussion of Cait’s political views.

She remains a staunch Republican, despite becoming a transgender role model, something many of her friends cannot comprehend.

Ah yes, such is the life of Caitlyn Jenner these days.

Mentors Jennifer Finney Boylan and Candis Cayne may be excited to see the Grand Canyon, but their journey is much bigger than that.

Fun as it is, much of the bus trip is spent trying to get Jenner to open up about more profound issues, such as politics and sexuality.

Regarding the latter, what is her orientation now?

What levels of attraction does she feel these days? Does she gravitate toward men or women? These are hard questions for anyone.

For Cait, she either can’t answer conclusively because she doesn’t fully know (understandable), or she’s playing it close to the vest.

She’s a bit more forthcoming when it comes to her old-school Republican views, which come as a shock to her transgender friends. 

Republicans, in Caitlyn’s view, are the party most concerned with a strong economy, and making sure all Americans are gainfully employed.

As for Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton?

“She could care less about women. She cares about herself,” Caitlyn says, to the surprise (and abject horror) of her road trip companions.

In a recent interview with The Advocate, we learned that Caitlyn Jenner supports Ted Cruz, despite differing opinions on trans issues.

All of which raises some interesting points:

Does Caitlyn’s gender identity mean she must sacrifice political principles she acquired as Bruce, and in many cases, still believes in?

If she believes Ted Cruz would be the best president for all people, despite some deep disagreements, isn’t it her duty to vote that way?

Regardless of her views, or anyone’s views, isn’t being open-minded enough not to think in absolutes something we should all respect?

All we can tell you for sure is that our last road trip with friends didn’t get this deep, but we’re glad to be along for the ride again with Cait.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Jennifer Lawrence: I"m a Slutty Power Lesbian!

Jennifer Lawrence likes to consider herself to be an open book.

Would she ever hook up with Justin Bieber? The actress recently answered that question.

And now the Oscar-winner has offered up many more revealing answers in a new cover story of Glamour, flashing some cleavage for that magazine and describing her unique style as follows:

Slutty power lesbian.

Excuse us? Can you elaborate?

“That is literally what I say to a stylist,” Lawrence explained, laughing. “I don’t know if that’s offensive…. You don’t see me as a slutty power lesbian on the red carpet a lot, because I’m embodying the Dior woman, which is an honor…

“But [also] I’ve got tits and an ass.

“And there are things that are made for skinny people… and those make me look fat. I have to show the lumps. If you have boobs, you have to show, like, ‘These are boobs. This isn’t cellulite.’ Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

Elsewhere in the Q&A, Lawrence admits she can be a “f-cking lunatic,” defending her reputation and swearing she never acts a certain way for attention.

Those falls at the Academy Awards, for example? In back-to-back years?

They were real. They were just instances of Lawrence being clumsy.

“I’m not trying to be a GIF. I’m not trying to be a picked-up-on-Twitter quote,” Lawrence insists.

“All I’m trying to do is act. And I have to promote these movies. And I am, at the end of the day, I guess, a f–king lunatic…

“When I fell the second year at the Oscars, I was just like, ‘F-ck. Cause I would think the same exact thing. I know it looks like a gag. It’s really, really not.”

Several weeks ago, Lawrence admitted that she hasn’t had sex in awhile – but that doesn’t mean she’s craving a male companion.

“I don’t, like, date a lot. I don’t meet a lot of guys who I want to go on a date with. I’ll find a guy attractive maybe once a year.

“But I’m not a lonely person. Me not dating someone is not a lack of anything in any way. I feel completely fulfilled. Yes, when I spark with someone, it’s exciting, but I definitely don’t need that.”

Monday, November 16, 2015

Robyn Levy & Christina Flores: Lesbian Couple Cast on The Real Housewives of New Jersey!

With The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 soon to begin filming, producers are still announcing last-minute casting changes in hopes of spicing up one of Bravo’s most stagnant series.

We already know that Teresa Giudice will return to the show that made her famous, and she’ll be joined by professional matchmaker Siggy Flicker. Now, two new Housewives are reportedly soon to be announced, and they represent a huge leap forward for the ladies of the Garden State:

According to Radar Online, married professionals Robyn Levy and Christina Flores will be joining RHONJ this season.

If the rumor is true, they’ll become the first lesbian couple ever featured as regular cast members on any of the Housewives series.

Sources say Levy and Flores live near the Giudices in Monteville, NJ, and are longtime friends of Teresa and Joe.

The couple reportedly manages a successful PR firm together.

Of course, the addition of Robyn, Christina and Siggy won’t be the only major change coming to RHONJ this season.

The show will chronicle Teresa Giudice’s post-prison life, as well as Joe’s preparation for his 41-month sentence.

No casting changes have been confirmed yet, but there are rumors that Melissa Gorga has been fired from the show.

Needless to say, it could be the most drama-packed season yet.

Watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online to relive the roller coaster ride that brought us to this point.