Showing posts with label Liam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liam. Show all posts

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Miley Cyrus Actually Confirms Liam Hemsworth Engagement

As most of the Internet knows by now, Miley Cyrus is unafraid to expose her nipples on a regular basis

But while you may think this makes the singer especially open and revealing… you’d be mostly correct.

Except when it comes to her love life. Good luck getting Miley to say much about Liam Hemsworth.

The stars got engaged way back in 2012, only to break up several months later.

Fast forward two years and Miley and Liam didn’t appear to simply be back together, but Cyrus was spotted wearing her old engagement ring once again.

Through endless rumors of a reconciliation, however, we still heard very little from the actual parties involved.

Which is what made Miley’s most recent appearance on Ellen so notable.

The artist, who is very close with the comedian, was asked about the sparkler on her finger, actually acknowledging (for the first time, as far as we can recall) that she’s engaged to Hemsworth.

“Congratulations,” Ellen said simply in response.

Cyrus went on to explain why she often does NOT wear the engagement ring – and it’s not because she and Liam broke up due to her penchant for pot.

“This is really weird because this is like real jewelry and most of my jewelry is made out of gummy bears and cotton candy and they don’t look that good together because they kind of mix up, so sometimes I replace it with an actual unicorn or a Looney tune,” Miley said.

What does Hemsworth say when he notices that his fiancee isn’t rocking her finger bling?

“He’s kind of like what’s going on? It’s like, well, this isn’t really my aesthetic, but I’ll wear it because you love me,” she replied.

AWWWW, right? How sweet!

Cyrus recently admitted that her first hookup was with a female, but she seems to be happily settled down now with a male.

It probably helps that he looks like Liam Hemsworth and that he gave her such a pretty ring:

And that he’s nice and caring and sweet and has a big heart and everything, too. Those are nice bonuses.

“The ring is special because Miley and Liam worked on it together,” a source told E! News.

“Miley specifically wanted it set in gold. She didn’t want platinum. She liked the gold because it was different and unique, like her. She didn’t want anything classic or generic.”

Interesting. We weren’t aware of that.

Watch the video above for Miley’s complete interview with Ellen.

And then join us in sending Cyrus and Hemsworth your best wishes. They’re engaged! For real! Officially! HOORAY!


Friday, October 21, 2016

Cheryl Cole: Pregnant with Liam Payne"s Baby?

Cheryl Cole may be pregnant with Liam Payne’s baby.

We emphasize that she may be. We cannot confirm for certain that the singer is carrying the child of her fellow attractive singer.

But let’s examine the evidence behind this claim, which has taken on a pretty viral life of its own, thanks to a rumor started by E! News…


The hashtag “#CongratsLiam” trended on Twitter this week.


It may very well have been in response to Payne signing a contract with Republic Records in the U.S. to release a solo album.


Cheryl’s mother was spotted buying “pregnancy goods” this month, according to photos published by British newspaper The Sun. This tabloid broke the news that Joan Callaghan purchased a pregnancy pillow and a wedge to support a baby bump in a Mothercare store.


A source subsequently pointed out to The Sun that Joan’s “other children have lots of kids,” meaning she may have been shopping for one of Cole’s siblings.


Cole and Payne were recently seen on a date night in London. The skinny female singer was donning a loose-fitting knit dress and an oversized coat for the occasion.

Was she hiding a baby bump?


Not everyone who wears a loose-fitting article of clothing is pregnant.


Said Kimberly Walsh, Cheryl’s former Girls Aloud bandmate, to the Sunday People this month:

“She’s really happy right now. And she’ll be a brilliant mum. She has loads of nieces and nephews, so she’s used to the madness of children.”


Not much to make in response to this quote. That’s potentially very telling.


At some point last month, Payne updated his Twitter bio to read, “the luckiest man in the world.”


He is dating Cheryl Cole, who is downright gorgeous. And he has made millions of dollars. And he has plans to release a solo record. And he has a huge, passionate fan base.

So he could have been referring to any of these things instead of Cole’s rumored pregnancy.

IF Payne and Cole are expecting, this will be the second child to come into the One Direction family.

Louis Tomlinson is the father of an adorable little boy named Freddie.

Do you think Cole is pregnant?!? Do you hope that she is?


Monday, October 17, 2016

Liam Hemsworth to Miley Cyrus: You"re a Pothead!

THIS JUST IN: Miley Cyrus loves to smoke marijuana.

What? You knew that already?

This news is less breaking than the non-revelation that Donald Trump is a womanizing bigot? Oh, okay then. Our bad.

But the singer’s penchant for pot is apparently fairly new for boyfriend Liam Hemsworth, despite him and Miley having been together for a number of years overall.

According to a Life & Style insider, the actor and the artist recently got into major blowout over the latter’s affection for getting high… pretty much all the time.

How did Cyrus reportedly react to this criticism?

“She was screaming at him, telling him he was holding her back and making her hide who she truly is,” an anonymous friend tells the tabloid.

The article in question goes on to say it “wasn’t long” after this argument when Hemsworth and Cyrus “ended their engagement.”

“They are still both so upset and angry,” the insider alleges, although he or she adds that Hemsworth hopes the two “can work things out.”

There’s been no confirmation, of course, that Hemsworth and Cyrus have actually split.

For as much as some critics may lay into Miley for constantly wanting attention, she ought to be praised for how she keeps her romantic life on the proverbial Down Low.

When was the last time you heard Cyrus even mention Hemsworth’s name?


The star has been open, however, about her dating history.

In a recent, revealing interview with Variety, Miley admitted that her first-ever hookup was actually a girl.

Does this mean she’s a bisexual? The singer would prefer if you didn’t use that word or that label.

“I always hated the word ‘bisexual’ because that’s even putting me in a box,” she explained to the publication, adding:

“I don’t ever think about someone being a boy or someone being a girl… I’m the only f–king Disney star who would say I’m pro-lesbian and gay before it was OK to say that.”

That’s actually true.

Cyrus deserves props for being outspoken on the topic of sexuality.

And she’s always been just as outspoken on the topic of marijuana.

She loves it! She smokes it often! And she thinks other people should, as well.

“I put pictures of me smoking weed on my Instagram” Cyrus said way back in September of 2014.

“I was brought up in the way that we never thought marijuana was bad. I don’t promote it in my songs or say it and whatever, but it’s not like I’m sitting around telling a bunch of kids to do a bunch of drugs.”

She also told Rolling Stone in 2013:

“I think alcohol is way more dangerous than marijuana – people can be mad at me for saying that, but I don’t care. I’ve seen a lot of people spiral down with alcohol, but I’ve never seen that happen with weed.”

But has Miley’s own relationship now spiraled out of control as a result of weed?

Eh, probably not.

Does anyone really believe this report?


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Miley Cyrus: Did She Give Up Partying For Liam Hemsworth?!

We now know why that could of smoke hanging over Malibu has finally dissipated.

As you’ve probably heard by now, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are back together and moving very fast.

In fact, there have been rumors of Miley and Liam planning a wedding.

There’s a very good chance those rumors are bogus, but the fact that neither party has spoken out against them serves as a good indication of the fact that these two lovebirds are on the verge of permanently settling down together.

So what does this have to do with the fact that SoCal stores are currently overstocked with Flamin’ Hot Cheetos as Miley’s neighbors slowly come down from a four-year contact high?

Well, it seems that Liam requested that Miley give up her hard-partying ways in order to take their relationship more seriously.

The incredible thing is that it looks as though Miley actually consented with the request.

Which means sadly, selfies like this may be a thing of the past:

“Miley is a changed person, and she actually seems to enjoy it,” a source tells People magazine.

Other friends, however, aren’t so pleased to see Miley packing the bong away because some dude told her to.

“It seemed she was just making changes to please him,” says a different source.

People do crazy things for love, but Miley Cyrus giving up weed?!

That would be like … there is no apt analogy, as no on Earth loves anything as much as Miley loves weed.

Of course, it’s possible that Miley had multiple reasons for laying off the intoxicants.

Cyrus will debut as a coach on The Voice next month, and she recently wrapped filming on Woody Allen’s new Netflix series. 

Cyrus has proven her dedication with constant touring and recording, but making television resembles a typical day job much more than the endless party that is a global stadium tour.

In other words, Miley is setting an alarm clock for the first time since she was Hannah Montana and she may have found that it’s easier to do her job when she’s not consuming a bowl full of edibles for breakfast.

Miley always seemed pretty well in control of her partying, but we hope if she has decided to cool it lately, it was of her own volition.

The idea of such a free spirit changing her ways to please someone else is more than a little depressing.

Hopefully, she’ll continue to deliver on the Instagram weirdness:

Friday, August 5, 2016

Justin Bieber: Liam Payne & Cheryl Cole Are Gonna Get MARRIED!

Justin Bieber may be a long way from settling down in his own love life, but it certainly seems that he’s looking forward to seeing some of his popstar buddies take the plunge.

As you may know One Direction’s Liam Payne is dating Cheryl Cole, the singer who may or may not have left her husband her for Liam.

Whatever the case Cheryl married Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini in 2014, and they’re not even legally divorced yet.

She’s had two marriages bite the dust in just five years, and she’s reached the point where she’s changed her last name so many times that she’s now attempting to do the mega-star mononym thing and just go by “Cheryl.”

(Maybe she’s a big enough deal to pull that off in the UK, but not on this side of the pond!)

Anyway, you’d think Just Cheryl would be in no big hurry to walk down the aisle again, but apparently you would be wrong.

In a recent interview, Bieber was asked about Liam and Cheryl’s relationship, and apparently the couple has Justin’s seal of approval.

In fact, not only do they have the all-important Bieber Blessing, Liam and Cheryl are apparently getting very serious very quickly:

“She looks the happiest I have ever seen her,” Justin said when asked about Cheryl.

“She is beautiful inside and out, so she deserves all the happiness in the world. Liam is a great guy, all the One Direction guys are.”

Then he dropped the bombshell that has One Direction fans the world over shrieking in either glee or horror (It’s tough to tell sometimes.):

“They just better make sure I am invited to the wedding.”

Obviously, Justin could’ve been joking around (That’s the sort of comment people make about couples who are getting serious.), but – and this make shock you – One Direction fans aren’t known for being the most stoic, unemotional lot.

Let the wedding freakout commence!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Liam Hemsworth and Miley Cyrus: Cute Sing-Along Takes Weird Turn!

It"s all fun and games until your beloved plays a trick on you.

Miley Cyrus recorded video of her car ride sing-a-long with Liam Hemsworth and her dog, Barbie.  

And while we really only saw Barbie in the Instagram video (not that we"re complaining, because that face is darling), we were treated to the vocal talents of Hemsworth singing Justin Bieber"s "Love Yourself."

Cyrus" angelic voice was on display, but we already know she can sing.  What we"re more interested in is the off-camera adorableness that is Hemsworth, that Australian hunk who is set to make an honest woman out of Cyrus.

At one point in the video, Hemsworth lets out a startling scream, both freaking out and annoying Cyrus.

"Babe, stop! Seriously," she scolded Hemsworth.

Celeb couples, they"re just like us!

Cyrus will be a coach on the 11th season of The Voice, premiering this fall on NBC.  Her fellow coach, Blake Shelton playfully talked smack about the star back in May about the new addition.

"God, I hope [Miley] sucks,” Shelton joked to Access Hollywood.

“I hope she sucks, I hope Alicia [Keys] sucks and I know Adam sucks … But I have a feeling she probably won’t.”

 “I think she’ll probably work hard at this because she’s definitely someone who thinks, obviously, thinks outside the box and so I know she’s going to bring her own elements, as far as mentoring, into the show,” he said.

“I think The Voice needs it, I think we need her.”

Cyrus has her game face on, and has been prepping for her seat on the set since the announcement was made.

"Blake made a joke of he knows why I always have my tongue out, it’s because it’s always tired because I never stop talking,” Cyrus told Jimmy Fallon. “But he’s gonna regret that when I win.”

A new season of The Voice premieres Monday, September 19th on NBC.

Liam hemsworth and miley cyrus cute sing a long takes a weird tu

Monday, July 18, 2016

Miley Cyrus Finally Confirms Relationship With Liam Hemsworth

Welp, it’s official.

At least according to this Instagram of Liam Hemsworth, posted from Miley Cyrus’ account.

“So much love in one pic,” she captioned the photo, taken on July 18th.

Though it’s been no secret that they two got back together last December, neither party has directly addressed the reunion.

Several media outlets are reporting that Cyrus and Hemsworth plan to wed later this summer, which Billy Ray Cyrus recently denied.

“No there’s no wedding bells on the calendar,” the country singer told In Touch.

“I’d tell you if there was!”

Hemsworth made his feelings about Cyrus clear in an interview with Australia GQ.

“People will figure it out, they already have…They’re not dumb,” he said of the state of their relationship.

He also could not give two hoots about what people think.

 “I make my decisions about what’s going to make me happy, what I think is right and what I want to do—and I don’t worry too much outside of that.” 

Hemsworth was doing press at the time for Independence Day: Resurgence, and was asked a few times if he and Cyrus were engaged.  Each time, the Aussie said “no.”

He is, it appears, glad to be back with Cyrus after letting her wave her freak flag for a few years.

“Of course it was hard, man,” he told GQ of ending their engagement in 2013.

:But at the time we were going in different directions and it’s just what needed to happen.

We were both super young and it was a good decision at the time—we both needed that.”

The media first got wind of a romance rekindled when Hemsworth’s sister-in-law, Elsa Pataky shared a photo of herself with a group, including Cyrus.

After that, it seemed like every paparazzo in the world converged upon Australia to get a photo of the reunited couple.

Do you believe that Hemsworth and Cyrus are getting married soon?

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Liam Hemsworth: Blaming Miley Cyrus For Career Slump?

What now, you two?

Their wedding is reportedly set to take place at the end of this summer, but Liam Hemsworth is 9 kinds of panicked about his career, and there’s nothing Miley Cyrus can do to console him.

His latest blockbuster, Independence Day: Resurgence was a complete flop, and now he’s freaking out about his future.

He had so much pinned on this movie doing well, including a number of high-profile roles that were his if he proved himself at the box office,” a source told OK! Magazine.

“Miley’s doing her best to try and bring him out of this slump and see the positive side, but Liam’s so miserable and bitter about his life right now,” the source added.

“He doesn’t know what to do and in his dark moments he blames Miley for overshadowing everything he does.” 

Though they got back together last December, Cyrus and Hemsworth might be out of their honeymoon face and facing the possibility that they’re not meant for one another.

“It’s getting like the old days when they would fight over the smallest things.”

What’s odd is that Cyrus’ dad, country singer Billy Ray Cyrus, told In Touch Weekly that he’s heard no mention of a wedding.  In Australia.  At the end of the summer.

“No there’s no wedding bells on the calendar,” he told the tabloid on July 13th.

 “I’d tell you if there was!”

There may be no wedding, but Cyrus assures fans that his daughter and Hemsworth are the real deal.

“I love that she and Liam are so happy right now,” he said

“Happy is hard to find. So if you’re in a good spot, woo! Bam! And Miley knows that.”

The couple broke their engagement off in 2013 so that both had some space and time to figure out what they wanted.  

Now that they’re back together, they’ve dodged every rumor from pregnancy to cheating allegations.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Miley Cyrus Honors Liam Hemsworth with THIS Tattoo

Miley Cyrus has shared a photo of herself smoking up on Instagram.

There was a time when the following image would actually be a big piece of celebrity gossip news.

Now, however? Yawn.

Wake us up when Miley Cyrus is NOT making her affection for marijuana obvious online.

Those who follow the singer on social media are focused on a different photo instead this week, as Los Angeles-based tattoo artist Doctor Woo posted a picture of Miley’s latest tattoo.

The star has an endless number of tattoos, of course, so why is this one pertinent?

Why is it creating headlines?

Because it’s a drawing of a can of vegemite.

And why is that pertinent? Why is that creating headlines?

Because vegemite is wildly popular food item in Australia… and because Liam Hemsworth is Australian!

Cyrus almost never addresses her relationship status on Instagram; or anyplace, for that matter.

She’s open about her pets and her drugs and her admirable stance on LGBT issues.

Yet Miley likes to keep her romantic life private, making this permanent addition to her body quite newsworthy.

It was etched on to her arm amidst rumors that Cyrus is pregnant with Liam’s baby.

There’s also been recent talk that the singer and the actor are making plans to elope.

We can’t verify either of those rumors, but we can confirm that Hemsworth loves vegemite.

In an interview with Australia’s Sunday Style last month, he raved over the snack, saying on record:

“After-school Milo [a chocolate milk drink] and Vegemite on toast. I lived on it.”

Way back in 2010, Hemsworth was also asked about which foods from his native country he misses the most, saying at the time:

“Meat pies and Vegemite. They don’t really have meat pies in the States; they have hot chicken pies, not meat pies. Vegemite, definitely. I had four bits of Vegemite toast this morning.”

So there you have it.

Hemsworth and Cyrus got engaged in June 2012 before breaking up in September 2013.

However, they remained on good terms over the subsequent years and finally rekindled their romance late last year.

Neither side has confirmed the engagement rumors, but various outlets have reported that Cyrus and Hemsworth once again agreed to get married early in 2016.

We hope everything works out for them.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Miley Cyrus: Having Second Thoughts About Liam Hemsworth?

Oh crap.

The world’s luckiest SOB, Miley Cyrus is reportedly set to marry the world’s second most attractive man (his older brother wins first prize), and she might be getting cold feet.

A source tells Radar Online that the Tennessee native is “seriously having second thoughts” about the wedding, which is supposedly happening later this summer.

“The wedding is going as planned and will be happening soon,” the source said, “but Miley is getting really, really antsy.”

Cyrus and her betrothed are not getting along, it seems.

“She and Liam are not seeing eye-to-eye on things right now and she is starting to realize that she could be living a lie for the rest of her life!”

STFU, Cyrus.

The couple broke off their engagement in 2013 because Hemsworth felt Cyrus had a lot of growing up to do.

“Miley has been doing everything that she can to change her image to fit into what Liam wants her to be,” a source told the site back in December when the two reunited.

“Unfortunately, no one thinks this is going to last, because you can never change who you are to fit what a man wants you to be!”

Wise words, source.  

The problem is, Hemsworth “seems to want Miley to be this squeaky clean housewife and she just is not.”

Nope.  That she is not.

Cyrus, 23 is also “not ready to settle down and have kids,” which is the opposite of what Hemsworth may want.


“There is no doubt that she is madly in love with him. But this marriage has disaster written all over it!”

This past week, the tabloids thought they had it on good authority that Cyrus was pregnant (this was all, of course, based on a photo they saw that featured the singer holding a bag in front of her dress).

Unwed, pregnant and freaking out over her wedding.  That sounds about right.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Liam Hemsworth Named Sexiest Vegan Celebrity!

Miley Cyrus has a new reason to be proud of her boyfriend (fiance?).

Liam Hemsworth was just named the Sexiest Vegan Celebrity by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)!

The Hunger Games star follows in his girlfriend’s (fiance’s?) footsteps, as Miley was crowned PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity last year.

Both share a love for all animals, which has inspired their dietary choices.

“After all the information I gathered about the mistreatment of animals, I couldn’t continue to eat meat,” he told Men’s Fitness last October.

“The more I was aware of, the harder and harder it was to do.”

However, Liam also switched to veganism for health reasons after realizing that the more meat he ate, the worse he felt.

He explained that a nutritionist recommended he consume more red meat after conducting a blood type analysis, and he complied with instructions.

But after he started feeling even worse, he sought the help of friends, namely, Hunger Games co-star Woody Harrelson. 

“Woody Harrelson was actually one of the original reasons I became vegan, because he’s been vegan for, I don’t know, 30 years or something,” he explained.

Now that Liam’s been vegan for about a year, he says there are no downsides to the lifestyle.

“There are no negatives to eating like this,” he said.

“I feel nothing but positive, mentally and physically. I love it.”

Liam has been inadvertently making headlines of late due to speculation of an upcoming wedding with the “Wrecking Ball” singer.

After the pair re-coupled around the start of the year, marriage talk has been non-stop, and the prevailing rumor suggests the two will be exchanging vows during a summer ceremony in Liam’s native Australia.

But that’s presumably only if their families can stop feuding.

The latest report we received reveals that Miley and Liam will be eloping to escape all the family drama that’s been cursing their wedding plans. 

Liam Hemsworth Named Sexiest Vegan Celebrity!

Miley Cyrus has a new reason to be proud of her boyfriend (fiance?).

Liam Hemsworth was just named the Sexiest Vegan Celebrity by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)!

The Hunger Games star follows in his girlfriend’s (fiance’s?) footsteps, as Miley was crowned PETA’s Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity last year.

Both share a love for all animals, which has inspired their dietary choices.

“After all the information I gathered about the mistreatment of animals, I couldn’t continue to eat meat,” he told Men’s Fitness last October.

“The more I was aware of, the harder and harder it was to do.”

However, Liam also switched to veganism for health reasons after realizing that the more meat he ate, the worse he felt.

He explained that a nutritionist recommended he consume more red meat after conducting a blood type analysis, and he complied with instructions.

But after he started feeling even worse, he sought the help of friends, namely, Hunger Games co-star Woody Harrelson. 

“Woody Harrelson was actually one of the original reasons I became vegan, because he’s been vegan for, I don’t know, 30 years or something,” he explained.

Now that Liam’s been vegan for about a year, he says there are no downsides to the lifestyle.

“There are no negatives to eating like this,” he said.

“I feel nothing but positive, mentally and physically. I love it.”

Liam has been inadvertently making headlines of late due to speculation of an upcoming wedding with the “Wrecking Ball” singer.

After the pair re-coupled around the start of the year, marriage talk has been non-stop, and the prevailing rumor suggests the two will be exchanging vows during a summer ceremony in Liam’s native Australia.

But that’s presumably only if their families can stop feuding.

The latest report we received reveals that Miley and Liam will be eloping to escape all the family drama that’s been cursing their wedding plans. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth: ELOPING Due to Family Wedding Drama?

Let’s see, what’s going on with Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth this week?

Is Miley pregnant with Liam’s baby? Nope, she must’ve just been bloated a few weeks ago.

Did Liam dump Miley over dog poop? Nah, guess she scrubbed it up or diapered her canines.

Ah, here we are: Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth might be eloping!

Awesome! A new angle!

As you may be aware, the prevailing rumor is that the couple have been planning a summer wedding in Australia, even though Liam told a reporter he was not engaged back in April.

But apparently all the crazy wedding planning is turning every member of the Cyrus-Hemsworth clan into a bunch of zillas, according to Life & Style.

In fact, it’s become a knock-down, drag-out battle between the future in-laws.

“Miley and Liam’s parents were always respectful and civil with each other until they started wedding planning,” a source told the publication.

“Now it’s become an all-out war.”

The Aussies and the Yanks are bickering over everything from the number of guests to having Billy Ray Cyrus officiate the wedding.

We heard Billy Ray was even growing his mullet back out for the occasion, so you can imagine his outrage.

All the family strife is really getting to Miley – so much so that she’s willing to just call off the entire shindig and do it quick-and-dirty like.

“Miley got so sick over the family war that she hasn’t been eating,” the source added.

“The whole situation is making her want to just elope with Liam.”

Miley Cyrus getting hitched by an overweight Elvis impersonator in Vegas? That sounds about right.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Miley Cyrus Pays Fashionable Tribute To Liam Hemsworth

Did Miley Cyrus just confirm her engagement to Liam Hemsworth?

It sure seems that way after a recent post on Instagram. 

The 23-year-old singer took to her social media account while wearing a nice T-shirt that is clearly a nod to her longtime partner. 

It had his surname on the back of it. Could she be using his name to sell more merchandise on her next tour?

It wouldn’t be all that surprising.

Since reuniting last December, both stars have kept mum on anything about their private life. 

Maybe they’ve realized that having their relationship plastered over the Internet isn’t the right way about it. 

There’s got to be reasons why they even split up in the first place, but it appears that they are happy… for now. 

Sometimes you need a break from your love to realize just how much they mean to you and that’s what appears to have happened here.

They were engaged in 2012, but it all went south just one year later. 

Even with the public not getting a definite answer about their relationship status, Cyrus has been spotted frequently wearing her engagement ring. 

According to Us Weekly, on a recent trip to Australia, the wedding was a hot topic with Liam’s family.

“Miley’s mentioned she’s interested in having a bunch of bouncy houses,” a second source says. “Like at a carnival!”

The couple met in 2009 on the set of The Last Song and it quickly developed into a full blown relationship. 

They were engaged three years later, but they never made it down the aisle. They have appeared to remain on good terms, however.

It should be interesting to see how it plays out this time for them. 

There’s word that Cyrus recently purchased a home in Malibu for the couple, but Hemsworth isn’t quite ready to move in yet. 

Are you rooting for these two to make it?

Friday, June 10, 2016

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth: Moving to AUSTRALIA?!

While Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have remained extremely secretive about their relationship, the gossip mags have been following them closely.

The two rekindled their relationship at the beginning of the year, and since then the wedding rumors have been flying.

While Liam affirmed he was not engaged back in April, the tabloids basically went, pffft, yeah right, and seem convinced the two will be tying the knot as soon as this summer.

Yesterday, we reported that Miley and Liam were getting married in Australia, the actor’s homeland.

But it wouldn’t necessarily qualify as a destination wedding, because a new report claims the couple plan to move there for good.

“Liam is [convincing] Miley to move permanently to Byron Bay [in the Australian state of New South Wales] — she loves the idea,” the insider tells HollywoodLife.

“Byron Bay is beautiful, comfortable and private, and it has a strong hippy vibe/community, which Miley loves.”

That certainly does seem like Miley, and the couple have been spending a good amount of time down under this year.

Liam’s family still resides in Australia, including his brother Chris Hemsworth and his wife Elsa Pataky, with whom Miley just got matching tattoos.

“After they get hitched down there, Miley and Liam plan on buying a huge place next to Chris in Byron Bay and living a peaceful life away from the eyes of Hollywood,” the source added.

Liam finally confirmed his relationship with Miley last month during an interview with GQ Australia, saying that she makes him happy.

And while Miley has remained mum, her dad Billy Ray Cyrus gushed about her relationship with Liam last month.

“Here’s what I do know. They’re so happy. That’s the main thing,” Billy Ray explained.

“Miley and I, we always had this slogan—’If you ain’t happy, it ain’t working.’

“Just seeing these—I still call ’em kids—these two kids happy, that’s all that matters.”

Sounds like everyone’s happy. Let’s just hope Miley can keep her tongue in her mouth until after the doors are closed in her honeymoon suite.

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth: Moving to AUSTRALIA?!

While Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth have remained extremely secretive about their relationship, the gossip mags have been following them closely.

The two rekindled their relationship at the beginning of the year, and since then the wedding rumors have been flying.

While Liam affirmed he was not engaged back in April, the tabloids basically went, pffft, yeah right, and seem convinced the two will be tying the knot as soon as this summer.

Yesterday, we reported that Miley and Liam were getting married in Australia, the actor’s homeland.

But it wouldn’t necessarily qualify as a destination wedding, because a new report claims the couple plan to move there for good.

“Liam is [convincing] Miley to move permanently to Byron Bay [in the Australian state of New South Wales] — she loves the idea,” the insider tells HollywoodLife.

“Byron Bay is beautiful, comfortable and private, and it has a strong hippy vibe/community, which Miley loves.”

That certainly does seem like Miley, and the couple have been spending a good amount of time down under this year.

Liam’s family still resides in Australia, including his brother Chris Hemsworth and his wife Elsa Pataky, with whom Miley just got matching tattoos.

“After they get hitched down there, Miley and Liam plan on buying a huge place next to Chris in Byron Bay and living a peaceful life away from the eyes of Hollywood,” the source added.

Liam finally confirmed his relationship with Miley last month during an interview with GQ Australia, saying that she makes him happy.

And while Miley has remained mum, her dad Billy Ray Cyrus gushed about her relationship with Liam last month.

“Here’s what I do know. They’re so happy. That’s the main thing,” Billy Ray explained.

“Miley and I, we always had this slogan—’If you ain’t happy, it ain’t working.’

“Just seeing these—I still call ’em kids—these two kids happy, that’s all that matters.”

Sounds like everyone’s happy. Let’s just hope Miley can keep her tongue in her mouth until after the doors are closed in her honeymoon suite.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth: Getting Hitched WHERE?

More importantly, what will her wedding dress look like?

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are back together, something we all figured out when pictures of the two surfaced over the New Year.

Now, sources tell Us Weekly that they are definitely engaged, and definitely getting married in the near future. 

“They’re getting married on the beach,” a source told the magazine, adding that it would take place in Hemsworth’s native Australia.

“Their parents are doing most of the work. It’s been easy!”

Billy Ray Cyrus spoke to E! News about his daughter and Hemsworth back in May.

“Here’s what I do know. They’re so happy. That’s the main thing,” Cyrus explained.

“Miley and I, we always had this slogan—’If you ain’t happy, it ain’t working.’

“Just seeing these—I still call ’em kids—these two kids happy, that’s all that matters.”

Hemsworth, who stars in Independence Day: Resurgence, gave an interview in the latest issue of GQ Australia.  

And yes, there was lots of talk about his lady.

“Of course it was hard, man,” Hemsworth said of their 2013 break-up.

“But at the time we were going in different directions and it’s just what needed to happen. We were both super young and it was a good decision at the time—we both needed that.”

Oh, and if you needed confirmation that they’re back together, welp…

“People will figure it out, they already have,” Hemsworth said of his reunion with Cyrus.

“They’re not dumb.”

Cyrus and Liam were seen out together during Golden Globes weekend in January.  In the following months, U-Haul trucks were seen at Hemsworth’s Malibu home.

“I guess when I feel something, then I just feel it and I go for it,” Hemsworth added.

“I make my decisions about what’s going to make me happy, what I think is right and what I want to do – and I don’t worry too much outside of that.”

Monday, June 6, 2016

Liam Hemsworth Addresses Miley Cyrus Split: Why Did It Happen?

For all of her talk about drugs and music and gay right and more drugs, Miley Cyrus has remained unusually quiet when it comes to one topic in particular:

Her relationship with Liam Hemsworth.

The singer has said very little over the years about the person who appears to be her one true love.

So it’s a good thing Hemsworth is now here to fill in some blanks.

The gorgeous actor covers the latest issue of GQ Australia, telling the magazine that he and Miley are engaged.

That’s sort of what he tells the magazine at least.

“People will figure it out, they already have,” Hemsworth says in the feature article. “They’re not dumb.”

But what happened in the fall of 2013? Why did Liam and Miley break up after the former proposed to the latter with a 3.5 carat ring?

Hemsworth doesn’t get into very much detail here, but does acknowledge that the two-year split was “hard” on him.

“Of course it was hard, man,” he explains.

“But at the time we were going in different directions and it’s just what needed to happen.

“We were both super young and it was a good decision at the time – we both needed that.”

Hemsworth, of course, was busy filming his role as Gale Hawthorne in The Hunger Games movie franchise; while Cyrus was recording new music.

The former will also play a key role in Independence Day: Resurgence this summer.

“I don’t read or listen to the press,” Liam says in regard to the gossip that surrounds himself and his rumored fiancee.

“And these days I don’t base my decisions on it at all. I base all my decisions on what’s happening in front of me and I’m much happier by doing that.”

That sounds way too reasonable for a celebrity to say.

Liam Hemsworth may have a great body and face. But the guy makes for terrible copy!